Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

Whitey also fucked over Mexicans.


The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright

They also fucked over Haiti.
The Failure of the American Occupation of Haiti, 1915-1934

“Primitive African Peasants”

American officials who entered Haiti in 1915 came with preconceived ideas about the African race and its capacity for self-government.[18] In addition to skewed racial perceptions[19], the Americans also arrived believing that their role was, among other things, to teach a recalcitrant child nation to behave like a mature, democratic nation. Americans believed the Haitians to be “primitive African peasants” to whom they had a “duty to develop their political capacity,”[20] and whom they would teach to govern so that Haiti would “be fit to enter the family of nations.”[21] Smedley Butler, Colonel at the time, explained how the Marines saw themselves as “the trustees of a huge estate that belonged to minors”[22]. With such a mind-set, the United States “set out to spread the blessings of a stable government of law”[23] in Haiti.

A sovereign nation, mind you.


Black History
François-Dominique Toussaint Louverture, also Toussaint Bréda, Toussaint-Louverture, or Toussaint L'ouverture (20 May 1743 – 7 April 1803), was the leader of the Haitian Revolution. His military genius and political acumen led to the establishment of the independent black state of Haiti, transforming an entire society of slaves into a free, self-governing people.[1] The success of the Haitian Revolution shook the institution of slavery throughout the New World.[2]

Toussaint Louverture began his military career as a leader of the 1791 slave rebellion in the French colony of Saint Domingue. Initially allied with the Spaniards of neighboring Santo Domingo, Toussaint switched allegiance to the French when they abolished slavery. He gradually established control over the whole island, expelled British invaders and used political and military tactics to gain dominance over his rivals. Throughout his years in power, he worked to improve the economy and security of Saint Domingue. He restored the plantation system using paid labour, negotiated trade treaties with Britain and the United States and maintained a large and well-disciplined army.[3]

In 1801 he promulgated an autonomist constitution for the colony, with himself as governor for life. In 1802 he was forced to resign by forces sent by Napoleon Bonaparte to restore French authority in the former colony. He was deported to France, where he died in 1803. The Haitian Revolution continued under his lieutenant, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, who declared independence in 1804

You mean the idiot that destroyed the jewel of the Caribbean and slaughtered thousands of innocent whites? No matter if they were children? One of the reasons that the place is such a shit hole it is today.

This dumb ass couldn't even hold onto the entire island either as it fall into civil war not long afterwards. LOL

What do you have to say for yourselves?

Right. And Thomas Jefferson had the island blockaded along with European allies, to starve the Haitians into submission, but they never submitted, and became impoverished, even unto today, it remains the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. White hate and contempt at its' extreme.
See that's classic liberal argurment strategy, It;s the conservatives that created projects? its the conservatives that passed liberal legislation that killed the black family....these people are delusional!

Killed the black family? Where? Black families are alive and well, today. And meantime, white serial killers and mass murderers shoot up theaters and school campuses.

Every last one of the top 10 most violent places in this country are all black. Blacks blowing their brothers away.

How's it going. :cuckoo:

Really, where is the link for that ridiculous claim? Because I can't take your word for anything
They also fucked over Haiti.
The Failure of the American Occupation of Haiti, 1915-1934

“Primitive African Peasants”

American officials who entered Haiti in 1915 came with preconceived ideas about the African race and its capacity for self-government.[18] In addition to skewed racial perceptions[19], the Americans also arrived believing that their role was, among other things, to teach a recalcitrant child nation to behave like a mature, democratic nation. Americans believed the Haitians to be “primitive African peasants” to whom they had a “duty to develop their political capacity,”[20] and whom they would teach to govern so that Haiti would “be fit to enter the family of nations.”[21] Smedley Butler, Colonel at the time, explained how the Marines saw themselves as “the trustees of a huge estate that belonged to minors”[22]. With such a mind-set, the United States “set out to spread the blessings of a stable government of law”[23] in Haiti.

A sovereign nation, mind you.


