Real Reason Dems are talking "Impeachment"

Australia had progressives do exactly what they're doing to us now. They stripped all of the immigration laws and stopped enforcing their laws and people started coming in droves. A couple of thousand people died trying to illegally enter Australia. 50,000 illegals migrated to Australia in a short period of time and something had to be done. They decided that the boats had to be turned around and all of the illegals never made it to the Australian mainland. Then the problem stopped. Does Immigration Crisis Merit Australian Solution? « Commentary Magazine
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It's hard sometimes to tell whether the conservative right and republicans live in a cave or only watch the Fox Obama bashing channel. Given the economy and jobs Obama is doing well, the places where America is not doing well is the fault of the corporate managed house republicans. Anyone with even half a brain would acknowledge that fact. Which means most righties lack even half a brain. Remember that bell curve, the republicans occupy the left side near the bottom, another fact. :badgrin:

Obama?s Numbers (April 2014 Update)

Yup, Obama takes credit for the good and blames everyone else for the bad.

Good point. :eusa_angel:
Obama is a poster-boy for folks that love raising Hell.

They love it when he makes life miserable for most of America.

As one USMB member stated, "He fucks with people".

Sure glad that Washington and Lincoln didn't love fucking with people. We wouldn't even be a country if that was the case.

WE'll still be a Country when Obama and Company are finished - la república Socialista De la Estados Unidos Amigo ... ...gringos no bienvenido ... Comprende ?
Dems are talking impeachmet now because Republicans aren't

Republicans know it is an unpopular subject before an election, so they are squashing any talk about impeachment. They did the same thing with Bill Clinton. Then, after the election was over, they waited all of five weeks after the election to file impeachment charges

Dems are trying to force Republicans to play their impeachment card before the election

So you think this is right?

Do you think it's a good idea for the president to cause a constitutional crisis and break our laws just so the Democrats can raise money for the election?

Where's your fucken sense of right and wrong?

There is no Constitutional crisis

Democats are free to bring up the number of Republicans currently calling for impeachment. Republicans are just laying low until after the 2014 election is over

If Republicans say it is a non-issue with them, why don't they formally take it off the table?
I thought the purpose of a president was to lead, not become a source of conflict.

His job is to get things done, not divide us and cause constant turmoil.

Not any more muddy. Ever since you Republicans declared war on the Presidency of Obama, it has or should be the purpose of the President to make sure that the Dems retain the majority in the Senate and try to pick up seats in the House and retain the WH.

What the fuck else is Obama supposed to do with the asshole Republicans in Congress? Kiss their ass? No way. Not any more. And not again.

Hey your Repubs picked this fight. Now you all want to pussy out on it. Typical Republican. Pick a fight, start to lose then whine whine whine and want to quit fighting. Funny shit.
Even Ann Coulter on Bill Maher says to give up the impeachment talk as it's entirely a fundraising ploy. Anyone discussing it seriously has to ask themselves just how far from the pack have you strayed? :)

Obama is a poster-boy for folks that love raising Hell.

They love it when he makes life miserable for most of America.

As one USMB member stated, "He fucks with people".

Sure glad that Washington and Lincoln didn't love fucking with people. We wouldn't even be a country if that was the case.

WE'll still be a Country when Obama and Company are finished - la república Socialista De la Estados Unidos Amigo ... ...gringos no bienvenido ... Comprende ?

No, yo no comprendo maricón de mierda.........
I thought the purpose of a president was to lead, not become a source of conflict.

His job is to get things done, not divide us and cause constant turmoil.

Not any more muddy. Ever since you Republicans declared war on the Presidency of Obama, it has or should be the purpose of the President to make sure that the Dems retain the majority in the Senate and try to pick up seats in the House and retain the WH.

What the fuck else is Obama supposed to do with the asshole Republicans in Congress? Kiss their ass? No way. Not any more. And not again.

Hey your Repubs picked this fight. Now you all want to pussy out on it. Typical Republican. Pick a fight, start to lose then whine whine whine and want to quit fighting. Funny shit.

Actually, this "war" began under Bush.

