"rebuild the military". How ya pay for it ?

He never said that ass wipe. You made that up in your delusional mind. Get back on the meds.
He paraphrased. Sorry.

Pieces of shit like you will justify any lie.
Pence said we need to rebuild our military because it's in shambles and we don't fund it enough. Do you disagree with that?
What are our enemies doing? Massive expansion.

Is their room for cuts in some areas and at the same time additional funding needed in others? Yes there is. Technology is expensive. It's a shame Bill eliminated our advantage. Now we have to pay for his failures.
What an uninformed post. Can you try again, spending more than a few seconds thinking about it?
You make shit up and post it as fact and ask me to think? Did you forget about China gate? Who authorized the transfer of technology in exchange for contributions? Bill Clinton.
Of course he has a plan.
Renegotiating Trade Agreements isn't a plan?
Are you a moron?
Why did I bother asking?

How is starting a trade war going to bring back jobs that left to other countries ? Is he going to make those foreign companies shut down?
How can there be a Trade War when EVERY nation on earth relies on the US consumer?
Are you THAT stupid?
Why did I ask that question?

We rely on them as well. What about those jobs? How is he going to bring them back?

Tariffs until it doesn't pay for them to be anywhere but in the US.
I love the way Libs like you always think it's OK to fire hundreds of thousands of Americans in 1 year but doing the reverse is "impossible".

So now I think it's OK to fire hundreds of thousands of Americans? Why would you think that?
Because that's how all the jobs were shipped to Asia.
Do you know ANYTHING or are you here to get away from your spouse?
What are our enemies doing? Massive expansion.

Is their room for cuts in some areas and at the same time additional funding needed in others? Yes there is. Technology is expensive. It's a shame Bill eliminated our advantage. Now we have to pay for his failures.
What an uninformed post. Can you try again, spending more than a few seconds thinking about it?
Why didn't you reply in your usual intellectually superior way and simply click a smiley?
Good point. I knew you wouldn't have a response. Maybe deep down I still have some hope for you.
What have you posted of substance in the last several months?
"I hate Trump" is a sound bite.
What? :cuckoo:
You're a moron.
Got it. He either doesn't have a plan, or he wants to make me watch a bunch of videos to finally find what he plans on doing. If he ever presents a plan, I'll give it a fair evaluation. Sorry, I don't jump through hoops for someone who has sounded nuts on every other issue he has discussed.
If you have no patience for an interview or speech, how will you have patience for an interview or speech?
You see how you just twisted your rear-end around your head?

Wanna try that again?Your post made no sense.
You have no patience to watch an interview or a speech so you'll WAIT for Trump to explain how he'll improve out economy.
Are you waiting for smoke signals?
How will you know Trump's plan if you don't WATCH him?

It's his job to convince me. Not mine to track his goals down. Trump has been on TV almost non stop for months. If he has a plan, he should have said something by now.
And how many of his full speeches and interviews have you watched?

Trump is like Jock Itch. You just can't get rid of him. I've heard his rambling monologues. Just nothing about bringing jobs back.
He paraphrased. Sorry.

Pieces of shit like you will justify any lie.
Pence said we need to rebuild our military because it's in shambles and we don't fund it enough. Do you disagree with that?
What are our enemies doing? Massive expansion.

Is their room for cuts in some areas and at the same time additional funding needed in others? Yes there is. Technology is expensive. It's a shame Bill eliminated our advantage. Now we have to pay for his failures.
What an uninformed post. Can you try again, spending more than a few seconds thinking about it?
You make shit up and post it as fact and ask me to think? Did you forget about China gate? Who authorized the transfer of technology in exchange for contributions? Bill Clinton.
Oh you want to go the China route... did you know that the biggest benefactor of Iraq's oil after you voted for Dubya twice was China? Do you want to continue this line of conversation?
If you have no patience for an interview or speech, how will you have patience for an interview or speech?
You see how you just twisted your rear-end around your head?

Wanna try that again?Your post made no sense.
You have no patience to watch an interview or a speech so you'll WAIT for Trump to explain how he'll improve out economy.
Are you waiting for smoke signals?
How will you know Trump's plan if you don't WATCH him?

It's his job to convince me. Not mine to track his goals down. Trump has been on TV almost non stop for months. If he has a plan, he should have said something by now.
And how many of his full speeches and interviews have you watched?

