Real Americans prefer freedom, liberals don't.

how perfectly stupid or liberal can any one human being be?? It is conservatives who want a strict or original or textual intrepretation of the Constitution and liberals who want a liberal living Constitution that means anything they want.

Was it a liberal or conservative justice who said, you can do anything anything you want here as long as you've got 5 votes"? OMG!!! liberalism is 100% brain dead!!!!

Of course they do.

Conservatives love documents that are old..but it was a document written by liberals.

America is a Liberal Nation..not a Conservative one.

Saudi Arabia is a very conservative nation.

You got the name of a Classic Liberal currently in govt?? Who's the liberal candidate for Prez this year? America WAS a liberal nation. Someone bastardized the name..

The most Liberal of them was Ron Paul. How was he treated by the other "conservative" candidates and commentators???
You guys better look up the traditional definition of "classical liberal." R Paul, M Romney, and B Obama are not classical liberals. Neither are the libertarians or the far right conservatives: they are only loons.
The Great Society was great for blacks- check their numbers in college, and 1968's min wage- $10.50 today. Southern Strategy Pubs have been dismantling it since 1968, with Booosh the kicker, doubled health and public college costs in 8 years. Fascists are RW, and Marxists don't exist, despite ridiculous,ignorant revisionism and fear mongering. The Pub propaganda/hate machine is a disgrace.see sig.
Robert Samuelson:

"A recent Pew poll asked people to pick between “freedom to pursue life’s goals without state interference” and the “state guarantees nobody is in need.” Americans selected freedom 58 percent to 35 percent. European responses were reversed: Germany’s 36 percent to 62 percent was typical. By wide margins compared with Europeans, Americans believe that “success in life” is determined by individual effort and not by outside forces. Yet, in their voting habits, Americans often prefer security."

What passes for "conservatives" these days think "Freedom" is that ability of those with money to abuse those without money. If you're a gay person who wants to get married or woman who wants to end an unwanted pregnancy, they are all for the state raining on your parade.

That isn't Freedom, that's plutocracy.

I ask. Why can't we have both.

Why can't we be free while making sure no one starves to death or dies of a treatable disease. They are not mutually exclusive goals.
Classical Liberals is just more Pub Bullshytte. The FF were the big gov't liberals of their day. A Constitution and Bill of rights, a Senate and House, Supreme Court? Unheard of!
Ha ha ha. Idiot Conservatives thinking they were the ones that freed the slaves and ended Jim Crow laws...History Revision must be so fun.

Republicans under Lincoln freed slaves, Democrat racists joined the Republican Party and slowed process down, then Democratic Great Society near genocide took over.

A liberal will lack the IQ and character to take responsibility for his near genocide!!

we could survive slavery, we could survive Jim Crow, but we could not survive liberalism- Walter Williams

Hahahahahaha! Party does not = Political View, dumbass.
Robert Samuelson:

"A recent Pew poll asked people to pick between “freedom to pursue life’s goals without state interference” and the “state guarantees nobody is in need.” Americans selected freedom 58 percent to 35 percent. European responses were reversed: Germany’s 36 percent to 62 percent was typical. By wide margins compared with Europeans, Americans believe that “success in life” is determined by individual effort and not by outside forces. Yet, in their voting habits, Americans often prefer security."

Is that right! You and this person are full of republican shit.
Well, you certainly told him!

Oh, wait -- no, you didn't.
Robert Samuelson:

"A recent Pew poll asked people to pick between “freedom to pursue life’s goals without state interference” and the “state guarantees nobody is in need.” Americans selected freedom 58 percent to 35 percent. European responses were reversed: Germany’s 36 percent to 62 percent was typical. By wide margins compared with Europeans, Americans believe that “success in life” is determined by individual effort and not by outside forces. Yet, in their voting habits, Americans often prefer security."

Under your own description republicans do not respect freedom at all. Many republicans, and the recent primaries showed republicans feel the US should be a christian state, and they have made efforts to block many religions. They even enforce christian ideals that marriage is only for a man and a woman. Freedom of religion is not a republican value.

Republicans also support foreign wars to install democracy yet try to limit what the democracy can vote for. We have seen their anger at Iraq, libya, and egypt for not putting in the democracy they want, and allowing the people to chose islamic rule.

Republicans are clearly against a woman's right to chose for her own body in their opposition to birth control, abortion, and medication. they have even opposed a woman's rights to employment.

Republicans pass supposed moral laws like prohibition, limited times for purchasing alcohol, anti-sodomy laws despite them loving their blowjobs, laws against pornography, and even support censorship based on words they don't like.

