Record 93,626,000 Americans not in labor force

She used to, but now just tries to live with her old age symptoms...My Mother in Law didn't stop working until 2013, she was 84 at the time, and she wants to go back to work, but they will not let her...
Either way, getting old is a bitch. Sorry about your mom's old age symptoms...they are a huge drag, I know. I also know what it's like to not be allowed to work because of age. It's all a f**king bitch.
We both have spinal disk degeneration disease..and a dozen ailments that go with it.. I had to have my neck fused and soon the lower back...Oh boy...

Oouch, that sounds painful. :(
Only for the last 13 years.....

I'm sorry to hear that.
Noo biggie.. I didn't help it any doing weight lifting for 25 years....
Colorado's is at 4.2%.. Those stoners like to work....even if it is just selling weed...
all this BS about millions and millions of jobs all over the place? Remember the early 90s when Bush was President? remember how thick the "Jobs Section" was in our Sunday Papers? when was the last time we saw that?
Black Monday occured under Boosh and the economy slowed, so the jobs died out, now under Clinton, i worked 6-7 days a week from sun up to sun down and I could not hire enough people to cover all the demands for work..I seriously considered disconnecting the phones, builders and general contractors would call me all hours of the day begging to get me to do jobs for them.....
hey, i always worked when Clinton was President, even though i was never thrilled about him, and had a few rough times on and off,,,i was fine until Bambi took over, then we had a shitty 2009!
and, god, i either ran into and met so many celebrities over the years. I will always remember the moment when Charles Nelson Reilly walked up to me shook my hand,and introduced himself, i think it was 2001?
The ones I have met were asses....
what were they doing in missoura? in 1992 Orville Reddenbockker was staring at me when i was near his table lol
Ah, I thought there must be a joke in there somewhere. :)
So, basically, she shops for a living...?
She used to, but now just tries to live with her old age symptoms...My Mother in Law didn't stop working until 2013, she was 84 at the time, and she wants to go back to work, but they will not let her...
Either way, getting old is a bitch. Sorry about your mom's old age symptoms...they are a huge drag, I know. I also know what it's like to not be allowed to work because of age. It's all a f**king bitch.
We both have spinal disk degeneration disease..and a dozen ailments that go with it.. I had to have my neck fused and soon the lower back...Oh boy...

