Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

I just love this one

[ame=]Black Guys Who Date White Girls Are Not Really Black Reaction - YouTube[/ame]
I don't talk y'alls lingo. I speak Standard English. The Queen's English, you know. Not that stuff you talk in lower Appalachia.

Nope, you just speak gibberish. Racist gibberish. The Queen is white you know.

Really? I knew that, perhaps, because I'm associated with the Royal School of Church Music in Weybridge. And I'm Episcopal. That's the Anglican Church in North America, for idiots like you.

Some Christian you are. All that vulgar language and bitter hatred you spew to your fellow men, you give the Christian faith a bad name, poet. Don't gloat about going to church if you can't at least do what is taught there.

You're pretty lame.
Heh, Chicago.... that explains it. Who needs guns when you make heart attacks on a stick. You are the punk here, poet. You have some guts calling him out for using the n-word when you practically called those who lived "in the lower Appalachians" illiterate. Nice strereotype. It's ironic you went to a Christian High School, by the way. Most kids who come out of a Christian school don't act like you, poet. You're such an idiot.

LOL. That's all you got? What's the matter? Are you turning gay on us? Guts? Not necessary for you pussies. What girls you are. And you moron.....Appalachia isn't plural, nor is it phrased "Appalachian" which is an adjective, you stupid fuck. You are fucking illiterate...I was talking about "your type". Bitch.

HAHA you punk ass.....calling someone out on grammer or spelling, who gives a shit......

and what's his about stereotyping.....I bet you hate RGIII as well...he's a cornball brother, not down for the cause!

Don't use the Lord's name in vain, reprobate. You should give a shit, because you're on the world stage, and everyone can see that you're an imbecile, who cannot command his own language.
I don't hate anyone....not even you. I pity you, more likely. Because you have such a warped pathetic and cynical view of the world and your fellow man.
LOL. That's all you got? What's the matter? Are you turning gay on us? Guts? Not necessary for you pussies. What girls you are. And you moron.....Appalachia isn't plural, nor is it phrased "Appalachian" which is an adjective, you stupid fuck. You are fucking illiterate...I was talking about "your type". Bitch.

HAHA you punk ass.....calling someone out on grammer or spelling, who gives a shit......

and what's his about stereotyping.....I bet you hate RGIII as well...he's a cornball brother, not down for the cause!

Don't use the Lord's name in vain, reprobate. You should give a shit, because you're on the world stage, and everyone can see that you're an imbecile, who cannot command his own language.
I don't hate anyone....not even you. I pity you, more likely. Because you have such a warped pathetic and cynical view of the world and your fellow man.

Oh please spare me.....I couldnt care less worry way too much about minor stuff.......and not on the big stuff......
Nope, you just speak gibberish. Racist gibberish. The Queen is white you know.

Really? I knew that, perhaps, because I'm associated with the Royal School of Church Music in Weybridge. And I'm Episcopal. That's the Anglican Church in North America, for idiots like you.

Some Christian you are. All that vulgar language and bitter hatred you spew to your fellow men, you give the Christian faith a bad name, poet. Don't gloat about going to church if you can't at least do what is taught there.

You're pretty lame.

Oh, please. When dealing with 'pigs", you have to get in the trough with them. I know I'm a work in progress, far from being perfect. That being said, I'm miles above you and the filth here. I'm not Christ. I don't forgive those who condemn me, or seek to do me harm. I may never. But I'm not the one to turn the other cheek, or roll over.
I'm more spiritual than I have seen the hypocrisy of organized religion, "first-hand". And you can hardly preach to anyone the finer tenets of being a Christian, yourself. Hypocrite. Reprobate. Charlatan. I don't go to church, having gone more than anyone here...6 days a week, for 3 years, running, while in parochial school, and serving mass every week day, during the 9th grade. Match that.
Really? I knew that, perhaps, because I'm associated with the Royal School of Church Music in Weybridge. And I'm Episcopal. That's the Anglican Church in North America, for idiots like you.

