Real Americans prefer freedom, liberals don't.

created equal does not mean that one has the right to stay financially equal with eternal welfare entitlements.

I know Michael Weiner incorrectly stated that "Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder", but what's the excuse of these wrong wingers truncating my posts and then trying to imply or outright misrepresent what I have said?

Where have I EVER stated that ' one has the right to stay financially equal with eternal welfare entitlements.'?

cut the BS please. If you have one substantive thing to say in support of liberalism why be so afraid to state it???

Ok, you got me......................

I am committed to honoring the promises made to seniors and will protect Medicare and Social Security for both today’s and tomorrow’s seniors.

Without reforms to preserve and strengthen Medicare and Social Security, these programs will not exist for future generations.

Is that better?
Ok, you got me......................

see how easy it is??

I am committed to honoring the promises made to seniors and will protect Medicare and Social Security for both today’s and tomorrow’s seniors.

too stupid!! Social Security is theft of 13% of the nations income. If that money was put in private Republican accounts all Americans could retire rich instead on the dog food money that is left now.

Medicare is an idiotic socialist scheme. If it was any good why not follow the soviet model and deliver all goods and services that way?
NOw do see why the liberals spied for Stalin? And why BO had 2 communist parents and voted to the left of Bernie Sanders?

Promises?? you want to honor stupid liberal promises to everyone even when we are $16 trillion in debt? and the promises should not be kept because the welfare programs cripple those who use them and are sovietly inefficient!!

Without reforms to preserve and strengthen Medicare and Social Security, these programs will not exist for future generations.

Is that better?

you want liberal welfare programs for future generations? Why not private accounts so Americans can be rich and independent rather than hopeless impoverished welfare recipients.

Why not move to Cuba where they keep their welfare promises, sort of.
Ok, you got me......................

see how easy it is??

I am committed to honoring the promises made to seniors and will protect Medicare and Social Security for both today’s and tomorrow’s seniors.

too stupid!! Social Security is theft of 13% of the nations income. If that money was put in private Republican accounts all Americans could retire rich instead on the dog food money that is left now.

Medicare is an idiotic socialist scheme. If it was any good why not follow the soviet model and deliver all goods and services that way?
NOw do see why the liberals spied for Stalin? And why BO had 2 communist parents and voted to the left of Bernie Sanders?

Promises?? you want to honor stupid liberal promises to everyone even when we are $16 trillion in debt? and the promises should not be kept because the welfare programs cripple those who use them and are sovietly inefficient!!

Without reforms to preserve and strengthen Medicare and Social Security, these programs will not exist for future generations.

Is that better?

you want liberal welfare programs for future generations? Why not private accounts so Americans can be rich and independent rather than hopeless impoverished welfare recipients.

Why not move to Cuba where they keep their welfare promises, sort of.

OH SHIT!!! I didn't provide the proper quotation!!! Here:
"I am committed to honoring the promises made to seniors and will protect Medicare and Social Security for both today’s and tomorrow’s seniors. But the inaction and the massive cuts to the programs supported by President Obama and liberals in Congress is not an option. Without reforms to preserve and strengthen Medicare and Social Security, these programs will not exist for future generations."
Yours Truly-----Allen West

Send him an email with your response, I'm sure he will be interested!
You are the lying sack of shit, show me ONE quote from me where I stated that I wanted 'YOU want Equality of OUTCOME...Government choosing WINNERS AND LOSERS.'. Thanks for the neg rep you JOKE.

It's funny to see how some lying psychos react and get all spastic when they are exposed to the truth. Thanks for the laugh................ASSHOLE.

Friendly well-meaning suggestion from an innocent bystander PhoenixOps.. FIRST you define and RECLAIM the title of Liberal --- THEN you defend the principles.. Problem here is --- if you ARE a true Liberal -- you'd be siding more with the people hating on you and spending less time defending the indefensible positions of the Progressive Class Warriors and Big Government fans..

