Reasons why right wing politics, rednecks and America itself doesn't work

The question was about whether or not America was an evil society, how is its hero worship of slavers not relevant to that judgment?
Everyone had slaves in those days, dumb fuck. Can you name a single society that never had slavery?
It doesnt matter what you want to believe or the ideals that the system wants you to believe.

#1. A combination of the right to disturb the peace by making people angry and the right to own a gun is a recipe for war.
That's what it turned out prove to be because that's what it is.
Because there IS NO American exceptionalism..
We are people, NOT Americans.

There is no such a thing as a Homo Americanus and our loyalty is to ourselves, not to America.
That's why its a recipe for war.

#2. You can believe lies all you want to, and you can even literally not know the truth, but you never will be able to quite match up to reality until you know the truth..

And the Truth is, America is a country settled by criminals, established for White Supremacy, of the White people, and for the White male..
And Built on the backs of Blacks, Bankrolled by slavery and etched out by war.

There never was a "we the people" and there is not today either.

#3. Bill Clinton and Obama are the only two good presidents that America has ever had in its history and certainly that is not enough.

#4. Trickle down economics is a fallacy when people demand economic rights for the working and middle class.

That's why the USA doesn't work.
That's what brings me to Canada.

Britain was an option, but to me, it's far too radically different and it really is an abusive police state and they hold people to standards that nobody in a free country can honestly meet and neither do they.

KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov's warning to America​


29 YEARS AGO, Soviet defector and KGB operative Yuri Bezmenov, specializing in the fields of Marxist-Leninist propaganda and ideological subversion; warned us about the silent war being waged against America as part of a long term plan to take over and destroy the American system and way of life.

Watch this clip in AMAZEMENT as you realize he is describing EXACTLY what's happening in America today, where by Obama and his gang of Marxist usurpers who now have control of your government are just the culmination of a very long term plan, but are the ones who are about to bring it into fruition.

Bezmenov was born in 1939 in Mytishchi, near Moscow to a high ranking Soviet Army officer. At the age of seventeen, he entered the Institute of Oriental Languages, a part of the Moscow State University which was under the direct control of the KGB and the Communist Central Committee. In addition to languages, he studied history, literature, and music, and became an expert on Indian culture. During his second year, Bezmenov sought to look like a person from India; his teachers encouraged this because graduates of the school were employed as diplomats, foreign journalists, or spies.[2]

As a Soviet student, he was also required to take compulsory military training in which he was taught how to play "strategic war games" using the maps of foreign countries, as well as how to interrogate prisoners of war.[2]

. . . wow, he was so prophetic, spot on! You hate your home and native land. The place the birthed you, clothed you, gave you life, education, and protected you, your whole life!


It doesnt matter what you want to believe or the ideals that the system wants you to believe.

#1. A combination of the right to disturb the peace by making people angry and the right to own a gun is a recipe for war.
That's what it turned out prove to be because that's what it is.
Because there IS NO American exceptionalism..
We are people, NOT Americans.

There is no such a thing as a Homo Americanus and our loyalty is to ourselves, not to America.
That's why its a recipe for war.

#2. You can believe lies all you want to, and you can even literally not know the truth, but you never will be able to quite match up to reality until you know the truth..

And the Truth is, America is a country settled by criminals, established for White Supremacy, of the White people, and for the White male..
And Built on the backs of Blacks, Bankrolled by slavery and etched out by war.

There never was a "we the people" and there is not today either.

#3. Bill Clinton and Obama are the only two good presidents that America has ever had in its history and certainly that is not enough.

#4. Trickle down economics is a fallacy when people demand economic rights for the working and middle class.

That's why the USA doesn't work.
That's what brings me to Canada.

Britain was an option, but to me, it's far too radically different and it really is an abusive police state and they hold people to standards that nobody in a free country can honestly meet and neither do they.
You belong in Canada. You are delusional. Clinton was, at best, average. He was only that because a Republican congress hobbled his liberal tendencies. Obama was a waste of oxygen, in his first two years with total control of congress he accomplished nothing except pass a watered down version of national healthcare.
#1. A combination of the right to disturb the peace by making people angry and the right to own a gun is a recipe for war.
That's what it turned out prove to be because that's what it is.
Because there IS NO American exceptionalism..
We are people, NOT Americans.
If that were true at the rate gun rights have been restored across the country over the last 35 years we'd have most certainly had a shooting civil war long ago.
The border has been open for a very long time, if you arent American head for the border, we dont want your sorry ass here.
Call me crazy but I think legal resident aliens who apply for citizenship ought to get to stay too at least while their application is being considered.
It didn't peacefully change though. It took a civil war to end slavery, so you know, so much for that point. 😂
Slavery was already dying. Slaves were an economic anchor for their owners and they over-cropped their soil growing cotton for money. Without the ACW, slavery would have died a natural death like in Brazil in the 1880s. But two more generations would have been born into slavery.
And the Truth is, America is a country settled by criminals, established for White Supremacy, of the White people, and for the White male..
And Built on the backs of Blacks, Bankrolled by slavery and etched out by war.
The entire black population in 1900 was only about 4 million so it would have been impossible for the US to be built, "On their backs".

We fought a devastating war to end slavery with the most casualties of Any war the US has ever taken part in. That was followed by the civil rights era of the 50's, 60's, and 70's.

Oddly, the only place where slavery remains an accepted practice is the same place it began, Africa.

Get over it, you're 150 years behind.
Slavery was already dying. Slaves were an economic anchor for their owners and they over-cropped their soil growing cotton for money. Without the ACW, slavery would have died a natural death like in Brazil in the 1880s. But two more generations would have been born into slavery.
The mechanical cotton gin and cotton harvesters were the death of slavery. It was dying an albeit all too slow death but once our industrial age began it was the death knell of that barbaric practice.

