Red Lister Alert: SHTF On October 1st, 2009

Hi Inside Job:

As much as I hate to to say this Terral I got to agree with Mad Scientist here.You really are beginning to sound like all these religious christians who for the past several decades have been saying the world is going to come to an end by next year.

The world will be remade (like Revelation 21:1+) time and time and time again (thousands of times), until the Son is subjected back to God (1Cor. 15:27) and God becomes "all in all" (1Cor. 15:28 = diagram). The 'End of the Age' (Matt. 24:3+) takes place in just about 1000 Years (diagram and diagram = far right). The 1000 Year Day of the Lord (diagram) is just now about to 'begin.' Therefore, we have plenty of time before the 'world' comes to an end and God becomes 'all in all.'

You are in line with the DUPES . . .



Hi Cold:

The poor thing . . .

Be sure to post all about 10/1 on 10/2 I can't wait to hear.

You guys need to wake the hell up already!!! My October 1, 2009 SHTF prediction is based upon the reports by others that includes roadblocks and checkpoints being set up on October 15, 2009 (Endtimes777 OP Video). The 'red list' people (like me) are to be rounded up starting 'two weeks' in advance of Medical Martial law, according to Police Officer Jack McLamb in the Opening Post Video. My goal is to WARN people that trouble is on the horizon, BEFORE the crap actually hits the fan. After all, a 'late' warning is of use to nobody. Right? Of course . . . Those of you crying about registered members posting their 'Conspiracy Theories' on the USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum need to get a life :)cuckoo:).

<< Cold :0)

Listen to Dr. Deagle and his guests from Hour 3 of the Nutrimedical Report yesterday (here) . . .


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Hi Inside Job:

As much as I hate to to say this Terral I got to agree with Mad Scientist here.You really are beginning to sound like all these religious christians who for the past several decades have been saying the world is going to come to an end by next year.

The world will be remade (like Revelation 21:1+) time and time and time again (thousands of times), until the Son is subjected back to God (1Cor. 15:27) and God becomes "all in all" (1Cor. 15:28 = diagram). The 'End of the Age' (Matt. 24:3+) takes place in just about 1000 Years (diagram and diagram = far right). The 1000 Year Day of the Lord (diagram) is just now about to 'begin.' Therefore, we have plenty of time before the 'world' comes to an end and God becomes 'all in all.'

You are in line with the DUPES . . .




see Terral some people dont believe in god or the bible.some of us have the belief of reincarnation and the reason people suffer like they do like when they are born crippled is because of their actions they created in their previous life with negative karma.People like Bush,cheney and Obama mayy get away with what they are doing in this life,but in their next life,they will suffer unbearable pain and wont get away with it.

Thats why I am always telling everybody around here,they will be horrified by what they have done defending the official version of 9/11 cause they are no better than the people in The Bush administration who pulled this off or Obama or any of them for spreading their lies and propaganda.They are bringing a hell of a lot of negative karma on themselves that they will truely be sorry for in the end.

You never answered my question either which is what are you going to say in november if this doesnt come true?
Hi Inside Job:

You never answered my question either which is what are you going to say in november if this doesnt come true?

The warning signs are EVERYWHERE and the crap is about to hit the fan. I will be very happy if none of this comes to pass (like you), but true 'Survivors' (my Topic) prepare for the worst while hoping for the best. What are you going to say when I am right? The answer is "nothing," because those unprepared among you will most likely be sitting in a FEMA Camp, or dying from the coming plague, or dead . . .


It seems to be boiling down, now, to the proposition that "they" (you know who "they" are, and so do "they") live in a small village with one small town in the middle of the village and are actively planning on attempting to gain control over the village by burning down the town and setting on fire everything and everyone in it.

If the plan works, what do the conspirators "get?"

The economy will be in ruins, the society will be destroyed, our ability to fend off aggressive neighbors will be gutted and there will be nothing to buy or to do.

Man, that's some "victory" these conspirators have plotted.

If they lose, they can be rich and comfortable and secure.

But if they win, everyone (including them) will lose big time.

For a bunch of super-geniuses, it looks like "they" just didn't think things through.
Hi Inside Job:

You never answered my question either which is what are you going to say in november if this doesnt come true?

The warning signs are EVERYWHERE and the crap is about to hit the fan. I will be very happy if none of this comes to pass (like you), but true 'Survivors' (my Topic) prepare for the worst while hoping for the best. What are you going to say when I am right? The answer is "nothing," because those unprepared among you will most likely be sitting in a FEMA Camp, or dying from the coming plague, or dead . . .



Hey if you want to REALLY be ready for Armagedon then you won't be caught dead without a 4,000 pound barrel of powdered water. Water will be like GOLD in the Post Apothyliptic world so come on down to my BARGIN BARN today. Other must haves for survivalists like you is freeze dried air as the other poor fools are breathing toxic fall out you'll be laughing away as you breath my freeze dried air. That's right get your now for you and your family(well you're likely a loner but that just means more air for YOU)! Also available are FEMA badges(we don't need no stinkin batches) whoever said that never had to deal with the most effective human round up force the world has ever seen(also available in Star of David versions). So COME ON DOWN to my BAGAIN BARN TODAY!!!
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Don't forget to get your luxurious AM/FM radio.......Well let's face it it is just AM but it comes with FOUR count them FOUR PRE-presets. You'll be getting all the important updates from SAVAGE/BECK/RUSH AND HANNITY!!! Please note that reception is NOT guarenteed after global domination of radio waves.
All the evidence seems to indicate that the best prospect for the crap to hit the fan (SHTF = my Topic + Forum) is October 1, 2009!!!
I want to make a bet with you Terral. If FEMA starts rounding up "redlisters" as you say, I will never post here again.

But of they don't, I want you to ask the Mods for a permanent ban.

Your predictions won't come true and I'm willing to bet my account on it. Are you?

If you had any sense at all you would try to gather support for something worthwhile like auditing the Federal Reserve. Instead you waste your life trying to impress people with your supposed inside knowledge and insight into bogus conspiracies.

You're no different than the ancient religious cults that repeatedly called for the end of the world at a certain date. You don't even realize what a joke you are here.

As much as I hate to to say this Terral I got to agree with Mad Scientist here.You really are beginning to sound like all these religious christians who for the past several decades have been saying the world is going to come to an end by next year.what are you going to come here and say when october passes and none of this stuff happens? you should have stuck with your 9/11 and even wine flu least in those especially the 9/11 threads,you had evidence and facts to prove your right.This here you dont.

I disagree.

Terral may believe in every conspiracy theory that comes down the pike but he has balls for posting actual dates.

I also don't think we should be stifling speech. As much of a whacko I might think Terral may be, he shouldn't be banned if a prediction doesn't occur nor should he leave for making his case.
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T-Minus 6 more days until Terral goes on his "extended vacation."

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