Republican opposition to freedom of speech is well noted and a danger to the internet.

Republicans oppose the rights of people to vote if they are likely not to vote for republicans and make very decided efforts to limit people who are not republican to vote.

republicans oppose immigration of hispanics while being happy and very active in helping middle east terrorists to come to the US.

Clearly the choice of republican is not a choice for freedom at all. Both parties are a nanny state who does not believe that people can make choices for themselves, but republicans are the worst.
Can you find a well-publicized condemnation of OWS by the left? Because I can't recall any.

What does that have to do with anything? Answer the question..............
Oh, wait, you mean the David Duke who supports OWS?

Not Helping: David Duke Supports Occupy Wall Street | TPMDC

He sounds like a liberal to me.

"As Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1970s, David Duke urged Klan members to "get out of the cow pasture and into hotel meeting rooms." For the past 25 years, he has increasingly attempted to follow his own advice, by using code words, and increasingly disguising his ideas behind more mainstream conservative-sounding rhetoric. "
I haven't listened to Rush in 15 years.....

I don't listen to radio and hardly watch TV....

I'd rather read....

What the hell does it matter of you did? Would it make you less right is you listened to Rush or hell Pavarotti?

Maybe. It definitely makes you a fucking idiot.

Only your retarded ass would think someone is wrong cause of the entertainment they listen to....Like all Progressives you are a bigot.
Republicans pass supposed moral laws like prohibition, limited times for purchasing alcohol, anti-sodomy laws despite them loving their blowjobs, laws against pornography, and even support censorship based on words they don't like.

Republican opposition to freedom of speech is well noted and a danger to the internet.

Actually until the 80s and 90s liberal bastions like Mass, RI, Mich, and Minn all had sodomy laws. MANY lefty states today still have restrictions on alcohol purchase timing.

And I distinctly remember Tipper Gore and her decency minions going after devilish rock music lyrics even in the 90s. And later prominent lefty congresscritters jumping on video game ratings, "energy drinks" and any number of nanny causes..

I think you're suffering from selective memory, unfounded bias, or stretching the truth --- Although you DID state that both parties do these things. The difference is -- leftist politicians don't seem to understand any LIMITS on their nannying, while righties are fixated on sin.
Under your own description republicans do not respect freedom at all. .

Yes, indeed.

The republicans have been equally responsible for the creation of the gargantuan tyrannical federal government.


Bush I would agree and MAYBE one or to other progressive republicans but I find you trying to paint them all with the same brush as dishonest and well bullshit.
What does that have to do with anything? Answer the question..............
Oh, wait, you mean the David Duke who supports OWS?

Not Helping: David Duke Supports Occupy Wall Street | TPMDC

He sounds like a liberal to me.

"As Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1970s, David Duke urged Klan members to "get out of the cow pasture and into hotel meeting rooms." For the past 25 years, he has increasingly attempted to follow his own advice, by using code words, and increasingly disguising his ideas behind more mainstream conservative-sounding rhetoric. "
In an October 20th video posted on his Youtube channel, former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke expressed support for the Occupy Wall Street movement — or, as he calls it, the “Occupy Zionist Wall Street” movement.

“The Zionist media has their paid whores condemning the demonstrations across America against these criminal banks,” says Duke, citing Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly as specific examples.

He's a liberal. No doubt.
Under your own description republicans do not respect freedom at all. .

Yes, indeed.

The republicans have been equally responsible for the creation of the gargantuan tyrannical federal government.


Bush I would agree and MAYBE one or to other progressive republicans but I find you trying to paint them all with the same brush as dishonest and well bullshit.

Reagan: No Revolution

by Jacob H. Huebert

The popular perception is that Ronald Reagan ushered in a "revolution" in government — an essentially libertarian one, in which the federal government was no longer viewed as the solution to problems, but was viewed as itself a problem. This revolution was even seen as outlasting Reagan, reflected in Bill Clinton's declaration that "the era of big government is over." Only with the election of Barack Obama, pundits opined, did Americans cast off the anti-government ideology that had held sway since Reagan took office.

This popular perception is wrong. Reagan drastically escalated the war on drugs, as the percentage of inmates in federal prison for drug offenses increased from 25 percent to 44 percent during his two terms. And he pursued an interventionist foreign policy by, among other things, putting troops in Lebanon, supporting Saddam Hussein in Iraq, and meddling in Nicaragua in the Iran-Contra matter.


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