Some Christian you are. All that vulgar language and bitter hatred you spew to your fellow men, you give the Christian faith a bad name, poet. Don't gloat about going to church if you can't at least do what is taught there.

You're pretty lame.

Oh, please. When dealing with 'pigs", you have to get in the trough with them. I know I'm a work in progress, far from being perfect. That being said, I'm miles above you and the filth here. I'm not Christ. I don't forgive those who condemn me, or seek to do me harm. I may never. But I'm not the one to turn the other cheek, or roll over.
I'm more spiritual than I have seen the hypocrisy of organized religion, "first-hand". And you can hardly preach to anyone the finer tenets of being a Christian, yourself. Hypocrite. Reprobate. Charlatan. I don't go to church, having gone more than anyone here...6 days a week, for 3 years, running, while in parochial school, and serving mass every week day, during the 9th grade. Match that.

LOL, you're so high on yourself, we all have work to do.....Poet you have way too much anger, way too much, you need to get that in check.
And as I explained to NY, conservative can be applied to either side of the aisle. You are stupidly applying it to Republicans only.

Of course they can, but the party as a WHOLE, a MAJORITY back then were conservatives. They are the SAME demographic today as they were back then. Southern conservatives. All the descendants of those southern conservatives didn't change political ideology or move away. They changed parties.

The ignorance of you retards is astounding.

You want conservative to mean "Republican" so bad don't you? Too bad they exist on the Democrat side too.

No. Conservative means conservative, dumb shit. Party isn't a good indicator, especially over 150 years ago.
Bitch, I'm from Chicago. And I make Polish pierogis and potato pancakes. Went to St. Mel's Catholic Christian Brothers High School, and lived smack in the middle between the Egyptian Cobras, and the Vicelords on Chicago's West Side. I'm no punk. And you have your nerve citing a stereotype, after you've used the n-word, 'round here, and with your black ( and obviously, "spineless") friends.

Heh, Chicago.... that explains it. Who needs guns when you make heart attacks on a stick. You are the punk here, poet. You have some guts calling him out for using the n-word when you practically called those who lived "in the lower Appalachians" illiterate. Nice strereotype. It's ironic you went to a Christian High School, by the way. Most kids who come out of a Christian school don't act like you, poet. You're such an idiot.

LOL. That's all you got? What's the matter? Are you turning gay on us? Guts? Not necessary for you pussies. What girls you are. And you moron.....Appalachia isn't plural, nor is it phrased "Appalachian" which is an adjective, you stupid fuck. You are fucking illiterate...I was talking about "your type". Bitch.

You don't have much, so I don't need to offer much in return.

Grow up. Appalachian, Appalachians, Appalachia. You are either referring to the mountains or the fundamentalists. There are three types of that word. As for the rest.. what on God's green Earth are you talking about?

Anyhow, as I was saying, adjectives imply action, Appalachian can be a noun or an adjective you dimwit. Sigh. You kind of blew it with your obscure and cryptic reference to "my type"
Of course they can, but the party as a WHOLE, a MAJORITY back then were conservatives. They are the SAME demographic today as they were back then. Southern conservatives. All the descendants of those southern conservatives didn't change political ideology or move away. They changed parties.

The ignorance of you retards is astounding.

You want conservative to mean "Republican" so bad don't you? Too bad they exist on the Democrat side too.

No. Conservative means conservative, dumb shit. Party isn't a good indicator, especially over 150 years ago.

What kind of response was that, udderboy?
Of course they can, but the party as a WHOLE, a MAJORITY back then were conservatives. They are the SAME demographic today as they were back then. Southern conservatives. All the descendants of those southern conservatives didn't change political ideology or move away. They changed parties.

The ignorance of you retards is astounding.

You want conservative to mean "Republican" so bad don't you? Too bad they exist on the Democrat side too.