Black History
François-Dominique Toussaint Louverture, also Toussaint Bréda, Toussaint-Louverture, or Toussaint L'ouverture (20 May 1743 – 7 April 1803), was the leader of the Haitian Revolution. His military genius and political acumen led to the establishment of the independent black state of Haiti, transforming an entire society of slaves into a free, self-governing people.[1] The success of the Haitian Revolution shook the institution of slavery throughout the New World.[2]

Toussaint Louverture began his military career as a leader of the 1791 slave rebellion in the French colony of Saint Domingue. Initially allied with the Spaniards of neighboring Santo Domingo, Toussaint switched allegiance to the French when they abolished slavery. He gradually established control over the whole island, expelled British invaders and used political and military tactics to gain dominance over his rivals. Throughout his years in power, he worked to improve the economy and security of Saint Domingue. He restored the plantation system using paid labour, negotiated trade treaties with Britain and the United States and maintained a large and well-disciplined army.[3]

In 1801 he promulgated an autonomist constitution for the colony, with himself as governor for life. In 1802 he was forced to resign by forces sent by Napoleon Bonaparte to restore French authority in the former colony. He was deported to France, where he died in 1803. The Haitian Revolution continued under his lieutenant, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, who declared independence in 1804

You mean the idiot that destroyed the jewel of the Caribbean and slaughtered thousands of innocent whites? No matter if they were children? One of the reasons that the place is such a shit hole it is today.

This dumb ass couldn't even hold onto the entire island either as it fall into civil war not long afterwards. LOL

What do you have to say for yourselves?

Right. And Thomas Jefferson had the island blockaded along with European allies, to starve the Haitians into submission, but they never submitted, and became impoverished, even unto today, it remains the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. White hate and contempt at its' extreme.

Lol blaming people dead 200 years for the Marxist hellhole that is Haiti


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May I do it in sentences instead sentances?

Here is the real modern history of the Democratic Party, starting in the 30's.

1. The party of FDR was a left/right coalition party divided generally by region; the north was dominated by liberal Democrats, the south was dominated by conservative democrats.

2. the southern conservative democrats were segregationist, and the northern liberals were not, but because the two factions had common interests in other areas, they were able to maintain the coalition.

3. During the FDR years, one of the important reasons the Democratic coalition held together was that the northern liberal faction, despite their anti-segregationist/pro-civil rights views,

did not press those issues. In short, they were giving the southern Democrats a pass, for the sake of the coalition and the political power that came with it. Remember FDR's dominance for multiple terms? That came about partly because of the strength of the coalition.

4. In the postwar late 40's, when Truman became president, the coalition began to break down. Truman began to push for civil rights, as did the northern liberals. Truman integrated the military; the liberals put civil rights planks in the Democratic platform.

5. In the South, the Democrats reacted most noticeably when many of them broke away into the so-called Dixiecrat Party. That was the first big crack in the coalition described above.

6. The coalition was never fully repaired. Eisenhower won Virginia, Florida, and Texas in 1952, and added Louisiana in 1956, Kennedy and Nixon essentially split the South in 1960.

Do you want me to go on?

Love the selective history; Let me make it as simple as possible for you ok? The party of slavery the Democratic Party. The anti-slavery party the Republican Party and that still stands today accept for the fake conservative Republicans who conspire with the Democrats. Today’s Conservatism stands for individual liberty, todays liberals stand for slavery and forced submission to the all-powerful federal government...and the liberal Icon FDR was a racist against blacks and he interned American citizen......You’re welcome

You're an idiot, and probably proud of it.

It was the all powerful federal government that ended slavery. Not the states rightsers.

The all-powerful federal government the Supreme court Dred Scott decision with the fugitive slave act in essence would have spread slavery you idiot .it was the civil war that ended slavery lead by the Abraham Lincoln and the Republicans gets your facts straight
I hear of Liberal Democrats championing the causes of racial and gender equality in America today, while admirable, they have ignored their own history. Now, for a little history lesson. Let's do a little research shall we? Let us see who has been more detrimental to the causes of equality. Pay attention students, there will be a quiz at the end of this essay!

During the 1860s, Southern Democrats continually advocated the use of slavery. It took a Republican to slay these racial demons with the 13th Amendment. A major advocate of this being Frederick Douglass, a black Republican abolitionist, diplomat and former slave from Maryland.

