Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

Really, where is the link for that ridiculous claim? Because I can't take your word for anything

says the one who has him on ignore

I posted a list of the US cities with the highest per capita murder rates and their population percentages of whites, blacks and Hispanics, along with the political party of their mayors. In every case, whites were under represented and minorities were over represented.
In 8 of the 10 cities, the Mayor was a Democrat, in one, a member of the Green Party and in only one, the Mayor was a Republican. (former Democrat)

But po it doesn't believe statistics from the FBI, US Commerce Department, The Center for Disease Control, because they are all racists despite all being Executive Branch entities.
Po it sees everything as racism and uses it as a crutch, an excuse for his mediocre life.

I don't think Poet believes in civilization. This is the problem with these idiots. They really don't believe in crime stat's or economics.
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They explained that....are all liberals stupid?
Reservations suck, it's a tough lesson, assimilate or move on.
Indians were not the pefect people you think they were, they were just like any other human. So lets not put them up on a pedastal.

Reservations suck? You're right...............but only because they were put there while the rest of the land was stolen from them.'re right......................Native Americans weren't exactly perfect, but I can tell you that they were a lot more "civilized" than the Europeans that killed them off.

How do you know, where you there?

The first people to use germ warfare? Europeans who settled here and called themselves Americans. Ever heard of the smallpox blankets?

We don't know if Bouquet actually put the plan into effect, or if so with what result. We do know that a supply of smallpox-infected blankets was available, since the disease had broken out at Fort Pitt some weeks previously. We also know that the following spring smallpox was reported to be raging among the Indians in the vicinity

And...............fwiw...................the Native Americans had a lot more respect for the earth than the Europeans ever thought about. Buffalo used to roam free on these lands and were plentiful, at least.....................until Europeans got a taste for pelts.

Oh environmentalism I'm getting it....

Scalping - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Certain tribes of Native Americans practiced scalping, in some instances up until the end of the 19th century. According to Haines and Steckel (2000), "Probably the most dramatic skeletal example of prehistoric violence in North America comes from the Crow Creek site in central South Dakota. Archaeological excavations revealed about 486 skeletons within a fortification ditch on the periphery of the habitation area. The site represents the Initial Coalescent period and dates to about 1325. P. Willey's analysis revealed that 90% of the individuals had cut marks characteristic of scalping

Well that was before whitey showed up.....

Human sacrifice in Aztec culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Human sacrifice in Maya culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pretty gruesome stuff, stopped by whitey!!!!!! DO realize that it's against the rules to change or write in a bunch of your own crap when quoting another member, right?
White people, who are inherently "evil" and racist made Haiti what has become....the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere.
why are you continuing to use racial pejoratives? Oh, yeah, that's right....because you're actually a racist.

Whereas YOU are both a racist and a shameless fucking hypocrite.

And your bitch ass is a white dog. We are our avatars, and they are us.

You're a racist, a hypocrite, and a hopeless fucking idiot. Nobody but you thinks that about the little picture next to the screen name, you moron.

And NOBODY on this whole damn site has the slightest doubt that you are a rabid fucking racist.
OMG all you have are excuses...Whitey did this, whitey did that....Haiti sucks because the people there, who have had what 200 years to recover from TJ, have done nothing...

Are you serious? Did you not read my initial link concerning Haiti? The US along with Europe were determined to make Haiti pay for the outrage of African "slaves" defeating the French, and declaring their colony a sovereign nation, lest rebellion and revolution spread to the States and throughout the Caribbean and South America, completely fucking up their commerce and the slave trade. They collectively impoverished the nation, and isolated them from the rest of the world.....until the 1915 occupation by US troops who, bringing a Jim Crow mindset, returned the Haitians to essential "slavery" and injustice. The documentation of it is readily available via Google.
Haiti doesn't "suck". People don't "suck"....except for the dregs of society- racists, bigots, murderers, molesters, rapists, and the like. White people, who are inherently "evil" and racist made Haiti what has become....the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere.
why are you continuing to use racial pejoratives? Oh, yeah, that's right....because you're actually a racist.

OMG when I listend to Rush Limbaugh and he talked about some radicals, I thought he was making it up.....thanks for proving him right

OMG you are a clueless idiot......yeah look at one word a person says, dont worry about what they do or the fullcontext of what they just pick out one word, so you can justify not having to engage them or listen to their you're a bright fellow.......

