Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

Sometimes I think we need a new category of stupid for the right wingnuts. History you never had it so bad, next thing you know LBJ will be a republican and Lee Atwater a democrat. Do you wingnuts actually take stupid pills?

"You start out in 1954 by saying, “******, ******, ******.” By 1968 you can’t say “******” — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a by-product of them is blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I’m not saying that. But I’m saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “******, ******.” Lee Atwater, Republican strategist, 1981, describing the Southern Strategy

July 26, 1948
Truman signs Executive Order 9981, which states, "It is hereby declared to be the policy of the President that there shall be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed services without regard to race, color, religion, or national origin."

Oct. 1, 1962 "James Meredith becomes the first black student to enroll at the University of Mississippi. Violence and riots surrounding the incident cause President Kennedy to send 5,000 federal troops.

March 22, 1988 "Overriding President Reagan's veto, Congress passes the Civil Rights Restoration Act, which expands the reach of non-discrimination laws within private institutions receiving federal funds."

Nov. 22, 1991
"After two years of debates, vetoes, and threatened vetoes, President Bush reverses himself and signs the Civil Rights Act of 1991, strengthening existing civil rights laws and providing for damages in cases of intentional employment discrimination." Civil Rights Movement Timeline (14th Amendment, 1964 Act, Human Rights Law) |
You, Poet, continue to use the language of a diseased mind, violent and foul. Your performance "there" must be reflected in the inanity of your peformance "here", so no one is too overly impressed with your artistic spirit or competency. It seems you have reached your level of competence in the self-imposted duty of grammar police guy: no grammar for you! :lol: You are not qualified for anything else.

An aside: McKay, a super racist himself, would kick your ass here for being so oreo with the board.
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So where is this a plight on Black America or Hispanic America? Do you even know what this says? Read it, you posted it, you're so blind it's scary...

This only strengthens the truth, the Democrats have used minority's for their own gains, when and if they ever figure this out, it will ruin the DNC once and for all...

Are you calling minorities stupid? Unintelligent enough to not be able to figure something out that you say is blatantly obvious?

Yeah, that'll win them over.

So it's obvious you didn't read it either...

Where is it that you get stupid from?

You must be looking in the mirror to come to that conclusion, or better yet you believe the DNC has minorities best interest at heart...

Didn't your mother teach you any common sense, or was stupid the first thing she taught you?

Obviously stupid stuck...
You, Poet, continue to use the language of a diseased mind, violent and foul. Your performance "there" must be reflected in the inanity of your peformance "here", so no one is too overly impressed with your artistic spirit or competency. It seems you have reached your level of competence in the self-imposted duty of grammar police guy: no grammar for you! :lol: You are not qualified for anything else.

An aside: McKay, a super racist himself, would kick your ass here for being so oreo with the board.

I'm done. You're "toast". Ifn you can't spell, you certainly can't rationalize. You continue to speculate and reach a conclusion on things you have no knowledge of. Sign of a fool.
Babble on...I won't be responding to your nonsense any further, except maybe to "chuckle". As Mistah's father told Celie, in The Color Purple, "You has my sympathy..." (you, being so mentally challenged and all). Adios.
So where is this a plight on Black America or Hispanic America? Do you even know what this says? Read it, you posted it, you're so blind it's scary...

This only strengthens the truth, the Democrats have used minority's for their own gains, when and if they ever figure this out, it will ruin the DNC once and for all...

Are you calling minorities stupid? Unintelligent enough to not be able to figure something out that you say is blatantly obvious?

Yeah, that'll win them over.

So it's obvious you didn't read it either...

Where is it that you get stupid from?

You must be looking in the mirror to come to that conclusion, or better yet you believe the DNC has minorities best interest at heart...

Didn't your mother teach you any common sense, or was stupid the first thing she taught you?

Obviously stupid stuck...

Uh, more so than the RNC. Sorry.
.the democrats didnt support shit in the 50s, hell LBJ watered down the 1957 Civil Rights bill so the racists in the party wouldnt cause shit...he's a trojan horse, and you people fell for that crap

L'il fella, stfu. We are talking about the sixties (1964, 1965). The Civil Rights and Voting acts of 1964 and 1965 was a Dem-led and GOP-supported action. The votes support that view.

The only revisionism is located in puss pocket racist brains today.

Put down the bong. I just proved Wallace and Faubus were two huge segregationists that were Dem.

Get over yourself.


They try to forget that Wallace, Byrd and LBJ existed...
L'il fella, stfu. We are talking about the sixties (1964, 1965). The Civil Rights and Voting acts of 1964 and 1965 was a Dem-led and GOP-supported action. The votes support that view.

The only revisionism is located in puss pocket racist brains today.

Put down the bong. I just proved Wallace and Faubus were two huge segregationists that were Dem.

Get over yourself.


They try to forget that Wallace, Byrd and LBJ existed...

They? LBJ? No, trying to figure out why you exist, actually.
Shut up nigga, as I said you would have PAID to have Justice Thomas' pubes all over your face.