Democrats decided that fighting an ideological war in the media was easier than actually addressing the nation's needs. Causing one crisis after another, using them to force change down everyone's throats, using a corrupt media to criminalize everything this country once stood for, marginalize the majority and render their values obsolete and replace it with an amoral values system that finds nothing wrong with corruption in government as long as the handouts continue. The solution to every problem is always more money is needed, and thus taxes must go up periodically for everyone. The rich, who are always the targets, suffer the least, so taxes must go up again.

What does American exceptionalism mean?

It means when everyone else says it can't be done we do it anyway. Yes we can has been replaced with "Why we can't", because we can't afford it anymore.
Even Ann Coulter on Bill Maher says to give up the impeachment talk as it's entirely a fundraising ploy. Anyone discussing it seriously has to ask themselves just how far from the pack have you strayed? :)

Obama is a poster-boy for folks that love raising Hell.

They love it when he makes life miserable for most of America.

As one USMB member stated, "He fucks with people".

Sure glad that Washington and Lincoln didn't love fucking with people. We wouldn't even be a country if that was the case.

WE'll still be a Country when Obama and Company are finished - la república Socialista De la Estados Unidos Amigo ... ...gringos no bienvenido ... Comprende ?

No, yo no comprendo maricón de mierda.........

yo = I - comprendo ? , perhaps you meant comprender or comprende and your syntax is all wrong - basically what you said is that you didn't understand faggot crap -
muy poco Espanol ?
I thought the purpose of a president was to lead, not become a source of conflict.

His job is to get things done, not divide us and cause constant turmoil.

Not any more muddy. Ever since you Republicans declared war on the Presidency of Obama, it has or should be the purpose of the President to make sure that the Dems retain the majority in the Senate and try to pick up seats in the House and retain the WH.

What the fuck else is Obama supposed to do with the asshole Republicans in Congress? Kiss their ass? No way. Not any more. And not again.

Hey your Repubs picked this fight. Now you all want to pussy out on it. Typical Republican. Pick a fight, start to lose then whine whine whine and want to quit fighting. Funny shit.

Actually, this "war" began under Bush.

Democrats decided that fighting an ideological war in the media was easier than actually addressing the nation's needs. Causing one crisis after another, using them to force change down everyone's throats, using a corrupt media to criminalize everything this country once stood for, marginalize the majority and render their values obsolete and replace it with an amoral values system that finds nothing wrong with corruption in government as long as the handouts continue. The solution to every problem is always more money is needed, and thus taxes must go up periodically for everyone. The rich, who are always the targets, suffer the least, so taxes must go up again.

What does American exceptionalism mean?

It means when everyone else says it can't be done we do it anyway. Yes we can has been replaced with "Why we can't", because we can't afford it anymore.

No it wasn't muddy. It was started right after Obama was elected when a group of prominent Republicans including members of Congress decided that they would oppose ANYTHING that Obama would try to accomplish. And their opposition would never end regardless of consequences to the American public.

You all should have thought this through a little better don't you think? You Republican will have been in opposition for 8 years soon enough. Without accomplishing ANYTHING.

You really think moderate voters in this country are going to forget that lack of doing ANYTHING constructive for the country?

Ain't gonna happen dude. You right wing whack jobs can vote three time each and you will still lose the next Presidential election and hopefully lose some House seats as well.
I thought the purpose of a president was to lead, not become a source of conflict.

His job is to get things done, not divide us and cause constant turmoil.

Not any more muddy. Ever since you Republicans declared war on the Presidency of Obama, it has or should be the purpose of the President to make sure that the Dems retain the majority in the Senate and try to pick up seats in the House and retain the WH.

What the fuck else is Obama supposed to do with the asshole Republicans in Congress? Kiss their ass? No way. Not any more. And not again.

Hey your Repubs picked this fight. Now you all want to pussy out on it. Typical Republican. Pick a fight, start to lose then whine whine whine and want to quit fighting. Funny shit.

Actually, this "war" began under Bush.