A REAL Liberal wouldn't be enjoying beating up on the limited govt people like you SEEM to be.. :cool:

Why would I be siding with fake, phoney, frauds who talk one way but really support people who advocate their type of big government. Why would I side with people who lie and make blanket generalizations about groups of people? Why would I side with assholes, who misrepresent and LIE about my posts as well as try to put words in my mouth that I never said?

What 'indefensible positions of the Progressive Class Warriors and Big Government fans.' do I allegedly defend?

Who are these so-called 'Limited Government' people? The ones who are voting for Mitt (big government)Romney instead of Ron Paul or Gary Johnson? The ones who call the two aforementioned people demeaning names? The bigots who keep referring to 'Blacks as being on a fucking plantation'? The bigots who keep stating that 'Blacks only vote democrat because they want handouts and depend on government'? Why would I side with those assholes?

There are plenty of 'limited government' people who don't represent themselves like the asshole mentioned above do. We get along just fine. There are plenty of people who disagree with me in a classy manner instead of acting like a psychopath with emotional problems, who I get along with just fine. I treat them accordingly.

Where do u defend the indefensible? In the snippet above -- instead of simply correcting the perception that you support EQUAL OUTCOMES -- explain what a true Liberal believes.
Because you confuse me when you go off into a rant because someone is misreading your credentials.

You and me share a common problem (and perhaps fairly close ideologies) on the basics. And that is that 90% of the folks on the board believe in the 2 camp theory. They don't believe that anyone would be taking shots at both sides occasionally..

Look -- I'm not arrogantly playing mod here. I'm just trying to understand if you REALLY believe the stuff in your footer. And I'm seeing you defend crap often that doesn't seem to match -- or you're just caught up the heat of the battle -- carry on.. Ignore the phony amatuer psychologist..
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Where does it get the money, asshole?

How does that restrict your freedom?

Money isn't freedom. It's money.

If anything, the m ore you have, the less freedom you have, anyway.

The only question isn't whether we are going to let the poor starve to death or not. All the sane people have agreed we won't let that happen.

The question becomes who should pay for it.

I vote for the rich assholes.

Money is property.... It's a Fourth Amendment violation for the government to steal money....

Except the 16th Amendment says they can... Take a civics class.
I vote for the rich assholes.

why should the rich pay when being rich means that they have already served humanity? Who's done more good Steve Jobs or a poor ghetto liberal?

The rich like Jobs got us from the stone age to here with their inventions while ghetto liberals are merely free riders.

I don't know, why do you always go for a supposedly "good" rich person like Jobs rather than some of the real assholes.

Of course, Steve Jobs got rich because the actual work of assembling thos I-Phones was done by a "ghetto" person living in China for a pittance. And some of those Chinese are so stressed out they've been killing themselves.

Oh, not to worry, though, Steve used his riches to get himself put at the front of the line for a liver transplant.

The fallacy of the rich is that the rich are a vital organ when they are in fact parasites.
You are a prime example of what I was referring to in my last post! Thank you!!! Where have I ever said that I believe in 'equality of outcomes'? I asked you to back it up with a quote from me, but you like others, simply can't or won't do that. I wonder why? :lol:

Do you support Affirmative Action, Welfare , Social Security, Medicaid and Obamacare?

Affirmative Action: Private companies not receiving tax dollars from the public should be able to hire who they want to. Government and companies who receive tax dollars, should hire the best people for the job and be prohibited from discriminating against people because of race, religion, gender, etc.?

That's a weasel. It's a simple "yes" or "no" question. Do you support Affirmative Action or not?

Welfare: Should be a hand up, not a handout or vocation. I personally think that the monies should be paid back at as a small loan and at a low percentage of a former recipient's gross income. The recipients need to actively seek employment and have a grace period where they can still receive benefits and have money from employment so they can get ahead and stay ahead. It should not be a cycle and there should be restrictions as to the amount of time someone can be on welfare. The recipients should not be cut off if the spouse moves in, it should follow the guidelines of the above grace period..?