During Antebellum, racial equality was continually hampered even after the 13th Amendment's passage; by Democrats who were taking ever increasing majorities in local, state and federal offices, especially during the 1880's. This eventually led to the instatement the Jim Crow laws. In 1875, attempts were made by Republicans to break Jim Crow, it was however, thwarted by Democrats. It was during this time the Democratic Party gave birth to the KKK.

For nearly a century, Jim Crow ruled over the land with an iron fist. Nary a black man anywhere could be treated equally, because of the racial hatred of the Democratic Party. These laws were finally ended by the Supreme Court Decision of 1954, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. Ironically, in 1963, it was Democrats who launched major opposition to the Equal Pay Act, which effectively ended the gender pay disparity in the workplace.

In 1964, Democrats were once again fighting to stop racial equality in the states. They fought tooth and nail against the Civil Rights act of 1964, with a former Klansman leading the charge. As a Democratic Senator Richard Russell from Georgia put it: "We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states."

Then there was the famous Democratic Senator Strom Thurmond from South Carolina who was even moreso candid than Russell in his opposition, stating that "This so-called Civil Rights Proposals, which the President has sent to Capitol Hill for enactment into law, are unconstitutional, unnecessary, unwise and extend beyond the realm of reason. This is the worst civil-rights package ever presented to the Congress and is reminiscent of the Reconstruction proposals and actions of the radical Republican Congress."

For 57 days they filibustered the bill, until Senator Everett Dirksen (R-IL) shamed them into relenting. The Bill was signed into law by Lyndon Johnson in the Summer of 1964. The next year, the same Congress passed the Voting Rights Act.

Not long after that, Southern Democrats began defecting to the Republican Party, after the Democratic Party had shifted its focus towards its more moderate voting bloc to the north, and thusly polluting it for generations to come with their racial pragmatism.

Where were Democrats? I thought they claimed to be the party of equality? Yet history is riddled with examples of their racial hatred towards African Americans. It's sad in a way to think how they have warped and twisted their minds into believing the current platforms in place today, kept ignorant of the history that precedes the Democratic Party.

Here's my question, which party has stood for equality over the past 150 years? How does this meld with the current platforms Liberal Democrats advocate today? I leave that for you to decide.

When you have to dig into the past and bring up policies and people that are long dead to argue against....doesn't say much for your side, does it? :eusa_eh:
I hear of Liberal Democrats championing the causes of racial and gender equality in America today, while admirable, they have ignored their own history. Now, for a little history lesson. Let's do a little research shall we? Let us see who has been more detrimental to the causes of equality. Pay attention students, there will be a quiz at the end of this essay!

During the 1860s, Southern Democrats continually advocated the use of slavery. It took a Republican to slay these racial demons with the 13th Amendment. A major advocate of this being Frederick Douglass, a black Republican abolitionist, diplomat and former slave from Maryland.

During Antebellum, racial equality was continually hampered even after the 13th Amendment's passage; by Democrats who were taking ever increasing majorities in local, state and federal offices, especially during the 1880's. This eventually led to the instatement the Jim Crow laws. In 1875, attempts were made by Republicans to break Jim Crow, it was however, thwarted by Democrats. It was during this time the Democratic Party gave birth to the KKK.

For nearly a century, Jim Crow ruled over the land with an iron fist. Nary a black man anywhere could be treated equally, because of the racial hatred of the Democratic Party. These laws were finally ended by the Supreme Court Decision of 1954, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. Ironically, in 1963, it was Democrats who launched major opposition to the Equal Pay Act, which effectively ended the gender pay disparity in the workplace.

In 1964, Democrats were once again fighting to stop racial equality in the states. They fought tooth and nail against the Civil Rights act of 1964, with a former Klansman leading the charge. As a Democratic Senator Richard Russell from Georgia put it: "We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states."

Then there was the famous Democratic Senator Strom Thurmond from South Carolina who was even moreso candid than Russell in his opposition, stating that "This so-called Civil Rights Proposals, which the President has sent to Capitol Hill for enactment into law, are unconstitutional, unnecessary, unwise and extend beyond the realm of reason. This is the worst civil-rights package ever presented to the Congress and is reminiscent of the Reconstruction proposals and actions of the radical Republican Congress."

