Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

Here's the opening sentence of your opening post.

How many words went by for the readers to understand you are blaming "Liberal" Democrats for supporting racism?

Of course after your opening sentence you cited many Democrats as racists, yet when asked to make the distinction between "Liberal" and "Conservative" positions on equality, you continued to misunderstand the difference between ideology and political party.

I made mention of Liberal Democrats twice, but neither mention was in context to the politics of the 1850-60s. I plainly referred to Democrats as Democrats and Republicans as Republicans.

You seem not to understand my point. Or rather, you refuse to.

Definition of Liberal: of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism, especially the freedom of the individual and governmental guarantees of individual rights and liberties.

Definition of Conservative: Conservatism (Latin: conservare, "to retain") is a political and social philosophy that promotes retaining traditional social institutions. A person who follows the philosophies of conservatism is referred to as a traditionalist or conservative.

And you're still a moron.

Uhh... whatever poet.
Are you telling me how to practice my faith, Joe? Does that not encourage this "fighting amongst themselves" you speak of? Do you think yourself the authority over such things? You are sorely mistaken. You have fallen into the same trap as the rest of the Democrats have. Conservatism may be applied to Democrats and Republicans alike. It does not always protect the wealthy, contrary to your thick headed notions suggesting otherwise. Before the sweeps in 1994, most of the Democrats here were conservative, in fiscality and taxes. Oh yeah, never thought about that did you?

No, didn't think much about that at all...

Besides the attempt to create phony designations and such, the fact is, the GOP ALWAYS has been the friend of the rich. It's just at times, it didn't enable its worst behavior. For instance, when Ike was president, he was good friends to the wealthy, but realized you don't enrich them at the expense of the middle class. Somewhere between Ike and the Bushes, the GOP lost that message.

My guess, it was in the 1970's, when a lot of regular people like my parents recoiled at what the hippies were doing and bought into stuff proffered by the religious right.

Incidently, I have degrees in history and political science, that kind of does make me an authority.


seeing these kids with guns reaffirms my faith in Americas ability to exist well into the future. :up:


this kids home was nearly totally wrecked due to some scumbag liberal feeeeeeels like it was child abuse !!

fucking liberals have to fuck up every thing they see a gun caring/carrying CONSERVATIVE :up:

Those kids would be more patriotic if they were out doing community service



This guy would be more patriotic had he been serving time in jail.
For the Democrats to ease all those southern votes, (the solid south) out of the Democratic party had to be almost political suicide, yet the Democrats must have seen the solid south as no longer part of the Democratic or American philosophy.
Was American changing or was the Democratic party leading the change? Even FDR with all his popularity only made partial progress giving Blacks more equality. But Truman, ending military segregation by order, gave the southern Democrats some choices, change with us, start your own party or go with the Republicans. Southern Democrats largely didn't change but they did try the Dixiecrat party and finally ended up Republican. And to Ike's credit he continued the change despite his disappointment with his appointee Warren.
That was a lot of Democratic votes to lose just to put American on a new course.
Racist platform? post it.. Where is it? Let’s be real here for a minute, why do democrats fight school vouchers for poor minority children? Why Mr. Poet? Why is unemployment so much higher under Obama among blacks? Why does your president Obama seem unconcerned with all the black on black killing in even in his home town? Why can’t Obama bring himself to condemn people like Dr. Gosnell who took advantage of mostly black women and killed mostly black babies? If anyone has sold out to the elitist, white, liberal, politicians it's Obama and most of your so-called black “leaders”

You're part of the high tech Lynching Clarence Thomas was referring to. Is it good for black people to be destroyed because they don't think like you do? Is that what you want?

Racist platform??? Girlfriend, did you see the last Republican convention? You could count the blacks and browns on two hands. Why? Because every liberal, and Democrat, and even quite a few Republicans (i.e. Colin Powell, and Lawrence Wilkerson) know that the Republican and Tea Parties harbor overt racists.
As to school vouchers: The Problem with School Vouchers ? Issues ? Education Voters Pennsylvania