So someone could lynch blacks, but as long as they dont say the nword, you're ok with that...nice..

Absolutely. You picked the absolute wrong word to hang your argument upon. It's regarded as the worst word in the English Lexicon, if by nobody else, but me. So it doesn't really matter what you do, say or think after the fact. It's negated by your use of that one word...if by no one else saying so but me.
And was that an invitation? You plan to lynch some blacks (apparently, not your first time)?
I suggest you try it. Just when I think you can't go any lower, you surprise. You're so free with your racism and hate, is quite stunning.
Whereas YOU are both a racist and a shameless fucking hypocrite.

And your bitch ass is a white dog. We are our avatars, and they are us.

You're a racist, a hypocrite, and a hopeless fucking idiot. Nobody but you thinks that about the little picture next to the screen name, you moron.

And NOBODY on this whole damn site has the slightest doubt that you are a rabid fucking racist.

Well, as if I cared what anyone thinks. It's actually a charcoal and pencil drawing of me made by my husband, when he was still in Europe. No one had ever drawn me before, and it's what stopped me in my tracks.
You know you're winning when the board racists and bigots are calling you a racist and a bigot. I already won, bitch. Alpo or Kibbles and Bits?
Whereas YOU are both a racist and a shameless fucking hypocrite.

And your bitch ass is a white dog. We are our avatars, and they are us.

You're a racist, a hypocrite, and a hopeless fucking idiot. Nobody but you thinks that about the little picture next to the screen name, you moron.

And NOBODY on this whole damn site has the slightest doubt that you are a rabid fucking racist.

The guy is very demented and a complete racist as well as sexist. I have caught him in many lies and I keep exposing this hypocrite.

He sees hate and racism under every rock, as you know racism does exist in America and for that I am ashamed, however he is also a racist, and he should be ashamed.
Are you serious? Did you not read my initial link concerning Haiti? The US along with Europe were determined to make Haiti pay for the outrage of African "slaves" defeating the French, and declaring their colony a sovereign nation, lest rebellion and revolution spread to the States and throughout the Caribbean and South America, completely fucking up their commerce and the slave trade. They collectively impoverished the nation, and isolated them from the rest of the world.....until the 1915 occupation by US troops who, bringing a Jim Crow mindset, returned the Haitians to essential "slavery" and injustice. The documentation of it is readily available via Google.
Haiti doesn't "suck". People don't "suck"....except for the dregs of society- racists, bigots, murderers, molesters, rapists, and the like. White people, who are inherently "evil" and racist made Haiti what has become....the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere.
why are you continuing to use racial pejoratives? Oh, yeah, that's right....because you're actually a racist.

OMG when I listend to Rush Limbaugh and he talked about some radicals, I thought he was making it up.....thanks for proving him right

OMG you are a clueless idiot......yeah look at one word a person says, dont worry about what they do or the fullcontext of what they just pick out one word, so you can justify not having to engage them or listen to their you're a bright fellow.......

So someone could lynch blacks, but as long as they dont say the nword, you're ok with that...nice..

Absolutely. You picked the absolute wrong word to hang your argument upon. It's regarded as the worst word in the English Lexicon, if by nobody else, but me. So it doesn't really matter what you do, say or think after the fact. It's negated by your use of that one word...if by no one else saying so but me.
And was that an invitation? You plan to lynch some blacks (apparently, not your first time)?
I suggest you try it. Just when I think you can't go any lower, you surprise. You're so free with your racism and hate, is quite stunning.

OMFG. Seriously? So we are free to string your ass up and hang you as long as we don't call you a ******??? Is this what he's saying, people?? Help me out here. I'm a bit confused by this persons' so-called "logic". He has me on ignore so of course he's not reading this...:lol:

Actually, this REALLY pisses me off. What would the victims of lynchings say to this if they could? Holy shit. Poet is one demented fuck.
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And your bitch ass is a white dog. We are our avatars, and they are us.

You're a racist, a hypocrite, and a hopeless fucking idiot. Nobody but you thinks that about the little picture next to the screen name, you moron.

And NOBODY on this whole damn site has the slightest doubt that you are a rabid fucking racist.

The guy is very demented and a complete racist as well as sexist. I have caught him in many lies and I keep exposing this hypocrite.

He sees hate and racism under every rock, as you know racism does exist in America and for that I am ashamed, however he is also a racist, and he should be ashamed.

