Reasons why right wing politics, rednecks and America itself doesn't work

If we as a group, embrace our AMERICAN identity, it gives us a shared loyalty, to counter balance our conflicts and thus resolve our differences peacefully. That is the way it used to work.

Undermining Nationalism, is leading US to DEVOLE to tribalism and war. That is what you are pushing FOR.

Mmm, we've worked together peacefully and productively for many generations until today. So, history says that your position is not true.

Trickle down did not work out the way we wanted. So, it is time to change that policy. Past time, but Free Trade ideologues and Big Money are fighting it.
Trickle down always worked, because the rich guy would spend his money on goods and services, thus employing people to provide those goods and services, what makes it hard is the fucking government taxing people so much that now it takes two people working almost two jobs, to make ends meet, while it used to be one person could provide while the other stayed home and nurtured the children, but then the Progressive Democrats couldnt get them indoctrinated at preschool.
It doesnt matter what you want to believe or the ideals that the system wants you to believe.

#1. A combination of the right to disturb the peace by making people angry and the right to own a gun is a recipe for war.
That's what it turned out prove to be because that's what it is.
Because there IS NO American exceptionalism..
We are people, NOT Americans.

There is no such a thing as a Homo Americanus and our loyalty is to ourselves, not to America.
That's why its a recipe for war.

#2. You can believe lies all you want to, and you can even literally not know the truth, but you never will be able to quite match up to reality until you know the truth..

And the Truth is, America is a country settled by criminals, established for White Supremacy, of the White people, and for the White male..
And Built on the backs of Blacks, Bankrolled by slavery and etched out by war.

There never was a "we the people" and there is not today either.

#3. Bill Clinton and Obama are the only two good presidents that America has ever had in its history and certainly that is not enough.

#4. Trickle down economics is a fallacy when people demand economic rights for the working and middle class.

That's why the USA doesn't work.
That's what brings me to Canada.

Britain was an option, but to me, it's far too radically different and it really is an abusive police state and they hold people to standards that nobody in a free country can honestly meet and neither do they.
EmperorShitzHizPantz is a bad president and so was Obama and Clinton who sold out this country to Globalists and Foreign Interests and took bribes and extorted nations.

Go back to your concentration camps and brutalizing people you DemNazi twat. We don't want your Fascism in America.
What it seems like is a willful omission of the fact that the society he created only allowed Democracy for a small aristocratic, land owning few and was economically supported on the back of chattel slavery. When put in that light he sounds no better than a warlord for Boko Haram.
Except that he, along with the other Founding Fathers, put into place the framework for the nation to peacefully change its constitution to rectify wrongs of the past.
Except that he, along with the other Founding Fathers, put into place the framework for the nation to peacefully change its constitution to rectify wrongs of the past.
It didn't peacefully change though. It took a civil war to end slavery, so you know, so much for that point. 😂
Asking a question is fine but typically people wait for an answer.

I was. Still am. Still don't have one.
If you want to make the case that age limiting voting is comparable to total disenfranchisement of none landing owning whites, women and black slaves go ahead but that isn't my argument.

I made no such argument. My point stands. As far as I know, ALL democracies started with limited franchises.

Let me state it again clearly for you that my argument is that a culture, any culture that venerates slavers is a deplorable one. That includes America who does indeed venerate slavers.

Don't spam. That is a sign of a propagandist who does not trust his own arguments.

Facts are always relevant and you really should learn the history of your own country.

No, I think some of the others made a pretty good case that you were exaggerating the role of slavery.

Support what assertion? That Washington was a slaver? That Americans hero worship Washington or that slavers? Or that slavery is immoral?

That this country is evil and deplorable. How would you measure that? Who would you compare US to?

I mean, the way I cut apart your post to address each point, that should have been clear. Can we move this along? I shouldn't have to remind you what your point was, each time I make a reply.
It didn't peacefully change though. It took a civil war to end slavery, so you know, so much for that point. 😂

The right to free speech, religion and assembly? Peaceful change.
The right to bear arms? Peaceful change.
Unreasonable search and seizure? Peaceful change.
Protection against self-incrimination? Peaceful change.
Prohibition and re-authorization of the use of alcohol? Peaceful change.

I could name a lot more, but I think I made my point.
I was. Still am. Still don't have one.
No, I don't have a problem with age limited voting.
I made no such argument. My point stands. As far as I know, ALL democracies started with limited franchises.
And yet my argument against the morality of early America has nothing to do with age limited voting but total disenfranchisement and slavery. Who are you making this point to and what does it have to with with my point that a society that venerates slavers is evil and deplorable?
Don't spam. That is a sign of a propagandist who does not trust his own arguments.
I restating my point because you seem to have lost it.
No, I think some of the others made a pretty good case that you were exaggerating the role of slavery.
Who did? Which "good" case did they make?
That this country is evil and deplorable. How would you measure that? Who would you compare US to?
I compare it to my own understanding of what is and isn't moral. Who do you allow to determine morality for you?
I mean, the way I cut apart your post to address each point, that should have been clear. Can we move this along? I shouldn't have to remind you what your point was, each time I make a reply.
And yet when I remind you you accuse me off spamming...

The right to free speech, religion and assembly? Peaceful change.
The right to bear arms? Peaceful change.
Unreasonable search and seizure? Peaceful change.
Protection against self-incrimination? Peaceful change.
Prohibition and re-authorization of the use of alcohol? Peaceful change.

