REAL Americans Step-Up-To-The-Plate!!

People who make $250k-$750K aren't billionaires they aren't even millionaires, they are SUCCESSFUL small business owners and S-Corp Shareholders (organizations that have flow through taxation where the shareholders are taxed by income). These people are the people that employee 65% of Americans and many of whom are make great salaries!

Raising taxes on the successful small business owner and S-Corp Shareholders will be more then detrimental, it will be catrosphic!

Douche bags like you keep saying raise taxes on the millionaires! WELL DO IT THEN! Keep everyone who makes $1 million and less at their current rate and raise the $1 million or more people. The $1 million or more income earns are primarily going to be executives in the C Corps.

I am all for that, but stop the nonsense at making the mark $250K. Stop saying that $250K won't be ENORMOUS TAX on the SMALL BUSINESS EMPLOYER!
Absolute rubbish and a flat out lie
I believe I already said that.

no, what YOU said is a lie
while it isnt CALLED "the death tax" it is still what it is
its called an estate tax
and its taxing money that had already been taxed as INCOME
you show once again you are the fucking moron i call you

but come on Dive....cut the kid some slack....he is probably the best colorer in the first grade at Iwanabeadick Elementary School....
can you believe that moron was actually trying to argue semantics?

There is something from the Far Left that is so intolerant of Family Wealth, they despise it so much, some seem totally incapable of reason on the matter. The really perceive Government as all powerful, all seeing, the source of all wealth. Fucking Totalitarian, if you ask me.

Not really. It just sounds like he was putting it in its proper perspective. The only people who refer to it as a "Death Tax" are people who parrot extreme right wing talking points. It's a mischaracterization since "The estates of nearly all people who die are tax free" (see link below).

And I don't think either of you would ever have to worry about paying an Estate Tax anyway (Not that I give a shit about how much money you have. It's just the law of averages.) since "the estate of only 0.24 percent of all people who die in 2009 (i.e., the estates of between two and three of every 1,000 people who die) are expected to owe any estate tax, according to the Tax Policy Center.2 And only about 1.3 percent of the few estates that still are taxable are small business or farm estates." (See link below)

So more selective equal treatment by government that is supported by left wingers... got it
There is something from the Far Left that is so intolerant of Family Wealth, they despise it so much, some seem totally incapable of reason on the matter. The really perceive Government as all powerful, all seeing, the source of all wealth. Fucking Totalitarian, if you ask me.

Not really. It just sounds like he was putting it in its proper perspective. The only people who refer to it as a "Death Tax" are people who parrot extreme right wing talking points. It's a mischaracterization since "The estates of nearly all people who die are tax free" (see link below).

And I don't think either of you would ever have to worry about paying an Estate Tax anyway (Not that I give a shit about how much money you have. It's just the law of averages.) since "the estate of only 0.24 percent of all people who die in 2009 (i.e., the estates of between two and three of every 1,000 people who die) are expected to owe any estate tax, according to the Tax Policy Center.2 And only about 1.3 percent of the few estates that still are taxable are small business or farm estates." (See link below)

So more selective equal treatment by government that is supported by left wingers... got it

Nope. Just more of straightening out right wing lies and misconceptions.

It gets to be a full time job.
Not really. It just sounds like he was putting it in its proper perspective. The only people who refer to it as a "Death Tax" are people who parrot extreme right wing talking points. It's a mischaracterization since "The estates of nearly all people who die are tax free" (see link below).

And I don't think either of you would ever have to worry about paying an Estate Tax anyway (Not that I give a shit about how much money you have. It's just the law of averages.) since "the estate of only 0.24 percent of all people who die in 2009 (i.e., the estates of between two and three of every 1,000 people who die) are expected to owe any estate tax, according to the Tax Policy Center.2 And only about 1.3 percent of the few estates that still are taxable are small business or farm estates." (See link below)

So more selective equal treatment by government that is supported by left wingers... got it

Nope. Just more of straightening out right wing lies and misconceptions.

It gets to be a full time job.

You could not be more full of shit. You will never have enough of other peoples money or enough control over their lives to be satisfied. You are thieves, with the power of corrupted law behind you. Fuck You, your Totalitarian Philosophy, and your Unions.
So more selective equal treatment by government that is supported by left wingers... got it

Nope. Just more of straightening out right wing lies and misconceptions.