No. Conservative means conservative, dumb shit. Party isn't a good indicator, especially over 150 years ago.

you're an idiot

so you want to bag on conservatives

ok since this thread was about racism, I'm sure you'll say that the conservatives fled the democrats and became republicans.

so if true, the democrats should have had the more conservative candidates

so when was the last democrat more conservative than the republican one?

Second we know Strom switched, so what other party leaders switched over to the republicans?
Some Christian you are. All that vulgar language and bitter hatred you spew to your fellow men, you give the Christian faith a bad name, poet. Don't gloat about going to church if you can't at least do what is taught there.

You're pretty lame.

Oh, please. When dealing with 'pigs", you have to get in the trough with them. I know I'm a work in progress, far from being perfect. That being said, I'm miles above you and the filth here. I'm not Christ. I don't forgive those who condemn me, or seek to do me harm. I may never. But I'm not the one to turn the other cheek, or roll over.
I'm more spiritual than I have seen the hypocrisy of organized religion, "first-hand". And you can hardly preach to anyone the finer tenets of being a Christian, yourself. Hypocrite. Reprobate. Charlatan. I don't go to church, having gone more than anyone here...6 days a week, for 3 years, running, while in parochial school, and serving mass every week day, during the 9th grade. Match that.

LOL, you're so high on yourself, we all have work to do.....Poet you have way too much anger, way too much, you need to get that in check.

I am...and have been. Everyone knows it. So why are you engaging me? Do your work. Stay out of my threads and don't respond to my posts....I have nothing for you. You have nothing for me. It's not rocket science. Why not engage your black friends, whom you call the n-word, "for fun"? You're the one who should be "checked".
You want conservative to mean "Republican" so bad don't you? Too bad they exist on the Democrat side too.

No. Conservative means conservative, dumb shit. Party isn't a good indicator, especially over 150 years ago.

What kind of response was that, udderboy?

How thick are you? It's a response that indicates to you that the conservatives in the 1800's and early 1900's... the backers of slavery, the members of the south that thrived from plantations, and the founders and members of the KKK, were conservatives.

Doesn't matter one fuck that they were democrats. I don't deny that they were democrats. Nobody denies that they were democrats. Democrat doesn't matter though, when it's well known history that the parties had a sort of polarity shift, with the conservatives shifting to the republican party and the liberals shifting to the democratic party. Party means nothing. NOTHING... when we're discussing behavior that stems more accurately from ideology(conservative) rather than party.

Shit man... conservative shouldn't even be an insult to you. So what if they were conservatives? They weren't conservatives like you(though I'm thinking otherwise, since you seem to like and act much like Matthew, who is very reminiscient of those conservatives).

There are and were evil liberals in the world. I don't have to feel threatened because they existed.

You people are weak.
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Heh, Chicago.... that explains it. Who needs guns when you make heart attacks on a stick. You are the punk here, poet. You have some guts calling him out for using the n-word when you practically called those who lived "in the lower Appalachians" illiterate. Nice strereotype. It's ironic you went to a Christian High School, by the way. Most kids who come out of a Christian school don't act like you, poet. You're such an idiot.

LOL. That's all you got? What's the matter? Are you turning gay on us? Guts? Not necessary for you pussies. What girls you are. And you moron.....Appalachia isn't plural, nor is it phrased "Appalachian" which is an adjective, you stupid fuck. You are fucking illiterate...I was talking about "your type". Bitch.

You don't have much, so I don't need to offer much in return.

Grow up. Appalachian, Appalachians, Appalachia. You are either referring to the mountains or the fundamentalists. There are three types of that word. As for the rest.. what on God's green Earth are you talking about?

