Reasons Why We Should Welcome Syrian Refugees


6. America should demonstrate moral courage: During World War II, the U.S. turned away Jews due to security concerns. We sent shiploads back to the camps because we were scared that Nazi spies could hide in their midst (which was not an entirely unfounded concern). The lesson of the Holocaust, as I noted here, is that we must deal with threats without rejecting our ethical obligations. We must not send those fleeing persecution back to their persecutors. The definition of moral courage is to resist allowing fear to overwhelm our humanity.
If they never get the right to vote, do you still the same way?

Not sure I understand your point. If they are American citizens - then they should have the right to vote. If they are not, then they don't. But I don't see what any of that has to do with the issue.
One of the reasons Obama wants this is future democrat voters.

6. America should demonstrate moral courage: During World War II, the U.S. turned away Jews due to security concerns. We sent shiploads back to the camps because we were scared that Nazi spies could hide in their midst (which was not an entirely unfounded concern). The lesson of the Holocaust, as I noted here, is that we must deal with threats without rejecting our ethical obligations. We must not send those fleeing persecution back to their persecutors. The definition of moral courage is to resist allowing fear to overwhelm our humanity.
If they never get the right to vote, do you still the same way?

Not sure I understand your point. If they are American citizens - then they should have the right to vote. If they are not, then they don't. But I don't see what any of that has to do with the issue.
One of the reasons Obama wants this is future democrat voters.

Of course. Obama really, really wants more votes.

6. America should demonstrate moral courage: During World War II, the U.S. turned away Jews due to security concerns. We sent shiploads back to the camps because we were scared that Nazi spies could hide in their midst (which was not an entirely unfounded concern). The lesson of the Holocaust, as I noted here, is that we must deal with threats without rejecting our ethical obligations. We must not send those fleeing persecution back to their persecutors. The definition of moral courage is to resist allowing fear to overwhelm our humanity.
If they never get the right to vote, do you still the same way?

Not sure I understand your point. If they are American citizens - then they should have the right to vote. If they are not, then they don't. But I don't see what any of that has to do with the issue.
One of the reasons Obama wants this is future democrat voters.

Of course. Obama really, really wants more votes.

Yes he does to support his far left masters, like you do!
Reason we shouldn't....THEY have a HISTORY of this, ESPECIALLY ONCE they MULTIPLY!!!!!


Don't think that this happens once they multiply within a foreign country to them?...


6. America should demonstrate moral courage: During World War II, the U.S. turned away Jews due to security concerns. We sent shiploads back to the camps because we were scared that Nazi spies could hide in their midst (which was not an entirely unfounded concern). The lesson of the Holocaust, as I noted here, is that we must deal with threats without rejecting our ethical obligations. We must not send those fleeing persecution back to their persecutors. The definition of moral courage is to resist allowing fear to overwhelm our humanity.
If they never get the right to vote, do you still the same way?

Not sure I understand your point. If they are American citizens - then they should have the right to vote. If they are not, then they don't. But I don't see what any of that has to do with the issue.
One of the reasons Obama wants this is future democrat voters.

Of course. Obama really, really wants more votes.
Future voters, but when you bring enough over. I hate to tell you. Queers lives won't matter. Black lives won't matter. Those that support abortion lives won't matter.
Bullshit, under what pretext do we have a responsibility to permit refugees into this country? Dam, even those that are in charge admit his claims that these are not combatants and not a terrorist disagree. Just more crap from the chief of crap.
I realize that this issue has led to a morass of misinformation and fear mongering.....but I figure there may be a few people who would like to read something that is based on factual info and sound reasoning.

Here it is.

Six Reasons to Welcome Syrian Refugees After Paris | Niskanen Center

The enemy of our enemy is our friend?

There is precedent for America refusing to accept political refugees. Then, the fear was that NAZI's would sneak in with the fleeing Jews. Will we remember our history?

If you think we should take them in, how many are you willing to personally let live at your house?
Bullshit, under what pretext do we have a responsibility to permit refugees into this country? Dam, even those that are in charge admit his claims that these are not combatants and not a terrorist disagree. Just more crap from the chief of crap.

Ever notice how none of those who say they should come say how many they're willing to personally take in?