It gets to be a full time job.

You could not be more full of shit. You will never have enough of other peoples money or enough control over their lives to be satisfied. You are thieves, with the power of corrupted law behind you. Fuck You, your Totalitarian Philosophy, and your Unions.

Hear! Hear! :clap2:

Total projectionists they are. Alinsky would be proud of them.
no, what YOU said is a lie
while it isnt CALLED "the death tax".....

You just lied.

I SAID there was no Death Tax.

:rolleyes: is still what it is. its called an estate tax
Ah yes....the Estate Tax.

Much better. You sound like an actual-adult, now.​

Death Tax works for me Sparky.
Yeah, because....if some individual-1%er died....his heirs would be forced to pay taxes on everything over $3.5M (at the old pre-2010 rates)....which would certainly be a Death Sentence for that individual''s heirs.


You just lied.

I SAID there was no Death Tax.


Ah yes....the Estate Tax.

Much better. You sound like an actual-adult, now.​

Death Tax works for me Sparky. Deal with it. Pussy.
can you believe that moron was actually trying to argue semantics? troubling (for you 'Baggers) to deal with accurate/proper-terminology....when sales-potential of rhetoric is so-much-more catchy/marketable. :rolleyes:
Last edited:
Not really. It just sounds like he was putting it in its proper perspective. The only people who refer to it as a "Death Tax" are people who parrot extreme right wing talking points. It's a mischaracterization since "The estates of nearly all people who die are tax free" (see link below).

And I don't think either of you would ever have to worry about paying an Estate Tax anyway (Not that I give a shit about how much money you have. It's just the law of averages.) since "the estate of only 0.24 percent of all people who die in 2009 (i.e., the estates of between two and three of every 1,000 people who die) are expected to owe any estate tax, according to the Tax Policy Center.2 And only about 1.3 percent of the few estates that still are taxable are small business or farm estates." (See link below)

So more selective equal treatment by government that is supported by left wingers... got it

Nope. Just more of straightening out right wing lies and misconceptions.

It gets to be a full time job.

Wrong bubba....

First... more people pay estate and inheritance taxes than you or some biased site realize
Second.. you and your motherfucking ilk support a system where government treats people differently by a subjective criteria.... full blown selective equal treatment... funny how you support that when it favors you, and ones like you scream for the equal treatment when it also benefits you.... you're nothing more than greedy jealous little assholes
You are paying for a service... where that person is in your employ... either directly or thru a service you purchased....

This is about already earned income and property.. which is already in your family.. you are not hiring your son or daughter or wife to earn your property... they are just receiving it after you no longer exist according to the government

They are receiving it as income. And it's not limited to immediate family.

I find it extremely illogical to argue that someone should pay lower taxes on money they receive for doing nothing than they would on money they worked for.

Makes no sense.

So you would Tax Income on Insurance Claims as well??? All Income should be taxed, is that your position?
If someone considers Insurance Claims regular-income, they've got slightly-larger concerns than being convicted for insurance-fraud!!! :rolleyes:
"A total of 57 billionaires now URL=""] have joined The Giving Pledge, which was launched by Microsoft founder Gates andinvestor Buffett in June. The campaign announced the new pledges in a statement late on Wednesday."


you know, i hate that 'real americans' stuff when the rightwingnut loons do it. it's not acceptable from the left either.

you take a good point and obfuscate it.

now can you please, please stop with the blue, the bold, the underline, the large type and the centering so your posts are readable?

i mean... why wouldn't you want people to actually be able to follow what you say if you have a point to make?
What I think would be fair is to divide the budget by every man, woman, and child living in the US regardless of income, and that would be the tax.

I bet things would change quickly.
can you believe that moron was actually trying to argue semantics?

There is something from the Far Left that is so intolerant of Family Wealth, they despise it so much, some seem totally incapable of reason on the matter. The really perceive Government as all powerful, all seeing, the source of all wealth. Fucking Totalitarian, if you ask me.

Not really. It just sounds like he was putting it in its proper perspective. The only people who refer to it as a "Death Tax" are people who parrot extreme right wing talking points.
Thank you!!​
Nope. Just more of straightening out right wing lies and misconceptions.