Public opinion was steadily turning against slavery from the 1850's onward as well. The end of slavery was always an eventual inevitability as science, technology, and morality evolved.
No, I don't have a problem with age limited voting.

And yet my argument against the morality of early America has nothing to do with age limited voting but total disenfranchisement and slavery. Who are you making this point to and what does it have to with with my point that a society that venerates slavers is evil and deplorable?

Age limited was just an example. My point was that all democracies start with limited franchises.

YOU made a point about the limited franchise. My counterpoint had to do with that point, not you other one about slavery. Seriously. You didn't get that my point about the franchise was in reply to your point about the franchise?

My point is that all democracies start with limited franchises, so your complaint about that, is not valid.

I hope you get that this time. DO you understand that when I said "that" I was referring to your point on franchise?

I restating my point because you seem to have lost it.

No, I didn't. NOt at all.
Who did? Which "good" case did they make?

Pretty much all of them that bothered to spend the time on it. They made some strong points. Maybe you have them all on ignore. My point stands. I think you exaggerated it. My reading of history is that the Free States were the ones that economically outpaced the Slave Ones. That is why they rebelled. THey saw the writing on the Wall and that their power was waning. Fast.

I compare it to my own understanding of what is and isn't moral. Who do you allow to determine morality for you?

So, it is just an assertion you make? That is not valid.

I think that America, despite it's various flaws, both current and historical, compared fantastically with other nations.

And yet when I remind you you accuse me off spamming...

Yes. Because that seemed to be what you were doing. When I did it, it was because you were failing to follow along.

IF you get this, feel free to drop is, and stay on topic from here on out. Let's not talk in circles.
Those rights were also won by violent revolution. You already lost your point. You claimed that Washington put in place a system of government that would eventually and peacefully right the wrongs of the past and it took war to end slavery. You couldn't have been more wrong.

That they system for peaceful change did not work with every change, does not negate the fact that a system for peaceful change was and is in place.

No system is perfect. Pointing to one example of failure is not a reason to dismiss a system.
It doesnt matter what you want to believe or the ideals that the system wants you to believe.

#1. A combination of the right to disturb the peace by making people angry and the right to own a gun is a recipe for war.
That's what it turned out prove to be because that's what it is.
Because there IS NO American exceptionalism..
We are people, NOT Americans.

There is no such a thing as a Homo Americanus and our loyalty is to ourselves, not to America.
That's why its a recipe for war.

#2. You can believe lies all you want to, and you can even literally not know the truth, but you never will be able to quite match up to reality until you know the truth..

And the Truth is, America is a country settled by criminals, established for White Supremacy, of the White people, and for the White male..
And Built on the backs of Blacks, Bankrolled by slavery and etched out by war.

There never was a "we the people" and there is not today either.

#3. Bill Clinton and Obama are the only two good presidents that America has ever had in its history and certainly that is not enough.

#4. Trickle down economics is a fallacy when people demand economic rights for the working and middle class.

That's why the USA doesn't work.
That's what brings me to Canada.

Britain was an option, but to me, it's far too radically different and it really is an abusive police state and they hold people to standards that nobody in a free country can honestly meet and neither do they.
I find it entertaining that die-hard liberal extremists still defending Democrats' insanity, crimes, treasonous, and policies that have devastated this country in less than a year and a half try to argue that it is 'the other guys' whose policies don't work and is responsible for the ruin.

Iceman seems to be trying to be his own USMB Disinformation Department all on his own...

So answer clearly are slavers like Washington evil or not?

Evil? No. It's not as simple as that. Washington et al were products of their time.
Did I ever claim that slavery was unique to America? What is the point of stating the obvious especially when it has no bearing on the argument? (Popularity not being the arbiter of morality)

I never mentioned slavery at all so no, I did not claim that you claimed slavery was unique to America. What I said was: "Human history is filled with evils, atrocities and injustices..."
Is your point that we shouldn't admonish slavers and people who idolize slavers or that we should do so equally where ever we find slavers and people who venerate them?

I'm not admonishing anything other than to look at America's past sins in the context of the whole world and the whole of human history.
One is an argument about fairness and hypocrisy (I have no problem equally admonishing other cultures that venerate slavers) and the other is an attempt to sweep those atrocities under the historical rug.

There's no way we can simply sweep slavery under the rug; it's to big a part of our history for that. However, what we can do is move on from it.

It doesnt matter what you want to believe or the ideals that the system wants you to believe.

#1. A combination of the right to disturb the peace by making people angry and the right to own a gun is a recipe for war.
That's what it turned out prove to be because that's what it is.
Because there IS NO American exceptionalism..
We are people, NOT Americans.

There is no such a thing as a Homo Americanus and our loyalty is to ourselves, not to America.
That's why its a recipe for war.

#2. You can believe lies all you want to, and you can even literally not know the truth, but you never will be able to quite match up to reality until you know the truth..

And the Truth is, America is a country settled by criminals, established for White Supremacy, of the White people, and for the White male..
And Built on the backs of Blacks, Bankrolled by slavery and etched out by war.

There never was a "we the people" and there is not today either.

#3. Bill Clinton and Obama are the only two good presidents that America has ever had in its history and certainly that is not enough.

#4. Trickle down economics is a fallacy when people demand economic rights for the working and middle class.

That's why the USA doesn't work.
That's what brings me to Canada.

Britain was an option, but to me, it's far too radically different and it really is an abusive police state and they hold people to standards that nobody in a free country can honestly meet and neither do they.
That's why I live in the mid-west.
It's the heartland

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