Red Lobster suspends waitress after she was insulted with a racial slur

Here's the score on credit card terminals....they print TWO for the customer, one is kept with the customer's signature on it. The customer does not get a copy of the merchant receipt. You who imagine or want it that way are now too fucking annoying to reply to further. There is a standard that does not change with the processor, most transactions, over 90% eventually go through First Data. I owned a First Data agency and worked for Cardservice International who First Data owns. Hypercom, Verifone, Ingenico, and First Data terminals all operate in the manner I just described....older units like Nurit, which Verifone bought out, and Linkpoint which we used to sell at CSI all operated the same way. That's it, end of discussion unless ya'll want to continue looking like chimps on a typewriter.

Further, the post about some woman beating her father with nunchucks was too ridiculous to believe. It had no place in a discussion about a boy and his dad sorting out who's KING of the Castle which is as old as civilization. This thread is testament to the mentally ill who inhabit this board. Going off on tangents fueled by liquor, boredom, fatigue or a combination of them; all a thin masquerade cloaked in racism and internet posing. I'm done with it and suggest the mods should close it down.
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You must have 2013 confused with 1930. The fucking KKK? Youve got to be kidding me. They haven't been relevant in my lifetime, and I'm 40.

Just because you are not aware of them doesnt mean they dont still exist.

Ku Klux Klan meeting raises concern in rural California | McClatchy

Information on KKK (Ku Klux Klan) Group

White whales still exist too, but they are just as rare.

Whats your point in all that? They exist and still pose a problem to me and my objectives. What are you not getting regarding that?

Keep chanting that while I repossess you trailer and lap you multiple times over in income! :lol:
Typical shit talkin ******

Keep chanting that while I repossess you trailer and lap you multiple times over in income! :lol:
Typical shit talkin ******

Typical inbred white trailer trash. :lol:

Looks like a monkey, smells like a monkey, acts like a monkey.

******* are monkey people

Ok, BOTH of you, stop, take a deep breath, and look at yourselves.This is EXACTLY what I've been talking about. Now, you decide; you want to have an honest dialogue on this, or just insult each other?

Somebody, tell me why we can't have a thread on a racial issue, without it degenerating into this.
Keep chanting that while I repossess you trailer and lap you multiple times over in income! :lol:
Typical shit talkin ******

Typical inbred white trailer trash. :lol:

Looks like a monkey, smells like a monkey, acts like a monkey.

******* are monkey people

Ok, BOTH of you, stop, take a deep breath, and look at yourselves.This is EXACTLY what I've been talking about. Now, you decide; you want to have an honest dialogue on this, or just insult each other?

Somebody, tell me why we can't have a thread on a racial issue, without it degenerating into this.

I apologize Gadfly. I wont post anymore stupid stuff. I dont know about Tank though. :lol:
[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]

Weren't all these Progressives hating on me because I'm waiter?

I have an entire thread that exposes what hypocritical scum you are.
A black guy is probably safer around the KKK then around other black guys in todays times.
Both groups take the law into their own hands and diminish the republic.

It's a sad day when blacks divide themselves from everybody else and demand not equal rights, but superior rights or threaten violent protests in which they destroy businesses by mob justice and cause everybody's insurance to go through the ceiling in black areas where violence is a suicidal alternative to doing right in the first place.

Their leaders make them believe they are above the law, and that's bad.

Their music idols teach them language that demeans everybody else, which brings a certain amount of misery when they get shot for using abusive language against people they make feel they have no use for.

They're teaching young women to cheat employers and abuse white customers for the cause. Leaders of the cause swoop down and threaten to riot and burn small business areas to the tune of billions of dollars. By hamstringing their own businesses, they disable the funding of black scholarships, libraries, and gifts to schools to benefit poor children. The leaders get rich and don't give a damn about other black people, and nobody calls them on it.

In other words, they cooperate with their own worst enemies, but no enemy American blacks have is worse than themselves. Not one.

You're right Tank, they're statistically safer around today's KKK than each other because they find other alternatives than to lead exemplary lives so their children will know what good is. Instead of nurturing their strengths, blacks are nurturing disaster on a terminal basis in this and other nations they choose to diminish with self-killing agendas.

Their leaders into this dark age of morality need a spanking.
Keep chanting that while I repossess you trailer and lap you multiple times over in income! :lol:
Typical shit talkin ******

Typical inbred white trailer trash. :lol:

Looks like a monkey, smells like a monkey, acts like a monkey.

******* are monkey people

Ok, BOTH of you, stop, take a deep breath, and look at yourselves.This is EXACTLY what I've been talking about. Now, you decide; you want to have an honest dialogue on this, or just insult each other?

Somebody, tell me why we can't have a thread on a racial issue, without it degenerating into this.
Polite speech cannot penetrate the world of drug worship, Gadfly. Drugs center its user on self and not society, except to get money for drugs by any means possible that does not require doing a job that pays less than crime and criminal get-rich-quick schemes that just do not keep black men out of jail. In jail, instead of rehabilitation, men experience reinforcement for crimes so when they get out of jail, it's rinse, repeat.

