Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

How you can say that with a straight face is beyond me.

Truth is the truth. Civil Rights in the 1960s was a Dem-lead strategy and package that the GOP helped make happen.

Revising the truth, reactionaries, is impossible.

No it wasnt, that's bullshit and revisionist history.....the democrats didnt support shit in the 50s, hell LBJ watered down the 1957 Civil Rights bill so the racists in the party wouldnt cause shit...he's a trojan horse, and you people fell for that crap

Civil Rights in the 1960s was a Dem-lead strategy and package that the GOP helped make happen.

This message is hidden because @poet is on your ignore list.

Thanks for posting that.


You are such a sopping pussy for putting people on an ignore list, and even more of a pussy for actually posting about it.

What, do you need attention?

I dont put people on ignore, because I like to make fun of your stupidity!

That's exactly the same reason I have, you mental midget.
You think Clarence Thomas is not reasonable or rational....Please…. Who's "we"? Most people in this city, in this country for that matter wouldn't even know who Clarence Thomas is. I went to school in Detroit. You know what the graduation rate is here? 30%. People should be allowed to choose what schools their kids can attend.. Get it? Competition is a good thing, not some failed system where money for the kids is siphoned off by the teachers unions, corrupt school administrators and employees which is what happened here "my playbook" what is my playbook? You have no concept, you can't even think clearly because you have too much hate in your heart, which is the way liberals like it. You want to tell me you'd like people not to be allowed to defend themselves? Violent crime has went down 20% in MI since our CCW law went into effect sorry to tell you but criminals don't get guns legally

Clarence Thomas should be looked on as a model for black children unlike your boy Obama who was pretty much brought up privileged. Clarence Thomas came from nothing get it?

Clarence Thomas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pardon me??? I need to be educated about Clarence Thomas by the likes of you and Wiki?????? I sided with Anita Hill, in the hearings against him. And what was he doing "hitting on her", while having the white "trophy wife"????? I hate him, with all that is in me. He is a race traitor....a Stephin Fetchit Negro, who sides against the black community in every case he's heard. Comparing him to President Obama is a non sequitur. There is no comparison, in any sense of the word. Good day.

Ah so Poet hates RGIII as well....see I say people like Poet exist....

they think that blacks that dont tow the line of marxism,
being a democrat, ect
are race traitors
uncle toms

yeah that's the kind of person I was talking about when I said working for a black republican in the 9th congressional district in Memphis, TN...
People like Poet show their true colors.....

This is also why I laughed when JQ Public started that thread about Boehner's daugher, it was easy to see what he was trying to do, but in the end he looked foolish.....because he doesnt know anything about conservertives, just what he hears
Sorry, but being a liberal Democrat isn't even remotely construed as "towing the line of Marxism", but don't let that interfere with your psychotic ideological ravings. Yeah, that black Republican you say you were working for......does he allow you to call him the n-word??????? And who the fuck is RGIII I'm supposed to be hating???
I have always shown my "true colors", on any forum I have ever been on. There is no shame in my game. What"?
You are a Racist because you hate all whitey's who call you out for your racist nigga shit.

WTF? Go back and re-read the nonsense you just wrote. I don't even have counter as everyone can see the weakness in your ridiculous position.

Can't handle a solid inspection by an outsider of your imperfections. That's obvious.

You are a closet racist and snob. You wouldn't last 15 minutes in a stand-up dialogue with an opponent on a college campus or bookstore platform. One, your philsophical positions are indefensible, and, two, emotionally, you are so shallow and immature.