6. America should demonstrate moral courage: During World War II, the U.S. turned away Jews due to security concerns. We sent shiploads back to the camps because we were scared that Nazi spies could hide in their midst (which was not an entirely unfounded concern). The lesson of the Holocaust, as I noted here, is that we must deal with threats without rejecting our ethical obligations. We must not send those fleeing persecution back to their persecutors. The definition of moral courage is to resist allowing fear to overwhelm our humanity.
America has no "ethical obligations" as far as Syrian refugees are concerned. Our ethical obligations are the safety, and prosperity of our people.
  • Sorry, Left-Wingers, But Governors CAN Turn away "Refugees"
    Canada Free Press ^
    Something amazing seems to be in the process of happening,a majority of the governors of our states appear to be finding the courage to stand up to the federal government and Obama's plan to resettle terrorists disguised as "refugees" all across the country. For decades, state governments have been so cowed by the federal government that time and time again, they acquiesce to any and all unconstitutional actions forced upon them by the federal government, no matter how excessive or ridiculous. However, the remarkably stupid decision by the Obama administration to proceed with its Syrian "refugee" resettlement plans, even in...
I realize that this issue has led to a morass of misinformation and fear mongering.....but I figure there may be a few people who would like to read something that is based on factual info and sound reasoning.

Here it is.

Six Reasons to Welcome Syrian Refugees After Paris | Niskanen Center

The enemy of our enemy is our friend?

There is precedent for America refusing to accept political refugees. Then, the fear was that NAZI's would sneak in with the fleeing Jews. Will we remember our history?

Let's indeed try some "factual info and sound reasoning."

One, some of the Syrian refugees who have gone into other countries have wreaked havoc there.

Two, surveys done among Syrian refugees have found that a sizable portion of them sympathize with ISIS.

Three, we have no way to verify the identity of most Syrian refugees, as even our own FBI chief has admitted.

Four, journalists have found it very easy to obtain fake Syrian passports.

Five, even those Syrian refugees who might be anti-ISIS could well be pro-Al Qaeda and/or anti-Israeli and anti-American.

Six, with the huge land mass of the Arab world, there is no rational reason that we should have to settle thousands of Syrian refugees. They would be far more at home in a sister Arab country.

Seven, Syrian refugees have attacked Christian Arabs among them. Syrian refugees camps have proven to be unsafe for a number of Christian Arabs. This should raise a huge red flag all by itself.

Anyone who knows how to Google can find ample credible news reports on these facts.
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I realize that this issue has led to a morass of misinformation and fear mongering.....but I figure there may be a few people who would like to read something that is based on factual info and sound reasoning.

Here it is.

Six Reasons to Welcome Syrian Refugees After Paris | Niskanen Center

The enemy of our enemy is our friend?

There is precedent for America refusing to accept political refugees. Then, the fear was that NAZI's would sneak in with the fleeing Jews. Will we remember our history?

Let's indeed try some "factual info and sound reasoning."

One, some of the Syrian refugees who have gone into other countries have wreaked havoc there.

Two, surveys done among Syrian refugees have found that a sizable portion of them sympathize with ISIS.

Three, we have no way to verify the identity of most Syrian refugees, as even our own FBI chief has admitted.

Four, journalists have found it very easy to obtain fake Syrian passports.

Five, even those Syrian refugees who might be anti-ISIS could well be pro-Al Qaeda and/or anti-Israeli and anti-American.

Six, with the huge land mass of the Arab world, there is no rational reason that we should have to settle thousands of Syrian refugees. They would be far more at home in a sister Arab country.

Sorry. No refugees from the Middle East have carried out a single terror attack in the US.

You are using the cloak of concern and fear to keep those brown people out. Nutbags pound their chests daily and warn others not to mess with them......but suggest that some poor, weak and hungry refugees get some needed help and they start to cower like scared little puppies at a fireworks show.

It's all bullshit. WE CAN SEE RIGHT THROUGH YOU.
I realize that this issue has led to a morass of misinformation and fear mongering.....but I figure there may be a few people who would like to read something that is based on factual info and sound reasoning.

Here it is.

Six Reasons to Welcome Syrian Refugees After Paris | Niskanen Center

The enemy of our enemy is our friend?

There is precedent for America refusing to accept political refugees. Then, the fear was that NAZI's would sneak in with the fleeing Jews. Will we remember our history?

Let's indeed try some "factual info and sound reasoning."

One, some of the Syrian refugees who have gone into other countries have wreaked havoc there.

