CDZ Real Questions for Trump Supporters

Porter Rockwell

Gold Member
Dec 14, 2018
Let me say up front, these are honest questions. I'm not trying to troll either side of the political aisle. I see the MAGA hats on one side of the political aisle and I hear the Democrats asking questions that I'm going to repeat. I'm just after your real input.

I hope that those who oppose Trump will allow this discussion with as little interruption as possible. Thank you in advance for well thought out responses.

1) When do you think America became great?

2) What made America great?

3) When did America begin to lose its greatness?

4) What are the reason (s) you think we are not a great nation today?

5) How can we measure the idea of greatness?
Lets begin with American exceptionalism.

That doesn't mean we are "better" than any other human on the means we are the exception to the rule.

The rule, for thousands of years, has been a dictator or a monarchy...we devised an entirely new system. A system of self governance and self determination...where the people hold the power...and thru voting, the people select others who will represent them.

The US constitution was the beginning of our greatness. That was the foundation for our building and ACCUMULATING wealth.

It paved the way for the industrial revolution, ideas and patents...Lets take a look at the genius of patents.

You have an idea, you can protect that idea by putting a patent on it. The patent gives you a number of years to make money from your idea, and then it expires and your idea becomes "public domain"...which means others can build it & the price drops due to competition...

That's why miracle drugs like aspirin are cheaper than dirt today... Why smart phones are affordable and in a few years they will cost about $15. (continued)...
We started to lose our greatness when our "representatives" no longer represented us...they represented themselves & sold us out to enrich themselves.

This has been going on for decades and it was coming to a head...we were just about to lose our country to globalism.

Jobs leaving, illegals flooding in, no borders, media outright lying to us...we all knew the problem but didn't know how to solve it.

And along comes Super Trump. He's a business man & he's been neck deep in the swamp his entire adult life...just on the other side of the swamp than the politicians are. He literally knows how to fix it & he's got the balls to do it...but even for him, it wont be easy.

He knows the corrupt filth wont lose their power without a fight...but we are on the edge of losing our he decides to try...

And that's where we are today.

How does this end? Turn the page & find out!
1) 1803-1867 Louisiana purchase and Alaska purchase
2) Territorial acquisition without war
3) 1950-1975 Korean War, Vietnam war, neither of which was won by the USA
4) Lives of dead foreign civilians don't matter
5) Social advancements such as The Great Society, social welfare, Obamacare, the advancement of the wellbeing and wealth of all citizens.
Let me say up front, these are honest questions. I'm not trying to troll either side of the political aisle. I see the MAGA hats on one side of the political aisle and I hear the Democrats asking questions that I'm going to repeat. I'm just after your real input.

I hope that those who oppose Trump will allow this discussion with as little interruption as possible. Thank you in advance for well thought out responses.

1) When do you think America became great?


2) What made America great?


3) When did America begin to lose its greatness?

In the early 60's when the stinking stench of Liberalism took root in America.

4) What are the reason (s) you think we are not a great nation today?

The country is infested with "the enemies within."

5) How can we measure the idea of greatness?

It is measured by the amount of compassionate Conservatism that exists in the country.
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I want to thank all of you for that many replies that fast. I cannot reply to all of them, so I'll PM each of you so that you don't miss this post.

I share in a lot of the concerns, but as we see with a half dozen replies, we have half a dozen different opinions as to how we view America. Let's look at some facts here:

If you start with the Mayflower Compact and then the sermon delivered by John Winthrop entitled A Model of Christian Charity in 1630 (and cited by such leaders like JFK (Democrat) and Ronald Reagan (Republican) in their speeches, you begin to understand a nation destined for greatness. I suggest that people read Winthrop's sermon and think about how we became who we are: Model of Christian Charity.pdf

When you think about Benjamin Franklin's discovery of electricity, the Wright brothers making airplanes a viable mode of transportation, or William Shockley's invention of the transistor that ushered in the the computer age, you start to appreciate our contributions to science, transportation, medicine, the arts, and an unmatched history.

