Reality Check: Ukraine

Ukrainian non-nazis who do not exist in Ukraine.

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Natalie Jaresko (?) was on Bloomberg radio saying Ukraine wants to or can to fully account for every penny sent to them and they'll need $1 TRILLION to rebuild.

Make Peace, you fools!
This is claimed to be a Uke defending a trench (somewhere) but who really knows?

But still....Damn.

who really knows?
your RT. "knows" for sure :lol:

our white patriotic man 🇺🇦 KILLED YOUR ASIATIC intruder🇷🇺 (he was spetznaz )🐖


by the way our guy 🇺🇦nick - "PREDATOR"

more :

so you see, your fav hordesmen without chances against us white Europeans ?
Ukrainian non-nazis who do not exist in Ukraine.

Rare. Your post was edited. Please retype what you wrote in reverse-romanized Cyrillic (on another thread [italics]) or on Musk's Twitter.
In October 2022, about eight months after the war in Ukraine started, the University of Cambridge in the UK harmonized surveys conducted in 137 countries about their attitudes towards the West and towards Russia and China.
  • For the 6.3 billion people who live outside of the West, 66 percent feel positively towards Russia and 70 percent feel positively towards China, and,
  • Among the 66 percent who feel positively about Russia the breakdown is 75 percent in South Asia, 68 percent in Francophone Africa, and 62 percent in Southeast Asia.
  • Public opinion of Russia remains positive in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, and Vietnam.
Sentiments of this nature have caused some ire, surprise, and even anger in the West. It is difficult for them to believe that two-thirds of the world’s population is not siding with the West.

What are some of the reasons or causes for this? I believe there are five reasons as explained in this brief essay.
This paints a dismal picture. How far is Biden, Nuland, and the rest of the Neocon fanatics in this criminal administration willing to go to save face? It’s all so fucking ridiculous and tragic.

Is Anyone Really Prepared for This?

The U.S. won’t end the weapons deliveries because Joe Biden is afraid of losing face and his closest advisors such as Victoria Nuland have an irrational hatred for Russia and are total warmongers.

Now, we can add a new danger, resulting from desperation. This is the fact that the U.S. itself may be the biggest loser in the war.

As Ukraine disappears under a massive Russian onslaught, the U.S. will grow increasingly desperate. Its credibility is on the line after committing so much money, materiel and moral weight to Ukraine’s defense.
Interesting report in ZH where they cover NBC who allegedly got one of their hacks into Crimea and the front-end scum bag ended interviews by concluding that any attempt to invade Crimea is doomed to failure . Which should be self evident to knowledgeable people .
Obviously the whole incident was set up and it reversed everything the scum element of the US , MSM has previously said .

So , repeating effectively , my point is that it represents the first time that the US has publicly indicated a change of overall policy , with Zelenskyy being thrown under the bus ( as was always going to happen ) and Nuland becoming the first US scapegoat -- the evil bitch ,

The chances of the Khazarians "winning "in Luiza's book has lengthened and now is 50/1( from 20/1 ) with Moscow at 8/100 .

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