I could name a lot more, but I think I made my point.
Those rights were also won by violent revolution. You already lost your point. You claimed that Washington put in place a system of government that would eventually and peacefully right the wrongs of the past and it took war to end slavery. You couldn't have been more wrong.
No. I don't have to leave you cuck. I get to live in this country and call your hero worshipping of slavers deplorable. If you belong to a culture that hero worships slavers, it's a shit culture.
LOL!! We don't give a fuck about "slavers" back in 1776 you moron. Slavery was a common practice throughout history.
The Founding Fathers defeated the best army in the world to create the best nation in the world, and you silly fucks worry about their farm laborers.
If you don't like the Founding Fathers, or the American Flag, or the National Anthem, then leave, you low-IQ moron.
The extremes have taken over, people follow the most crazy propaganda. Its been bad in the past but now any thought of working towards reasonable solutions are cast aside. Winning for your one sided political views is all that matters.We will all pay a price for distroying our country over this insanity.
LOL!! We don't give a fuck about "slavers" back in 1776 you moron. Slavery was a common practice throughout history.
The Founding Fathers defeated the best army in the world to create the best nation in the world, and you silly fucks worry about their farm laborers.
If you don't like the Founding Fathers, or the American Flag, or the National Anthem, then leave, you low-IQ moron.
No. I think I'll stay here and piss on their memory and continue to advocate for the end of their veneration. I'll win too. You're already starting to see the shift with Confederate heroes.
Those rights were also won by violent revolution. You already lost your point. You claimed that Washington put in place a system of government that would eventually and peacefully right the wrongs of the past and it took war to end slavery. You couldn't have been more wrong.
You're fixated on slavery. Those other amendments are examples of changes that were peacefully made to the Constitution. People proposed them, argued over them, voted on them and passed them.
Then what is evil if not slavery?

Didn't say it wasn't.
And are you arguing that popularity is what defines evil from good?

Nope. Just saying that the unsavory parts of our history are not anything that didn't transpire in every culture and country in the world throughout history.

There is nothing unique about America in this respect. Human history is filled with evils, atrocities and injustices so there's really no reason to be pointing fingers at our particular country. People like yourself would do well to learn more about human history and gain a wider perspective on these things.
You're fixated on slavery. Those other amendments are examples of changes that were peacefully made to the Constitution. People proposed them, argued over them, voted on them and passed them.
Slavery was big part of America's Founding and I'm not the one trying to ignore it. Those rights they reserved for themselves, not for slaves. We judge people by what they did, not how things turned out hundreds of years into the future.
Didn't say it wasn't.
So answer clearly are slavers like Washington evil or not?
Nope. Just saying that the unsavory parts of our history are not anything that didn't transpire in every culture and country in the world throughout history.
Did I ever claim that slavery was unique to America? What is the point of stating the obvious especially when it has no bearing on the argument? (Popularity not being the arbiter of morality)
There is nothing unique about America in this respect. Human history is filled with evils, atrocities and injustices so there's really no reason to be pointing fingers at our particular country. People like yourself would do well to learn more about human history and gain a wider perspective on these things.
Is your point that we shouldn't admonish slavers and people who idolize slavers or that we should do so equally where ever we find slavers and people who venerate them? One is an argument about fairness and hypocrisy (I have no problem equally admonishing other cultures that venerate slavers) and the other is an attempt to sweep those atrocities under the historical rug.
So answer clearly are slavers like Washington evil or not?

Did I ever claim that slavery was unique to America? What is the point of stating the obvious especially when it has no bearing on the argument? (Popularity not being the arbiter of morality)

Is your point that we shouldn't admonish slavers and people who idolize slavers or that we should do so equally where ever we find slavers and people who venerate them? One is an argument about fairness and hypocrisy (I have no problem equally admonishing other cultures that venerate slavers) and the other is an attempt to sweep those atrocities under the historical rug.
A better question is why Blacks sold their kids into slavery.
Slavery was big part of America's Founding and I'm not the one trying to ignore it. Those rights they reserved for themselves, not for slaves. We judge people by what they did, not how things turned out hundreds of years into the future.
And that is why they deserve credit for creating a constitution that could be amended as society changed over time. You are also judging them by today's standards instead of the standards of the day they were living in. You do know that there were black slave owners in America and that slavery was practiced the world over at the time, right? Do you have condemnation for the African tribes that went to war with each other and took the losers into slavery? That sold their fellow Africans into slavery to the white man, or are you pretending American slavery happened in a vacuum?
And that is why they deserve credit for creating a constitution that could be amended as society changed over time.
No. I give credit to the people who actually changed it.
You are also judging them by today's standards instead of the standards of the day they were living in. You do know that there were black slave owners in America and that slavery was practiced the world over at the time, right? Do you have condemnation for the African tribes that went to war with each other and took the losers into slavery? That sold their fellow Africans into slavery to the white man, or are you pretending American slavery happened in a vacuum?
Time has no standards and I find the arguments that it does to be hilarious and without merit. I have my own standards and according to my standards slavery, while occasionally legal and socially acceptable, is always deplorable and immoral. That goes for African slavers as well. If you want to make a rational argument for it ever being moral to engage in the brutal practice of slavery then let's hear it. I'll be fascinated to see what reasoning you manage to come up with.
No. I give credit to the people who actually changed it.
And they couldn't have unless the FF built in the mechanism to do so.
Time has no standards and I find the arguments that it does to be hilarious and without merit. I have my own standards and according to my standards slavery, while occasionally legal and socially acceptable, is always deplorable and immoral. That goes for African slavers as well. If you want to make a rational argument for it ever being moral to engage in the brutal practice of slavery then let's hear it. I'll be fascinated to see what reasoning you manage to come up with.
There is no case to be made for slavery being moral. That doesn't change the fact, however, that it wasn't until a scant few hundred years ago it was not only widely practiced, but accepted as the right of the powerful over the weak. Even today in backward parts of the world it is practiced.

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