People argue about how long the Roman Empire lasted... was it 1000 years or 2100 years?

Did Rome and its Empire really last 2100 years? (Roman, Egypt, events) - History -U.S. and World, studying past, wars, presidents, language, economy - City-Data Forum

I don't know, but I do know that the United States accomplished more in 200 years than the Roman Empire did in all its existence. We built bigger armies, bigger navies with ships that would dwarf anything the Romans ever had. We sent more missionaries out into the world than all other nations combined. We fought in wars for other countries, sacrificing more lives than we can count, never claiming an acre of land that we helped liberate in the name of Liberty.

During our nation's history Communist Russia came and went; the French changed their government more than a dozen times and China, which has existed since biblical times, is just now surpassing as the world's superpower.

I cannot put a date on when America became great, but we were a great nation. Maybe, underneath the quagmire of people wanting us to change our form of government into one of those kinds that has come and gone while our Constitution was in place lies that great nation our forefathers envisioned.

Today I stand on the outside, looking in. I do not see the great leadership from either side of the political aisle. All we have are political propaganda prostitutes using us, playing us, and exploiting the divisiveness. Nobody, including Donald Trump, are who they claim they are. I'm not bashing Trump nor his supporters, just telling this like it is. Donald Trump is an anti-gun globalist who has been able to crow about getting the right to see things his way. We have. America is being pushed further and further left. Trump drains the swamp and we find he's surrounded by hucksters most of us wouldn't trust with a nickel. But, where do we go?

The Democrats with Universal Healthcare, gun control, and a commitment to the destruction of America via multiculturalism isn't an option. Socialism was failing when America was thriving so it would appear to me that what we need to do is find out WHEN we think America reached its zenith and incrementally work our way back to that point. Again, thank all of you for your input. If anything, it showed me that we do not have a blueprint for making America great again. We aren't even agreed on when it was great to begin with.
so it would appear to me that what we need to do is find out WHEN we think America reached its zenith and incrementally work our way back to that point.

IMHO it is cyclical.

People have forgotten the basics (you need to have wealth in order to give to the poor...Drinking water is your biggest can't write a federal law abolishing slavery until you have a federal gov't...rights & laws apply to everybody or they apply to nobody ...etc...etc).

We are most likely going to need to lose those basics before we appreciate & understand them again...and then start to "incrementally work our way back to that point".
Donald Trump is an anti-gun globalist who has been able to crow about getting the right to see things his way.

I couldn't disagree with that statement more...but I would defend, with my life, your right to say it!

That's another "basic" we seem to have forgotten.
Donald Trump is an anti-gun globalist who has been able to crow about getting the right to see things his way.

I couldn't disagree with that statement more...but I would defend, with my life, your right to say it!

That's another "basic" we seem to have forgotten.

I would do the same for you. It's when we can put the facts on the table without attacking each other personally that we make progress in understanding each other. We won't always agree, but we will respect each other.
No improvement until we get honest enough too agree that All the bad guys are not flying under one banner, lots of mistakes & down right corruption have been perpetrated by those calling them self's members of both party's & so called leaders of industry. including ultra rich persons pushing their own agenda.
Wealth does not equal greatness.

No argument there.

But without wealth, your option to do great things are very limited.

If you have no wealth, you have nothing to give to the poor, you couldn't build a hospital to help people, you couldn't do research and development on a multitude of things.
It's when we can put the facts on the table without attacking each other personally that we make progress in understanding each other.

Truer words were never spoken!

And that's why I have such a problem with liberals/democrats...they obfuscate every argument so the facts are not on the table.

Immigration - NOBODY is against legal they obfuscate legal Vs. illegal.

Climate change - Nobody argues the climate is changing...the argument is if MAN is causing it or even contributing to it.

Abortion - A womans right to choose is only half the argument...the other side of that debate is the termination of a human life...but I'm not allowed to say that out loud.