Oouch, that sounds painful. :(
Only for the last 13 years.....
all this BS about millions and millions of jobs all over the place? Remember the early 90s when Bush was President? remember how thick the "Jobs Section" was in our Sunday Papers? when was the last time we saw that?
Black Monday occured under Boosh and the economy slowed, so the jobs died out, now under Clinton, i worked 6-7 days a week from sun up to sun down and I could not hire enough people to cover all the demands for work..I seriously considered disconnecting the phones, builders and general contractors would call me all hours of the day begging to get me to do jobs for them.....
hey, i always worked when Clinton was President, even though i was never thrilled about him, and had a few rough times on and off,,,i was fine until Bambi took over, then we had a shitty 2009!
and, god, i either ran into and met so many celebrities over the years. I will always remember the moment when Charles Nelson Reilly walked up to me shook my hand,and introduced himself, i think it was 2001?
The ones I have met were asses....
what were they doing in missoura? in 1992 that pop corn tycon was staring at me when i was near his table lol
It was in Okiehoma and Arkanass, I worked in the entertainment field for 13 years....James Garner I ran into going to an OU football game in the early 1980's.. James Franco, I met after a celebrity golf match at Champions golf course, now called Pinnacle, where they had the LGPA tournament two weeks ago...I've met others but I don't want to type any longer...
Black Monday occured under Boosh and the economy slowed, so the jobs died out, now under Clinton, i worked 6-7 days a week from sun up to sun down and I could not hire enough people to cover all the demands for work..I seriously considered disconnecting the phones, builders and general contractors would call me all hours of the day begging to get me to do jobs for them.....
hey, i always worked when Clinton was President, even though i was never thrilled about him, and had a few rough times on and off,,,i was fine until Bambi took over, then we had a shitty 2009!
and, god, i either ran into and met so many celebrities over the years. I will always remember the moment when Charles Nelson Reilly walked up to me shook my hand,and introduced himself, i think it was 2001?
The ones I have met were asses....
what were they doing in missoura? in 1992 that pop corn tycon was staring at me when i was near his table lol
It was in Okiehoma and Arkanass, I worked in the entertainment field for 13 years....James Garner I ran into going to an OU football game in the early 1980's.. James Franco, I met after a celebrity golf match at Champions golf course, now called Pinnacle, where they had the LGPA tournament two weeks ago...I've met others but I don't want to type any longer...
same here, i could probably list a hundred of them. but it was a great experience working private parties in the 90's. we had a ball!
It's the Baby Boomer generation going into retirement. Millions are not waiting until 65 to retire. Duh. You are actually blaming this on liberals? What a moron.
Early retirement because they lost their jobs and with so many looking for work, with healthcare mandates, nobody will hire them. Fuck yes it's another liberal wet dream that's a nightmare in reality.
It's the Baby Boomer generation going into retirement. Millions are not waiting until 65 to retire. Duh. You are actually blaming this on liberals? What a moron.
Early retirement because they lost their jobs and with so many looking for work, with healthcare mandates, nobody will hire them. Fuck yes it's another liberal wet dream that's a nightmare in reality.
Hey dumb ass, if they are retired they have Medicare and are exempt from the mandates.
It's the Baby Boomer generation going into retirement. Millions are not waiting until 65 to retire. Duh. You are actually blaming this on liberals? What a moron.
Early retirement because they lost their jobs and with so many looking for work, with healthcare mandates, nobody will hire them. Fuck yes it's another liberal wet dream that's a nightmare in reality.
Hey dumb ass, if they are retired they have Medicare and are exempt from the mandates.
Uhm, OK. If they retire they get Medicare so then somebody will hire them? Pure genius. :uhoh3:
It's the Baby Boomer generation going into retirement. Millions are not waiting until 65 to retire. Duh. You are actually blaming this on liberals? What a moron.
Early retirement because they lost their jobs and with so many looking for work, with healthcare mandates, nobody will hire them. Fuck yes it's another liberal wet dream that's a nightmare in reality.
Hey dumb ass, if they are retired they have Medicare and are exempt from the mandates.
Uhm, OK. If they retire they get Medicare so then somebody will hire them? Pure genius. :uhoh3:
Once they reach retirement age they get Medicare whether they retire or not. You said they retired because no one would hire them because of the mandates. If they are old enough to retire there are no mandates.
Get it, moron?
Oil increase is in spite of Obama.

I will agree that Obama has been irrelevant to increased production. The increased production has been the result of improved technology and people in a free market choosing to utilize that technology in the industry of oil production. But that's not what you said.

The level has not kept pace with demand because of Obama.

Patently false. The fact that prices are lower demonstrates that the increase in US production exceeded increases in demand. You need a non idiot to teach you supply and demand. BTW, I'm not a "lefty." Your problem is that you pretend to be a conservative, but you really are just an idiot who hates Obama and will say anything that gets your anti-Obama rocks off. Morons like you are the reason Obama was reelected in 2012. Swing voters figured if your stupid shit is the only reason to oppose him, he must be good.
...without unions what would keep corporations from permanently keeping wages down?

you got something against paying 25 cents for a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk at 50 cents, gasoline at 35.9 cents per Gal. how about a luxury car at $2,500.00, that is what you would have if there were no fucking greedy unions who give your union dues to demoscum traitors.., also at that time most Mothers were at home doing Motherly duties and Dad was making a decent living for his family.

FUCK the unions, they never helped in any fucking way, their policies is why i joined the U.S.Navy and stayed for 25 years defending my country. :up:
...without unions what would keep corporations from permanently keeping wages down?

you got something against paying 25 cents for a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk at 50 cents, gasoline at 35.9 cents per Gal. how about a luxury car at $2,500.00, that is what you would have if there were no fucking greedy unions who give your union dues to demoscum traitors.., also at that time most Mothers were at home doing Motherly duties and Dad was making a decent living for his family.

FUCK the unions, they never helped in any fucking way, their policies is why i joined the U.S.Navy and stayed for 25 years defending my country. :up:

That is, without a doubt, one of the most idiotic things I've read on this board in a very long time. What you describe is the effect of inflation. Unions are not the cause of inflation. Inflation is a natural element of the market.
...without unions what would keep corporations from permanently keeping wages down?

you got something against paying 25 cents for a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk at 50 cents, gasoline at 35.9 cents per Gal. how about a luxury car at $2,500.00, that is what you would have if there were no fucking greedy unions who give your union dues to demoscum traitors.., also at that time most Mothers were at home doing Motherly duties and Dad was making a decent living for his family.