Two, surveys done among Syrian refugees have found that a sizable portion of them sympathize with ISIS.

Three, we have no way to verify the identity of most Syrian refugees, as even our own FBI chief has admitted.

Four, journalists have found it very easy to obtain fake Syrian passports.

Five, even those Syrian refugees who might be anti-ISIS could well be pro-Al Qaeda and/or anti-Israeli and anti-American.

Six, with the huge land mass of the Arab world, there is no rational reason that we should have to settle thousands of Syrian refugees. They would be far more at home in a sister Arab country.

Sorry. No refugees from the Middle East have carried out a single terror attack in the US.

You are using the cloak of concern and fear to keep those brown people out. Nutbags pound their chests daily and warn others not to mess with them......but suggest that some poor, weak and hungry refugees get some needed help and they start to cower like scared little puppies at a fireworks show.

It's all bullshit. WE CAN SEE RIGHT THROUGH YOU.
When one does, will you move?
I realize that this issue has led to a morass of misinformation and fear mongering.....but I figure there may be a few people who would like to read something that is based on factual info and sound reasoning.

Here it is.

Six Reasons to Welcome Syrian Refugees After Paris | Niskanen Center

The enemy of our enemy is our friend?

There is precedent for America refusing to accept political refugees. Then, the fear was that NAZI's would sneak in with the fleeing Jews. Will we remember our history?

Let's indeed try some "factual info and sound reasoning."

One, some of the Syrian refugees who have gone into other countries have wreaked havoc there.

Two, surveys done among Syrian refugees have found that a sizable portion of them sympathize with ISIS.

Three, we have no way to verify the identity of most Syrian refugees, as even our own FBI chief has admitted.

Four, journalists have found it very easy to obtain fake Syrian passports.

Five, even those Syrian refugees who might be anti-ISIS could well be pro-Al Qaeda and/or anti-Israeli and anti-American.

Six, with the huge land mass of the Arab world, there is no rational reason that we should have to settle thousands of Syrian refugees. They would be far more at home in a sister Arab country.

Sorry. No refugees from the Middle East have carried out a single terror attack in the US.

You are using the cloak of concern and fear to keep those brown people out. Nutbags pound their chests daily and warn others not to mess with them......but suggest that some poor, weak and hungry refugees get some needed help and they start to cower like scared little puppies at a fireworks show.


You are delusional. Although no Muslim "refugees" have carried out terrorist attacks in America, Muslim immigrants/visitors have done so.

And what about all the trouble that Muslim "refugees" have caused in other countries just in the last few months? Are you unaware of all the incidents of violence and crime involving Muslim refugees in other nations?

How about the surveys that have found that a sizable portion of Syrian refugees view ISIS favorably? Humm?

New survey shows how many Syrian ‘refugees’ SYMPATHIZE with ISIS and it’s NOT GOOD… » The Right Scoop -

How about the attacks that Syrian refugees have perpetrated against Christian Arabs? No big deal to you?

How about the terrorist attacks that Muslim immigrants have carried out in other nations? Those don't count?

How about the fact that Muslim immigrants, including some here in the U.S., demand their own schools, their own courts, and that public schools recognize Muslim holidays? We just a town council in Maryland vote to recognize a Muslim holiday in response to demands from Muslim parents. Do you have any clue what kinds of virtually autonomous enclaves Muslims have set up in England and France? This is all profusely documented.

Showing heart-breaking pictures of Syrian refugee children is deceptive and dishonest, and is designed to get people to forget about all the facts plainly before our eyes.
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I realize that this issue has led to a morass of misinformation and fear mongering.....but I figure there may be a few people who would like to read something that is based on factual info and sound reasoning.

Here it is.

Six Reasons to Welcome Syrian Refugees After Paris | Niskanen Center

The enemy of our enemy is our friend?

There is precedent for America refusing to accept political refugees. Then, the fear was that NAZI's would sneak in with the fleeing Jews. Will we remember our history?

Let's indeed try some "factual info and sound reasoning."

One, some of the Syrian refugees who have gone into other countries have wreaked havoc there.

Two, surveys done among Syrian refugees have found that a sizable portion of them sympathize with ISIS.

Three, we have no way to verify the identity of most Syrian refugees, as even our own FBI chief has admitted.

Four, journalists have found it very easy to obtain fake Syrian passports.

