Reasons why right wing politics, rednecks and America itself doesn't work

It doesnt matter what you want to believe or the ideals that the system wants you to believe.

And the Truth is, America is a country settled by criminals, established for White Supremacy, of the White people, and for the White male..
And Built on the backs of Blacks, Bankrolled by slavery and etched out by war.......

There never was a "we the people" and there is not today either........

Britain was an option, but to me, it's far too radically different and it really is an abusive police state and they hold people to standards that nobody in a free country can honestly meet and neither do they.

There are an estimated 27 million slaves today, that's more than what was in the cotton picking days. So if you think a country was built on slavery, there are more now. Slavery only became illegal in the UK in April 2010.

As for the UK being a police state, you need to get out of your parent's basement and go travel.

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