An aside: I bet you don't even read Langston Hughes or Claude McKay competently out loud to an audience.
I'm a racist, because I disagree with your view of black people???? LOL
You don't know me, or what I'm capable of....but you do, however, know I'm more than capable of handily handling mental midgets like you. And you pegged me correct by labeling me "a snob", as I am, in spades....and especially, in the close proximity of conservatives.
And fyi, I gave a performance , specifically reading from Langston Hughes, in concert with Kenneth Gayle and Rodney Waters, at The Heinen Theater, two years ago. Google them, retarded bitch.
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Pardon me??? I need to be educated about Clarence Thomas by the likes of you and Wiki?????? I sided with Anita Hill, in the hearings against him. And what was he doing "hitting on her", while having the white "trophy wife"????? I hate him, with all that is in me. He is a race traitor....a Stephin Fetchit Negro, who sides against the black community in every case he's heard. Comparing him to President Obama is a non sequitur. There is no comparison, in any sense of the word. Good day.

Ah so Poet hates RGIII as well....see I say people like Poet exist....

they think that blacks that dont tow the line of marxism,
being a democrat, ect
are race traitors
uncle toms

yeah that's the kind of person I was talking about when I said working for a black republican in the 9th congressional district in Memphis, TN...
People like Poet show their true colors.....

This is also why I laughed when JQ Public started that thread about Boehner's daugher, it was easy to see what he was trying to do, but in the end he looked foolish.....because he doesnt know anything about conservertives, just what he hears
Sorry, but being a liberal Democrat isn't even remotely construed as "towing the line of Marxism", but don't let that interfere with your psychotic ideological ravings. Yeah, that black Republican you say you were working for......does he allow you to call him the n-word??????? And who the fuck is RGIII I'm supposed to be hating???
I have always shown my "true colors", on any forum I have ever been on. There is no shame in my game. What"?

Wow you're dumb, no I didnt call him the nword....I dont go around just calling all blacks that, wow where do you get such fantasies?

And here is RGIII (You apparently agree with Rob Parker)
[ame=]ESPNs Rob Parker Says RGIII Not Black Enough Cause Of White Fiance! - YouTube[/ame]
Oh you liberals. So much fun. According to liberals, nly you fought for civil rights. Such arrogant little pricks you are. :lol:

Who's the white guy on the left? He's the man that you liberals love to hate.


Description Civil Rights March on Washington, D.C. [Author James Baldwin with actors Marlon Brando and Charlton Heston.], 08/28/1963
Date 28 August 1963

Of course it's Charlton Heston, but let's explore that a little further; "Heston's political activism had four stages. In the first stage, 1955–61, he endorsed the Democratic candidates for president, and signed onto petitions and liberal political causes. From 1961 to 1972, the second stage, he continued to endorse Democratic candidates for president. In 1965-71, he served as the elected president of the Screen Actors Guild, and clashed with his liberal rival Ed Asner. Moving beyond Hollywood, he became nationally visible in 1963 in support of the Civil Rights bill, and in 1968 used his "cowboy" persona to publicize gun control measures. The third stage began in 1972. Like many neoconservatives of the same era who moved from liberal Democrat to conservative Republican, he rejected the liberalism of George McGovern and supported Richard Nixon in 1972 for President. In the 1980s, he gave strong support to his friend Ronald Reagan in his conservative presidency. In 1995, Heston entered his fourth stage by establishing his own political action fund-raising committee, and jumped into the internal politics of the National Rifle Association. He gave numerous culture wars speeches and interviews upholding the conservative position, blaming media and academe for imposing multiculturalism.".

In short, he wasn't a conservative when he was in that photo, the Heston we know today evolved into a conservative and railed against his prior positions. The conservatives in that era were in the vein of William F. Buckley................................they certainly weren't in favor of what Heston was in favor of then. ;)

Would you tell me that today Heston would have hated blacks? Are you really trying to push that point?

That even as the conservative he became he would have renounced his actions back then?

Is this what you are trying to get at? I'm trying to understand your point.
You are a Racist because you ahet all whitey's who call you out for your racist nigga shit.

Can't handle a solid inspection by an outsider of your imperfections. That's obvious.

You are a closet racist and snob. You wouldn't last 15 minutes in a stand-up dialogue with an opponent on a college campus or bookstore platform. One, your philsophical positions are indefensible, and, two, emotionally, you are so shallow and immature.

