Reality of Putinstan, Muscovite town goes without drinkable water for 30 years. weakly updates


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Reality of Putinstan, Muscovite town goes without drinkable water for 30 years. weakly updates

as S Brin said: Nigeria with snow , This is the real Muscovy without RT´s color correction and premier pro (our soft, Moscow can produce only Dos ) editing. This should be on RT because it is about "Russia" Today, Putin use better water in his toilet.

comments ?
And Putin don’t care he is busy spending money in hypersonic missiles & jailing /killing opposition politicians, This is why Moscow empire will lose land to china in the next 10-30 years ....
This is Flint Michigan isn't it.
Flint hasn't been going on for 30 years, It's also out in the open and Biden has proposed money to replace the lead pipes in the infrastructure bill. ..... Putin is poisoning the planet.

the original text , google T:
M. Ivanov: "Dear Merkel! I ran out of gas. I wanted to buy a bottle. But it turned out that we (the Russians) will no longer be supplied with them. It is not clear what to cook our food on! Obviously, the (Russian) authorities decided to switch us to a raw food diet." But even during the war, they ate boiled potatoes. Your country (Germany) and you personally cooperate with Gazprom. And you know (ethnic German) Miller. Be so kind as to ask Miller to bring gas cylinders to our village. We agree to buy gas at any price. " (appeal to the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany from a resident of the town of Pushkinskie Gory, 04/26/2021)

Sharon aka Riga aka Litwin,

I advise you to send a query by Youtube

'Poor water quality in USA or Ukraine

By the way

I'm missing the word 'Great News' in your message

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