It has now gone so far over the edge that I need to be concerned for my safety if I wear a red baseball cap in public.
Wealth does not equal greatness.

No argument there.

But without wealth, your option to do great things are very limited.

If you have no wealth, you have nothing to give to the poor, you couldn't build a hospital to help people, you couldn't do research and development on a multitude of things.

You could always donate your time to help people.

I do it quite often.

As a matter of fact this Sunday I’m playing a benefit show for a lady who recently lost her husband in Afghanistan.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's when we can put the facts on the table without attacking each other personally that we make progress in understanding each other.

Truer words were never spoken!

And that's why I have such a problem with liberals/democrats...they obfuscate every argument so the facts are not on the table.

Immigration - NOBODY is against legal they obfuscate legal Vs. illegal.

Climate change - Nobody argues the climate is changing...the argument is if MAN is causing it or even contributing to it.

Abortion - A womans right to choose is only half the argument...the other side of that debate is the termination of a human life...but I'm not allowed to say that out loud.

It has now gone so far over the edge that I need to be concerned for my safety if I wear a red baseball cap in public.

There was that guy who said walk softly and carry a big stick. Today, if you don't want political extremists to attack you for a hat or a bumper sticker, you'll have to carry a concealed firearm.
Let me say up front, these are honest questions. I'm not trying to troll either side of the political aisle. I see the MAGA hats on one side of the political aisle and I hear the Democrats asking questions that I'm going to repeat. I'm just after your real input.

I hope that those who oppose Trump will allow this discussion with as little interruption as possible. Thank you in advance for well thought out responses.

1) When do you think America became great?

2) What made America great?

3) When did America begin to lose its greatness?

4) What are the reason (s) you think we are not a great nation today?

5) How can we measure the idea of greatness?
The founding fathers, and trump made America great
Let me say up front, these are honest questions. I'm not trying to troll either side of the political aisle. I see the MAGA hats on one side of the political aisle and I hear the Democrats asking questions that I'm going to repeat. I'm just after your real input.

I hope that those who oppose Trump will allow this discussion with as little interruption as possible. Thank you in advance for well thought out responses.

1) When do you think America became great?

2) What made America great?

3) When did America begin to lose its greatness?

4) What are the reason (s) you think we are not a great nation today?

5) How can we measure the idea of greatness?
The founding fathers, and trump made America great

What, exactly, did Trump do that made America great? Did he get a piece of legislation passed I don't know about?

Don't flame me. I already realize that he's been busy with attempts to impeach him ever since he was sworn in. I'm just wondering what you think he's done that made us great.
What, exactly, did Trump do that made America great? Did he get a piece of legislation passed I don't know about?

If you are serious about that question...there are lists of Trumps accomplishments.

Just a few things would be...

Wiping out massive destructive regulations that kept businesses from hiring new people. Especially the clean water rule that the EPA was using as a weapon.

Wiped out 97% of ISIS on his first year (notice how we no longer see people in cages burned, crushed, or drown).

Tax cuts and deregulation have allowed businesses to create over 6 million jobs and counting.

Told our allies to start paying their fair share to their faces.
What, exactly, did Trump do that made America great? Did he get a piece of legislation passed I don't know about?

If you are serious about that question...there are lists of Trumps accomplishments.

Just a few things would be...

Wiping out massive destructive regulations that kept businesses from hiring new people. Especially the clean water rule that the EPA was using as a weapon.

Wiped out 97% of ISIS on his first year (notice how we no longer see people in cages burned, crushed, or drown).

Tax cuts and deregulation have allowed businesses to create over 6 million jobs and counting.

Told our allies to start paying their fair share to their faces.

What you've listed are policies, are they not? I think Isis will return although if Trump is reelected it appears that if we do fight them, someone will have to ante up.

Tax bills originate in the House. What bills did Trump get passed or was that via Executive policies?

I told you, I'm not trolling anyone; just looking for the facts.

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