An aside: I bet you don't even read Langston Hughes or Claude McKay competently out loud to an audience.
I'm a racist, because I disagree with your view of black people???? LOL
You don't know me, or what I'm capable of....but you do, however, know I'm more than capable of handily handling mental midgets like you. And you pegged me correct by labeling me "a snob", as I am, in spades....and especially, in the close proximity of conservatives.
And fyi, I gave a performance , specifically reading from Langston Hughes, in concert with Kenneth Gayle and Rodney Waters, at The Heinen Theater, two years ago. Google them, retarded bitch.

"racist nigga shit"?

Sorry, but the only racist I see here is you.

Sorry, but you don't lend credence to your argument of someone else being a racist, when you call them a ******.

"You're racist because you're a racist ******!" - That is essentially what you just said. And don't pretend it's not just because you said "nigga".
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Yes, their is 'black privilege', too, and if you want to witness "good ol' boy connectivity", study the relationship of black preachers and school superintendents and morticians in small towns.

Yes, their is 'white privilege' and etc in all American communities.

The problem first is recognizing one's own issues with race rather than being a witness to others.
Excuse me??? There is no such thing as "black privilege", by way of blacks being in the minority. Think of what you perceive as "black privilege" as "pushback" from "white privilege". Of course you have documentation to support your allegation???? Of course not...that would be too much like "right".
And why do I always feel like I'm conversing with retards when I engage a conservative?
Learn the difference between "their" and "there". Their vs There - Difference and Comparison | Diffen

And you morons have the nerve to compare yourselves with me. I went to school and not only learned the basics but the extraneous. How the fuck do you confuse "their" with "there"?

Poet is a get even brotha.....he want reperations for something noone alive did and noone alive had to suffer through

and I bet he's the type that thinks blacks cant be racist.....WOW!!!!!!!

I don't want any reparations. There isn't enough gold in Fort Knox to satisfy the debt owed. That being said, take the reparations in question, and shove them so far up your pale white ass you choke.
Unless black on white racism results in a hate crime, black racism is negligible .
You are a Racist because you ahet all whitey's who call you out for your racist nigga shit.

I'm a racist, because I disagree with your view of black people???? LOL
You don't know me, or what I'm capable of....but you do, however, know I'm more than capable of handily handling mental midgets like you. And you pegged me correct by labeling me "a snob", as I am, in spades....and especially, in the close proximity of conservatives.
And fyi, I gave a performance , specifically reading from Langston Hughes, in concert with Kenneth Gayle and Rodney Waters, at The Heinen Theater, two years ago. Google them, retarded bitch.

"racist nigga shit"?

Sorry, but the only racist I see here is you.

Sorry, but you don't lend credence to your argument of someone else being a racist, when you call them a ******.

"You're racist because you're a racist ******!" - That is essentially what you just said. And don't pretend it's not just because you said "nigga".
Um, did you direct your comments to me, by mistake? I never said those things. I don't use racial pejoratives.
Niggas come in all colors, the common denomiator is the hatred they spew at eveyone they hate...which is pretty much everyone that doesn't bow to their brow beating.

That fits nigga poet to a tee.

Nigga poet tries to beat you into submission and when you don't fold like he wants you to he puts you on ignore.

I am betting old poet there would LOVE to have had some of Clarence Thomas's curly pubes all over his face.

Oh yes, please no NOT labor under the misconception that I actually give a shit what you think ;)

You are a Racist because you ahet all whitey's who call you out for your racist nigga shit.

I'm a racist, because I disagree with your view of black people???? LOL
You don't know me, or what I'm capable of....but you do, however, know I'm more than capable of handily handling mental midgets like you. And you pegged me correct by labeling me "a snob", as I am, in spades....and especially, in the close proximity of conservatives.
And fyi, I gave a performance , specifically reading from Langston Hughes, in concert with Kenneth Gayle and Rodney Waters, at The Heinen Theater, two years ago. Google them, retarded bitch.