Translation: you support welfare.

Social Security: The people who have been paying into it, should be able to receive their benefits. There should be an "opt out" option if one wants to fund their own retirement, if they choose the 'opt out' option, they can't go running to government to fund their retirement if it doesn't work out, unless they pay the arrears or amount they would have paid if they were paying it for that duration.

Translation: you support Social Security.

Medicaid: There should be health care for the truly indigent people.

Translation: you support Medicaid.

Obamacare: I don't like the mandatory aspect of it.

If it wasn't mandatory, the legislation would be absolutely pointless.

Translation: you support Obamacare.

Civil Liberties: The Bill of Rights is of utmost importance to me. How about you?.

You weren't asked about civil liberties. Furthermore, civil liberties and the Bill of Rights are two separate issues.

Taxes: Flat tax, why punish success. If we go out for a pizza and split the bill, why should I have to pay more than you because I earn more than you? I think that the 'Fairtax' is stupid because they allegedly want to 'keep government out of the way' but they want people to depend on that prebate check. How about you?

It's 10,000 times better than the Income tax. Furthermore, you weren't asked about the Fair tax.
I vote for the rich assholes.

why should the rich pay when being rich means that they have already served humanity? Who's done more good Steve Jobs or a poor ghetto liberal?

The rich like Jobs got us from the stone age to here with their inventions while ghetto liberals are merely free riders.

I don't know, why do you always go for a supposedly "good" rich person like Jobs rather than some of the real assholes.

Of course, Steve Jobs got rich because the actual work of assembling thos I-Phones was done by a "ghetto" person living in China for a pittance. And some of those Chinese are so stressed out they've been killing themselves.

Oh, not to worry, though, Steve used his riches to get himself put at the front of the line for a liver transplant.

The fallacy of the rich is that the rich are a vital organ when they are in fact parasites.

Well this is news to me.. Where is the leftist list of the GOOD rich and the BAD rich?

Is Oprah on the BAD list? How about George Soros? Did Justin Bieber make the GOOD list?

You know -- the vast MAJORITY of "the rich" --- the folks you want to HOBBLE -- the folks you call PARASITES --- truth is --- they are entertainers, sports figures, musicians, pop culture divas, writers, artists, and music/tv/film producers, high level doctors, lawyers, other professionals and thousands of hard working entrenprenuers who have done NOTHING wrong..
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Do you support Affirmative Action, Welfare , Social Security, Medicaid and Obamacare?

Affirmative Action: Private companies not receiving tax dollars from the public should be able to hire who they want to. Government and companies who receive tax dollars, should hire the best people for the job and be prohibited from discriminating against people because of race, religion, gender, etc.?

That's a weasel. It's a simple "yes" or "no" question. Do you support Affirmative Action or not?

Translation: you support welfare.

Translation: you support Social Security.

Translation: you support Medicaid.

If it wasn't mandatory, the legislation would be absolutely pointless.

Translation: you support Obamacare.

Civil Liberties: The Bill of Rights is of utmost importance to me. How about you?.

You weren't asked about civil liberties. Furthermore, civil liberties and the Bill of Rights are two separate issues.

Taxes: Flat tax, why punish success. If we go out for a pizza and split the bill, why should I have to pay more than you because I earn more than you? I think that the 'Fairtax' is stupid because they allegedly want to 'keep government out of the way' but they want people to depend on that prebate check. How about you?

It's 10,000 times better than the Income tax. Furthermore, you weren't asked about the Fair tax.

No it's not a "yes or no" question. No it's not a "weasel" it's an honest and in depth answer. I don't need your approval. If you can't "accept" the answer, that's your problem.

You people sure like to bring things down to the level of mental midgets, maybe that helps you guys. My version would be a WHOLE hell of a lot better than the welfare system in place now and a whole hell of a LOT better and more realistic to achieve than what you probably have to offer.

