Realignment: Democrats are the Party of the Rich Elitists, Republicans Party of the Working Class

That’s interesting, because none of my black republican friends are rich.
Of course none of them get on TV either, Dufus.
How come at trump rallies it’s always the same black guy sat right behind trump where you can see them?

And your many black friends are lying to you. It’s none of your business who they vote for and clearly you come unhinged when trump is brought up. They know not to waste their time. If they want to remain your friend, they’ll go along.

I would have to know their situation. Is one of them Clarence thomas or Ben Carson? Can’t be Herman Cain. He didn’t get vaxed, went to a trump rally, got Covid and died.
Took the Obama then Trump then back to Obama (aka Joe) contrasts to show the working class who has their best interest at heart.

What the data show: Democrats are statistically tied with Republicans among Hispanics on the generic congressional ballot, according to a New York Times-Siena College poll out this week. Dems held a 47-point edge with Hispanics during the 2018 midterms.
An NBC News poll in April found Democrats held a 38-point lead among women with college degrees -- up from 10 points from 2010. Democrats lost ground with nearly every other demographic group tested in the survey.


What's happening: Democratic strategists say the party's biggest vulnerability is assuming that the priorities of progressive activists are the same as those of working-class voters.

Progressive activists led the push to cut police budgets. Communities of color have borne the brunt of higher crime.

Hispanics living on the U.S.-Mexico border are more likely to favor tougher border security measures that Republicans have championed.

The recall of liberal school board members and a district attorney in San Francisco was fueled by disillusioned Asian-American Democrats.

Between the lines: Add the reality of growing inflation and worries of recession, and you see why Democrats are losing ground with a core part of their coalition.

Wealthier Americans aren't feeling the day-to-day hardship hitting the working class.

This week's Times/Siena poll found affluent voters care about gun control and abortion rights. Working-class voters are squarely focused on the economy.

And I’ll save you Leftards the grief of me slapping you silly later. Axios is a Leftist rag.
fyi, Axios was bought out by a rightwinger....

Inform yourself....the billionaire club, runs the Republican party, the working class have no say, they are being used.

Wow... so much wrong with this... so much.

First, the Republicans are still the party of the Rich, but even the rich are worried when they get to the level of crazy the GOP has gotten to (like making a ten year old rape victim have her rapist's baby.)

Of course, the real problem is the white working class has been voting against its own economic interests since Tricky Dick.
That right there perfectly illustrates the contempt the democrat party has for lower and middle-class voters. Instead of acknowledging that they are indeed the party of the rich and are espousing policies the lower and middle classes just don't care much about, they insist something is wrong with the voters when they vote for someone else. Note the language: "the real problem" is with the voters, not the party.
That right there perfectly illustrates the contempt the democrat party has for lower and middle-class voters. Instead of acknowledging that they are indeed the party of the rich and are espousing policies the lower and middle classes just don't care much about, they insist something is wrong with the voters when they vote for someone else. Note the language: "the real problem" is with the voters, not the party.

The fact so many blacks vote Democrat should tell you that the Democratic party is the party for the poor and middle class.

Notice Donald Trump Jr isn't a Democrat? Party for the rich
Bruce Jenner ignores the homofobia of the GOP because he's rich and he gets tax breaks when the GOP Rule.
Herman Cain?

I'm not telling Don Jr he should voting Democrat. You shouldn't be kidding yourself to believe the GOP is both the party for Don Jr, Harlan Crow AND poor/middle class people of any color. Even white.

The only reason poor and middle class whites vote GOP is because of social wedge issues. You have to dupe them into voting GOP with GUNS, Racism, God and GAYS!!! Trannies in bathrooms
The fact so many blacks vote Democrat should tell you that the Democratic party is the party for the poor and middle class.

Notice Donald Trump Jr isn't a Democrat? Party for the rich
Bruce Jenner ignores the homofobia of the GOP because he's rich and he gets tax breaks when the GOP Rule.
Herman Cain?

I'm not telling Don Jr he should voting Democrat. You shouldn't be kidding yourself to believe the GOP is both the party for Don Jr, Harlan Crow AND poor/middle class people of any color. Even white.

