Really, the gop is protecting women from dangerous abortions

I have a daughter who is the result of not using birth control. My wife was unable to use birth control at the time because she had complications from a recent birth to twins. The twins had nearly killed her. Literally.

We had four month old twins when we found out she was pregnant again. And I had just been laid off from my job.

Every excuse people use to get an abortion, we had it. Too soon after newborn twins. No job. Health of the mother.

But we never even considered abortion even though most of our friends recommended it. In fact, my wife has said she would give birth to a baby even if it was the result of rape. She's more hardcore pro-life than I ever imagined!

We pulled our asses up by our own bootstraps.

So finish the story. What DID you do? How long were you unemployed? Where did you get the money to continue to take care of the twins, a pregnant wife and a new baby nine months after that? Did you get a job? Did your wife go back to work? Anybody in the family offer to help with daycare?

I mean you got me here at the climax (no pun intended) of this high family drama. I'm on the edge of my keyboard. What happened next?

I worked my ass off to get another job. I switched careers. We came very close to losing our house, but I made getting a job a full time job until I got another one.

Things were very tight during that period, especially since our hot water heater decided to explode at the same time.

Our daughter lives. Happily. That's the only ending that matters.

Nice anecdotal answer. How LONG were you unemployed? Where did the money come from in the interim?

What you experienced is only 1/300,000,000 of what counts in this country. Got it?
So finish the story. What DID you do? How long were you unemployed? Where did you get the money to continue to take care of the twins, a pregnant wife and a new baby nine months after that? Did you get a job? Did your wife go back to work? Anybody in the family offer to help with daycare?

I mean you got me here at the climax (no pun intended) of this high family drama. I'm on the edge of my keyboard. What happened next?

I worked my ass off to get another job. I switched careers. We came very close to losing our house, but I made getting a job a full time job until I got another one.

Things were very tight during that period, especially since our hot water heater decided to explode at the same time.

Our daughter lives. Happily. That's the only ending that matters.

Nice anecdotal answer. How LONG were you unemployed? Where did the money come from in the interim?

What you experienced is only 1/300,000,000 of what counts in this country. Got it?


You are the one who asked for the anecdote, dipshit.

What a really sore loser you are. :lol:
Who said that? No wonder you don't fucking get it. These clinics provide cancer screenings, STD testing AND contraception to women who are NOT pregnant. Got it now?

So does every general practitioner, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, internist, gyn

Some people, especially in Texas, the state that has the highest rate of uninsured, cannot afford to go those you list above. That's why they go to Planned Parenthood or other free clinics.

Just seeing a doctor, getting testing, lab results and then birth control pills will cost around $300+/- for the uninsured, maybe more.

I have been trying to fight desperately on my side that we must give women birth contol to prevent abortion.

Decades baby. I've been fighting this fight. Then I run into people like you who want to kill everything in the womb till it can breathe a breath.

And then I lose my fight with sane people. Because no one understands the left wing mania to kill a baby up till its breathing and carried alive and kicking out of the womb.
Who said that? No wonder you don't fucking get it. These clinics provide cancer screenings, STD testing AND contraception to women who are NOT pregnant. Got it now?

So does every general practitioner, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, internist, gyn

Some people, especially in Texas, the state that has the highest rate of uninsured, cannot afford to go those you list above. That's why they go to Planned Parenthood or other free clinics.

Just seeing a doctor, getting testing, lab results and then birth control pills will cost around $300+/- for the uninsured, maybe more.

And those women's clinics will still be there, providing those services. Even though they can't perform abortions.

So dry your crocodile tears.
Hell, I am far more willing to donate money to a women's clinic if they can't or won't perform abortions. Money is fungible, so even if I specified the money was just for STD tests, birth control, everything but abortions, my money still frees up cash for them to use to fund abortions.

Take abortion out of the equation, and that dilemma no longer exists.
I worked my ass off to get another job. I switched careers. We came very close to losing our house, but I made getting a job a full time job until I got another one.

Things were very tight during that period, especially since our hot water heater decided to explode at the same time.

Our daughter lives. Happily. That's the only ending that matters.

Nice anecdotal answer. How LONG were you unemployed? Where did the money come from in the interim?

What you experienced is only 1/300,000,000 of what counts in this country. Got it?


You are the one who asked for the anecdote, dipshit.

What a really sore loser you are. :lol:

No, you simply won't answer the questions, Drama Queen.

I suspect you were quickly re-employed and no one missed a meal or a doctor's appointment.

I suspect you might have gotten money from your family in the interim and you just don't want to admit that was part of pulling up those "bootstraps".

