Real Reason Dems are talking "Impeachment"

Actually, this "war" began under Bush.

Democrats decided that fighting an ideological war in the media was easier than actually addressing the nation's needs. Causing one crisis after another, using them to force change down everyone's throats, using a corrupt media to criminalize everything this country once stood for, marginalize the majority and render their values obsolete and replace it with an amoral values system that finds nothing wrong with corruption in government as long as the handouts continue. The solution to every problem is always more money is needed, and thus taxes must go up periodically for everyone. The rich, who are always the targets, suffer the least, so taxes must go up again.

What does American exceptionalism mean?

It means when everyone else says it can't be done we do it anyway. Yes we can has been replaced with "Why we can't", because we can't afford it anymore.

No it wasn't muddy. It was started right after Obama was elected when a group of prominent Republicans including members of Congress decided that they would oppose ANYTHING that Obama would try to accomplish. And their opposition would never end regardless of consequences to the American public.

You all should have thought this through a little better don't you think? You Republican will have been in opposition for 8 years soon enough. Without accomplishing ANYTHING.

You really think moderate voters in this country are going to forget that lack of doing ANYTHING constructive for the country?

Ain't gonna happen dude. You right wing whack jobs can vote three time each and you will still lose the next Presidential election and hopefully lose some House seats as well.


If we had a conservative president...., and a conservative senate.....but democrats owned the house....

Would the house vote in favor of the building of a wall along the border?

Would the house vote to repeal the ACA?

Would the house vote to ensure no tax payer funds are used on abortions?

would the house vote to ban Gay Marriage?

Would the house vote to ship all illegals out of the country?

Would the house vote to fund GITMO?

You are one of those idiots that falls for the rhetoric. It is not that the house was going to vote against ALL Obama initiatives. The house refused to agree on initiatives that were not popular with their constituents and not in line with their know....doing what their base expected of them.

That is why an ultra conservative or ultra liberal president who governs ONLY for the base of his party is a bad thing...because it means congress will get nothing done.

Reagan tried it, but realized he had to govern for all in his second term...and he did.

Clinton as well.


Fucking cry baby child who does nothing but complain "they wont let me do things".....

His job is to GET THEM to do things....he just doesn't know how to.

He knows it would take work.

Reading speeches is about as hard as he wants to work.

He'd rather be rubbing elbows with the ultra-rich than spend time dealing with the needs of us peasants.
Why don't Republicans just end the dicussion and state that Obama has not committed any impeachable offenses
The real reason........

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) hauled in $4.8 million in the past week, as it warned of Republican efforts to impeach President Obama.

DCCC Chairman Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) tweeted out the news Friday morning, saying that more than 240,000 people had given to the committee in the past week. The $4.8 million in weekly fundraising is a new record for the committee.

The weekly haul is also larger than some monthly fundraising totals for the DCCC in recent years.

House Dems raise record $4.8M off impeachment | TheHill

Of course, but it's not like Pelosi held a gun to the head of that idiot King.
Naw, King never said impeachment could follow any EO on immigration. The gop is in no way considering impeachment. The dems just make this stuff up like Unicorns.
Oh give him time, I believe he's going to something that will be grounds for impeachment
so they might as well get all those in the 60 -70% disapproval of Obama prepared for it...

...he thinks he's going to go alone and give AMNESTY without us and our Representation through Congress, he needs to KNOW we the people are damn sure going to push for impeachment
Pelosi said the CIA lied to her about waterboarding.

So is it the general consensus of ALL democrats that the CIA is a lying agency? (of course, before the Brennan lie).....

Just because one republican used the word impeachment....doesn't mean it is a serious consideration of the entire republican house.
It's always about the money with the Democrats..

How can they get more out of the people's pockets into their own.

Actually, it's about how We the Pyyple can band together to provide money for President Obama's defense fund--enough to defeat corporatist scum like the Koch brothers and Karl Rove.

I dunno. The GOP and nitwits like the ones on this board started this drum-beating last year.

The Dems just took Rahm Emanuel's advice: "Never let a good crisis go to waste".

I'm sure dumbass Boehner's lawsuit against Obama has filled the DNC coffers, too.

