Recusal and/or Resignation for Session???

Oh look! A progressive shill circle jerk. Hey you know what? Party's over!!! gO HOME NOW.

Yah. You lost and if you would like to not get hung by the neck until dead, it would be in your best interest to keep asinine bullshit to yourself.

Unless you like swinging by a rope via your neck.

People are fed up, man. Seriously

I think people are fed up with the clown show coming out of Washington with Trump and his warmed over reality TV.

But you keep pretending there's "nothing to see here'.

I remember people in 1974 saying, "I'm sick of this Watergate stuff, Nixon isn't such a bad guy."

And Cheetoh Jesus wasn't worthy of carrying Tricky Dick's briefcase.
Dream on Dems........didn't you all see how small your party is? That chamber was 2/3rds GOP Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!! keep this nonsense up and the democrat party will need to change it's name and platform just to stay viable. The stupid crazy mad hateful left wing media is unwittingly leading the democrat party right down the drain.

It takes 24 Republicans to get voted out to put the gavel back in Nancy's hands.
If Russia did any hacking it was because of the DNCs poor security! Lol.

I love how the left is blaming Donald Trump for whatever the Russians did/are doing, when it was the DNC's own fault! The DNC is so stupid, the Russians wouldn't have needed any special meetings with Trump or any of his cabinet members to find out any dirt on the dems. :2up:

But the question you aren't asking yourself is WHY the Russians were so keen on getting Trump elected...

You see, when a hostile foreign power and American officials collude, that's called "Treason".

Not sure why you are so keen on it.
Yeah, we're all so dumb we've replaced you smart people in every office from dog catcher to President. Sure wish we would smarten up a bit.

.....and you're doing a "splendid" job, don't you think? LOL
This ain't Red Dawn days
That was a good movie....

Yeah but, we really don't need to be aiming for Russky heads these days.

I'd like dual-citizenship just for the fishing.

Fishing at Chernobyl? :D
Maybe in Pripyat. :eek:

I saw an episode of Jeremy Wade fishing there in Chernobyl. There are some HUGE fish there, I guess.

I ain't eating fish that makes a Geiger counter go off. No ma'am.
I ain't eating fish that makes a Geiger counter go off. No ma'am.

Why not? You should be a good little Republican drone and totally put up with that sort of thing because, hey, the rich need to make their profits and ride their dressage horses..

I ain't eating fish that makes a Geiger counter go off. No ma'am.

Why not? You should be a good little Republican drone and totally put up with that sort of thing because, hey, the rich need to make their profits and ride their dressage horses..


Or I could be a good Democrat Commie leftist and make it that much harder for a man to take a day off and go fishing.

Arrest them for fishing if they don't pay the government and whatnot.

You must pay the government to to fish. :cuckoo:

Oh, the Jeff Sessions thing was a nothingburger, by the way. :alcoholic:
I think this whole Russia thing will soon enough blow over. Personally I haven't seen anything that's come out to make this story anything other than your typical Washington contrived scandal.
I think this whole Russia thing will soon enough blow over. Personally I haven't seen anything that's come out to make this story anything other than your typical Washington contrived scandal.

By the time it does, the damage is done to the DNC.
What did Sessions do? Did he get caught on a hot mic stating he will have more 'flexibility' after the election? Perhaps inquired about vodka variants?

Or I could be a good Democrat Commie leftist and make it that much harder for a man to take a day off and go fishing.

Arrest them for fishing if they don't pay the government and whatnot.

You must pay the government to to fish. :cuckoo:

Um. Yeah. Because if you didn't have the government running fisheries, keeping the waterways clean, etc... you'd run out of fish pretty quickly.

You do get it that we wouldn't have sports fishing (no one actually needs to fish to feed their families at this point) if it wasn't controlled, right?

Or are you just this fucking stupid.