Democrats decided that fighting an ideological war in the media was easier than actually addressing the nation's needs. Causing one crisis after another, using them to force change down everyone's throats, using a corrupt media to criminalize everything this country once stood for, marginalize the majority and render their values obsolete and replace it with an amoral values system that finds nothing wrong with corruption in government as long as the handouts continue. The solution to every problem is always more money is needed, and thus taxes must go up periodically for everyone. The rich, who are always the targets, suffer the least, so taxes must go up again.

What does American exceptionalism mean?

It means when everyone else says it can't be done we do it anyway. Yes we can has been replaced with "Why we can't", because we can't afford it anymore.

using a corrupt media to criminalize everything this country once stood for, marginalize the majority and render their values obsolete and replace it with an amoral values system that finds nothing wrong with corruption in government as long as the handouts continue

Actually this "war" began long before Bush , long before Reagan and can be traced back to the late 60s and 70s when Socialists and Socio-Fascists began infiltratiing the Media - by the 80s they completely owned it - then came Fox and the internet and their monopoly was broken - but they still dominate mainstream media.
Even Ann Coulter on Bill Maher says to give up the impeachment talk as it's entirely a fundraising ploy. Anyone discussing it seriously has to ask themselves just how far from the pack have you strayed? :)

WE'll still be a Country when Obama and Company are finished - la república Socialista De la Estados Unidos Amigo ... ...gringos no bienvenido ... Comprende ?

No, yo no comprendo maricón de mierda.........

yo = I - comprendo ? , perhaps you meant comprender or comprende and your syntax is all wrong - basically what you said is that you didn't understand faggot crap -
muy poco Espanol ?

One semester of Spanish, what can you expect?
Not any more muddy. Ever since you Republicans declared war on the Presidency of Obama, it has or should be the purpose of the President to make sure that the Dems retain the majority in the Senate and try to pick up seats in the House and retain the WH.

What the fuck else is Obama supposed to do with the asshole Republicans in Congress? Kiss their ass? No way. Not any more. And not again.

Hey your Repubs picked this fight. Now you all want to pussy out on it. Typical Republican. Pick a fight, start to lose then whine whine whine and want to quit fighting. Funny shit.

Actually, this "war" began under Bush.

Democrats decided that fighting an ideological war in the media was easier than actually addressing the nation's needs. Causing one crisis after another, using them to force change down everyone's throats, using a corrupt media to criminalize everything this country once stood for, marginalize the majority and render their values obsolete and replace it with an amoral values system that finds nothing wrong with corruption in government as long as the handouts continue. The solution to every problem is always more money is needed, and thus taxes must go up periodically for everyone. The rich, who are always the targets, suffer the least, so taxes must go up again.

What does American exceptionalism mean?

It means when everyone else says it can't be done we do it anyway. Yes we can has been replaced with "Why we can't", because we can't afford it anymore.

No it wasn't muddy. It was started right after Obama was elected when a group of prominent Republicans including members of Congress decided that they would oppose ANYTHING that Obama would try to accomplish. And their opposition would never end regardless of consequences to the American public.

You all should have thought this through a little better don't you think? You Republican will have been in opposition for 8 years soon enough. Without accomplishing ANYTHING.

You really think moderate voters in this country are going to forget that lack of doing ANYTHING constructive for the country?

Ain't gonna happen dude. You right wing whack jobs can vote three time each and you will still lose the next Presidential election and hopefully lose some House seats as well.

Main Stream Media On The Clintons

"If we could be one-hundredth as great as you and Hillary Rodham Clinton have been in the White House, wed take it right now and walk away winners....Tell Mrs. Clinton we respect her and were pulling for her." Dan Rather CBS Evening News, May 27, 1993

"I hear you talking and, as I have before on this subject, I dont know of anybody, friend or foe, who isnt impressed by your grasp of the details of this [health care] plan. I'm not surprised, because you have been working on it so long and listened to so many people." Dan Rather interview with Hillary Clinton, September 22, 1993

"Ken Starr drops another load on President Clinton....Good evening. Just as President Clinton was enjoying a day talking up the economy, officially announcing the first U.S. budget surplus in three decades, Ken Starr hit him again. The Republican independent counsel and special prosecutor decided late in the day to announce his decision to press his subpoena for samples of Monica Lewinsky's handwriting, fingerprints and her voice." — May 26, 1998. {Aww Poor Bill, should have given him a Cigar to cheer him up.}

"I would not be astonished to see Hillary Clinton be the Democratic nominee in 2000....Hillary Clinton is the Person of the Year in that, you talk about a comeback kid -- be the strongest candidate for the Democrats." Interview with Larry King, December 3, 1998.