The only reason poor and middle class whites vote GOP is because of social wedge issues. You have to dupe them into voting GOP with GUNS, Racism, God and GAYS!!! Trannies in bathrooms
Hate to tell you this, but most of the mega-wealthy in this country are democrats. TRUMP! was a life-long democrat before he got smart. Bruce Jenner has always been a Republican, that's not new. Now, why do you associate being black with being poor?
Hate to tell you this, but most of the mega-wealthy in this country are democrats. TRUMP! was a life-long democrat before he got smart. Bruce Jenner has always been a Republican, that's not new. Now, why do you associate being black with being poor?
That's just not true. All my well off friends, are Republicans. All my brothers bosses, CEO's, are Republicans. You're joking right?

Small business owners who make a lot and pay a lot in taxes, Republicans.

Democrats are the labor party. You can't claim the GOP is the party for both the middle class and rich. Reagan said that and his trickle down is why we are where we are at today.

And funny how it's you republicans who argue against labor and argue for the CEO's here on USMB. So please don't try to bullshit me bro.
Realignment: Democrats are the Party of the Rich Elitists, Republicans Party of the Working Class
That's the way both parties began life in the 19th Century, so things may (or may not) be coming full circle.

It was Democrats who sustained slavery and seceded and fired on Fort Sumter and spawned Jim Crow and Dixiecrats.

And the G(rand) O(ld) P(arty) remained the Party of the Common Man right up to the era of World War I (-ish).

Industrialists and war profiteers sank their hooks into the GOP and served-up Corporate Whores to represent them.

By the time of Harding and Coolidge and Hoover the transition of the Common Man to the Democrats was complete.

FDR rode that wave through four (4) elections, and LBJ locked-in the Blacks for generations with his 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Trump has played a huge role in rebranding the Republicans as the Populist Party and the Populists have dug-in to stay.

That leaves the Corporations with no place to go but the other side of the street, to make peace with the DNC et al.

The Far Left Wing of the Democratic Party is being 'normalized' in both spirit and policy and that triggers alarm bells.

That trend is beginning to push modest numbers of Blacks and larger numbers of Hispanics towards the Republicans.

But that's going to take a generation or so to complete - if, indeed, it actually materializes; it's a non-decisive factor.

The Democratic Party of today is comprised of Liberal Whites, most Blacks and Hispanics, and anti-Trump residue.

The Republican Party of today is comprised of most of the rest of White America and some minority representation.

The White Vote in the United States is split between the Democrats and Republicans in a way no other race is.

If White America voted in a monolithic bloc the way Blacks and Hispanics do, minorities would be largely sidelined.

Until recently I had been of the opinion that White America was incapable of unifying under a political banner.

I'm not so sure about that anymore.

Idiotic Democratic policies on the border, LGBTQ, economics, crime and foreign policy are driving Whites away.

Whether that shift towards the Republicans continues, as the GOP recycles Trump this next season, remains to be seen.

Fortunately for the Republicans, although largely a White political "home", Republicans have been expanding their tent.

The first large population shift TO the Republican Party, other than Whites, will almost certainly be Hispanics.

Hispanics - largely Catholic and old-fashioned conservatives with a strong work-ethic, are a "natural" for such a shift.

And, those Hispanics already and long-since here are none-too-fond of the legions of Illegals swarming our borders.

There may, indeed, be enough symmetry between Hispanic "culture" and the Republicans to facilitate such a shift.

Conservative Blacks are - relatively speaking - few-and-far-between - but a shift seems to be underway there, as well.