Five, even those Syrian refugees who might be anti-ISIS could well be pro-Al Qaeda and/or anti-Israeli and anti-American.

Six, with the huge land mass of the Arab world, there is no rational reason that we should have to settle thousands of Syrian refugees. They would be far more at home in a sister Arab country.

Sorry. No refugees from the Middle East have carried out a single terror attack in the US.

You are using the cloak of concern and fear to keep those brown people out. Nutbags pound their chests daily and warn others not to mess with them......but suggest that some poor, weak and hungry refugees get some needed help and they start to cower like scared little puppies at a fireworks show.


You are delusional. Although no Muslim "refugees" have carried out terrorist attacks in America, Muslim immigrants/visitors have done so.

And what about all the trouble that Muslim "refugees" have caused in other countries just in the last few months? Are you unaware of all the incidents of violence and crime involving Muslim refugees in other nations?

How about the surveys that have found that a sizable portion of Syrian refugees view ISIS favorably? Humm?

New survey shows how many Syrian ‘refugees’ SYMPATHIZE with ISIS and it’s NOT GOOD… » The Right Scoop -

How about the attacks that Syrian refugees have perpetrated against Christian Arabs? No big deal to you?

How about the terrorist attacks that Muslim immigrants have carried out in other nations? Those don't count?

How about the fact that Muslim immigrants, including some here in the U.S., demand their own schools, their own courts, and that public schools recognize Muslim holidays? We just a town council in Maryland vote to recognize a Muslim holiday in response to demands from Muslim parents. Do you have any clue what kinds of virtually autonomous enclaves Muslims have set up in England and France? This is all profusely documented.

Showing heart-breaking pictures of Syrian refugee children is deceptive and dishonest, and is designed to get people to forget about all the facts plainly before our eyes.
You are using logic and reason with crazy person.

It won't work.
Oh please stop with your foolishness. Partisan fools like you are responsible for much of the problems in our nation.

The St. Louis was denied entry not because Nazi's were among them dummy, but due to concerns about immigration during the Great Depression and the people wanted immigration halted for a time. Unlike today, politicians then did consider the will of the American people when making decisions.

Of course. You must have written the book on the matter. Well done. Everyone believes you. I especially enjoy your measured tone. You must be pleasant at family dinners.

You behave like a complete ass and then ridicule people for being upset at your troll behavior.

Have you been checked for clinical sociopathy?

Because you complete lack of concern for the way you treat people really seems to indicate the possibility.
He is just a DNC hack.

He is certainly that. But the way his hackness presents could indicate a deeper problem with his brain/mind.

Yeah. I'd better get that checked out.

The way you seem to be completely happy to be a complete dick to nearly everyone, and have zero empathy for their feelings or their disgust with you and your behavior, certainly seems to indicate sociopathy.

It could also indicate a high level of Aspergers, but I don't see any of the really odd confusion you see about social ques.

You are just a complete dick.
Of course. You must have written the book on the matter. Well done. Everyone believes you. I especially enjoy your measured tone. You must be pleasant at family dinners.

You behave like a complete ass and then ridicule people for being upset at your troll behavior.

Have you been checked for clinical sociopathy?

Because you complete lack of concern for the way you treat people really seems to indicate the possibility.
He is just a DNC hack.

He is certainly that. But the way his hackness presents could indicate a deeper problem with his brain/mind.

Yeah. I'd better get that checked out.

The way you seem to be completely happy to be a complete dick to nearly everyone, and have zero empathy for their feelings or their disgust with you and your behavior, certainly seems to indicate sociopathy.

It could also indicate a high level of Aspergers, but I don't see any of the really odd confusion you see about social ques.

You are just a complete dick.

Cool. Thanks, bro. I'll take that under advisement.
I realize that this issue has led to a morass of misinformation and fear mongering.....but I figure there may be a few people who would like to read something that is based on factual info and sound reasoning.

Here it is.

Six Reasons to Welcome Syrian Refugees After Paris | Niskanen Center

The enemy of our enemy is our friend?

There is precedent for America refusing to accept political refugees. Then, the fear was that NAZI's would sneak in with the fleeing Jews. Will we remember our history?

Stalin was the enemy of our enemy and he was not our friend.

Excellent contribution. Of great value, as always.

And as always you have nothing real to say in return.

Remember what I posted about clown avatars? 90 percent of the time don't expect anything productive.

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