But thanks for the story. I got all teary-eyed reading it.

But your story is only one story and what worked for you isn't the answer for everyone else.
So does every general practitioner, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, internist, gyn

Some people, especially in Texas, the state that has the highest rate of uninsured, cannot afford to go those you list above. That's why they go to Planned Parenthood or other free clinics.

Just seeing a doctor, getting testing, lab results and then birth control pills will cost around $300+/- for the uninsured, maybe more.

And those women's clinics will still be there, providing those services. Even though they can't perform abortions.

So dry your crocodile tears.

Not if Rick Perry's sister can help it.

Sister Act: Gov. Perry’s Little-Known Sister is a Lobbyist for Lucrative Doctor-Owned Hospitals
Sister Act: Gov. Perry's Little-Known Sister is a Lobbyist for Lucrative Doctor-Owned Hospitals | The Texas Observer

So give us another sob story. Very entertaining however irrelevant to the other people in this country who wish to choose differently than you.
So does every general practitioner, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, internist, gyn

Some people, especially in Texas, the state that has the highest rate of uninsured, cannot afford to go those you list above. That's why they go to Planned Parenthood or other free clinics.

Just seeing a doctor, getting testing, lab results and then birth control pills will cost around $300+/- for the uninsured, maybe more.

I have been trying to fight desperately on my side that we must give women birth contol to prevent abortion.

Decades baby. I've been fighting this fight. Then I run into people like you who want to kill everything in the womb till it can breathe a breath.

And then I lose my fight with sane people. Because no one understands the left wing mania to kill a baby up till its breathing and carried alive and kicking out of the womb.

This is why you are losing the fight, toots. Where is it that I state I want to "kill everything in the womb". You fly to conclusions at warp speed. Stop buying into the far right mania about baby killing. That's bullshit.

I want access to birth control for anyone who cannot afford it. That's left wing.

People who don't want to have babies make lousy parents. That is a reasonable conclusion that I walked to without leaping.
One of the most blatant ad disgusting lies that the PP-pandering abortion pigs like to tell is this...that without PP abortion abbatoirs, women would not be able to access any of the woderful things that PP provides.

For one thing...PP charges plenty for the services they give. They do not work for free. Unlike county health departments...which DO provide pregnancy, sd screenings and birth control fofree of charge for any woman who asks for it.

We do notneed abortion assembly lines run by the monsters of PP to provide women with health care. But that is what the leftist ghouls want you to believe...because they will TRY to prevent women from getting adequate care from anyone else. To prevent woen from obtaining care from anyoe else, they will cut funding to the county clinics, and they will refuse to allow inspections of their clinics. They do't wat people to know what goes on...and they wat women to be demeaned, abused, and robbed...that is the motifvation behind the PP whores.

Also, I would love to see the quotes and the links to child abusers who claimed they abused children because they didn't want them.

In every single case of child abuse I've ever worked with (and I've worked with a lot) the women are ADAMANT that they want their babies, and they get pregnant as soon as they can when kids are taken from the home. Child welfare workers see it over and over...women who pop babies out yearly, just to have them taken from them. They aren't interested in abortion.

So that's another revolting lie told by the babykillers...that abortion somehow prevents child abuse. It doesn't. It feeds into the view that children are expendable and of little worth. Societies where abortion is rampant are societies where child abuse is rampant.
Perhaps knowing they will no longer be able to easily exterminate the results of their ill considered sex, people will begin to act more responsibly. Or perhaps they will give birth and experience joy that cannot be describe, and wonder how they could have gone through life without their precious, precious child despite any temporary hardships they had to endure.

Yes Abortions are a new thing created by all the loosy gooseyness created by the 20th century before then no one had frivolous sex

I see the strawman you are attempting to build there, but it doesn't stand up.

I frequently point out to homophobes on this forum that, before the age of AIDS, heteros died by the millions for centuries from gonorrhea and syphilis.

And STDs (including AIDS) continues to thrive, completely unaffected by on-demand abortions and sex education.
Then those kids grow up and become someone elses problem. See how it all comes back around?

Well you bigot. Thinking every aborted child would be a bad kid. Did you ever think for one minute you bigot that one might be a genius?

You pig you. You bigoted pig you.

I'm really at a loss for words. Truly. Because you think all aborted children must be horrible.

Growing up and becoming someone elses problem. I think maybe some of them could be good stewards of our lives.

You are one hell of a bigot to think they would all be a burden on us.

It's not about the kid. Nobody asks to be born.