The Problem With School Vouchers
"....As Huebert notes, the widespread introduction of vouchers could very well destroy what’s left of the independent, private schools. The government would have to establish criteria for which schools were eligible for the vouchers, and which weren’t: Taxpayers would be outraged if Joe Blow set up a “school” where he just popped in DVDs all day, and collected checks from the government...."
President Obama unconcerned? Have you been paying attention to the news? He's desperately trying to rein in guns, and assault weapons, while the Republican Congress, whores for the NRA, thwart his efforts, at every turn. And please. Ask yourself why Republicans haven't responded to the mass shootings, every other month, enough to legislate " background checks" , which is a common sense measure.
And nice try at propaganda, but no one is buying it, save your ilk.
High tech lynching? Oh, now it's fashionable to discuss "lynching", when it plays into your "playbook". Clarence Thomas is the whitest negro in the country, and a Stephin Fetchit of the 1st order. Don't think like we do? He's worse than any white racist legislator. The worst. No one believes that all of anybody should think like anyone else. One would hope they would be reasonable and rational. Find someone like that on the conservative side. Christie? Portman? McCain? Who you got? You know you've lost the argument when Clarence Thomas is your sacrificial lamb. LOLOLOL.

You think Clarence Thomas is not reasonable or rational....Please…. Who's "we"? Most people in this city, in this country for that matter wouldn't even know who Clarence Thomas is. I went to school in Detroit. You know what the graduation rate is here? 30%. People should be allowed to choose what schools their kids can attend.. Get it? Competition is a good thing, not some failed system where money for the kids is siphoned off by the teachers unions, corrupt school administrators and employees which is what happened here "my playbook" what is my playbook? You have no concept, you can't even think clearly because you have too much hate in your heart, which is the way liberals like it. You want to tell me you'd like people not to be allowed to defend themselves? Violent crime has went down 20% in MI since our CCW law went into effect sorry to tell you but criminals don't get guns legally

Clarence Thomas should be looked on as a model for black children unlike your boy Obama who was pretty much brought up privileged. Clarence Thomas came from nothing get it?

Clarence Thomas was born in 1948 in Pin Point, Georgia, a small, predominantly black community founded by freedmen after the American Civil War. When he was a child, the town lacked a sewage system and paved roads. He was the second of three children born to M.C. Thomas, a farm worker, and Leola Williams, a domestic worker.[5][6] They were descendants of American slaves, and the family spoke Gullah as a first language.[7] Thomas's first-known ancestors were slaves named Sandy and Peggy who were born around the end of the 18th century and owned by wealthy Liberty County, Georgia planter Josiah Wilson.[8] M.C. Thomas left his family when Thomas was two years old. Thomas's mother worked hard but was sometimes paid only pennies per day. She had difficulty putting food on the table and was forced to rely on charity.[9] After a house fire left them homeless, Thomas and his younger brother Myers were taken to live with his mother's parents in Savannah, Georgia. Thomas was seven when the family moved in with his maternal grandfather, Myers Anderson, and Anderson's wife, Christine (née Hargrove), in Savannah.[10]

Living with his grandparents, Thomas enjoyed amenities such as indoor plumbing and regular meals for the first time in his life.[5] His grandfather Myers Anderson had little formal education, but had built a thriving fuel oil business that also sold ice. Thomas calls his grandfather "the greatest man I have ever known."[10] When Thomas was 10, Anderson started taking the family to help at a farm every day from sunrise to sunset.[10] His grandfather believed in hard work and self-reliance; he would counsel Thomas to "never let the sun catch you in bed." Thomas's grandfather also impressed upon his grandsons the importance of getting a good education.[5]

Thomas was the only black person at his high school in Savannah, where he was an honor student.[11] He was raised Roman Catholic. (He later attended an Episcopal church with his first wife but returned to the Catholic Church in the late 1990s.[1]) He considered entering the priesthood at the age of 16, and became the first black student to attend St. John Vianney's Minor Seminary (Savannah) on the Isle of Hope.[10] He also briefly attended Conception Seminary College, a Roman Catholic seminary in Missouri. No one in Thomas's family had attended college. Thomas has said that during his first year in seminary, he was one of only "three or four" blacks attending the school.[11] Thomas told interviewers that he left the seminary in the aftermath of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. He had overheard another student say after the shooting, "Good, I hope the son of a bitch died."[6][12] He did not think the church did enough to combat racism

Clarence Thomas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pardon me??? I need to be educated about Clarence Thomas by the likes of you and Wiki?????? I sided with Anita Hill, in the hearings against him. And what was he doing "hitting on her", while having the white "trophy wife"????? I hate him, with all that is in me. He is a race traitor....a Stephin Fetchit Negro, who sides against the black community in every case he's heard. Comparing him to President Obama is a non sequitur. There is no comparison, in any sense of the word. Good day.
Are you telling me how to practice my faith, Joe? Does that not encourage this "fighting amongst themselves" you speak of? Do you think yourself the authority over such things? You are sorely mistaken. You have fallen into the same trap as the rest of the Democrats have. Conservatism may be applied to Democrats and Republicans alike. It does not always protect the wealthy, contrary to your thick headed notions suggesting otherwise. Before the sweeps in 1994, most of the Democrats here were conservative, in fiscality and taxes. Oh yeah, never thought about that did you?

