Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

LOL. That's all you got? What's the matter? Are you turning gay on us? Guts? Not necessary for you pussies. What girls you are. And you moron.....Appalachia isn't plural, nor is it phrased "Appalachian" which is an adjective, you stupid fuck. You are fucking illiterate...I was talking about "your type". Bitch.

You don't have much, so I don't need to offer much in return.

Grow up. Appalachian, Appalachians, Appalachia. You are either referring to the mountains or the fundamentalists. There are three types of that word. As for the rest.. what on God's green Earth are you talking about?

Anyhow, as I was saying, adjectives imply action, Appalachian can be a noun or an adjective you dimwit. Sigh. You kind of blew it with your obscure and cryptic reference to "my type"

Fundamentalists????? Did you even get past the 4th grade? we were talking about "mountains". Adjectives imply action????????????????????? LOLOLOLOL.
Go back to school. Too funny. Why are most conservatives "stupid"?>

Haha. My wealth of knowledge blows you away. There are the mountains, and a small denomination of Appalachian Christianity. You need to go back to school, because you never knew that those words had multiple meanings. Buy a dictionary, numbnuts.
How thick are you? It's a response that indicates to you that the conservatives in the 1800's and early 1900's... the backers of slavery, the members of the south that thrived from plantations, and the founders and members of the KKK, were conservatives.

Doesn't matter one fuck that they were democrats. I don't deny that they were democrats. Nobody denies that they were democrats. Democrat doesn't matter though, when it's well known history that the parties had a sort of polarity shift, with the conservatives shifting to the republican party and the liberals shifting to the democratic party. Party means nothing. NOTHING... when we're discussing behavior that stems more accurately from ideology(conservative) rather than party.

Shit man... conservative shouldn't even be an insult to you. So what if they were conservatives? They weren't conservatives like you(though I'm thinking otherwise, since you seem to like and act much like Matthew, who is very reminiscient of those conservatives).

There are and were evil liberals in the world. I don't have to feel threatened because they existed.

You people are weak.

I was hoping you'd say now when did the democrats have the more conservative candidate? I NEVER get an answer to this question, I know why.

Bull Connor? nope
Lester Maddox? nope
Russell Long? nope
Al Gore Sr? nope

I mean we know Strom did, what else do ya got?

Oh and explain Wilson, and eugenics(liberals Looooooved it!)

[ame=""]Black Guys Who Date White Girls Are Not Really Black Reaction - YouTube[/ame]

What democrats became republicans? How about the entire fucking conservative south. What... your dumb ass didn't stop to think why in the 1800's he North was Red and the south was blue, and now the south is red and the north is blue?

It's certainly not because everybody south moved north and everybody north moved south.

You dumb fuck.

LOL you are stupid......where is your proof? And yeah lots of northerners moved south....just ask southerners about carpetbaggers and why is it the south gains population while the north loses it?

God you dont know about politics or demographics do ya?

and again:

When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?
How thick are you? It's a response that indicates to you that the conservatives in the 1800's and early 1900's... the backers of slavery, the members of the south that thrived from plantations, and the founders and members of the KKK, were conservatives.

Doesn't matter one fuck that they were democrats. I don't deny that they were democrats. Nobody denies that they were democrats. Democrat doesn't matter though, when it's well known history that the parties had a sort of polarity shift, with the conservatives shifting to the republican party and the liberals shifting to the democratic party. Party means nothing. NOTHING... when we're discussing behavior that stems more accurately from ideology(conservative) rather than party.

Shit man... conservative shouldn't even be an insult to you. So what if they were conservatives? They weren't conservatives like you(though I'm thinking otherwise, since you seem to like and act much like Matthew, who is very reminiscient of those conservatives).

There are and were evil liberals in the world. I don't have to feel threatened because they existed.

You people are weak.

How thick are you? And what are you yammering on about? And why are you getting so angry? Is your point even valid?

My point is completely valid, and you deflection tactics do nothing but demonstrate to everybody here that you cannot handle the obvious.

What is there to be obvious about? You're the one throwing the tantrum like a 3 year old. Whatever point you made was lost in your lack of self restraint. Idiot. You stick out like a sore thumb to be quite honest.

I do believe you missed the entire point of my OP. Liberal Democrats or just "Democrats" have a racist history. It is quite sad to see those of similar ilk ignoring their past.
Disappointed, King sent another telegram to the President, stating that Eisenhower's comments were "a profound disappointment to the millions of Americans of goodwill, north and south, who earnestly are looking to you for leadership and guidance in this period of inevitable social change". He tried to set up a meeting with President Eisenhower, but was given a meeting with Vice President Richard Nixon, which lasted two hours. Nixon was reported to have been impressed with King and told the president that he might enjoy meeting with him in the future

Funny how Eisenhower the great moderate wouldnt meet with King, but Nixon did...hmmmmmmmmmm I love to break all the conventional wisdom

and yes both were good men and anti segregationist.....
I hear of Liberal Democrats championing the causes of racial and gender equality in America today, while admirable, they have ignored their own history. Now, for a little history lesson. Let's do a little research shall we? Let us see who has been more detrimental to the causes of equality. Pay attention students, there will be a quiz at the end of this essay!

