Recording of Biden being bribed.

Will the media even report this?

There was only one thing missing in your thread: The recording.
Bidens' 2017 Amended 1040X form showing over $10 million in payments to his phony companies...


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The FBI is corrupt. It doesn’t matter who appointed the leader who’s not doing anything about it.

The Steele dossier isn’t what you portrayed it to be.

There was a time not too long ago that liberals loved whistleblowers. My how times change.
The FBI is corrupt is an opinion. Still it seems some are hanging whatever is left of sensibility on a statement by an Ukrainian who did not provide a copy of this tape. Mr. X who for all we know is a Russian sympathizer.

The only thing the republicans have is this one statement by an anonymous person and the earth shakes. No wonder Biden is laughing as it is quite comical.
Bidens' 2017 Amended 1040X form showing over $10 million in payments to his phony companies...

View attachment 795435
This does not show that Biden was paid 5 million by a Ukrainian. It just shows that they had a very good year as Joe and wife earned more money. They had book deals, joe had speaking engagements ( 8,000 or less depending on where it was at) which is common for VP's and presidents. They earned 3.7 million just from speaking engagements and book deals. Include VP salary. These are two S corporations that the Biden's set up to handled money coming in from the various opportunities that were available to him as the VP.

This just shows what they earned and it was reported to the IRS.

For those who wish to see his real tax form then go to the link below. Unlike Trump who was not audited, Obama and Bin released their tax form for all to see. It even has there signatures on it as well as an address. They paid taxes on 9 million dollars.

this kind of breaks it down on where there income was coming from which is common for Presidents and VP as speaking gigs brings in the money.

Biden deleted links to his tax forms as soon as he was elected, but we saved them, of course.

The $10M payment to his shell S corporation is shown on page 23 of 103 in this pdf of his 2017 1040X tax form here...

Really it took me about 5 seconds to find this link

This is historical material “frozen in time”. The website is no longer updated and links to external websites and some internal pages may not work. Obviously since this was in the past and data is static, then it is not going to change or be updated.

He should have a newer site for his gig as the president.
It is funny how this 10 million is attributed to a Ukraine bribe and matches what they actually earned and was reported.
For those who wish to see his real tax form then go to the link below.

I already posted the link.

this kind of breaks it down on where there income was coming from which is common for Presidents and VP as speaking gigs brings in the money.

It doesn't break down squat. It reports a line item of $9,490,857 from Celticcapri Corp and $557,882 from Giacoppa Corp.

It does not say where the money came from.

How about you explain where the $10M came from, with proof.

Go ahead, my link has 103 pages of info. Yours has 46 redundant pages. Show me.
The FBI is corrupt is an opinion. Still it seems some are hanging whatever is left of sensibility on a statement by an Ukrainian who did not provide a copy of this tape. Mr. X who for all we know is a Russian sympathizer.

The only thing the republicans have is this one statement by an anonymous person and the earth shakes. No wonder Biden is laughing as it is quite comical.
can you prove the George Soros did not steal the tape?
I already posted the link. It doesn't break down squat. It reports a line item of $9,490,857 from Celticcapri Corp and $557,882 from Giacoppa Corp. It does not say where the money came from. How about you explain where the $10M came from, with proof. Go ahead, my link has 103 pages of info. Yours has 46 redundant pages. Show me.
You were informed that your opinion is not accurate. You cannot prove that it is accurate. That is your problem.

Senator Grassley Says There Are Audio Recordings Between Burisma Executive and Bidens​

Will the media even report this?

Until Grassley PRODUCES the recordings or the GOP impeach Biden and they play the tapes during the trial, I'm not giving the GOP one bit of credit for anything.

I just saw another useless GOP puke Asa Hutchinson on TV smiling telling everyone we all just need to get along, everything is good and fine, just vote for him.

Idiot, all that says is that the people interviewed can't say one way or another if the tapes are real because all the DOJ has allowed them to see so far is a form TL1023 (or something like that) locked in a skiff saying that THE FBI says there all these recordings THEY have heard with two of them Biden taking bribes and the rest all Hunter!

All that proves is THE FBI says so but once again is KEEPING THE TRUTH FROM THE HOUSE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE.
I’ll believe when I hear the audio. That’s different from the MAGAtypes’ reaction to Trump’s admission, i.e. denying what’s plain as day.
Iowa's chuck didn't say they have the audio recording, nor did he say they exist,

He merely read from an FBI document that has been deemed unsupported by the FBI.
so the Republicans are reading a document from the FBI that the FBI is not supporting.

so there are recordings that may not exist.

so there are whistleblowers who do not exist.

so we have a type of 4chan Qanon show that has been promoted but will fail to open.

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