Red alert Tucker Carlson's home under seige by Antifa mob

Hours after Antifa filmed themselves threatening Tucker Carlson at his home in DC on Wednesday night, DC Antifa doxed the home addresses of Tucker Carlson, his brother Buckley Carlson, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity and The Daily Caller’s Neil Patel on Twitter.
DC Antifa Dox Home Addresses Of Tucker Carlson & His Brother, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity & Neil Patel

Wonder how long it will be before these mental cases get the tables turned on them. Somewhere someone ill find out who they are when they pull their bs.
You can be sure most live in mommies basement .............

Here’s a quote from Richard Evans’ magisterial work on the rise of the Nazis, The Coming Of The Third Reich, considering the treatment of Social Democrat Reichstag deputy Otto Buchwitz in Silesia:

Brownshirts occupied the seats at his meetings, shouted insults at him, and on one occasion fired a shot at him, causing mass panic amongst his listeners and leading to a brawl in which more shots were fired by both stormtroopers and Reichsbanner men. Several Nazis and Social Democrats had to be taken to hospital, and not a single table or chair in the hall was left intact.

After this, gangs of eight to ten Nazi stormtroopers harassed Buchwitz outside his house when he left for work in the morning, twenty or more crowded round him when he came back to his office after lunch, and between one and two hundred hassled him on the way home, singing a specially composed song with the words "When the revolvers are shot, Buchwitz’ll cop the lot!" Nazi demonstrations always halted outside his house, chanting "Death to Buchwitz!" Maxine Waters' Harassment Policy Is About To Make The United States A Hell Of A Lot Worse
Hours after Antifa filmed themselves threatening Tucker Carlson at his home in DC on Wednesday night, DC Antifa doxed the home addresses of Tucker Carlson, his brother Buckley Carlson, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity and The Daily Caller’s Neil Patel on Twitter.
DC Antifa Dox Home Addresses Of Tucker Carlson & His Brother, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity & Neil Patel

Wonder how long it will be before these mental cases get the tables turned on them. Somewhere someone ill find out who they are when they pull their bs.
You can be sure most live in mommies basement .............
It’s time to shoot first ask questions later...
When the protesters show up, leave the door unlocked. Hide behind some furniture so you are not easily seen. When they invade ......
Hours after Antifa filmed themselves threatening Tucker Carlson at his home in DC on Wednesday night, DC Antifa doxed the home addresses of Tucker Carlson, his brother Buckley Carlson, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity and The Daily Caller’s Neil Patel on Twitter.
DC Antifa Dox Home Addresses Of Tucker Carlson & His Brother, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity & Neil Patel

Wonder how long it will be before these mental cases get the tables turned on them. Somewhere someone ill find out who they are when they pull their bs.
You can be sure most live in mommies basement .............

Here’s a quote from Richard Evans’ magisterial work on the rise of the Nazis, The Coming Of The Third Reich, considering the treatment of Social Democrat Reichstag deputy Otto Buchwitz in Silesia:

Brownshirts occupied the seats at his meetings, shouted insults at him, and on one occasion fired a shot at him, causing mass panic amongst his listeners and leading to a brawl in which more shots were fired by both stormtroopers and Reichsbanner men. Several Nazis and Social Democrats had to be taken to hospital, and not a single table or chair in the hall was left intact.

After this, gangs of eight to ten Nazi stormtroopers harassed Buchwitz outside his house when he left for work in the morning, twenty or more crowded round him when he came back to his office after lunch, and between one and two hundred hassled him on the way home, singing a specially composed song with the words "When the revolvers are shot, Buchwitz’ll cop the lot!" Nazi demonstrations always halted outside his house, chanting "Death to Buchwitz!" Maxine Waters' Harassment Policy Is About To Make The United States A Hell Of A Lot Worse

Hitlers snitches were the first ones he took out too LOL....... ANTIFA are snitches watch their own turn bahahha. They will turn and snitch on one another only the die hard pricks will remain like the Obama, Clinton, Bill Ayres types. I mean they have so many little bitches taking the blame for their masters actions. They're all just to stupid to pick up on it all.
Nothing says anti-fascism like busting in doors of journalists and terrorizing their families!