During the 1860s, ...

I had to snip this nonsense because you don't seem to understand that "LIberal" and "Conservative" are different words than "Democrat" and "Republican".

At its founding the Republican Party was in fact a Liberal, radical party. It advocated a major change- ending slavery.

Meanwhile the Democrats were the "Conservative" party at that time. They advocated "States Rights" to keep having slaves if they wanted to. Hmmmmm.... States rights? Where do we keep hearing that nonsense when some inbred bible-thumping bigot wants to maintain some corner where they can practice their douchebaggery?
I hear of Liberal Democrats championing the causes of racial and gender equality in America today, while admirable, they have ignored their own history. Now, for a little history lesson. Let's do a little research shall we? Let us see who has been more detrimental to the causes of equality. Pay attention students, there will be a quiz at the end of this essay!

During the 1860s, ...

I had to snip this nonsense because you don't seem to understand that "LIberal" and "Conservative" are different words than "Democrat" and "Republican".

At its founding the Republican Party was in fact a Liberal, radical party. It advocated a major change- ending slavery.

Meanwhile the Democrats were the "Conservative" party at that time. They advocated "States Rights" to keep having slaves if they wanted to. Hmmmmm.... States rights? Where do we keep hearing that nonsense when some inbred bible-thumping bigot wants to maintain some corner where they can practice their douchebaggery?

I fail to see how I made such an assertion. I flatly said that the term could be applied to either party. I used vernacular that would be readily understandable to other less informed readers here. Given the conservative/liberal misnomers both sides apply today... it was only fair to point out that such terms could be used for either side.

I love how my words got twisted somewhere along the way. The big mistake people are making is linking conservatism with Republicanism and Liberalism with Democrats. The terms are actually interchangeable as you point out.

Yes, today's Liberal Democrats, not those Democrats or Republicans of yesteryear. I made no mention of "conservative" or "liberal" as it pertained to the politics of the 1800's. You'd much rather not read anything that criticizes Democrats period anyhow. I don't expect people like you to stick around to the end of the OP.

Now, I mention the term "Liberal" twice , which was being used in the context of today's politics, namely (and sometimes erroneously) associated with Democrats. As for your religious slurs, I will pay no rational mind to such. Because you know just as well as I that bigotry happens on both sides of the aisle.
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I fail to see how I made such an assertion. I flatly said that the term could be applied to either party. I used vernacular that would be readily understandable to other less informed readers here. Given the conservative/liberal misnomers both sides apply today... it was only fair to point out that such terms could be used for either side.

I love how my words got twisted somewhere along the way. The big mistake people are making is linking conservatism with Republicanism and Liberalism with Democrats. The terms are actually interchangeable as you point out.

Yes, today's Liberal Democrats, not those Democrats or Republicans of yesteryear. I made no mention of "conservative" or "liberal" as it pertained to the politics of the 1800's. You'd much rather not read anything that criticizes Democrats period anyhow. I don't expect people like you to stick around to the end of the OP.

Now, I mention the term "Liberal" twice , which was being used in the context of today's politics, namely (and sometimes erroneously) associated with Democrats.

Guy, you can try to twist and bend all day, but "conservatism" today has come to mean preserving the privilages of the wealthy at the expense of the rest of us.

They've used race and religion and sex to try to get the rest of us fighting amongst themselves.

I'll admit, it took me too long to figure this out... but I finally did. You might some day. First, you need to put down the book of Bronze Age Supersition and Fairy Tales.
Here's my question, which party has stood for equality over the past 150 years? How does this meld with the current platforms Liberal Democrats advocate today? I leave that for you to decide.

The Dems in the lead and the repubs in solid support passed Civil Rights and Voting Rights on geographical lines, not party. The great majority of repub a nd dem Senators and Representatives in the north and west voted for and the southern dems and repubs voted almost 100% against.

Since then, the minorities have trended for the democratic party in overwhelming numbers because of people like buckeye, jtpr312, lonestar, and others on the board who are two-faced in their talk and their actions.

How you can say that with a straight face is beyond me.
Anyone with 1/2 a brain cell knows that yesteryear's Dixiecrat is today's Republican.
Hell, MLK was a Republican.
The tables have turned politically and racially.

