Record Profits


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2012
whenever a company has managed to rake in excessive profits , they should be confiscated and redistributed to those who have wants and needs........

especially if the number sounds really, really high to "occupy" types....

heck if they feel it, it must be true............
Yes, "excessive" profits are "unfair" and should be "taken" from the oil companies.

Apple's profits are perfectly okay. Don't touch those.
unfair ? to who ?

the clueless folks that believe a 6% profit margin is too high ? those dimwits ?
the part that has always confused me is that we keep making the people who are trying to kill us rich. one would think that instead of sending so much money to the middle east, we would be trying every way possible of inventing any new energy source, short of belly button lint, to keep them from having so much international power.

we're dumb.
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unfair ? to who ?

the clueless folks that believe a 6% profit margin is too high ? those dimwits ?

Maybe the clueless folks NEED some CLUES!!!
Fortune 500 2009: Top Performers - Most Profitable Industries: Return on Revenues

Top industries: Most profitable 2008 Profits as % of Revenues
1 Network and Other Communications Equipment 20.4%
2 Internet Services and Retailing 19.4
3 Pharmaceuticals 19.3
4 Medical Products and Equipment 16.3
5 Railroads 12.6
6 Financial Data Services 11.7
7 Mining, Crude-Oil production 11.5
8 Securities 10.7
9 Oil and Gas Equipment, Services 10.2
10 Scientific, Photographic, and Control Equipment 9.9
11 Household and Personal Products 8.7
12 Utilities: Gas and Electric 8.7
13 Aerospace and Defense 7.6
14 Food Services 7.1
15 Industrial Machinery 6.9
16 Food Consumer Products 6.7
17 Electronics, Electrical Equipment 6.5
18 Commercial Banks 5.2
19 Telecommunications 5.1
20 Chemicals 5.0
21 Construction and Farm Machinery 5.0
22 Insurance: Life, Health (stock) 4.6
23 Information Technology Services 4.5
24 Computers, Office Equipment 4.3
25 Metals 3.9

I KNOW ... I KNOW confusing them with the facts !!!
the part that has always confused me is that we keep making the people who are trying to kill us rich. one would think that instead of sending so much money to the middle east, we would be trying every way possible of inventing any new energy source, short of belly button lint, to keep them from having so much international power.

we're dumb.

you are right we are dumb. the reason why we are enslaved to arab oil is because weve been awaiting that "new energy source" for 40 years instead of developing proven and dependable energy sources..........
I have heard several numbers mentioned regarding the oil companies' profits on a single gallon of gas. I think it's about TWO CENTS!

Government taxes on a gallon: about OVER FORTY CENTS!

The only reason the oil companies show high dollar amounts in profits is that they sell BILLIONS of gallons.

The profit margin is not all that high. It is just convenient for the government to attack the oil companies because:

a) the dollar profit number is so high it sounds like TOO MUCH PROFIT

b) the average liberal voter does not understand profit margin AT ALL

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
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Yes, "excessive" profits are "unfair" and should be "taken" from the oil companies.

Apple's profits are perfectly okay. Don't touch those.

Heating oil and gasoline are necessities.

An Ipod is not.

See the diffrence?
"necessities" should be given to all who want, all who need, and all who demand.................

because they suffer, and they are special.................

thats the job of the socialist/marxist/communist politicians, those "caring"
There is no such thing as "excessive" profits just as there is no such thing as "excessive" income.

Only people who believe other people should pay their way use the term excessive to qualify profits or income.
"necessities" should be given to all who want, all who need, and all who demand.................

because they suffer, and they are special.................

thats the job of the socialist/marxist/communist politicians, those "caring"

I guess you don't see the difference.

Oh well.
Everything is a "necessity" to liberals...........

oil/gas, childcare, education, healthcare, food, employment, abortions, unemployment, housing, retirement...........

all of it OWED to them............ either free or subsidized by someone else............

because its their "right" and they "deserve" it !!!!!! lol
Liberals are totally braindead about economics.

Capitalism is about competing away high profit margins.
Yes, "excessive" profits are "unfair" and should be "taken" from the oil companies.

Apple's profits are perfectly okay. Don't touch those.

Heating oil and gasoline are necessities.

An Ipod is not.

See the diffrence?

And all you need is one oil company to sell at a much lower price and the prices will drop dramatically as that one oil company gets the lions share of the market, and others follow suit.

So why doesnt an oil company drop its prices so it can get the lions share of the market?

Becuase profit per gallon is 2 how much can it drop its prices?

How about it cuts the profit in half?

Would you even know your oil bill went down 1 penny per gallon?
Yes, "excessive" profits are "unfair" and should be "taken" from the oil companies.

Apple's profits are perfectly okay. Don't touch those.

Heating oil and gasoline are necessities.

An Ipod is not.

See the diffrence?

So what is you point? What is it you advocate? Do you post anything other than mindless slogans?
Yes, "excessive" profits are "unfair" and should be "taken" from the oil companies.

Apple's profits are perfectly okay. Don't touch those.

Heating oil and gasoline are necessities.

An Ipod is not.

See the diffrence?

Food is a necessity maybe the government should be in total control of food prices too

Winter coats.
Shoe laces.
Clean underwear.
Yes, "excessive" profits are "unfair" and should be "taken" from the oil companies.

Apple's profits are perfectly okay. Don't touch those.

Heating oil and gasoline are necessities.

An Ipod is not.

See the diffrence?

So if you provide what you deem as 'necessities', you are not allowed to make a profit??

And they are necessities?? Mankind NEVER survived without them??

I guess all those water purification plants should make no money.. That is a true 'necessity'... Restaurants, grocery stores, and farms... Hang any owner of any one of them that gets a profit
Trusts were bad for the economy, bad for the country and bad for the people. Government (mostly Republican) broke them up due to excessive power.

Exxon has made $1400 dollars per second net. That represents too much economic and political power.

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