"racist nigga shit"?

Sorry, but the only racist I see here is you.

Sorry, but you don't lend credence to your argument of someone else being a racist, when you call them a ******.

"You're racist because you're a racist ******!" - That is essentially what you just said. And don't pretend it's not just because you said "nigga".
Oh you liberals. So much fun. According to liberals, nly you fought for civil rights. Such arrogant little pricks you are. :lol:

Who's the white guy on the left? He's the man that you liberals love to hate.


Description Civil Rights March on Washington, D.C. [Author James Baldwin with actors Marlon Brando and Charlton Heston.], 08/28/1963
Date 28 August 1963

Of course it's Charlton Heston, but let's explore that a little further; "Heston's political activism had four stages. In the first stage, 1955–61, he endorsed the Democratic candidates for president, and signed onto petitions and liberal political causes. From 1961 to 1972, the second stage, he continued to endorse Democratic candidates for president. In 1965-71, he served as the elected president of the Screen Actors Guild, and clashed with his liberal rival Ed Asner. Moving beyond Hollywood, he became nationally visible in 1963 in support of the Civil Rights bill, and in 1968 used his "cowboy" persona to publicize gun control measures. The third stage began in 1972. Like many neoconservatives of the same era who moved from liberal Democrat to conservative Republican, he rejected the liberalism of George McGovern and supported Richard Nixon in 1972 for President. In the 1980s, he gave strong support to his friend Ronald Reagan in his conservative presidency. In 1995, Heston entered his fourth stage by establishing his own political action fund-raising committee, and jumped into the internal politics of the National Rifle Association. He gave numerous culture wars speeches and interviews upholding the conservative position, blaming media and academe for imposing multiculturalism.".

In short, he wasn't a conservative when he was in that photo, the Heston we know today evolved into a conservative and railed against his prior positions. The conservatives in that era were in the vein of William F. Buckley................................they certainly weren't in favor of what Heston was in favor of then. ;)

Would you tell me that today Heston would have hated blacks? Are you really trying to push that point?

That even as the conservative he became he would have renounced his actions back then?

Is this what you are trying to get at? I'm trying to understand your point.

Notice that everyone that becomes a republican is automatically a we have one hollywood pro civil rights guy and one souther anti civil rights guy

and somehow there was this vast southern strategy, but all the other racists stayed democrat, it's hilarious watching them dodge the question because the republicans won southern states in blowouts
Ah so Poet hates RGIII as well....see I say people like Poet exist....

they think that blacks that dont tow the line of marxism,
being a democrat, ect
are race traitors
uncle toms

yeah that's the kind of person I was talking about when I said working for a black republican in the 9th congressional district in Memphis, TN...
People like Poet show their true colors.....

This is also why I laughed when JQ Public started that thread about Boehner's daugher, it was easy to see what he was trying to do, but in the end he looked foolish.....because he doesnt know anything about conservertives, just what he hears
Sorry, but being a liberal Democrat isn't even remotely construed as "towing the line of Marxism", but don't let that interfere with your psychotic ideological ravings. Yeah, that black Republican you say you were working for......does he allow you to call him the n-word??????? And who the fuck is RGIII I'm supposed to be hating???
I have always shown my "true colors", on any forum I have ever been on. There is no shame in my game. What"?

Wow you're dumb, no I didnt call him the nword....I dont go around just calling all blacks that, wow where do you get such fantasies?

And here is RGIII (You apparently agree with Rob Parker)
[ame=]ESPNs Rob Parker Says RGIII Not Black Enough Cause Of White Fiance! - YouTube[/ame]
I don't know who RGIII is, or Rob Parker. I don't follow ESPN or sports. And according to you, you call your black friends the n-word, for "fun". Why wouldn't you refer to all blacks in that manner? What's the cutoff?
Sorry, but being a liberal Democrat isn't even remotely construed as "towing the line of Marxism", but don't let that interfere with your psychotic ideological ravings. Yeah, that black Republican you say you were working for......does he allow you to call him the n-word??????? And who the fuck is RGIII I'm supposed to be hating???
I have always shown my "true colors", on any forum I have ever been on. There is no shame in my game. What"?