I fail to see how I made such an assertion. I flatly said that the term could be applied to either party. I used vernacular that would be readily understandable to other less informed readers here. Given the conservative/liberal misnomers both sides apply today... it was only fair to point out that such terms could be used for either side.

I love how my words got twisted somewhere along the way. The big mistake people are making is linking conservatism with Republicanism and Liberalism with Democrats. The terms are actually interchangeable as you point out.

Yes, today's Liberal Democrats, not those Democrats or Republicans of yesteryear. I made no mention of "conservative" or "liberal" as it pertained to the politics of the 1800's. You'd much rather not read anything that criticizes Democrats period anyhow. I don't expect people like you to stick around to the end of the OP.

Now, I mention the term "Liberal" twice , which was being used in the context of today's politics, namely (and sometimes erroneously) associated with Democrats.

Guy, you can try to twist and bend all day, but "conservatism" today has come to mean preserving the privilages of the wealthy at the expense of the rest of us.

They've used race and religion and sex to try to get the rest of us fighting amongst themselves.

I'll admit, it took me too long to figure this out... but I finally did. You might some day. First, you need to put down the book of Bronze Age Supersition and Fairy Tales.

Are you telling me how to practice my faith, Joe? Does that not encourage this "fighting amongst themselves" you speak of? Do you think yourself the authority over such things? You are sorely mistaken. You have fallen into the same trap as the rest of the Democrats have. Conservatism may be applied to Democrats and Republicans alike. It does not always protect the wealthy, contrary to your thick headed notions suggesting otherwise. Before the sweeps in 1994, most of the Democrats here were conservative, in fiscality and taxes. Oh yeah, never thought about that did you?

The classifications are as follows:

Conservative Republican
Moderate Republican
Conservative Democrat
Moderate Democrat
Liberal Republican
Liberal Democrat
Independent Leaning Right
Independent Leaning Left
Independent No Preference
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Anyone with 1/2 a brain cell knows that yesteryear's Dixiecrat is today's Republican.
Hell, MLK was a Republican.
The tables have turned politically and racially.

MLK was not a Republican. He never claimed a party in his lifetime, because he saw both of them as detrimental to the causes of racial equality. Anyone with half a brain could do the research.
Anyone with 1/2 a brain cell knows that yesteryear's Dixiecrat is today's Republican.
Hell, MLK was a Republican.
The tables have turned politically and racially.

MLK was not a Republican. Anyone with half a brain could do the research.

Bless your heart.

In October 1960, when Martin Luther King, Jr. was arrested at a peaceful sit-in in Atlanta, Robert Kennedy telephoned the judge and helped secure King's release. Although King, Sr. had previously opposed Kennedy because he was a Catholic,[citation needed] he expressed his appreciation for these calls and switched his support to Kennedy. At this time, King, Sr. had been a lifelong registered Republican, and had endorsed Republican Richard Nixon.
Here is how the Democrat story line came about. After years of fighting civil rights acts for blacks LBJ, through Republican Dirkson, passes a civil rights act. This is why and what HE said:

”These Negroes, they‘re getting pretty uppity these days and that‘s a problem for us since they‘ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we‘ve got to do something about this, we‘ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”

~Lyndon B. Johnson (Democrat)

He also said this: President Lyndon Baines Johnson, And is “Great Society” to help the Negro… was recorded on a White House taped (and saved) conversation claiming, “I’ll have them voting Democratic for the next two hundred years.”

What had Republicans been doing prior to this?:

“Civil rights became a critical concern during Eisenhower’s administration. In 1954 the Supreme Court ruled that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional, but the decision was not universally accepted. The people of the South resisted, and racial tensions mounted. In 1957 the governor of Arkansas ordered National Guard troops to prevent a group of African-American students from enrolling at an all-white high school in Little Rock. Eisenhower was forced to send federal troops to escort the new students to school. Eisenhower also proposed and signed the Civil Rights Act of 1957, which was intended to guarantee the voting rights of all African Americans. This was the first civil rights legislation to pass since Reconstruction. It was followed by the Civil Rights Act of 1960, which was an attempt to further strengthen voting rights by mandating federal inspection of local voter registration polls.”

The Bunker ...Stand up, Speak out & Hunker Down | These uppity negroes -LBJ

So the story line goes that the party of Lincoln, the party that freed the slaves the party that supported every single civil rights act from the reconstruction turned on the blacks. BS.

What did the racists get for their money with Nixon?