It gets to be a full time job.

You could not be more full of shit. You will never have enough of other peoples money or enough control over their lives to be satisfied. You are thieves, with the power of corrupted law behind you. Fuck You, your Totalitarian Philosophy, and your Unions.

Hear! Hear! :clap2:

Total projectionists they are. Alinsky would be proud of them.

Fucking amazing. Try taxing Insurance Pay outs like that, include property loss, medical, and Life insurance pay outs, by their logic it is unearned income. Un fucking believable.
People who make $250k-$750K aren't billionaires they aren't even millionaires, they are SUCCESSFUL small business owners and S-Corp Shareholders (organizations that have flow through taxation where the shareholders are taxed by income). These people are the people that employee 65% of Americans and many of whom are make great salaries!

Raising taxes on the successful small business owner and S-Corp Shareholders will be more then detrimental, it will be catrosphic! DARE we risk jeopardizing the economic-paradise Lil' Dumbya left us??!!! :eek:

"One of the sensible features of the tax code is that it generally operates on marginal income. What that means in this case is that just because someone has $250,001 in income doesn’t mean they suddenly pay more taxes on their entire $250,001. They essentially only pay more in taxes on the $1 that exceeds $250,000."
There is something from the Far Left that is so intolerant of Family Wealth, they despise it so much, some seem totally incapable of reason on the matter. The really perceive Government as all powerful, all seeing, the source of all wealth. Fucking Totalitarian, if you ask me.

Not really. It just sounds like he was putting it in its proper perspective. The only people who refer to it as a "Death Tax" are people who parrot extreme right wing talking points. It's a mischaracterization since "The estates of nearly all people who die are tax free" (see link below).

And I don't think either of you would ever have to worry about paying an Estate Tax anyway (Not that I give a shit about how much money you have. It's just the law of averages.) since "the estate of only 0.24 percent of all people who die in 2009 (i.e., the estates of between two and three of every 1,000 people who die) are expected to owe any estate tax, according to the Tax Policy Center.2 And only about 1.3 percent of the few estates that still are taxable are small business or farm estates." (See link below)

So more selective equal treatment by government that is supported by left wingers... got it
How eloquent you 'Baggers can be......


Fucking amazing. Try taxing Insurance Pay outs like that, include property loss, medical, and Life insurance pay outs, by their logic it is unearned income. Un fucking believable.

no one is talking about taxing things like that to the best of my knowledge. what they are talking about taxing is the value of health insurance as if it were income.

so i think you might need to step back on that one.
Not really. It just sounds like he was putting it in its proper perspective. The only people who refer to it as a "Death Tax" are people who parrot extreme right wing talking points. It's a mischaracterization since "The estates of nearly all people who die are tax free" (see link below).

And I don't think either of you would ever have to worry about paying an Estate Tax anyway (Not that I give a shit about how much money you have. It's just the law of averages.) since "the estate of only 0.24 percent of all people who die in 2009 (i.e., the estates of between two and three of every 1,000 people who die) are expected to owe any estate tax, according to the Tax Policy Center.2 And only about 1.3 percent of the few estates that still are taxable are small business or farm estates." (See link below)

So more selective equal treatment by government that is supported by left wingers... got it

Nope. Just more of straightening out right wing lies and misconceptions.

It gets to be a full time job.
.....Much like babysitting whiners who felt they were entitled to a Win.....


Fucking amazing. Try taxing Insurance Pay outs like that, include property loss, medical, and Life insurance pay outs, by their logic it is unearned income. Un fucking believable.

no one is talking about taxing things like that to the best of my knowledge. what they are talking about taxing is the value of health insurance as if it were income.

so i think you might need to step back on that one.

To categorize Inheritance as unearned income and take close to half of it or more, as if you have no right to it because of an accident of birth is a gross mis-characterization. If the powers that be can claim that, what is to stop them from claiming the same logic in anything paid out Jillian? Buffet is pro death tax, or estate tax. Why? He is invested big time in Life Insurance companies, who's payouts circumvent the tax. The insurance companies benefit by selling policies that people need to purchase policies from, just to pay off the taxes from the assets they inherit. Real Property, Businesses, land, need to be sold off just to cover the tax burden. That is wrong Jillian.

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