No, didn't think much about that at all...

Besides the attempt to create phony designations and such, the fact is, the GOP ALWAYS has been the friend of the rich. It's just at times, it didn't enable its worst behavior. For instance, when Ike was president, he was good friends to the wealthy, but realized you don't enrich them at the expense of the middle class. Somewhere between Ike and the Bushes, the GOP lost that message.

My guess, it was in the 1970's, when a lot of regular people like my parents recoiled at what the hippies were doing and bought into stuff proffered by the religious right.

Incidently, I have degrees in history and political science, that kind of does make me an authority.

Those arent phony designations Joe. Those specific points on the political left right conservative liberal spectrum. This is basic political science. No it doesn't make you an authority on anything. You don't get to tell me how to practice my faith.

Too bad you just failed basic political science.


Hope you understand pictures, cause words seem to have no effect on you.
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Here's my question, which party has stood for equality over the past 150 years? How does this meld with the current platforms Liberal Democrats advocate today? I leave that for you to decide.

The Dems in the lead and the repubs in solid support passed Civil Rights and Voting Rights on geographical lines, not party. The great majority of repub a nd dem Senators and Representatives in the north and west voted for and the southern dems and repubs voted almost 100% against.

Since then, the minorities have trended for the democratic party in overwhelming numbers because of people like buckeye, jtpr312, lonestar, and others on the board who are two-faced in their talk and their actions.

How you can say that with a straight face is beyond me.

Truth is the truth. Civil Rights in the 1960s was a Dem-lead strategy and package that the GOP helped make happen.

Revising the truth, reactionaries, is impossible.
Was McCain right that Obama was not a Muslim or foreign born? A refusal to answer will be taken as an admission by affirmation of silence that McCain was wrong and that Obama was foreign born and a Muslim.

When did McCain say that?????? And no he's not foreign born, I've said that since he brought out the docs.....

Moses, do you pay attention? Are you unable to read and comprehend?

Reactionaries, like buckeye (racist) and TemplarKormac (uneducated), make it easy to show their silliness.
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Was McCain right that Obama was not a Muslim or foreign born? A refusal to answer will be taken as an admission by affirmation of silence that McCain was wrong and that Obama was foreign born and a Muslim.

When did McCain say that?????? And no he's not foreign born, I've said that since he brought out the docs.....

Moses, do you pay attention? Are you unable to read and comprehend?

Reactionaries, like buckeye (racist) and TemplarKormac (uneducated), make it easy to show their silliness.

LOL. Trouble in paradise.
the stupid party is in big trouble.

I have said for a long time that the ONLY way back to sanity is to DUMP this fact adverse base and do it with visable glee.

they will do it or die under the burden of stupid
LOL. Trouble in paradise.

Nah, we are popping the reactionary puss monsters from the mainstream GOP, while the smart Dems are limiting your racial nonsense.
LOL. Trouble in paradise.

Nah, we are popping the reactionary puss monsters from the mainstream GOP, while the smart Dems are limiting your racial nonsense.

Ah, you're confused....what you meant to say is that the Dems, smart or no, are 'exacerbating" my racial nonsense, which, is, of course, a false assumption, on your part. Dems don't directly or indirectly influence my independent thought, one way or another. I merely see them as the lesser of two evils. Better the devil you know than the one you don't. Find a Democrat that is an overt racist. You have to go back to Robert Byrd, and he "recanted". And didn't Repubs try to "make hay" out of clumsily worded comments by Harry Reid and Joe Biden? You're not very smart, are you?
LOL. Trouble in paradise.

Nah, we are popping the reactionary puss monsters from the mainstream GOP, while the smart Dems are limiting your racial nonsense.

Ah, you're confused....what you meant to say is that the Dems, smart or no, are 'exacerbating" my racial nonsense, which, is, of course, a false assumption, on your part. Dems don't directly or indirectly influence my independent thought, one way or another. I merely see them as the lesser of two evils. Better the devil you know than the one you don't. Find a Democrat that is an overt racist. You have to go back to Robert Byrd, and he "recanted". And didn't Repubs try to "make hay" out of clumsily worded comments by Harry Reid and Joe Biden? You're not very smart, are you?