"Translation: you support Social Security.": Translation is that you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and just like the rest of the folks of your ilk, you DISHONESTLY try to parse shit to support your agenda. Why didn't you ACCURATELY state that I also support the choice to opt out of it?

"Translation: you support Medicaid.": Translation is that I do have a heart for truly indigent people to receive medical care. What's your solution?

"Translation: you support Obamacare.": Translation, once again your are being dishonest and don't know what the fuck you are talking about. The mandatory provision (which I don't support) is the pinnacle of the alleged angst people have about Obamacare. Why wouldn't you be honest and note that I am against the mandatory provision???

"You weren't asked about civil liberties. Furthermore, civil liberties and the Bill of Rights are two separate issues.": I don't give a fuck if I wasn't asked about it, who in the fuck do you think you are asshole? Civil Liberties stems from the Bill of Rights idiot.

"It's 10,000 times better than the Income tax. Furthermore, you weren't asked about the Fair tax.": I don't care if I wasn't asked about the Fairtax, I expressed my opinion. Regarding your opinion about the Fairtax, I'll do a "YOU" and the idiots responses you have been giving. Here's my summation;
If you support the Fairtax and think that it's better than the current system of taxation, that means you are DEPENDENT ON GOVERNMENT and ON THE GOVERNMENT TIT so you can receive those prebate (government) checks. So in short, who in the fuck are you to criticize ANYBODY for embracing government entitlement programs when you embrace it yourself?

Thanks for the laugh! :lol:
Friendly well-meaning suggestion from an innocent bystander PhoenixOps.. FIRST you define and RECLAIM the title of Liberal --- THEN you defend the principles.. Problem here is --- if you ARE a true Liberal -- you'd be siding more with the people hating on you and spending less time defending the indefensible positions of the Progressive Class Warriors and Big Government fans..

A REAL Liberal wouldn't be enjoying beating up on the limited govt people like you SEEM to be.. :cool:

Why would I be siding with fake, phoney, frauds who talk one way but really support people who advocate their type of big government. Why would I side with people who lie and make blanket generalizations about groups of people? Why would I side with assholes, who misrepresent and LIE about my posts as well as try to put words in my mouth that I never said?

What 'indefensible positions of the Progressive Class Warriors and Big Government fans.' do I allegedly defend?

Who are these so-called 'Limited Government' people? The ones who are voting for Mitt (big government)Romney instead of Ron Paul or Gary Johnson? The ones who call the two aforementioned people demeaning names? The bigots who keep referring to 'Blacks as being on a fucking plantation'? The bigots who keep stating that 'Blacks only vote democrat because they want handouts and depend on government'? Why would I side with those assholes?

There are plenty of 'limited government' people who don't represent themselves like the asshole mentioned above do. We get along just fine. There are plenty of people who disagree with me in a classy manner instead of acting like a psychopath with emotional problems, who I get along with just fine. I treat them accordingly.

Where do u defend the indefensible? In the snippet above -- instead of simply correcting the perception that you support EQUAL OUTCOMES -- explain what a true Liberal believes.
Because you confuse me when you go off into a rant because someone is misreading your credentials.

You and me share a common problem (and perhaps fairly close ideologies) on the basics. And that is that 90% of the folks on the board believe in the 2 camp theory. They don't believe that anyone would be taking shots at both sides occasionally..

Look -- I'm not arrogantly playing mod here. I'm just trying to understand if you REALLY believe the stuff in your footer. And I'm seeing you defend crap often that doesn't seem to match -- or you're just caught up the heat of the battle -- carry on.. Ignore the phony amatuer psychologist..
LOL, maybe you need to re-read what I am responding to and re-read what I write because I definitely state my positions. Definitely a lot more than some of dullards on this forum who give childish insulting responses that are based on their lies and misrepresentations.

I agree about the "two camp" theory and it definitely blinds people.