Hey, wait, maybe you can find an Alt-Right Website that will tell me that the Fishing LIcencses are all a Jewish Conspiracy.
What did Sessions do? Did he get caught on a hot mic stating he will have more 'flexibility' after the election? Perhaps inquired about vodka variants?


Nothing, really. This is just some straw-grasping political witch hunt. There may be a silver lining to it: It may come out that Obama illegally wiretapped incoming president and cabinet member's phones.
Or I could be a good Democrat Commie leftist and make it that much harder for a man to take a day off and go fishing.

Arrest them for fishing if they don't pay the government and whatnot.

You must pay the government to to fish. :cuckoo:

Um. Yeah. Because if you didn't have the government running fisheries, keeping the waterways clean, etc... you'd run out of fish pretty quickly.

You do get it that we wouldn't have sports fishing (no one actually needs to fish to feed their families at this point) if it wasn't controlled, right?

Or are you just this fucking stupid.

Hey, wait, maybe you can find an Alt-Right Website that will tell me that the Fishing LIcencses are all a Jewish Conspiracy.

Maybe you can find your hand and choke yourself with it.

Maybe you can find your hand and choke yourself with it.

Your concession is duly noted.

Your smug ignorant arrogance is as well.

U mad bro? The Sessions thing didn't really work, did it?

However, due to the Sessions thing, now it's coming to light how these "leaks" were happening and it's due to illegal wiretapping by a sitting president.

It's going to take the whole bunch down. Enjoy! :banana:

Trump accuses Obama of wiretapping phones in Trump Tower

Ribbed for your pleasure.
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Your smug ignorant arrogance is as well.

U mad bro? The Sessions thing didn't really work, did it?

However, due to the Sessions thing, now it's coming to light how these "leaks" were happening and it's due to illegal wiretapping by a sitting president.

It's going to take the whole bunch down. Enjoy!

"HOw dare you use wiretapping to catch me engaged in treason!"

this is what you are going with?

Sessions thing is working just fine. He won't be able to whitewash a probe into Trump's crooked Russian dealings.

not even 50 days in, and we are talking impeachment.
Your smug ignorant arrogance is as well.

U mad bro? The Sessions thing didn't really work, did it?

However, due to the Sessions thing, now it's coming to light how these "leaks" were happening and it's due to illegal wiretapping by a sitting president.

It's going to take the whole bunch down. Enjoy!

"HOw dare you use wiretapping to catch me engaged in treason!"

this is what you are going with?

Sessions thing is working just fine. He won't be able to whitewash a probe into Trump's crooked Russian dealings.

not even 50 days in, and we are talking impeachment.

No it isn't. Your side lost and will continue to lose until you grow the hell up!
Your smug ignorant arrogance is as well.

U mad bro? The Sessions thing didn't really work, did it?

However, due to the Sessions thing, now it's coming to light how these "leaks" were happening and it's due to illegal wiretapping by a sitting president.

It's going to take the whole bunch down. Enjoy!

"HOw dare you use wiretapping to catch me engaged in treason!"

this is what you are going with?

Sessions thing is working just fine. He won't be able to whitewash a probe into Trump's crooked Russian dealings.

not even 50 days in, and we are talking impeachment.

You simply don't get it. It's not going to whitewash inquiries into illegal wiretapping of Trump tower.

By the DNC and its propaganda arm in the media jumping headfirst down a rabbit with a contrived "oh! it's the Russians"

story. They have reduced their credibility by around 80%. Done they are.

I didn't think it would be this quick but it's not just 1 round they shoot themselves in the foot with. They go full retard and empty the entire magazine.
No it isn't. Your side lost and will continue to lose until you grow the hell up!

OUr side (which is, the majority of American who voted against Cheeto Jesus) is asking perfectly reasonable questions about whether or not a hostile foreign power influenced our election or has influence in the current minority administration.

Should point out that Nixon won by a far greater majority than Trump ever did, but he still had to go when we found out he was crooked.

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