FUCK the unions, they never helped in any fucking way, their policies is why i joined the U.S.Navy and stayed for 25 years defending my country. :up:
So you're a loser whos basically only ever worked for the government. You have a socialize job. Couldn't cut it in the private sector? You have no idea what you are talking about and I think its cute
...without unions what would keep corporations from permanently keeping wages down?

you got something against paying 25 cents for a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk at 50 cents, gasoline at 35.9 cents per Gal. how about a luxury car at $2,500.00, that is what you would have if there were no fucking greedy unions who give your union dues to demoscum traitors.., also at that time most Mothers were at home doing Motherly duties and Dad was making a decent living for his family.

FUCK the unions, they never helped in any fucking way, their policies is why i joined the U.S.Navy and stayed for 25 years defending my country. :up:

You're one of those guys we referred to with disdain and a roll of the eyes as a "lifer". Most lifers only read skin books and spent more than half of their life with a hangover. Most used the words "Fuck", "Fucker" and "Fucking" in most every sentence they spoke.

"'Get that fucking shit can and pick up this fuck left by some fucker" remains my favorite memory spoken by a former chief gunner's mate who rarely had a sober moment in port.
...without unions what would keep corporations from permanently keeping wages down?

you got something against paying 25 cents for a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk at 50 cents, gasoline at 35.9 cents per Gal. how about a luxury car at $2,500.00, that is what you would have if there were no fucking greedy unions who give your union dues to demoscum traitors.., also at that time most Mothers were at home doing Motherly duties and Dad was making a decent living for his family.

FUCK the unions, they never helped in any fucking way, their policies is why i joined the U.S.Navy and stayed for 25 years defending my country. :up:

That is, without a doubt, one of the most idiotic things I've read on this board in a very long time. What you describe is the effect of inflation. Unions are not the cause of inflation. Inflation is a natural element of the market.
And the stupid bastard is probably going to get a pension and that's one of the things that unions fought and earned for many Americans workers probably even the ones in theNavy the gayest of all of the services. I don't mind when a rich person talks shit but not some slacker who has never actually worked a day in his life. 25 years in the Navy I hope you didn't spend a lot of time in the barrel
...without unions what would keep corporations from permanently keeping wages down?

you got something against paying 25 cents for a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk at 50 cents, gasoline at 35.9 cents per Gal. how about a luxury car at $2,500.00, that is what you would have if there were no fucking greedy unions who give your union dues to demoscum traitors.., also at that time most Mothers were at home doing Motherly duties and Dad was making a decent living for his family.

FUCK the unions, they never helped in any fucking way, their policies is why i joined the U.S.Navy and stayed for 25 years defending my country. :up:

You're one of those guys we referred to with disdain and a roll of the eyes as a "lifer". Most lifers only read skin books and spent more than half of their life with a hangover. Most used the words "Fuck", "Fucker" and "Fucking" in most every sentence they spoke.

"'Get that fucking shit can and pick up this fuck left by some fucker" remains my favorite memory spoken by a former chief gunner's mate who rarely had a sober moment in port.
So brainwashed and afraid of the unions that he stayed in a job that doesn't pay dick for 20 years and now he's going to get out and get a union type pension. What a hypocrite
93 Million out of the work force, all living off borrowed money. "But Its For The Children" according to Liberals. The liberals that dont care that the debt pretty much has come to about 1 million dollars per child. So long as they can live off of our tax dollars, F----K the children.
...without unions what would keep corporations from permanently keeping wages down?

you got something against paying 25 cents for a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk at 50 cents, gasoline at 35.9 cents per Gal. how about a luxury car at $2,500.00, that is what you would have if there were no fucking greedy unions who give your union dues to demoscum traitors.., also at that time most Mothers were at home doing Motherly duties and Dad was making a decent living for his family.

FUCK the unions, they never helped in any fucking way, their policies is why i joined the U.S.Navy and stayed for 25 years defending my country. :up:
So Unions scared you so much you are afraid to come out of the Navy and the closet and try the real world?
93 Million out of the work force, all living off borrowed money. "But Its For The Children" according to Liberals. The liberals that dont care that the debt pretty much has come to about 1 million dollars per child. So long as they can live off of our tax dollars, F----K the children.
We care about the debt just as much as you do what is your solution to fix it honestly because none of the cuts your teabaggers have made over the last few years have even put a dent in the debt you dis honest intellectually stupid f***

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