Republicans just keep electing people that aren't very bright much less visionary.
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Oh give him time, I believe he's going to something that will be grounds for impeachment
so they might as well get all those in the 60 -70% disapproval of Obama prepared for it...

...he thinks he's going to go alone and give AMNESTY without us and our Representation through Congress, he needs to KNOW we the people are damn sure going to push for impeachment

Seeing as NO amnesty is a bi partisan agreement......applying an EO for something majority of Americans are against as well as a majority of both houses is way out of bounds.

There is a hearty debate about amnesty and one person should have the right to make a final decision.
Oh give him time, I believe he's going to something that will be grounds for impeachment
so they might as well get all those in the 60 -70% disapproval of Obama prepared for it...

...he thinks he's going to go alone and give AMNESTY without us and our Representation through Congress, he needs to KNOW we the people are damn sure going to push for impeachment

Seeing as NO amnesty is a bi partisan agreement......applying an EO for something majority of Americans are against as well as a majority of both houses is way out of bounds.

There is a hearty debate about amnesty and one person should have the right to make a final decision.

I know what you're saying but a few Hispanic Democrats like, Democrat Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez (IL-4) along with LaRaza are pushing him hard to take steps on his own towards some sort of Amnesty for some of the illegal immigrants...
If we could I'd like see this guy impeached (I wish) at least recalled or censured going around saying this hateful stuff...what the hell happened to Democrat party, they used to have some code for CIVILITY....Now it's just hate hate hate lies lies lies


AWFUL! Dem Gutierrez Blasts GOP: As If “They Despise & Hate All Our Children” (Video)

Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, August 4, 2014, 4:57 PM

After the House passed a bill last Friday to secure the southern border Democrat Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez (IL-4) lashed out at Republicans.
What a cheap shot!

“Not only do they treat the children that are in such need of protection. It is almost as if they despise and hate all of our children. Because, even the children that came before them, they have pledged allegiance to the flag of the United States all of their life, loved this country. And, the president has afforded them an opportunity to become legal they want to put them in an illegal situation.”

Wow. That is just so unhinged and over the top.
Via The Five:
all of it with video at the site

AWFUL! Dem Gutierrez Blasts GOP: As If ?They Despise & Hate All Our Children? (Video) | The Gateway Pundit
Oh give him time, I believe he's going to something that will be grounds for impeachment
so they might as well get all those in the 60 -70% disapproval of Obama prepared for it...

...he thinks he's going to go alone and give AMNESTY without us and our Representation through Congress, he needs to KNOW we the people are damn sure going to push for impeachment

Impeachment is only the equivalent of an indictment - it's not a conviction. 2016 is not that far away - they're either getting all the dirty laundry out now in anticipation of the Next Pres. election because the electorate only has a very limited long term memory - or we are going to see something America has never seen b4 come 2016.
It's always about the money with the Democrats..

How can they get more out of the people's pockets into their own.

Actually, it's about how We the Pyyple can band together to provide money for President Obama's defense fund--enough to defeat corporatist scum like the Koch brothers and Karl Rove.

Just the Koch Brothers and Karl Rove ? ... What about George Soros , Teresa Heinz Kerry , Barry Diller and Michael Eisner ?
It's always about the money with the Democrats..

How can they get more out of the people's pockets into their own.

Actually, it's about how We the Pyyple can band together to provide money for President Obama's defense fund--enough to defeat corporatist scum like the Koch brothers and Karl Rove.

I dunno. The GOP and nitwits like the ooutnes on this board started this drum-beating last year.

The Dems just took Rahm Emanuel's advice: "Never let a good crisis go to waste".

I'm sure dumbass Boehner's lawsuit against Obama has filled the DNC coffers, too.

Republicans just keep electing people that aren't very bright much less visionary.

So why do Democrats only appeal to idiots, ideologs, and foreigners?

The lawsuit was just a non political means to hold Obama accountable for his acts. The left (Obama) did the same thing to Sarah Palin. Sued the shit out of her. Forced her to resign.

So now it's stupid. Guess you have a problem with thinking outside the box.
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