And he has no problem with lynchings as long as you don't call them a ****** while you're stringing them up. WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS ASSHOLE???:cuckoo:
You're a racist, a hypocrite, and a hopeless fucking idiot. Nobody but you thinks that about the little picture next to the screen name, you moron.

And NOBODY on this whole damn site has the slightest doubt that you are a rabid fucking racist.

The guy is very demented and a complete racist as well as sexist. I have caught him in many lies and I keep exposing this hypocrite.

He sees hate and racism under every rock, as you know racism does exist in America and for that I am ashamed, however he is also a racist, and he should be ashamed.

And he has no problem with lynchings as long as you don't call them a ****** while you're stringing them up. WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS ASSHOLE???:cuckoo:

He's a loser that go's through life blaming whites for being successful. lol. He hates stat's, math, common sense, etc. As all those scream that he's dead wrong.
It's actually a charcoal and pencil drawing of me made by my husband, when he was still in Europe.

Who the fuck asked you? I don't care, and I can't imagine anyone else here does either.
You know you're winning when the board racists and bigots are calling you a racist and a bigot.

You have more than proven yourself to be a racist, and even the people here who think I'm an asshole know that I'm not. You're completely lost in your own little world, you self-obsessed suckass.
It's actually a charcoal and pencil drawing of me made by my husband, when he was still in Europe.

Who the fuck asked you? I don't care, and I can't imagine anyone else here does either.

No one gives a fuck about his avatar, since I am on my I pad, I really can't see it, lucky me, I also don't get to see his fucking sig line.

Glad he likes it cuz like you said, no one cares about his avatar, whether charcoal or mud.
The guy is very demented and a complete racist as well as sexist. I have caught him in many lies and I keep exposing this hypocrite.

He sees hate and racism under every rock, as you know racism does exist in America and for that I am ashamed, however he is also a racist, and he should be ashamed.

And he has no problem with lynchings as long as you don't call them a ****** while you're stringing them up. WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS ASSHOLE???:cuckoo:

He's a loser that go's through life blaming whites for being successful. lol. He hates stat's, math, common sense, etc. As all those scream that he's dead wrong.

It makes me sad that he has no empathy for people that experienced TRUE racism. Shaking my head....
And he has no problem with lynchings as long as you don't call them a ****** while you're stringing them up. WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS ASSHOLE???:cuckoo:

He's a loser that go's through life blaming whites for being successful. lol. He hates stat's, math, common sense, etc. As all those scream that he's dead wrong.

It makes me sad that he has no empathy for people that experienced TRUE racism. Shaking my head....

no kidding, racism now is opposing a democrat....that's basically it
He's a loser that go's through life blaming whites for being successful. lol. He hates stat's, math, common sense, etc. As all those scream that he's dead wrong.

It makes me sad that he has no empathy for people that experienced TRUE racism. Shaking my head....

no kidding, racism now is opposing a democrat....that's basically it

Ah, 3 racists that all agree. Birds of a feather, for real. How the fuck would anyone of you know what "true racism" looks like, never having experienced it? You have to have had an experience of racism to talk about it, authentically, or knowledgeably. Outside of documented "hate crimes", when have whites ever experienced racism from black people?
And no one ever said racism is opposing a Democrat.
It makes me sad that he has no empathy for people that experienced TRUE racism. Shaking my head....

no kidding, racism now is opposing a democrat....that's basically it

Ah, 3 racists that all agree. Birds of a feather, for real. How the fuck would anyone of you know what "true racism" looks like, never having experienced it? You have to have had an experience of racism to talk about it, authentically, or knowledgeably. Outside of documented "hate crimes", when have whites ever experienced racism from black people?
And no one ever said racism is opposing a Democrat.

Talk about racist, how would you know who experienced it?
It makes me sad that he has no empathy for people that experienced TRUE racism. Shaking my head....

no kidding, racism now is opposing a democrat....that's basically it

Ah, 3 racists that all agree. Birds of a feather, for real. How the fuck would anyone of you know what "true racism" looks like, never having experienced it? You have to have had an experience of racism to talk about it, authentically, or knowledgeably. Outside of documented "hate crimes", when have whites ever experienced racism from black people?
And no one ever said racism is opposing a Democrat.

Of course whites, including me, have faced black and brown and yellow racisim.

You are nutso if you believe only the majority can be racist.

Besides, what do you know: you are a mediocre artist.

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