Of course I believe the stuff I put in my footer. What are you SPECIFICALLY SEEING that I defend that allegedly doesn't match, what addressing a few assholes that are hypocrites???
Why would I be siding with fake, phoney, frauds who talk one way but really support people who advocate their type of big government. Why would I side with people who lie and make blanket generalizations about groups of people? Why would I side with assholes, who misrepresent and LIE about my posts as well as try to put words in my mouth that I never said?

What 'indefensible positions of the Progressive Class Warriors and Big Government fans.' do I allegedly defend?

Who are these so-called 'Limited Government' people? The ones who are voting for Mitt (big government)Romney instead of Ron Paul or Gary Johnson? The ones who call the two aforementioned people demeaning names? The bigots who keep referring to 'Blacks as being on a fucking plantation'? The bigots who keep stating that 'Blacks only vote democrat because they want handouts and depend on government'? Why would I side with those assholes?

There are plenty of 'limited government' people who don't represent themselves like the asshole mentioned above do. We get along just fine. There are plenty of people who disagree with me in a classy manner instead of acting like a psychopath with emotional problems, who I get along with just fine. I treat them accordingly.

Where do u defend the indefensible? In the snippet above -- instead of simply correcting the perception that you support EQUAL OUTCOMES -- explain what a true Liberal believes.
Because you confuse me when you go off into a rant because someone is misreading your credentials.

You and me share a common problem (and perhaps fairly close ideologies) on the basics. And that is that 90% of the folks on the board believe in the 2 camp theory. They don't believe that anyone would be taking shots at both sides occasionally..

Look -- I'm not arrogantly playing mod here. I'm just trying to understand if you REALLY believe the stuff in your footer. And I'm seeing you defend crap often that doesn't seem to match -- or you're just caught up the heat of the battle -- carry on.. Ignore the phony amatuer psychologist..
LOL, maybe you need to re-read what I am responding to and re-read what I write because I definitely state my positions. Definitely a lot more than some of dullards on this forum who give childish insulting responses that are based on their lies and misrepresentations.

I agree about the "two camp" theory and it definitely blinds people.

Of course I believe the stuff I put in my footer. What are you SPECIFICALLY SEEING that I defend that allegedly doesn't match, what addressing a few assholes that are hypocrites???

I read your stuff because you are NOT a dullard.. I'll get back to ya on the specifics..:tongue:
You weren't asked about civil liberties. Furthermore, civil liberties and the Bill of Rights are two separate issues.

LOL, back to this silly statement above. I'll take the word of the experts who actually agree with me.
"Civil liberties, stemming from the Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment, are negative freedoms which call upon the government to refrain from interfering with basic rights."

Here, educate yourself, see what Ron paul said:
Ron Paul – Civil Liberty's Last Hope

2011: A Civil Liberties Year in Review by John W. Whitehead

[ame=]Paul & Napolitano~Restore Individual Liberty - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]The Bill of Rights - YouTube[/ame]
I don't know, why do you always go for a supposedly "good" rich person like Jobs rather than some of the real assholes.

To get rich in a capitalist country you have to have the best product in the world at the lowest price. The rich are the saints who got us from the stone age to here! Are you getting rich or just flapping your gums showing your Marxist ignorance and envy? Why not try to get rich yourself and see what it take to move society forward!!

Perhaps liberals think the Girl Scouts got us here, not Republican capitalists.
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Of course, Steve Jobs got rich because the actual work of assembling thos I-Phones was done by a "ghetto" person living in China.

He got rich because he invented great stuff. We got from the stone age to here because people invented great stuff. Those who consume it or assemble it are available in the billions. Giving them credit is like giving credit for breathing or eating. Jobs did far far more than breath so he must be recognized as one of our saints, that is why they agreed to assemble for him, and not the other way around.

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow?
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The fallacy of the rich is that the rich are a vital organ when they are in fact parasites.

how can the rich be the parasites when we live 100% off their inventions?