Their old friends are eager to have them back needing employment in criminal enterprises, so they become quickly reintroduced to the drug world in which prison was a mere temporary escape, yet in some prisons, drug behaviors continue to control addicts instead of reform them.

It won't stop until blacks have no choice but to stop the drugs and live in the dignity of being givers instead of constant takers and punishers of law enforcement employees.
This one?

I read it, which is why I know it doesn't define defraud, and why I know what it says, and why I know that, even though it is prosecuted as theft, it does not require money to be transferred, or even require an intent to take money.

Want to keep digging? You should stop arguing with me just because you think you are smarter than I am.

I am smarter than you are. Hence why I know "defraud" has to refer to money damages, since the entire chapter this provision is in deals with money damages.

Which is why it is illegal to write a word above a signature on a legal document even if it cannot possibly cost anyone money, which I just proved by using the statute you supplied.

You proved no such thing. You did what you always do: make a claim without any support then dogmatically claim you've "proven" it.
hopefully Facebook gets sued for allowing it to be posted.

Facebook is not responsible or liable for the stupid waitress actions.
There's a difference between stupidity and evil. That waitress did evil to a customer who refused to be bulldozed by her bad, disgusting, uncaring service. He decided not to pay her for bad service.

She decided to paint the customer she offended with bad service, as a racist for not rewarding her disgusting service and got her employer in trouble with the NAACP we-can-do-no-wrong bullshit crowd who want blacks to get a free pass for doing disgusting behaviors against white customers for the vindication they believe will come with hateful revenge.

It's not gonna happen.


Any evidence to support that claim other than "I know how shady those colored are"? I won't hold my breath.

What reason would she do it for and why would that make her more likely?

She would need to know she would not get terminated and get a paid vacation. She would need to know she would get 10K and she would need to know that it would go viral. Thats a lot of maybes. His requires only one thing. "I hate black people."

He may or may not hate black people. That is irrelevant. The fact remains that she posted a customer's private financial information on the internet in clear violation of the law and Red Lobster policy. He claims he wrote only the word "none". Who has the greater credibility?

The person at their place of employment. People are driven by fear of loss or significant gain. Since we are by nature fearful, negative things have more import in our decision making. Most people dont up give up their guns because of fear for example. She could have lost her job and still may. Thats a high risk gamble for no reason.

Exactly. Also, while her actions violate the company's policy (and if I was a betting man, I'd place a significant wager on her being fired after the media attention dies down), this repeated claim that she committed a crime is laughable.
Typical shit talkin ******

Looks like a monkey, smells like a monkey, acts like a monkey.

******* are monkey people

Ok, BOTH of you, stop, take a deep breath, and look at yourselves.This is EXACTLY what I've been talking about. Now, you decide; you want to have an honest dialogue on this, or just insult each other?

Somebody, tell me why we can't have a thread on a racial issue, without it degenerating into this.
Polite speech cannot penetrate the world of drug worship, Gadfly. Drugs center its user on self and not society, except to get money for drugs by any means possible that does not require doing a job that pays less than crime and criminal get-rich-quick schemes that just do not keep black men out of jail. In jail, instead of rehabilitation, men experience reinforcement for crimes so when they get out of jail, it's rinse, repeat.

Their old friends are eager to have them back needing employment in criminal enterprises, so they become quickly reintroduced to the drug world in which prison was a mere temporary escape, yet in some prisons, drug behaviors continue to control addicts instead of reform them.

It won't stop until blacks have no choice but to stop the drugs and live in the dignity of being givers instead of constant takers and punishers of law enforcement employees.

First of all, let's understand the "drug and thug" culture you reference are NOT "black America" as a whole. This is a subset of the black community, and while it's a very visible subset, because of both behavior, and the fact that its very existence is something to be exploited for money or political gain from BOTH sides of the spectrum, the fact remains that it neither represents nor defines the black community as a whole, and more that the white version of the drug and thug culture (we do have one, you know) or other not-so-nice elements defines or represents the white community. The nature of our society, and the way we get our news is such, that most of the time, it's ugliness, or bad/antisocial behavior, or other negative stuff, that makes the news headlines. There's a reason for that: people have discovered that unpleasant news is a great way to demonize your perceived foes, or gain sympathy for your perceived friends. Liberal or conservative, minority or majority,people on BOTH sides exploit this stuff to reinforce their preconceptions, and/or promote their own agenda. Sometimes, this is calculated and deliberate, sometimes, it seems more like a conditioned reflex, but it all helps create a picture that's more perception than reality. That's what I'm seeing here, and it's a big part of this problem.

Now, I happen to live in the South, in a state where the population is about 28% black, so I don't have to go far to encounter black people-all kinds of them,young, older, poor, somewhere in the middle, extremely successful. I can tell you, that MOST young black men are NOT drug-using, criminal thugs, and MOST black women aren't lazy welfare queens. They are no more that, that all Southern white people are toothless, uneducated, inbred, trailer park dwelling trash. INcidentally if you ask why black people tolerate the negative elements in their own communities, I might ask you why we tolerate the negative element in our own; and we must, by most reckoning, because I note that our own druggies and thugs are still there-we haven't exactly exiled them, have we? How about, we stop pretending our own garbage and dirty laundry doesn't stink-because it really does, you know.

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