But in reference to your last statement, let's see how Texans feel about this in a couple of years now that 37 of their 41 women's clinics have been closed. That means not only no abortions, but no birth control help either.

And no STD testing which means women could get pregnant and pass disease on to their unborn children, as well as becoming seriously ill themselves. If they are poor, then they will end up in the ER and guess who pays for that?

Women's Clinics? Sounds very noble when you call it that. Now say abortion center and see if it sounds as noble. It doesn't. They are dispensing healthcare to women. They are cutting babies out of women for the sake of convenience in the vast majority of instances. Birth control can be had for about a dollar at any truckstop restroom. If they can afford to eat at McDonald's or buy a six pack of beer, they can afford a variety of methods of birth control. You know that to be true.
Then those kids grow up and become someone elses problem. See how it all comes back around?

Still not MY problem. See how that works.

Then you're not paying attention to how insurance and hospitals work and that makes it OUR problem.

I know exactly how it works. Aborting babies isn't a solution to healthcare in America. Why are liberals so enamored with death? Funny thing is, you'll kill an innocent unborn child yet defend a mass murdered from the death penalty. You guys need to screw your heads on straight.
Then those kids grow up and become someone elses problem. See how it all comes back around?

Oh, for sure... but many of us don't think killing them off in the womb is the answer. Part of the problem is now (apparently) it is socially acceptable to procreate with reckless abandon, have an abortion or just sponge off society and send a bunch of adults into society that do the same.

One of the most narrow-minded and utterly stupid notions is that women, in general, welcome the thought of abortion as birth control.

Yeah, right....They look forward to everyone finding out they are pregnant and then mysteriously not being pregnant anymore and being the object of gossip.

They delight at the thought of the steel stirrups, the anesthesia, the steel tools being shoved up into their uteruses and most of all they can't wait for the aspiration vacuum humming to begin.

Right, taking a pill everyday is just boring and no fun. Too easy.

We know it gives liberals a little tingle down their legs.
I think we should let God deal with all murders. Who are we to judge?

Man did judge and it is the law of the land. Unlike murder.

The ramifications with ones higher power are a personal price.

Question.......if we use the same methods used in an abortion to off you, would the legal system consider it murder or legal? Chew on that.
I think we should let God deal with all murders. Who are we to judge?

Man did judge and it is the law of the land. Unlike murder.

The ramifications with ones higher power are a personal price.

Once something is "The law of the land" it is forever settled! Right!

Well.....the president can rule by decree and pick and choose which parts of the "law of the land" are in effect at any given time. Or so I hear.
Make no mistake, people will always make stoopid mistakes when it comes to sex. The question is whether it is incumbent on us to give them a do over and pay for their fix? I say no. It's their problem, not mine.

Then those kids grow up and become someone elses problem. See how it all comes back around?

Oh, for sure... but many of us don't think killing them off in the womb is the answer. Part of the problem is now (apparently) it is socially acceptable to procreate with reckless abandon, have an abortion or just sponge off society and send a bunch of adults into society that do the same.

I know what you DONT think is the answer but you have a hard time saying what IS the answer once you get rid of abortions.

Every plan starts with getting rid of abortions then magically, some other stuff will start happening. Sex wont feel good anymore! Teens will stop being curious about why their parts tingle! No more one night stands! :eusa_boohoo:

See, its easy to say what you ARE NOT FOR.
Who said that? No wonder you don't fucking get it. These clinics provide cancer screenings, STD testing AND contraception to women who are NOT pregnant. Got it now?

So does every general practitioner, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, internist, gyn

Some people, especially in Texas, the state that has the highest rate of uninsured, cannot afford to go those you list above. That's why they go to Planned Parenthood or other free clinics.

Just seeing a doctor, getting testing, lab results and then birth control pills will cost around $300+/- for the uninsured, maybe more.

Guess what......they are required by law to purchase insurance now.....even though they can't afford it. Problem solved the liberal "logic" way.
So does every general practitioner, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, internist, gyn

Some people, especially in Texas, the state that has the highest rate of uninsured, cannot afford to go those you list above. That's why they go to Planned Parenthood or other free clinics.

Just seeing a doctor, getting testing, lab results and then birth control pills will cost around $300+/- for the uninsured, maybe more.

I have been trying to fight desperately on my side that we must give women birth contol to prevent abortion.

Decades baby. I've been fighting this fight. Then I run into people like you who want to kill everything in the womb till it can breathe a breath.

And then I lose my fight with sane people. Because no one understands the left wing mania to kill a baby up till its breathing and carried alive and kicking out of the womb.

Damn! I have to spread some rep around before I can give you more.

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