Would you kill the parasites?

What society would do better, one that killed the rich parasites or one that made them heros and supported their efforts any way possible?

Maybe you can start and ass backwards society where A-Rod watches the fans rather than the fans watching him!!
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OH SHIT!!! I didn't provide the proper quotation!!! Here:
"I am committed to honoring the promises made to seniors and will protect Medicare and Social Security for both today’s and tomorrow’s seniors."

dear, I asserted that liberals are stupid and that it was easy to prove as follows: I asked you, "please say something intelligent in support of liberalism"

you quoted Allen West pretending you were somehow saying something intelligent about liberalism???????? What is wrong with you????.

Why can't you say anything at all intelligent in support of liberalism? What does that tell you about liberalism and your character?

See why we are positive a liberal will have a low IQ?
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OH SHIT!!! I didn't provide the proper quotation!!! Here:
"I am committed to honoring the promises made to seniors and will protect Medicare and Social Security for both today’s and tomorrow’s seniors."

dear, I asserted that liberals are stupid and that it was easy to prove as follows: I asked you, "please say something intelligent in support of liberalism"

you quoted Allen West pretending you were somehow saying something intelligent about liberalism???????? What is wrong with you????.

Why can't you say anything at all intelligent in support of liberalism? What does that tell you about liberalism and your character?

See why we are positive a liberal will have a low IQ?

Don't be upset because you went on that tirade and it turned out that Allen West was the one who stated those things and not me. Everything I support and stand by is in support of Liberalism, where have you been???

When you speak of a "low IQ" how did someone of an alleged "low IQ" make you look so silly? You fell for that hook, line, and sinker. Do you feel bad that by supporting Allen West, you now support a 'big government liberal"? :lol:
why should the rich pay when being rich means that they have already served humanity? Who's done more good Steve Jobs or a poor ghetto liberal?

The rich like Jobs got us from the stone age to here with their inventions while ghetto liberals are merely free riders.

I don't know, why do you always go for a supposedly "good" rich person like Jobs rather than some of the real assholes.

Of course, Steve Jobs got rich because the actual work of assembling thos I-Phones was done by a "ghetto" person living in China for a pittance. And some of those Chinese are so stressed out they've been killing themselves.

Oh, not to worry, though, Steve used his riches to get himself put at the front of the line for a liver transplant.

The fallacy of the rich is that the rich are a vital organ when they are in fact parasites.

Well this is news to me.. Where is the leftist list of the GOOD rich and the BAD rich?

Is Oprah on the BAD list? How about George Soros? Did Justin Bieber make the GOOD list?

You know -- the vast MAJORITY of "the rich" --- the folks you want to HOBBLE -- the folks you call PARASITES --- truth is --- they are entertainers, sports figures, musicians, pop culture divas, writers, artists, and music/tv/film producers, high level doctors, lawyers, other professionals and thousands of hard working entrenprenuers who have done NOTHING wrong..
They've done one thing wrong:

They won't give JoeB any of their money. He's entitled to it, don'tcha know.
Don't be upset because you went on that tirade and it turned out that Allen West was the one who stated those things and not me.

what on earth does that have to do with you perfect inability to say anything intelligent about liberalism??????? Are you trying to help me prove that as a liberal you're very very slow???

Everything I support and stand by is in support of Liberalism, where have you been???

so then why be so afraid to give us your most substantive example of something intelligent about liberalism. What does your fear tell you about your IQ and character??

When you speak of a "low IQ" how did someone of an alleged "low IQ" make you look so silly?

of course if true you would not be so afraid to show exactly where you made me look silly. Are you pretending again? Have you fooled yourself?

You fell for that hook, line, and sinker. Do you feel bad that by supporting Allen West, you now support a 'big government liberal"? :lol:

dear, If i said I supported what Allen West said I'll pay you $10,000.
Bet? or try to change the subject again so you don't have to face your pure liberal ignorance!! Bet????
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