"Once a political lightning rod, today she is political lightning. A crowd pleaser and first-class fundraiser, a person under enormous pressure to step into the arena, this time on her own." 60 Minutes II, May 26, 1999

In a infamous Evening News interview Dan Rather aggressively grilled Vice President George Bush about Iran-Contra, repeatedly stopping him mid sentence and argumentatively assaulted him. Rather recklessly declared "You've made us hypocrites in the face of the world." In Stark contrast to a 1999 interview of President Clinton where he allowed Clinton to portray himself as a virtual choir boy, and the conservative Republicans who sought to impeach him as an evil force lurking in the shadows. January 25, 1988

President Reagan submits a budget:
"It contains more for guns, less for butter, and it is out of balance and will add to the deficit." -- CBS Evening News, January 9, 1989.

"In America in the 1980s, what former President Reagan and those who support him call the Reagan Revolution put more money in the pockets of the rich. We already knew that. But a new study indicates that those who did best of all by far were the very richest of the rich." --CBS Evening News, March 5, 1992.

The Wall Within
Vietnam Veterans - Invented Story / Bogus Vets

In June 1988, CBS presented an hour-long special "CBS Reports: The Wall Within" . The show was praised by critics, the Washington Post called it "extraordinarily powerful" One Vet Terry Bradley, told Rather he had tortured and skinned alive whole Vietnamese families, 50 men, women, and children in a single hour. George Grule claimed he was stationed on the U.S.S. Ticonderoga off the Vietnamese coast during a secret mission. Grule claimed to have witnessed a friend walk into an airplane propeller which turned him into mincemeat and sprayed Grule with his blood. Coaxed by Dan Rather, Steve Southards, vividly described slaughtering hordes of Vietnamese civilians, and blaming the North Vietnamese. "... you went into the village, killed people, burned part of the village, then made it appear that the other side had done this?" Rather replied. Grizzly fantastic horrifying tales, ALL FABRICATED - ---

B. G. Burkett and Glenna Whitley, in their book * Stolen Valor : How the Vietnam Generation Was Robbed of Its Heroes and Its History *, claim that they had obtained the service records of all six soldiers, documenting where each was stationed throughout the Vietnam War. Only one of the men actually served in Vietnam; he claimed he was a Navy SEAL, but the records contradicted his claims and listed him as an equipment repairman , the other 5 never even set foot on Vietnamese soil. I can understand and possibly forgive One charlatan slipping through, but not 6 !!!!

A similar incident occurred In 1998, apparently CNN took lessons from the same folks who controlled Dan Rather when they ran a report that the 1970 Operation Tailwind used Sarin gas to kill American defectors . The Pentagon denied the story. Skeptics proved it extremely improbable that such an atrocity went unnoticed , and CNN had no facts or viable witnesses to offer the slightest bit of credibility to the story. After a short inquiry, CNN red-faced - issued a retraction

YUp - but Obama is supposed to be immune - the Absolute Worst President in American History, the most incompetent, lieing scumbag- who is not even an American ..
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Not any more muddy. Ever since you Republicans declared war on the Presidency of Obama, it has or should be the purpose of the President to make sure that the Dems retain the majority in the Senate and try to pick up seats in the House and retain the WH.

What the fuck else is Obama supposed to do with the asshole Republicans in Congress? Kiss their ass? No way. Not any more. And not again.
Hey your Repubs picked this fight. Now you all want to pussy out on it. Typical Republican. Pick a fight, start to lose then whine whine whine and want to quit fighting. Funny shit.