The next decade or so will tell the tale... and with all this shifting-about, I think we're in for an interesting ride.
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GOP is the party of family values:

is a convicted rapist, denied housing to blacks, stole money from charities, cheated on all his wives, admitted sexual abuser, serial fraudster, attempted to steal an election, failed coup attempt, multiple indictments, marginal intelligence, limited language skills, etc. Based on these attributes, who could he pick for the VP slot?
Marjorie "traitor" Greene- A QAnon darling, with absolute lack of common sense, intelligence or ideas, incoherent and absurd. Disgusting looks, not someone trump would like to rape."Gym" Jordan- is Batshit crazy and uneducated, accused by multiple rape victims of aiding and abetting his coworker to sexually abuse of students. Agrees with trump in every lie and treason attempt. Matt Gaetz- is one of trump's biggest brown nosers, lacks any kind of values or dignity, conspiracy theorist, believed to possibly be responsible for minor sex trafficking.
Lauren Boebert- is profoundly stupid, failed GED exam, possibly least educated congressperson in history, conspiracy theorist, recorded performing a "hand job", while being groped in public. Kristi Noem; is an election denier, conspiracy theorist, trump brown noser, married and in adulterous relationship.
I'm not a republican, dipschitt.
That's just not true. All my well off friends, are Republicans. All my brothers bosses, CEO's, are Republicans. You're joking right?

Small business owners who make a lot and pay a lot in taxes, Republicans.

Democrats are the labor party. You can't claim the GOP is the party for both the middle class and rich. Reagan said that and his trickle down is why we are where we are at today.

And funny how it's you republicans who argue against labor and argue for the CEO's here on USMB. So please don't try to bullshit me bro.
That's just not true. All my well off friends, are Republicans. All my brothers bosses, CEO's, are Republicans. You're joking right?

Small business owners who make a lot and pay a lot in taxes, Republicans.

Democrats are the labor party. You can't claim the GOP is the party for both the middle class and rich. Reagan said that and his trickle down is why we are where we are at today.

And funny how it's you republicans who argue against labor and argue for the CEO's here on USMB. So please don't try to bullshit me bro.
It's clear that today's democrat party holds the lower and middle classes in contempt and only panders to them in order to get votes. But yes, a small business owner who has put his life, sweat and blood into building up a business only to see vast amounts of his hard-earned money being vacuumed away by the government is definitely going to vote for the party that wants to allow him to keep more of what he earned. Why would anyone expect him to vote for a party that demonizes him and only wants more from him?

Why is it called compassion to take what a man has earned and greed for him to want to keep more of what is his?
It's clear that today's democrat party holds the lower and middle classes in contempt and only panders to them in order to get votes. But yes, a small business owner who has put his life, sweat and blood into building up a business only to see vast amounts of his hard-earned money being vacuumed away by the government is definitely going to vote for the party that wants to allow him to keep more of what he earned. Why would anyone expect him to vote for a party that demonizes him and only wants more from him?

Why is it called compassion to take what a man has earned and greed for him to want to keep more of what is his?
Oh please. Republicans have spent decades blaming the poor for being poor. They’re lazy, leaches, the takers.

That sentiment hasn’t really changed.

Only when they think they can get their vote do Republicans start trying to identify with them.

Meanwhile their policies don’t really support them. Republicans have been attacking collective bargaining every change they get, promoting trickle down economics that never trickle down and trying to whittle away any safety net that the poor depend on to keep them on their feet during bad times.
If one supports the uaw workers, they are pro worker. If not they are full on anti worker.
Oh please. Republicans have spent decades blaming the poor for being poor. They’re lazy, leaches, the takers.

That sentiment hasn’t really changed.

Only when they think they can get their vote do Republicans start trying to identify with them.

Meanwhile their policies don’t really support them. Republicans have been attacking collective bargaining every change they get, promoting trickle down economics that never trickle down and trying to whittle away any safety net that the poor depend on to keep them on their feet during bad times.

Trickle down has never been a republican economic theory.
That's just not true. All my well off friends, are Republicans. All my brothers bosses, CEO's, are Republicans. You're joking right?

Small business owners who make a lot and pay a lot in taxes, Republicans.

Democrats are the labor party. You can't claim the GOP is the party for both the middle class and rich. Reagan said that and his trickle down is why we are where we are at today.

And funny how it's you republicans who argue against labor and argue for the CEO's here on USMB. So please don't try to bullshit me bro.

Reagan never had a trickle down economic theory. You’ve been groomed.

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