WTF? Why would you fucking say it at all? You're one of those racist fucks that just has to say it, aren't you? I'm all for interracial dating and marriage. I'm in an interracial marriage. I have interracial marriages in my family. WTF?

you just said that Thomas has a white trophy wife. Why say that then?
and no I dont have to say it, man you have some obsession over a word, you need to get that checked into, it's pathological.

Clarence Thomas, whose hearing for his admittance to the Supreme Court, was delayed and "tainted" by his predatory nature, as a "sexual harasser"...of a "black woman", yet he was married to a white woman...obviously, "a trophy wife", in the same sense as O.J. Simpson, who felt the need to go outside of his race, after being married to a black woman, who bore him 3 children.
And you're a liar. You made such a big deal over being so cavalier with the word, and wondered what was my objection to it, since "blacks say it to blacks" all the time, right? No, Buckie, what is pathological is your need to be so "flip" and "cavalier" with the absolute worst word in the English lexicon. It's my mission to call any whites out on it, who use the word, as if it were nothing. I wish there was a word equal that I could call you in return...sadly, there is not. You're a vile racist piece of shit and trailer trash.
Shut up nigga, as I said you would have PAID to have Justice Thomas' pubes all over your face.

you just said that Thomas has a white trophy wife. Why say that then?
and no I dont have to say it, man you have some obsession over a word, you need to get that checked into, it's pathological.

Clarence Thomas, whose hearing for his admittance to the Supreme Court, was delayed and "tainted" by his predatory nature, as a "sexual harasser"...of a "black woman", yet he was married to a white woman...obviously, "a trophy wife", in the same sense as O.J. Simpson, who felt the need to go outside of his race, after being married to a black woman, who bore him 3 children.
And you're a liar. You made such a big deal over being so cavalier with the word, and wondered what was my objection to it, since "blacks say it to blacks" all the time, right? No, Buckie, what is pathological is your need to be so "flip" and "cavalier" with the absolute worst word in the English lexicon. It's my mission to call any whites out on it, who use the word, as if it were nothing. I wish there was a word equal that I could call you in return...sadly, there is not. You're a vile racist piece of shit and trailer trash.

It's sad when white people just don't get it.
You are right it is.

I take the niggas game and play it better than he does, he can't stand it when he can't beat a whitey into submission so he puts them on ignore, or pretends to so he can hide.

Shut up nigga, as I said you would have PAID to have Justice Thomas' pubes all over your face.

Clarence Thomas, whose hearing for his admittance to the Supreme Court, was delayed and "tainted" by his predatory nature, as a "sexual harasser"...of a "black woman", yet he was married to a white woman...obviously, "a trophy wife", in the same sense as O.J. Simpson, who felt the need to go outside of his race, after being married to a black woman, who bore him 3 children.
And you're a liar. You made such a big deal over being so cavalier with the word, and wondered what was my objection to it, since "blacks say it to blacks" all the time, right? No, Buckie, what is pathological is your need to be so "flip" and "cavalier" with the absolute worst word in the English lexicon. It's my mission to call any whites out on it, who use the word, as if it were nothing. I wish there was a word equal that I could call you in return...sadly, there is not. You're a vile racist piece of shit and trailer trash.

It's sad when white people just don't get it.
You are right it is.

I take the niggas game and play it better than he does, he can't stand it when he can't beat a whitey into submission so he puts them on ignore, or pretends to so he can hide.

Shut up nigga, as I said you would have PAID to have Justice Thomas' pubes all over your face.

It's sad when white people just don't get it.

Why do you call black people *******?

I hope your fellow conservatives see what you are, instead of sweeping your racism under the rug and pretending it doesn't exist.
You are right it is.

I take the niggas game and play it better than he does, he can't stand it when he can't beat a whitey into submission so he puts them on ignore, or pretends to so he can hide.

Shut up nigga, as I said you would have PAID to have Justice Thomas' pubes all over your face.

It's sad when white people just don't get it.

From one white person to another, you are one sad dumb racist piece of shit.
Shut up nigga, as I said you would have PAID to have Justice Thomas' pubes all over your face.

Clarence Thomas, whose hearing for his admittance to the Supreme Court, was delayed and "tainted" by his predatory nature, as a "sexual harasser"...of a "black woman", yet he was married to a white woman...obviously, "a trophy wife", in the same sense as O.J. Simpson, who felt the need to go outside of his race, after being married to a black woman, who bore him 3 children.
And you're a liar. You made such a big deal over being so cavalier with the word, and wondered what was my objection to it, since "blacks say it to blacks" all the time, right? No, Buckie, what is pathological is your need to be so "flip" and "cavalier" with the absolute worst word in the English lexicon. It's my mission to call any whites out on it, who use the word, as if it were nothing. I wish there was a word equal that I could call you in return...sadly, there is not. You're a vile racist piece of shit and trailer trash.

It's sad when white people just don't get it.

