Really Rick Perry? Really?!?

Don't like it hey? That is what you get for staging Occupy style protests in the state capital. Mr. Perry might not have been the brightest bulb in the box but hes got more guts than Wendy and her army of misfits do.

Yeah, how dare those women want to control their own bodies.

Maybe Perry should just have them wear shirts, "Breeding Machine #871319"

Seriously, what a fuckhead. To think I used to kind of like him for not being Romney.
Does Perry really think this will get him to the White House? <My comment

Really Rick Perry? Really?!? | Dame Magazine

Texas governor calls special session to diminish women’s rights
- See more at: Really Rick Perry? Really?!? | Dame Magazine

The bill would have banned abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy and forced many clinics that perform the procedure to upgrade their facilities and be classified as ambulatory surgical centers. Also, doctors would be required to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles -- a tall order in rural communities.

1st part: If you cant figure out you don't want to be pregnant within 20 weeks, you are an idiot.

2nd part: I know this is a typical end run around abortion rights, but if so many people support abortion raising the money to help these places upgrade shouldnt be an issue.

3rd part: Relocate within 30 miles of a hospital. done.
Perry is both the master and the tool of the social traditionalist Christian extreme right in Texas.

That is where his power base rests, solidly.

He knows he now will never be more than governor, but he will rule his roost through the power of his office and those of his minions whom he has carefully groomed for more than a decade.

Of course he called the legislature to pacify the extreme religious wing.

And he knows the courts will end the leges' attempt to usurp women's rights.
Rick Perry was Al Gore's Campaign manager when Al was running for office. Perry was a registered Democrat. Now he is a Democrat registered as a Republican and because he claims to have "seen the light" - the GOP believes him. This is why the GOP must go. There is no soundness to it. Anyone tells them they are a born again christian and they fall for it hook, line and sinker. Perry is no Christian.


1st part: If you cant figure out you don't want to be pregnant within 20 weeks, you are an idiot.

2nd part: I know this is a typical end run around abortion rights, but if so many people support abortion raising the money to help these places upgrade shouldnt be an issue.

3rd part: Relocate within 30 miles of a hospital. done.

1- A lot of women know they don't want to be pregnant as soon as they figure out they are, but can't scrape together the money to buy one right away. Now, this WOULD make sense if Medicaid paid for abortions.

2- Forcing a clinic to upgrade when it isn't necessary is the kind of shit "Conservatives" are usualy against. Hey, let's put a whole bunch of new regulations on Gun shops designed to put them out of business. That sounds fair.

3- Why should they have to. We are talking about Texas here, one of the worst states in funding public health.
The Presidential train left a long time a go for Rick Perry

He is trying to solidify his base in Texas by pandering to the religious right
Jeremiah has the right of it. Perry is a shallow hypocritical person, using the hopes of the far Christain Right for his own purposes.
The Presidential train left a long time a go for Rick Perry

He is trying to solidify his base in Texas by pandering to the religious right

You know what, the GOP has a long history of recycling their losers. Just ask Bob Dole, who ran three times before the GOP finally said "Meh, why not?"

Rick Perry is no Bob Dole

1st part: If you cant figure out you don't want to be pregnant within 20 weeks, you are an idiot.

2nd part: I know this is a typical end run around abortion rights, but if so many people support abortion raising the money to help these places upgrade shouldnt be an issue.

3rd part: Relocate within 30 miles of a hospital. done.

1- A lot of women know they don't want to be pregnant as soon as they figure out they are, but can't scrape together the money to buy one right away. Now, this WOULD make sense if Medicaid paid for abortions.

2- Forcing a clinic to upgrade when it isn't necessary is the kind of shit "Conservatives" are usualy against. Hey, let's put a whole bunch of new regulations on Gun shops designed to put them out of business. That sounds fair.

3- Why should they have to. We are talking about Texas here, one of the worst states in funding public health.

Eh, Personally I dont give two shits about abortion, however Roe is not a total sheild against state regulation, just a sheild against any outright bans in the first two trimesters. (about).

If the people of Texas via the legislators want this, let em have it.

People that dont like it can move.

And before someone harps that "they be too poor to move" I find it interesting that for the first time in history, it is assumed poor people cannot move away from situations they dont like. The mass immigrations into America and other areas were ALWAYS by poor people, as rich people had no reason to leave thier current situation.
Perry is also a member of Bilderberg, was in Turkey a year or two ago at a Bilderberg meeting where it was reported he was the Bilderberg Golden Boy. They even wrote a news article about it called Bilderbergs Golden Boy - Rick Perry. So there's that and that is about all there is.