Actually, this "war" began under Bush.

Democrats decided that fighting an ideological war in the media was easier than actually addressing the nation's needs. Causing one crisis after another, using them to force change down everyone's throats, using a corrupt media to criminalize everything this country once stood for, marginalize the majority and render their values obsolete and replace it with an amoral values system that finds nothing wrong with corruption in government as long as the handouts continue. The solution to every problem is always more money is needed, and thus taxes must go up periodically for everyone. The rich, who are always the targets, suffer the least, so taxes must go up again.

What does American exceptionalism mean?

It means when everyone else says it can't be done we do it anyway. Yes we can has been replaced with "Why we can't", because we can't afford it anymore.

using a corrupt media to criminalize everything this country once stood for, marginalize the majority and render their values obsolete and replace it with an amoral values system that finds nothing wrong with corruption in government as long as the handouts continue

Actually this "war" began long before Bush , long before Reagan and can be traced back to the late 60s and 70s when Socialists and Socio-Fascists began infiltratiing the Media - by the 80s they completely owned it - then came Fox and the internet and their monopoly was broken - but they still dominate mainstream media.


But Democrats didn't drop the facade of being reasonable till the 2000 election didn't go their way. And when Fox and talk-radio became well known the left was exposed.
Not any more muddy. Ever since you Republicans declared war on the Presidency of Obama, it has or should be the purpose of the President to make sure that the Dems retain the majority in the Senate and try to pick up seats in the House and retain the WH.

What the fuck else is Obama supposed to do with the asshole Republicans in Congress? Kiss their ass? No way. Not any more. And not again.

Hey your Repubs picked this fight. Now you all want to pussy out on it. Typical Republican. Pick a fight, start to lose then whine whine whine and want to quit fighting. Funny shit.

Actually, this "war" began under Bush.

Democrats decided that fighting an ideological war in the media was easier than actually addressing the nation's needs. Causing one crisis after another, using them to force change down everyone's throats, using a corrupt media to criminalize everything this country once stood for, marginalize the majority and render their values obsolete and replace it with an amoral values system that finds nothing wrong with corruption in government as long as the handouts continue. The solution to every problem is always more money is needed, and thus taxes must go up periodically for everyone. The rich, who are always the targets, suffer the least, so taxes must go up again.

What does American exceptionalism mean?

It means when everyone else says it can't be done we do it anyway. Yes we can has been replaced with "Why we can't", because we can't afford it anymore.

No it wasn't muddy. It was started right after Obama was elected when a group of prominent Republicans including members of Congress decided that they would oppose ANYTHING that Obama would try to accomplish. And their opposition would never end regardless of consequences to the American public.

You all should have thought this through a little better don't you think? You Republican will have been in opposition for 8 years soon enough. Without accomplishing ANYTHING.

You really think moderate voters in this country are going to forget that lack of doing ANYTHING constructive for the country?

Ain't gonna happen dude. You right wing whack jobs can vote three time each and you will still lose the next Presidential election and hopefully lose some House seats as well.


If we had a conservative president...., and a conservative senate.....but democrats owned the house....

Would the house vote in favor of the building of a wall along the border?

Would the house vote to repeal the ACA?

Would the house vote to ensure no tax payer funds are used on abortions?

would the house vote to ban Gay Marriage?

Would the house vote to ship all illegals out of the country?

Would the house vote to fund GITMO?

You are one of those idiots that falls for the rhetoric. It is not that the house was going to vote against ALL Obama initiatives. The house refused to agree on initiatives that were not popular with their constituents and not in line with their know....doing what their base expected of them.

That is why an ultra conservative or ultra liberal president who governs ONLY for the base of his party is a bad thing...because it means congress will get nothing done.

Reagan tried it, but realized he had to govern for all in his second term...and he did.

Clinton as well.


Fucking cry baby child who does nothing but complain "they wont let me do things".....

His job is to GET THEM to do things....he just doesn't know how to.
Of course it's the real reason

all they ever do is play games on the people in the country, especially with their sheep base

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