Recording Of Megyn Kelly Talking About Penises, Breasts, And How She Has Sex, Proves Trump Was Right

This just gets better.

And it's only freakin' August..
Trump should be your hero.
Why is that, precisely?

(Here we go)


Because he fancies himself the heroic slayer of political correctness.

Which, to the rabid RWs means "common decency".

Trump is trailer trash who inherited a pile of money.
I bet it is you who realy lives in a trailer.
So what? Donald Trump has been a guest on The Howard Stern Show on numerous occasions.
Megyn is no choir girl: she was treated as a woman plying her trade, as she should have been. Trump was right.

We see you are from the school of missionary submissiveness for all women. As much as I really do not care for Megan Kelly, listening to that sound clip gave me a little more respect for her.

Yeah. She loves her husband and they have a good time in bed.

Oh the horror of it all.

This just gets better.

And it's only freakin' August.


A year from now who do you want to be the nominees of each party?

It won't be Duh Donuld on the right.

He'll quit. He knows he can't win and he'd much rather quit than lose.

Meanwhile, we can enjoy the show.


He's not going to drop out until he sees he has no chance of winning.

That's not going to happen when he's way ahead in the polls.


I didn't mean it will happen anytime soon but my bet is that it WILL happen because this is all about him. Not the country and not the presidency. To him, this is just another reality show. He even said he got "good ratings" for that ridiculous "debate" and that he always gets good ratings.
That's it exactly, it is not about a political party, or a philosophy It is about Trump. It is not about the nation, the people, or their goals or well-being it is about Trump. He plays on the nation's frustrations, and offers no solutions. He would place the Republican party in a weak area because it is all about Trump, not party, not people, not nation. He is the playground bully not with muscles but money,
Stroking Cock is a womans topic.
They talk about other sexually related subjects that may turn your stomach if you hear it.
Trump continues to DOMINATE ALL MEDIA!!!!
While simultaneously destroying the republican brand. There's a reason Fox went for the throat during the debate. They want him gone. They know he is no match for Hillary. He's a joke that will NEVER when the support of independents or democrats.
I hope megan will do a striptease on her show. Can she mud wrestle too?
O'Reilly will bring the felafel!



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