Whose next? Gingrich? Want to have a look at his background? He boasts he isn't a member of Bilderberg. LOL. According to Bilderberg list neither is the Head of Bilderberg listed ( there or on Tri Lat and CFR membership ) - Etienne Davignon - the man doesn't even use his real name! His real name is Solvay! Sam Waltons daughter doesn't use her real name either. You'd be amazed at the lengths these people go to - in order to hide their identities and who is on the membership list of these NGO groups.

Gingrich is a liar, a cheat and would sell his own mother for the right price. It was no accident that man got McDonalds Congressional in Georgia seat and then came onto the world stage as a major player. Take a look at his performance as House Speaker for the Republican party. An abysmal failure. He intentionally did nothing and if you are looking for ONE MAN to blame for infiltration of communism into the Republican party you can start with Newt Gingrich and go from there. Don't forget that good ole' boy - Perry - either.


Note*** Newt Gingrich was given Congressman Larry McDonalds Congressional seat after the Russians and CFR plotted successfully to have McDonald assassinated after outing them for their communist infitration of american govt by NGO's such as CFR. Oh yeah. Gingrich is the one Bilderberg sends down during elections to meet all the GOP candidates. When he showed up in my state I told my candidate - Gingrich is poison - stay away from him. He and his wife thought Gingrich was the salt of the earth. They found out differently.

Perry is also a member of Bilderberg, was in Turkey a year or two ago at a Bilderberg meeting where it was reported he was the Bilderberg Golden Boy. They even wrote a news article about it called Bilderbergs Golden Boy - Rick Perry. So there's that and that is about all there is.

Whose next? Gingrich? Want to have a look at his background? He boasts he isn't a member of Bilderberg. LOL. According to Bilderberg list neither is the Head of Bilderberg listed ( there or on Tri Lat and CFR membership ) - Etienne Davignon - the man doesn't even use his real name! His real name is Solvay! Sam Waltons daughter doesn't use her real name either. You'd be amazed at the lengths these people go to - in order to hide their identities and who is on the membership list of these NGO groups.

Gingrich is a liar, a cheat and would sell his own mother for the right price. It was no accident that man got McDonalds Congressional in Georgia seat and then came onto the world stage as a major player. Take a look at his performance as House Speaker for the Republican party. An abysmal failure. He intentionally did nothing and if you are looking for ONE MAN to blame for infiltration of communism into the Republican party you can start with Newt Gingrich and go from there. Don't forget that good ole' boy - Perry - either.


Note*** Newt Gingrich was given Congressman Larry McDonalds Congressional seat after the Russians and CFR plotted successfully to have McDonald assassinated after outing them for their communist infitration of american govt by NGO's such as CFR. Oh yeah. Gingrich is the one Bilderberg sends down during elections to meet all the GOP candidates. When he showed up in my state I told my candidate - Gingrich is poison - stay away from him. He and his wife thought Gingrich was the salt of the earth. They found out differently.


Perry is not a member of Bilderberg
I haven't seen him at a single meeting, we have our standards

However, Newt is a member. He is alot of fun at parties and is a good poker player. All the wives hate his wife though
Perry is also a member of Bilderberg, was in Turkey a year or two ago at a Bilderberg meeting where it was reported he was the Bilderberg Golden Boy. They even wrote a news article ....-Jeri

I can only think of one image that can sum up this post.


Does your doctor know you are off your meds?
Perry is also a member of Bilderberg, was in Turkey a year or two ago at a Bilderberg meeting where it was reported he was the Bilderberg Golden Boy. They even wrote a news article ....-Jeri

I can only think of one image that can sum up this post.


Does your doctor know you are off your meds?
Does Newt Gingrich want the Constitution to ?die?? | The Daily Caller

Upset your boy is getting exposed? Try this one on for size, Doll. This is Newt. From the 90's. An oldie but goodie... click it! I'll try and dig up an oldie but goodie from Perry for the readers to decide who he is.

Nice try. No cigar.


Perry is not a member of Bilderberg
I haven't seen him at a single meeting, we have our standards

However, Newt is a member. He is alot of fun at parties and is a good poker player. All the wives hate his wife though

Shhh.... next you'll be giving away the Secret Bilderberger/Illuminati handshake!!!

Rick Perry is unwelcome at Bilderberg events since that time he got drunk and threw up in Oprah Winfreys lap.

He also kept referring to Mark Zuckerberg as....."That Jewboy"

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