"They made it clear that they were there to terrorize Carlson’s family. One of the “protesters” allegedly threatened to bring a pipe bomb to the home; another said the Carlsons should “leave town.” According to WaPo, a Facebook item posted by Smash Racism D.C. read “Fascists are vulnerable. Confront them at their homes!”"

Tucker Carlson's terrified wife locked herself in a room after Antifa mob broke the front door

After CNN rebukes those who call them a *mob*: CNN anchor: How dare you call these Democratic protesters a "mob"

"It was a threat,” said Carlson, who is often denounced by critics, particularly liberal ones, for his rhetoric about immigrants and minorities on his Fox News show. “They weren’t protesting anything specific that I had said. They weren’t asking me to change anything. They weren’t protesting a policy or advocating for legislation. … They were threatening me and my family and telling me to leave my own neighborhood in the city that I grew up in.”
What will be hysterical is ANTIFA is going to be set up bahhaah.
Billionaire globalist deploys leftist foot soldiers after Trump fires Sessions.

The group started Wednesday night by threatening Tucker Carlson at his Washington DC home and doxing the home addresses of Tucker Carlson’s brother Buckley Carlson, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity and The Daily Caller’s Neil Patel on Twitter.

In response to Trump firing Sessions, the deep state has gone into full civil war mode, dispatching a mob of 21st century brownshirts
Watch Live: Soros Activates 900 Antifa Terror Cells, Leader of Group Calls For Killing of Police & Republicans – Red Alert!

face it or deny it it's all going to happen . They know who the TRAITORS aren't.........
i use these nifty little tripwire alarms that fire 22 blanks on my property. they work well to keep away unwanted 2 and 4 legged intruders, and let me know what area is breeched.
I would reccomend the carlson family investigate how they could benefit from using these devices themselves.
Antifa and BLM should be designated as domestic terrorist organizations.
It is amazing how many didn't believe when we mentioned " after the midterms" will come violence. Again we told you but it's such a conspiracy as the same fks who leave their fkd up comments to bs they don't even know what they don't know hence that's why your a. holes.

They will sooner or later bring Martial Law which is the game plan the rest only those with their heads NOT up their asses will know what comes next and why.

The kill teams are coming so don't think for a minute this won't happen because they are skinny little girly bitches ..........
You can't take the name anti fascist and use fascist tools of violence and intimidation. That makes you kind of like a fascist!
It is amazing how many didn't believe when we mentioned " after the midterms" will come violence. Again we told you but it's such a conspiracy as the same fks who leave their fkd up comments to bs they don't even know what they don't know hence that's why your a. holes.

They will sooner or later bring Martial Law which is the game plan the rest only those with their heads NOT up their asses will know what comes next and why.

The kill teams are coming so don't think for a minute this won't happen because they are skinny little girly bitches ..........
“Kill teams” :lmao:
i use these nifty little tripwire alarms that fire 22 blanks on my property. they work well to keep away unwanted 2 and 4 legged intruders, and let me know what area is breeched.
I would reccomend the carlson family investigate how they could benefit from using these devices themselves.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news but that's called a booby trap and is illegal. If someone is injured or killed by your devises you are civilly liable.
Nothing says anti-fascism like busting in doors of journalists and terrorizing their families!

"They made it clear that they were there to terrorize Carlson’s family. One of the “protesters” allegedly threatened to bring a pipe bomb to the home; another said the Carlsons should “leave town.” According to WaPo, a Facebook item posted by Smash Racism D.C. read “Fascists are vulnerable. Confront them at their homes!”"

Tucker Carlson's terrified wife locked herself in a room after Antifa mob broke the front door

After CNN rebukes those who call them a *mob*: CNN anchor: How dare you call these Democratic protesters a "mob"

"It was a threat,” said Carlson, who is often denounced by critics, particularly liberal ones, for his rhetoric about immigrants and minorities on his Fox News show. “They weren’t protesting anything specific that I had said. They weren’t asking me to change anything. They weren’t protesting a policy or advocating for legislation. … They were threatening me and my family and telling me to leave my own neighborhood in the city that I grew up in.”

Big deal We have crazy right wingers here that threaten to kill people every day. What did you expect when that stupid orange fool embraced the altRight.
The people they are threatening will need to mount some kind of pepper spray or mace system for times like these around the exterior of their homes.

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