Nope, I was right, and you are wrong. A number of the Dems are racist. You are racist: read your comments. Sharon Hodges in North Carolina is racist. Look her up.
Even today it is the Democrat party that continually pushes the idea that blacks and other minorities cannot make it through life on their own, and that they need "help" from government to get jobs, get education, etc. No such "help" is offered to Caucasians.

Some things never change. :cuckoo:
Joe did nothing more than twist my words, which is why Joe is no longer posting here in the thread. You did nothing but troll my entire thread. What a moron you are.
Here's the opening sentence of your opening post.

I hear of Liberal Democrats championing the causes of racial and gender equality in America today, while admirable, they have ignored their own history. Now, for a little history lesson. Let's do a little research shall we? Let us see who has been more detrimental to the causes of equality. Pay attention students, there will be a quiz at the end of this essay!

How many words went by for the readers to understand you are blaming "Liberal" Democrats for supporting racism?

Of course after your opening sentence you cited many Democrats as racists, yet when asked to make the distinction between "Liberal" and "Conservative" positions on equality, you continued to misunderstand the difference between ideology and political party.

I made mention of Liberal Democrats twice, but neither mention was in context to the politics of the 1850-60s. I plainly referred to Democrats as Democrats and Republicans as Republicans.

You seem not to understand my point. Or rather, you refuse to.

Definition of Liberal: of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism, especially the freedom of the individual and governmental guarantees of individual rights and liberties.

Definition of Conservative: Conservatism (Latin: conservare, "to retain") is a political and social philosophy that promotes retaining traditional social institutions. A person who follows the philosophies of conservatism is referred to as a traditionalist or conservative.

"Definition of Liberal: of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism, especially the freedom of the individual and governmental guarantees of individual rights and liberties. ".
Exactly! Thank for proving my point again! The Liberals were not the ones in favor of slavery, they fought against slavery in the 1800's, they fought against racial and gender injustices in the 1900's, and they continue to do the same today.

"Definition of Conservative: Conservatism (Latin: conservare, "to retain") is a political and social philosophy that promotes retaining traditional social institutions. A person who follows the philosophies of conservatism is referred to as a traditionalist or conservative."
Exactly! The conservatives fought to keep that 'peculiar institution' in place, they fought to keep the Black Codes and Jim Crow in place, and some would still like to keep the old status quo in place.

Thank you for proving my point once again!!!
The Dems in the lead and the repubs in solid support passed Civil Rights and Voting Rights on geographical lines, not party. The great majority of repub a nd dem Senators and Representatives in the north and west voted for and the southern dems and repubs voted almost 100% against.

Since then, the minorities have trended for the democratic party in overwhelming numbers because of people like buckeye, jtpr312, lonestar, and others on the board who are two-faced in their talk and their actions.

How you can say that with a straight face is beyond me.

Truth is the truth. Civil Rights in the 1960s was a Dem-lead strategy and package that the GOP helped make happen.

Revising the truth, reactionaries, is impossible.

To try to pretend that Civil Rights were anything other than a North/South issue is blatantly deceptive
Nah, we are popping the reactionary puss monsters from the mainstream GOP, while the smart Dems are limiting your racial nonsense.

Ah, you're confused....what you meant to say is that the Dems, smart or no, are 'exacerbating" my racial nonsense, which, is, of course, a false assumption, on your part. Dems don't directly or indirectly influence my independent thought, one way or another. I merely see them as the lesser of two evils. Better the devil you know than the one you don't. Find a Democrat that is an overt racist. You have to go back to Robert Byrd, and he "recanted". And didn't Repubs try to "make hay" out of clumsily worded comments by Harry Reid and Joe Biden? You're not very smart, are you?

Nope, I was right, and you are wrong. A number of the Dems are racist. You are racist: read your comments. Sharon Hodges in North Carolina is racist. Look her up.

Oh, please. The Carolinas, in and of themselves, are a racist' haven. I couldn't find anything about her being a Democrat. Even so, one account doesn't make your argument. The accounts of racists on the Republican side are too numerous to even begin to list.
Even today it is the Democrat party that continually pushes the idea that blacks and other minorities cannot make it through life on their own, and that they need "help" from government to get jobs, get education, etc. No such "help" is offered to Caucasians.

Some things never change. :cuckoo:

Completely ignoring "white privilege". And "good ol' boy connectivity".

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