Trump is like Jock Itch. You just can't get rid of him. I've heard his rambling monologues. Just nothing about bringing jobs back.

I knew you understood nothing about economics or trade and you just proved it.
Try reading instead of "feeling".
What an uninformed post. Can you try again, spending more than a few seconds thinking about it?
Why didn't you reply in your usual intellectually superior way and simply click a smiley?
Good point. I knew you wouldn't have a response. Maybe deep down I still have some hope for you.
What have you posted of substance in the last several months?
"I hate Trump" is a sound bite.
What? :cuckoo:
You're a moron.
No response as usual. :rolleyes:
Pieces of shit like you will justify any lie.
Pence said we need to rebuild our military because it's in shambles and we don't fund it enough. Do you disagree with that?
What are our enemies doing? Massive expansion.

Is their room for cuts in some areas and at the same time additional funding needed in others? Yes there is. Technology is expensive. It's a shame Bill eliminated our advantage. Now we have to pay for his failures.
What an uninformed post. Can you try again, spending more than a few seconds thinking about it?
You make shit up and post it as fact and ask me to think? Did you forget about China gate? Who authorized the transfer of technology in exchange for contributions? Bill Clinton.
Oh you want to go the China route... did you know that the biggest benefactor of Iraq's oil after you voted for Dubya twice was China? Do you want to continue this line of conversation?
You suddenly think Trump loves GW?
How is starting a trade war going to bring back jobs that left to other countries ? Is he going to make those foreign companies shut down?
How can there be a Trade War when EVERY nation on earth relies on the US consumer?
Are you THAT stupid?
Why did I ask that question?

We rely on them as well. What about those jobs? How is he going to bring them back?

Tariffs until it doesn't pay for them to be anywhere but in the US.
I love the way Libs like you always think it's OK to fire hundreds of thousands of Americans in 1 year but doing the reverse is "impossible".

So now I think it's OK to fire hundreds of thousands of Americans? Why would you think that?
Because that's how all the jobs were shipped to Asia.
Do you know ANYTHING or are you here to get away from your spouse?

No. Jobs left because corporations got tax breaks to move to other countries. Not because of trade agreements.
this topic drives me nuts . How does the question not get asked ?

Early in the debate the debt is a topic . Neither had an answer to that.

But when "rebuilding the military" comes up, no discussion on the cost !?

I can answer it. They will borrow it. That's how you get a $20 trillion debt.

OUTLAYS $3.9 Trillion
REVENUES $3.3 Trillion
DEFICIT $590 Billion
DEBT HELD BY THE PUBLIC (End of Fiscal Year)
Why didn't you reply in your usual intellectually superior way and simply click a smiley?
Good point. I knew you wouldn't have a response. Maybe deep down I still have some hope for you.
What have you posted of substance in the last several months?
"I hate Trump" is a sound bite.
What? :cuckoo:
You're a moron.
No response as usual. :rolleyes:
Pieces of shit like you will justify any lie.
Pence said we need to rebuild our military because it's in shambles and we don't fund it enough. Do you disagree with that?
What are our enemies doing? Massive expansion.

Is their room for cuts in some areas and at the same time additional funding needed in others? Yes there is. Technology is expensive. It's a shame Bill eliminated our advantage. Now we have to pay for his failures.
What an uninformed post. Can you try again, spending more than a few seconds thinking about it?
You make shit up and post it as fact and ask me to think? Did you forget about China gate? Who authorized the transfer of technology in exchange for contributions? Bill Clinton.
Oh you want to go the China route... did you know that the biggest benefactor of Iraq's oil after you voted for Dubya twice was China? Do you want to continue this line of conversation?
Did you mistake me as a globalist Bush Clinton Bush Obama supporter? Sure, let's continue. You want to add another Clinton to the list.
Pence said we need to rebuild our military because it's in shambles and we don't fund it enough. Do you disagree with that?
What are our enemies doing? Massive expansion.