For 57 days they filibustered the bill, until Senator Everett Dirksen (R-IL) shamed them into relenting. The Bill was signed into law by Lyndon Johnson in the Summer of 1964. The next year, the same Congress passed the Voting Rights Act.

Not long after that, Southern Democrats began defecting to the Republican Party, after the Democratic Party had shifted its focus towards its more moderate voting bloc to the north, and thusly polluting it for generations to come with their racial pragmatism.

Where were Democrats? I thought they claimed to be the party of equality? Yet history is riddled with examples of their racial hatred towards African Americans. It's sad in a way to think how they have warped and twisted their minds into believing the current platforms in place today, kept ignorant of the history that precedes the Democratic Party.

Here's my question, which party has stood for equality over the past 150 years? How does this meld with the current platforms Liberal Democrats advocate today? I leave that for you to decide.

When you have to dig into the past and bring up policies and people that are long dead to argue against....doesn't say much for your side, does it? :eusa_eh:

Was that it? Was that all you came here to do? Troll my OP? These things are nowhere close to dead. Do you not see the racism that goes on around here lately? Somehow its bad to be a white guy to a Liberal, and most of them are white. If you're black, and you vote Democrat, you're cool. If you're black and vote for a Republican, you are a ******, an Uncle Tom, a traitor to his own kind.

So tell me, how is racism dead in this country? And um, what point are you trying to make? :confused:
The lies are being posted more and more frequently, but there are no new lies, just the same old ones regurgitated ad infinitum.

What the wingnuts don't realize is that fewer and fewer people buy into their dishonest propaganda, and the ones that do aren't quality citizens.

And how is your propaganda any different than ours, miss? You folks spout just as many lies, but you have cleverly disguised them as to appeal to the public. God help you and your party when they discover this treachery.

Actually that's not true. And you know it.

Your silly conspiracy theory posting style proves you don't have a leg to stand on.

And yours is a false god. The real gods will have a field day with you and your ilk.
They also fucked over Haiti.
The Failure of the American Occupation of Haiti, 1915-1934

“Primitive African Peasants”

American officials who entered Haiti in 1915 came with preconceived ideas about the African race and its capacity for self-government.[18] In addition to skewed racial perceptions[19], the Americans also arrived believing that their role was, among other things, to teach a recalcitrant child nation to behave like a mature, democratic nation. Americans believed the Haitians to be “primitive African peasants” to whom they had a “duty to develop their political capacity,”[20] and whom they would teach to govern so that Haiti would “be fit to enter the family of nations.”[21] Smedley Butler, Colonel at the time, explained how the Marines saw themselves as “the trustees of a huge estate that belonged to minors”[22]. With such a mind-set, the United States “set out to spread the blessings of a stable government of law”[23] in Haiti.

A sovereign nation, mind you.


Black History
François-Dominique Toussaint Louverture, also Toussaint Bréda, Toussaint-Louverture, or Toussaint L'ouverture (20 May 1743 – 7 April 1803), was the leader of the Haitian Revolution. His military genius and political acumen led to the establishment of the independent black state of Haiti, transforming an entire society of slaves into a free, self-governing people.[1] The success of the Haitian Revolution shook the institution of slavery throughout the New World.[2]

Toussaint Louverture began his military career as a leader of the 1791 slave rebellion in the French colony of Saint Domingue. Initially allied with the Spaniards of neighboring Santo Domingo, Toussaint switched allegiance to the French when they abolished slavery. He gradually established control over the whole island, expelled British invaders and used political and military tactics to gain dominance over his rivals. Throughout his years in power, he worked to improve the economy and security of Saint Domingue. He restored the plantation system using paid labour, negotiated trade treaties with Britain and the United States and maintained a large and well-disciplined army.[3]

In 1801 he promulgated an autonomist constitution for the colony, with himself as governor for life. In 1802 he was forced to resign by forces sent by Napoleon Bonaparte to restore French authority in the former colony. He was deported to France, where he died in 1803. The Haitian Revolution continued under his lieutenant, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, who declared independence in 1804

You mean the idiot that destroyed the jewel of the Caribbean and slaughtered thousands of innocent whites? No matter if they were children? One of the reasons that the place is such a shit hole it is today.