Anyhow, as I was saying, adjectives imply action, Appalachian can be a noun or an adjective you dimwit. Sigh. You kind of blew it with your obscure and cryptic reference to "my type"

Fundamentalists????? Did you even get past the 4th grade? we were talking about "mountains". Adjectives imply action????????????????????? LOLOLOLOL.
Go back to school. Too funny. Why are most conservatives "stupid"?>
Oh, please. When dealing with 'pigs", you have to get in the trough with them. I know I'm a work in progress, far from being perfect. That being said, I'm miles above you and the filth here. I'm not Christ. I don't forgive those who condemn me, or seek to do me harm. I may never. But I'm not the one to turn the other cheek, or roll over.
I'm more spiritual than I have seen the hypocrisy of organized religion, "first-hand". And you can hardly preach to anyone the finer tenets of being a Christian, yourself. Hypocrite. Reprobate. Charlatan. I don't go to church, having gone more than anyone here...6 days a week, for 3 years, running, while in parochial school, and serving mass every week day, during the 9th grade. Match that.

LOL, you're so high on yourself, we all have work to do.....Poet you have way too much anger, way too much, you need to get that in check.

I am...and have been. Everyone knows it. So why are you engaging me? Do your work. Stay out of my threads and don't respond to my posts....I have nothing for you. You have nothing for me. It's not rocket science. Why not engage your black friends, whom you call the n-word, "for fun"? You're the one who should be "checked".

well why dont you go kill someone who uses it, they obviously deserve it....I mean it is the worst thing a person can do, right?
Really? I knew that, perhaps, because I'm associated with the Royal School of Church Music in Weybridge. And I'm Episcopal. That's the Anglican Church in North America, for idiots like you.

Some Christian you are. All that vulgar language and bitter hatred you spew to your fellow men, you give the Christian faith a bad name, poet. Don't gloat about going to church if you can't at least do what is taught there.

You're pretty lame.

Oh, please. When dealing with 'pigs", you have to get in the trough with them. I know I'm a work in progress, far from being perfect. That being said, I'm miles above you and the filth here. I'm not Christ. I don't forgive those who condemn me, or seek to do me harm. I may never. But I'm not the one to turn the other cheek, or roll over.
I'm more spiritual than I have seen the hypocrisy of organized religion, "first-hand". And you can hardly preach to anyone the finer tenets of being a Christian, yourself. Hypocrite. Reprobate. Charlatan. I don't go to church, having gone more than anyone here...6 days a week, for 3 years, running, while in parochial school, and serving mass every week day, during the 9th grade. Match that.

You are miles beneath my heel, poet. No you aren't Christ, at least you're honest, he died for all of mankind, you disgrace it with your vitriol. Religion isn't a competition. You can go to church as much as you'd like, but it is only but a building if you betray the values that you are taught there.

Wow, throw all those big words at me. Here's a few for you, and specifically for you. Bigot, Blowhard, Self absorbed narcissist, coward, racist, stereotypical. Sadistic, mendacious, domineering, insecure. Pithy, snide, snarky. Cynical, paranoid, racist, pernicious. Insensitive, cold blooded, venomous.

Need I go on?
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No. Conservative means conservative, dumb shit. Party isn't a good indicator, especially over 150 years ago.

What kind of response was that, udderboy?

How thick are you? It's a response that indicates to you that the conservatives in the 1800's and early 1900's... the backers of slavery, the members of the south that thrived from plantations, and the founders and members of the KKK, were conservatives.

Doesn't matter one fuck that they were democrats. I don't deny that they were democrats. Nobody denies that they were democrats. Democrat doesn't matter though, when it's well known history that the parties had a sort of polarity shift, with the conservatives shifting to the republican party and the liberals shifting to the democratic party. Party means nothing. NOTHING... when we're discussing behavior that stems more accurately from ideology(conservative) rather than party.

Shit man... conservative shouldn't even be an insult to you. So what if they were conservatives? They weren't conservatives like you(though I'm thinking otherwise, since you seem to like and act much like Matthew, who is very reminiscient of those conservatives).

There are and were evil liberals in the world. I don't have to feel threatened because they existed.

You people are weak.

How thick are you? And what are you yammering on about? And why are you getting so angry? Is your point even valid?
No. Conservative means conservative, dumb shit. Party isn't a good indicator, especially over 150 years ago.