Wow you're dumb, no I didnt call him the nword....I dont go around just calling all blacks that, wow where do you get such fantasies?

And here is RGIII (You apparently agree with Rob Parker)
[ame=""]ESPNs Rob Parker Says RGIII Not Black Enough Cause Of White Fiance! - YouTube[/ame]
I don't know who RGIII is, or Rob Parker. I don't follow ESPN or sports. And according to you, you call your black friends the n-word, for "fun". Why wouldn't you refer to all blacks in that manner? What's the cutoff?

OMG, the cutoff is knowing them really well. Yeah I knew the guy I was working for, and pretty well, but probably not that well. I mean do I have to explain this to you? There are some things you say to close friends you dont say to others.

But watch the clip, I bring it up and you dismiss it, it's not about sports, it's about the racist attitude of blacks who get pissed when other date white chicks or when they vote republican....because if you do either you're not really black, whatever that means.
Freaking racist Democrats.

The whole lot of them in the 60's and beyond.
Wallace and Faubus were freaking Democrats.

Segregationists from hell. Kiss my ass that the Republicans were the racists.
Freaking racist Democrats.

The whole lot of them in the 60's and beyond.
Wallace and Faubus were freaking Democrats.

Segregationists from hell. Kiss my ass that the Republicans were the racists.

yep wallace switched parties, oh wait, he didnt
lester maddox, not a switcher
bull connor, democrat for life
I could go on if you want, what's funny is they have no names to say other than ole Strom...that's all they got
Wow you're dumb, no I didnt call him the nword....I dont go around just calling all blacks that, wow where do you get such fantasies?

And here is RGIII (You apparently agree with Rob Parker)
ESPNs Rob Parker Says RGIII Not Black Enough Cause Of White Fiance! - YouTube
I don't know who RGIII is, or Rob Parker. I don't follow ESPN or sports. And according to you, you call your black friends the n-word, for "fun". Why wouldn't you refer to all blacks in that manner? What's the cutoff?

OMG, the cutoff is knowing them really well. Yeah I knew the guy I was working for, and pretty well, but probably not that well. I mean do I have to explain this to you? There are some things you say to close friends you dont say to others.

But watch the clip, I bring it up and you dismiss it, it's not about sports, it's about the racist attitude of blacks who get pissed when other date white chicks or when they vote republican....because if you do either you're not really black, whatever that means.

WTF? Why would you fucking say it at all? You're one of those racist fucks that just has to say it, aren't you? I'm all for interracial dating and marriage. I'm in an interracial marriage. I have interracial marriages in my family. WTF?
I don't know who RGIII is, or Rob Parker. I don't follow ESPN or sports. And according to you, you call your black friends the n-word, for "fun". Why wouldn't you refer to all blacks in that manner? What's the cutoff?

OMG, the cutoff is knowing them really well. Yeah I knew the guy I was working for, and pretty well, but probably not that well. I mean do I have to explain this to you? There are some things you say to close friends you dont say to others.

But watch the clip, I bring it up and you dismiss it, it's not about sports, it's about the racist attitude of blacks who get pissed when other date white chicks or when they vote republican....because if you do either you're not really black, whatever that means.

WTF? Why would you fucking say it at all? You're one of those racist fucks that just has to say it, aren't you? I'm all for interracial dating and marriage. I'm in an interracial marriage. I have interracial marriages in my family. WTF?

you just said that Thomas has a white trophy wife. Why say that then?
and no I dont have to say it, man you have some obsession over a word, you need to get that checked into, it's pathological.

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