This dumb ass couldn't even hold onto the entire island either as it fall into civil war not long afterwards. LOL

What do you have to say for yourselves?

Right. And Thomas Jefferson had the island blockaded along with European allies, to starve the Haitians into submission, but they never submitted, and became impoverished, even unto today, it remains the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. White hate and contempt at its' extreme.

OMG all you have are excuses...Whitey did this, whitey did that....Haiti sucks because the people there, who have had what 200 years to recover from TJ, have done nothing...
Killed the black family? Where? Black families are alive and well, today. And meantime, white serial killers and mass murderers shoot up theaters and school campuses.

Every last one of the top 10 most violent places in this country are all black. Blacks blowing their brothers away.

How's it going. :cuckoo:

Really, where is the link for that ridiculous claim? Because I can't take your word for anything

Well name the top 10 most crime filled cities...
7. Baltimore - The 10 Most Dangerous U.S. Cities - Forbes

Flint, MI
Memphis (hometown bitches.....Yo Yo)
Birmingham(that kinda shocked me)
Stockton, CA

All are liberal paradises, all that govt money and those people live in shit.....look you can keep voting democrats and getting the same results, or you can try something new
Tim Scott - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Scott is the first African-American senator from the state of South Carolina and the first from the South since 1881

Dam, the first black senator from South Carolina ever.......
the first from the south since 1881
I wonder what party they were?

Yep those dixiecrats went right into the republican party and voted themselves a black senator!!!!!!!!!!!
Black pols stymied in Obama era - Jonathan Martin -

The situation is particularly embarrassing for Democrats, to whom black voters give the vast majority of their support. Until Sen. Mo Cowan (D-Mass.) was appointed in February, the only African-American in the Senate was a Republican — Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina And it’s not lost on high-profile Democrats that the GOP now enjoys more ethnic diversity among its statewide leaders than the party whose president is both an illustration and a beneficiary of America’s changing face.

Hmmmm, now that's interesting....dam, where did Jim Crow go??????????

The GOP with no minority support has more minorities than democrats......LOLOLOLOL

Again the republicans are about results, the democrats talk and government bullshit
You mean the idiot that destroyed the jewel of the Caribbean and slaughtered thousands of innocent whites? No matter if they were children? One of the reasons that the place is such a shit hole it is today.

This dumb ass couldn't even hold onto the entire island either as it fall into civil war not long afterwards. LOL

What do you have to say for yourselves?

Right. And Thomas Jefferson had the island blockaded along with European allies, to starve the Haitians into submission, but they never submitted, and became impoverished, even unto today, it remains the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. White hate and contempt at its' extreme.

OMG all you have are excuses...Whitey did this, whitey did that....Haiti sucks because the people there, who have had what 200 years to recover from TJ, have done nothing...

Are you serious? Did you not read my initial link concerning Haiti? The US along with Europe were determined to make Haiti pay for the outrage of African "slaves" defeating the French, and declaring their colony a sovereign nation, lest rebellion and revolution spread to the States and throughout the Caribbean and South America, completely fucking up their commerce and the slave trade. They collectively impoverished the nation, and isolated them from the rest of the world.....until the 1915 occupation by US troops who, bringing a Jim Crow mindset, returned the Haitians to essential "slavery" and injustice. The documentation of it is readily available via Google.
Haiti doesn't "suck". People don't "suck"....except for the dregs of society- racists, bigots, murderers, molesters, rapists, and the like. White people, who are inherently "evil" and racist made Haiti what has become....the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere.
why are you continuing to use racial pejoratives? Oh, yeah, that's right....because you're actually a racist.
Killed the black family? Where? Black families are alive and well, today. And meantime, white serial killers and mass murderers shoot up theaters and school campuses.

Every last one of the top 10 most violent places in this country are all black. Blacks blowing their brothers away.

How's it going. :cuckoo:

Really, where is the link for that ridiculous claim? Because I can't take your word for anything

says the one who has him on ignore
You mean the idiot that destroyed the jewel of the Caribbean and slaughtered thousands of innocent whites? No matter if they were children? One of the reasons that the place is such a shit hole it is today.