And sadder when they think I answer to the n-word. How pathetic must one be to be reduced to racial epithets? It's white people playing the victim role....and they know who they are.
The same reason Poet waltzes into a thread and starts claiming whitey is racist ;)

Thats it......and by the way, a nigga (like poet) tries to leverage his "blackness" as a weapon to get his way.....he/they are weak and cowardly and will try and use EVERYTHING they can to beat an opponent into submission with thir accusations and innuendoes.

I took his game and beat the fuck out of him with now he claims to have me on ignore ;)


You are right it is.

I take the niggas game and play it better than he does, he can't stand it when he can't beat a whitey into submission so he puts them on ignore, or pretends to so he can hide.

It's sad when white people just don't get it.

Why do you call black people *******?

I hope your fellow conservatives see what you are, instead of sweeping your racism under the rug and pretending it doesn't exist.
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You, Poet, continue to use the language of a diseased mind, violent and foul. Your performance "there" must be reflected in the inanity of your peformance "here", so no one is too overly impressed with your artistic spirit or competency. It seems you have reached your level of competence in the self-imposted duty of grammar police guy: no grammar for you! :lol: You are not qualified for anything else.

An aside: McKay, a super racist himself, would kick your ass here for being so oreo with the board.

I'm done. You're "toast". Ifn you can't spell, you certainly can't rationalize. You continue to speculate and reach a conclusion on things you have no knowledge of. Sign of a fool.
Babble on...I won't be responding to your nonsense any further, except maybe to "chuckle". As Mistah's father told Celie, in The Color Purple, "You has my sympathy..." (you, being so mentally challenged and all). Adios.
I'm do you expect to chuckle at his posts while he is on your ignore list? Surely you don't sneak peaks at the posts of those you have shut out of your realm of engagement for fear of being trounced in verbal fisticuffs!

poet's Ignore List
007 Againsheila Amelia American First American_Jihad Anitabeme AsheedMidrarwz Bigfoot bigrebnc1775 boedicca BorisTheAnimal bripat9643 buckeye45_73 Colin deltex1 eflatminor Ernie S. Freewill GHook93 Grace Gracie Grampa Murked U Harry Dresden Icare IlarMeilyr ima JBeukema Jeremiah JimBowie1958 JWBooth kwc57 laughinReaper logical4u LogikAndReazon Lonestar_logic mal Matthew MeBelle60 MondoBongo NLT Oddball Papageorgio percysunshine Publius1787 Rat in the Hat Redfish Ringel05 Roo S.J. Samson saveliberty Shogun sitarro squeeze berry Sunni Man Sunshine Swagger syrenn TakeAStepBack Tank TemplarKormac TheGreatGatsby thereisnospoon tinydancer tjvh Uncensored2008 Unkotare Wicked Jester WillowTree Wolfsister77 yidnar Yurt Zoom-boing
"Reactionaries, like buckeye (racist) and TemplarKormac (uneducated), make it easy to show their silliness"- Jake Starkey "Speedshooter, STFU you dumb arse! ." -JQPublic1
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WTF? Go back and re-read the nonsense you just wrote. I don't even have counter as everyone can see the weakness in your ridiculous position.

Can't handle a solid inspection by an outsider of your imperfections. That's obvious.

You are a closet racist and snob. You wouldn't last 15 minutes in a stand-up dialogue with an opponent on a college campus or bookstore platform. One, your philsophical positions are indefensible, and, two, emotionally, you are so shallow and immature.

An aside: I bet you don't even read Langston Hughes or Claude McKay competently out loud to an audience.
I'm a racist, because I disagree with your view of black people???? LOL
You don't know me, or what I'm capable of....but you do, however, know I'm more than capable of handily handling mental midgets like you. And you pegged me correct by labeling me "a snob", as I am, in spades....and especially, in the close proximity of conservatives.
And fyi, I gave a performance , specifically reading from Langston Hughes, in concert with Kenneth Gayle and Rodney Waters, at The Heinen Theater, two years ago. Google them, retarded bitch.

First of all, you are racist because you hate white people. Second, are you threatening him? You're giving quite a performance right now, poet, you are making a giant ass of yourself as we speak. I mean, coming from a guy who says he has an ignore list but doesn't use it, calls people racist if they aren't a Democrat, and gloats about his achievements in front of people who probably don't give two flying fucks about them.
The same reason Poet waltzes into a thread and starts claiming whitey is racist ;)

Thats it......and by the way, a nigga (like poet) tries to leverage his "blackness" as a weapon to get his way.....he/they are weak and cowardly and will try and use EVERYTHING they can to beat an opponent into submission with thir accusations and innuendoes.

I took his game and beat the fuck out of him with now he claims to have me on ignore ;)


You are right it is.

I take the niggas game and play it better than he does, he can't stand it when he can't beat a whitey into submission so he puts them on ignore, or pretends to so he can hide.

Why do you call black people *******?

I hope your fellow conservatives see what you are, instead of sweeping your racism under the rug and pretending it doesn't exist.

You don't think it's wrong that you call black people *******?

Does ANY conservative on this board think it's wrong that he's calling black people *******?

Oh right, they like to pretend racism doesn't exist... they like to pretend people don't call black people ******* in this day and age.

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