Real Reason Dems are talking "Impeachment"

If the Republicans gain enough seats in the house and senate they will definitely impeach him and remove him from office. No doubt about it.

The GOP is down playing this now because it may cause a severe backlash in the upcoming elections.

But, if the GOP does well enough Obama is a goner.
If the Democrats were politically smart (which generally they are not), they would make this upcoming a election a referendum on impeachment. They would get him out stumping for him all over the country.

The President may be getting low job approval ratings, but he is well liked by most people and it's only the wingnuts that want him impeached.
It's always about the money with the Democrats..

How can they get more out of the people's pockets into their own.

Actually, it's about how We the Pyyple can band together to provide money for President Obama's defense fund--enough to defeat corporatist scum like the Koch brothers and Karl Rove.

You call the Kochs scum. Do you hate scum or corporatists? If the latter, you need a reality check.
Impeach Obama and shove Biden so far up the GOP's arse they fall asleep at meetings. They want Obama out, Biden is ne next option... Happy Days !!
sure they do, but the RW's keep forgetting that. They're hell bent on ousting Obama then let them have Biden and see how serious they are.
If the Republicans gain enough seats in the house and senate they will definitely impeach him and remove him from office. No doubt about it.

The GOP is down playing this now because it may cause a severe backlash in the upcoming elections.

But, if the GOP does well enough Obama is a goner.

I doubt that the Republicans would try to impeach Obama, even if they have the votes in the Senate to convict and remove him. However, Obama may force their hand with his lawless actions and corrupt government.
What i cant stand about him is he's a liar and doesn't take blame for anything, and he never did anything about the debt

Of course the Dems are going to make hay with impeachment talk, that's politics. But, as always, the GOP makes it much easier for them to play this game.

I was listening to Levin last week, and I was literally laughing out loud.

First, he was complaining that the Dems were using impeachment talk. He said "I have never called for his impeachment."

Then, without missing a beat, he said, "...but this is why he SHOULD be impeached."

What the fuck. The Dems should be sending him Thank You cards.

From the Washington Post...

Five myths about impeachment - The Washington Post

House Republicans on Wednesday voted to sue Obama for exceeding his constitutional authority when implementing the Affordable Care Act. The idea that the lawsuit is a prelude to impeachment, however, is primarily coming from the White House and its allies as they try to rally the Democratic base ahead of the midterms. House Speaker John Boehner has done everything short of hiring blimps to say that there will be no impeachment.

Obama is as likely to be impeached as he is to be installed as the next pontiff.
Even Ann Coulter on Bill Maher says to give up the impeachment talk as it's entirely a fundraising ploy. Anyone discussing it seriously has to ask themselves just how far from the pack have you strayed? :)
Real Reason Dems are talking "Impeachment"

In response to republicans and conservatives talking 'impeachment,' both in and out of government:

Crushing The GOP Lie: Here Is a List of Republican Incumbents Who Support Impeachment

That republicans calling for 'impeachment' has politically back-fired on conservatives isn't the 'fault' of democrats.

In what way has a it backfired?

Obama still only gets the same 34% approval ratings.

These are the same people that don't really care what Obama does. They will support him regardless.
It's always about the money with the Democrats..

How can they get more out of the people's pockets into their own.

Actually, it's about how We the Pyyple can band together to provide money for President Obama's defense fund--enough to defeat corporatist scum like the Koch brothers and Karl Rove.

But you don't want to band together to defeat libs like soros?

It's not rich people they hate. It's just rich people who want liberty more than contributing to their party.
Even Ann Coulter on Bill Maher says to give up the impeachment talk as it's entirely a fundraising ploy. Anyone discussing it seriously has to ask themselves just how far from the pack have you strayed? :)

So the Democrats talk about impeachment and Amnesty and the GOP is blamed.

Of course. They have an excellent propaganda machine...

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