•raised the civil rights enforcement budget 800 percent;

•doubled the budget for black colleges;

•appointed more blacks to federal posts and high positions than any president, including LBJ;

•adopted the Philadelphia Plan mandating quotas for blacks in unions, and for black scholars in colleges and universities;

•invented “Black Capitalism” (the Office of Minority Business Enterprise), raised U.S. purchases from black businesses from $9 million to $153 million, increased small business loans to minorities 1,000 percent, increased U.S. deposits in minority-owned banks 4,000 percent;

•raised the share of Southern schools that were desegregated from 10 percent to 70 percent. Wrote the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in 1975, “It has only been since 1968 that substantial reduction of racial segregation has taken place in the South.”

Read more at The Neocons and Nixon?s southern strategy

Man did those racists get ripped off if they changed to the party of Lincoln thinking there would be some sort of payback.

MLK's birthday, Republican even though the cost to the country to do so was fairly large.

Now how has things changed? Well if one were to bring up Welfare reform what is the immediate reaction from those on the left? They scream racism. They are explicitly implying that welfare is for black when in fact the majority receiving welfare are white. Then they will make the claim that most of the welfare payments are for Red States which is really idiotic by I doubt they realize how much.

More evidence in their beliefs that blacks are someone only they can take care of? Biden's despicable quote: "They're going to put y'all back in chains,"

Really, if a Republican said that in front of a black audience what do you think the outcry would be? He didn't say "we all" or "us all" he was clearly pointing out he was the superior, it wasn't him they were going to put into chains.

Don't listen to the Democrat storyline that is backed by nothing but BS. Listen to what they say and do it is clear.
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Anyone with 1/2 a brain cell knows that yesteryear's Dixiecrat is today's Republican.
Hell, MLK was a Republican.
The tables have turned politically and racially.

MLK was not a Republican. Anyone with half a brain could do the research.

Bless your heart.

In October 1960, when Martin Luther King, Jr. was arrested at a peaceful sit-in in Atlanta, Robert Kennedy telephoned the judge and helped secure King's release. Although King, Sr. had previously opposed Kennedy because he was a Catholic,[citation needed] he expressed his appreciation for these calls and switched his support to Kennedy. At this time, King, Sr. had been a lifelong registered Republican, and had endorsed Republican Richard Nixon.

Like I said

"I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses … And I’m not inextricably bound to either party."

--Martin Luther King, February 11, 1958, Interview at Bennett College

King Sr is his father, we are talking about King Jr. What an oversight, my friend.
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Some Christian you are. All that vulgar language and bitter hatred you spew to your fellow men, you give the Christian faith a bad name, poet. Don't gloat about going to church if you can't at least do what is taught there.

You're pretty lame.

Oh, please. When dealing with 'pigs", you have to get in the trough with them. I know I'm a work in progress, far from being perfect. That being said, I'm miles above you and the filth here. I'm not Christ. I don't forgive those who condemn me, or seek to do me harm. I may never. But I'm not the one to turn the other cheek, or roll over.
I'm more spiritual than I have seen the hypocrisy of organized religion, "first-hand". And you can hardly preach to anyone the finer tenets of being a Christian, yourself. Hypocrite. Reprobate. Charlatan. I don't go to church, having gone more than anyone here...6 days a week, for 3 years, running, while in parochial school, and serving mass every week day, during the 9th grade. Match that.

You are miles beneath my heel, poet. No you aren't Christ, at least you're honest, he died for all of mankind, you disgrace it with your vitriol. Religion isn't a competition. You can go to church as much as you'd like, but it is only but a building if you betray the values that you are taught there.

Wow, throw all those big words at me. Here's a few for you, and specifically for you. Bigot, Blowhard, Self absorbed narcissist, coward, racist, stereotypical. Sadistic, mendacious, domineering, insecure. Pithy, snide, snarky. Cynical, paranoid, racist, pernicious. Insensitive, cold blooded, venomous.

Need I go on?
Wow. You've described yourself, as you were , most certainly, "projecting", again. LOL
I could say more but won't.
So look America

Republicans used to support Civil Rights as recently as 50 years ago
I hear of Liberal Democrats championing the causes of racial and gender equality in America today, while admirable, they have ignored their own history. Now, for a little history lesson. Let's do a little research shall we? Let us see who has been more detrimental to the causes of equality. Pay attention students, there will be a quiz at the end of this essay!

During the 1860s, ...

I had to snip this nonsense because you don't seem to understand that "LIberal" and "Conservative" are different words than "Democrat" and "Republican".

At its founding the Republican Party was in fact a Liberal, radical party. It advocated a major change- ending slavery.

Meanwhile the Democrats were the "Conservative" party at that time. They advocated "States Rights" to keep having slaves if they wanted to. Hmmmmm.... States rights? Where do we keep hearing that nonsense when some inbred bible-thumping bigot wants to maintain some corner where they can practice their douchebaggery?

I know. I know. Today's Republican Party, that's where. Especially, in the South. Texas Governor , Rick Perry is always blowing hard about states' rights.

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