This dumb ass couldn't even hold onto the entire island either as it fall into civil war not long afterwards. LOL

What do you have to say for yourselves?

Right. And Thomas Jefferson had the island blockaded along with European allies, to starve the Haitians into submission, but they never submitted, and became impoverished, even unto today, it remains the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. White hate and contempt at its' extreme.

OMG all you have are excuses...Whitey did this, whitey did that....Haiti sucks because the people there, who have had what 200 years to recover from TJ, have done nothing...


Blacks allow 80% of there population throughout Africa to starve without so much as trying to improve. Their leaders take the wealth of their nations and simply don't give a damn in many cases about the people.

Within our inner-cities the same damn cycle happens. What blacks need to do is give up the blame game and start working to improve their own "area's"/communities; Police your streets, open your stores and raise your children.

How hard is it? Do you really have to keep blaming white people? Sure, whites mistreated blacks and used you, but now you need help yourselves. Blacks need to simply open up schools, businesses and work for improvement instead of allowing themselves to fall to such low levels.
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Every last one of the top 10 most violent places in this country are all black. Blacks blowing their brothers away.

How's it going. :cuckoo:

Really, where is the link for that ridiculous claim? Because I can't take your word for anything

says the one who has him on ignore

I posted a list of the US cities with the highest per capita murder rates and their population percentages of whites, blacks and Hispanics, along with the political party of their mayors. In every case, whites were under represented and minorities were over represented.
In 8 of the 10 cities, the Mayor was a Democrat, in one, a member of the Green Party and in only one, the Mayor was a Republican. (former Democrat)

But po it doesn't believe statistics from the FBI, US Commerce Department, The Center for Disease Control, because they are all racists despite all being Executive Branch entities.
Po it sees everything as racism and uses it as a crutch, an excuse for his mediocre life.
White people, who are inherently "evil" and racist made Haiti what has become....the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere.
why are you continuing to use racial pejoratives? Oh, yeah, that's right....because you're actually a racist.

Whereas YOU are both a racist and a shameless fucking hypocrite.
White people, who are inherently "evil" and racist made Haiti what has become....the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere.
why are you continuing to use racial pejoratives? Oh, yeah, that's right....because you're actually a racist.

Whereas YOU are both a racist and a shameless fucking hypocrite.

And your bitch ass is a white dog. We are our avatars, and they are us.
Sticks and stones, bitch. I don't listen to racist white mf'ers. I certainly am not in the habit of taking their word for anything. Less about how it relates to moi.
Right. And Thomas Jefferson had the island blockaded along with European allies, to starve the Haitians into submission, but they never submitted, and became impoverished, even unto today, it remains the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. White hate and contempt at its' extreme.

OMG all you have are excuses...Whitey did this, whitey did that....Haiti sucks because the people there, who have had what 200 years to recover from TJ, have done nothing...

Are you serious? Did you not read my initial link concerning Haiti? The US along with Europe were determined to make Haiti pay for the outrage of African "slaves" defeating the French, and declaring their colony a sovereign nation, lest rebellion and revolution spread to the States and throughout the Caribbean and South America, completely fucking up their commerce and the slave trade. They collectively impoverished the nation, and isolated them from the rest of the world.....until the 1915 occupation by US troops who, bringing a Jim Crow mindset, returned the Haitians to essential "slavery" and injustice. The documentation of it is readily available via Google.
Haiti doesn't "suck". People don't "suck"....except for the dregs of society- racists, bigots, murderers, molesters, rapists, and the like. White people, who are inherently "evil" and racist made Haiti what has become....the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere.
why are you continuing to use racial pejoratives? Oh, yeah, that's right....because you're actually a racist.

OMG when I listend to Rush Limbaugh and he talked about some radicals, I thought he was making it up.....thanks for proving him right

OMG you are a clueless idiot......yeah look at one word a person says, dont worry about what they do or the fullcontext of what they just pick out one word, so you can justify not having to engage them or listen to their you're a bright fellow.......

So someone could lynch blacks, but as long as they dont say the nword, you're ok with that...nice..
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