Is their room for cuts in some areas and at the same time additional funding needed in others? Yes there is. Technology is expensive. It's a shame Bill eliminated our advantage. Now we have to pay for his failures.
What an uninformed post. Can you try again, spending more than a few seconds thinking about it?
You make shit up and post it as fact and ask me to think? Did you forget about China gate? Who authorized the transfer of technology in exchange for contributions? Bill Clinton.
Oh you want to go the China route... did you know that the biggest benefactor of Iraq's oil after you voted for Dubya twice was China? Do you want to continue this line of conversation?
You suddenly think Trump loves GW?
Did you or did you not vote for Dubya the moron twice?
Good point. I knew you wouldn't have a response. Maybe deep down I still have some hope for you.
What have you posted of substance in the last several months?
"I hate Trump" is a sound bite.
What? :cuckoo:
You're a moron.
No response as usual. :rolleyes:
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand no response. As usual.
How can there be a Trade War when EVERY nation on earth relies on the US consumer?
Are you THAT stupid?
Why did I ask that question?

We rely on them as well. What about those jobs? How is he going to bring them back?

Tariffs until it doesn't pay for them to be anywhere but in the US.
I love the way Libs like you always think it's OK to fire hundreds of thousands of Americans in 1 year but doing the reverse is "impossible".

So now I think it's OK to fire hundreds of thousands of Americans? Why would you think that?
Because that's how all the jobs were shipped to Asia.
Do you know ANYTHING or are you here to get away from your spouse?

No. Jobs left because corporations got tax breaks to move to other countries. Not because of trade agreements.
EXCEPT for the fact that those Trade Deals, unlike the pre-Clinton Trade Deals, ALLOWED corporations to move to nations we have Trade Deals with.
I guess you haven't been paying attention to Trump.
But that would presume you have an attention span.
Pence said we need to rebuild our military because it's in shambles and we don't fund it enough. Do you disagree with that?
What are our enemies doing? Massive expansion.

Is their room for cuts in some areas and at the same time additional funding needed in others? Yes there is. Technology is expensive. It's a shame Bill eliminated our advantage. Now we have to pay for his failures.
What an uninformed post. Can you try again, spending more than a few seconds thinking about it?
You make shit up and post it as fact and ask me to think? Did you forget about China gate? Who authorized the transfer of technology in exchange for contributions? Bill Clinton.
Oh you want to go the China route... did you know that the biggest benefactor of Iraq's oil after you voted for Dubya twice was China? Do you want to continue this line of conversation?
Did you mistake me as a globalist Bush Clinton Bush Obama supporter? Sure, let's continue. You want to add another Clinton to the list.
No I correctly took you as an idiot. Do you have a rebuttal?
How can there be a Trade War when EVERY nation on earth relies on the US consumer?
Are you THAT stupid?
Why did I ask that question?

We rely on them as well. What about those jobs? How is he going to bring them back?

Tariffs until it doesn't pay for them to be anywhere but in the US.
I love the way Libs like you always think it's OK to fire hundreds of thousands of Americans in 1 year but doing the reverse is "impossible".

So now I think it's OK to fire hundreds of thousands of Americans? Why would you think that?
Because that's how all the jobs were shipped to Asia.
Do you know ANYTHING or are you here to get away from your spouse?

No. Jobs left because corporations got tax breaks to move to other countries. Not because of trade agreements.
Trump wants that money to come back to America. The left is fighting hard against it.
How can there be a Trade War when EVERY nation on earth relies on the US consumer?
Are you THAT stupid?
Why did I ask that question?

We rely on them as well. What about those jobs? How is he going to bring them back?

Tariffs until it doesn't pay for them to be anywhere but in the US.
I love the way Libs like you always think it's OK to fire hundreds of thousands of Americans in 1 year but doing the reverse is "impossible".

So now I think it's OK to fire hundreds of thousands of Americans? Why would you think that?
Because that's how all the jobs were shipped to Asia.
Do you know ANYTHING or are you here to get away from your spouse?

No. Jobs left because corporations got tax breaks to move to other countries. Not because of trade agreements.
Plus Slave Labor, which I know you approve of because they're Asians, no benefits and 38 hours work days.
In other words, China HAS labor rules it doesn't adhere to.
this topic drives me nuts . How does the question not get asked ?

Early in the debate the debt is a topic . Neither had an answer to that.

But when "rebuilding the military" comes up, no discussion on the cost !?
Hillary wants to invest in green energy & offer free college.

How do you pay for it. No discussion on the cost!?

Stop paying hundreds of millions to settle/care for illegals and 'refugees'...


Ask Obama to go on one or two fewer vacations.


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