Rectal feeding by the CIA in torture scandal


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
In one of the most disturbing revelations in the newly released Senate report on the CIA’s “enhanced interrogation” program, the CIA was found to have used “rectal feeding” and rectal rehydration to impose their will on detainees.

CIA Used Rectal Feeding As Part Of Torture Program - BuzzFeed News
Fake Jake tried to volunteer as a test subject for the CIA's rectal feeding program.

But he was rejected because his anal cavity was already too large and worn out from his gay lifestyle and couldn't hold the feeding tube in properly. ...... :lol: :lol:
Trolling/"Off Topic" Posts Will be Removed From the Politics Section.
In one of the most disturbing revelations in the newly released Senate report on the CIA’s “enhanced interrogation” program, the CIA was found to have used “rectal feeding” and rectal rehydration to impose their will on detainees.

CIA Used Rectal Feeding As Part Of Torture Program - BuzzFeed News

rehydration per anum------is a well documented and excellent therapy -----forced feeding always looks like torture---whether by NG tube or via rectum---------One can conjecture that persons who were doing the "hunger strike" thing----experience either or both
Fake Jake tried to volunteer as a test subject for the CIA's rectal feeding program.

But he was rejected because his anal cavity was already too large and worn out from his gay lifestyle and couldn't hold the feeding tube in properly. ...... :lol: :lol:

Rectal huh??

Sure beats the hell out of having your head chopped on on Al Jazzira.
Fake Jake tried to volunteer as a test subject for the CIA's rectal feeding program.

But he was rejected because his anal cavity was already too large and worn out from his gay lifestyle and couldn't hold the feeding tube in properly. ...... :lol: :lol:

Rectal huh??

Sure beats the hell out of having your head chopped on on Al Jazzira.
Two Wrongs Make A Right Wing Nazi.
Fake Jake tried to volunteer as a test subject for the CIA's rectal feeding program.

But he was rejected because his anal cavity was already too large and worn out from his gay lifestyle and couldn't hold the feeding tube in properly. ...... :lol: :lol:

I'd heard they found a solution in the form of a six inch diameter sewer pipe and some JB Weld.
In one of the most disturbing revelations in the newly released Senate report on the CIA’s “enhanced interrogation” program, the CIA was found to have used “rectal feeding” and rectal rehydration to impose their will on detainees.

CIA Used Rectal Feeding As Part Of Torture Program - BuzzFeed News

rehydration per anum------is a well documented and excellent therapy -----forced feeding always looks like torture---whether by NG tube or via rectum---------One can conjecture that persons who were doing the "hunger strike" thing----experience either or both

Read the articles, please, before volunteering information that does not pertain.
I read the stuff you posted-----it used the word
"RE-HYDRATION"-----which implies that the
patient was dehydrated. I can assure you----
you do not need lab studies to know that a person
is DEHYDRATED-------for more information on
clinical exams findings that indicate dehydration----
use your handy google. As to the claims made
by the prisoners---------well.....I also have experience
examining patients in jail. For really wild claims----
examine someone handcuffed to his bedrails.
I have never encountered a prisoner who did not
claim he had been brutalized and IS severely injured----
I believe it until I actually do disprove it----or not
Irosie's translation: I am getting my ass handed to me, so I deflect from the articles' clear description of the mental torture inflicted on the detainees. She would have worked well in Mussolini's system.
rehydration per anum------is a well documented and excellent therapy -----forced feeding always looks like torture---whether by NG tube or via rectum---------One can conjecture that persons who were doing the "hunger strike" thing----experience either or both

There are two possibilities here:

1. It's an innocent mistake that you did not notice the without medical necessity part.

2. You are a pathetic apologist for torture.
I mean what the article said.

Haters, whether Christian or Muslim or whatever, will hate.
rehydration per anum------is a well documented and excellent therapy -----forced feeding always looks like torture---whether by NG tube or via rectum---------One can conjecture that persons who were doing the "hunger strike" thing----experience either or both
"'CIA medical officers discussed rectal rehydration as a means of behavior control,' the report reads. 'As one officer wrote, ‘[w]hile IV infusion is safe and effective, we were impressed with the ancillary effectiveness of rectal infusion on ending the water refusal in a similar case.'

"In other words, while using a saline drip delivered via IV worked just as well, the CIA found that detainees were more likely to end resistance after the use of rectal rehydration."

Sounds like a page from Mossad's book of terror.

CIA Used Rectal Feeding As Part Of Torture Program - BuzzFeed News
Irosie's translation: I am getting my ass handed to me, so I deflect from the articles' clear description of the mental torture inflicted on the detainees. She would have worked well in Mussolini's system.

I have read lots of reports. In order to evaluate them the first
task is-------EVALUATE THE CREDIBILITY of the informants.
I got nothing from the report you posted------if you have something----let me know.
rehydration per anum------is a well documented and excellent therapy -----forced feeding always looks like torture---whether by NG tube or via rectum---------One can conjecture that persons who were doing the "hunger strike" thing----experience either or both

There are two possibilities here:

1. It's an innocent mistake that you did not notice the without medical necessity part.

2. You are a pathetic apologist for torture.

you are a pathetic reader------

I do recall a prior claim of "torture" many years ago by a
reporter who witnessed forced feeding via naso-gastric
tube of "HUNGER STRIKE" prisoners as

yup------anyone who wants to document TORTURE----
just stand around in an inner-city hospital emergency
room -----and wait
around until someone inserts a NASO GASTRIC
TUBE-------it does look like torture

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