What kind of response was that, udderboy?

How thick are you? It's a response that indicates to you that the conservatives in the 1800's and early 1900's... the backers of slavery, the members of the south that thrived from plantations, and the founders and members of the KKK, were conservatives.

Doesn't matter one fuck that they were democrats. I don't deny that they were democrats. Nobody denies that they were democrats. Democrat doesn't matter though, when it's well known history that the parties had a sort of polarity shift, with the conservatives shifting to the republican party and the liberals shifting to the democratic party. Party means nothing. NOTHING... when we're discussing behavior that stems more accurately from ideology(conservative) rather than party.

Shit man... conservative shouldn't even be an insult to you. So what if they were conservatives? They weren't conservatives like you(though I'm thinking otherwise, since you seem to like and act much like Matthew, who is very reminiscient of those conservatives).

There are and were evil liberals in the world. I don't have to feel threatened because they existed.

You people are weak.

I was hoping you'd say now when did the democrats have the more conservative candidate? I NEVER get an answer to this question, I know why.

Bull Connor? nope
Lester Maddox? nope
Russell Long? nope
Al Gore Sr? nope

I mean we know Strom did, what else do ya got?

Oh and explain Wilson, and eugenics(liberals Looooooved it!)
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What kind of response was that, udderboy?

How thick are you? It's a response that indicates to you that the conservatives in the 1800's and early 1900's... the backers of slavery, the members of the south that thrived from plantations, and the founders and members of the KKK, were conservatives.

Doesn't matter one fuck that they were democrats. I don't deny that they were democrats. Nobody denies that they were democrats. Democrat doesn't matter though, when it's well known history that the parties had a sort of polarity shift, with the conservatives shifting to the republican party and the liberals shifting to the democratic party. Party means nothing. NOTHING... when we're discussing behavior that stems more accurately from ideology(conservative) rather than party.

Shit man... conservative shouldn't even be an insult to you. So what if they were conservatives? They weren't conservatives like you(though I'm thinking otherwise, since you seem to like and act much like Matthew, who is very reminiscient of those conservatives).

There are and were evil liberals in the world. I don't have to feel threatened because they existed.

You people are weak.

I was hoping you'd say now when did the democrats have the more conservative candidate? I NEVER get an answer to this question, I know why.

Bull Connor? nope
Lester Maddox? nope
Russell Long? nope
Al Gore Sr? nope

I mean we know Strom did, what else do ya got?

Oh and explain Wilson, and eugenics(liberals Looooooved it!)

[ame=]Black Guys Who Date White Girls Are Not Really Black Reaction - YouTube[/ame]

What democrats became republicans? How about the entire fucking conservative south. What... your dumb ass didn't stop to think why in the 1800's he North was Red and the south was blue, and now the south is red and the north is blue?

It's certainly not because everybody south moved north and everybody north moved south.

You dumb fuck.
What kind of response was that, udderboy?

How thick are you? It's a response that indicates to you that the conservatives in the 1800's and early 1900's... the backers of slavery, the members of the south that thrived from plantations, and the founders and members of the KKK, were conservatives.

Doesn't matter one fuck that they were democrats. I don't deny that they were democrats. Nobody denies that they were democrats. Democrat doesn't matter though, when it's well known history that the parties had a sort of polarity shift, with the conservatives shifting to the republican party and the liberals shifting to the democratic party. Party means nothing. NOTHING... when we're discussing behavior that stems more accurately from ideology(conservative) rather than party.

Shit man... conservative shouldn't even be an insult to you. So what if they were conservatives? They weren't conservatives like you(though I'm thinking otherwise, since you seem to like and act much like Matthew, who is very reminiscient of those conservatives).

There are and were evil liberals in the world. I don't have to feel threatened because they existed.

You people are weak.

How thick are you? And what are you yammering on about? And why are you getting so angry? Is your point even valid?

My point is completely valid, and you deflection tactics do nothing but demonstrate to everybody here that you cannot handle the obvious.

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