Red Lobster suspends waitress after she was insulted with a racial slur

No, you are basing yours on one letter "n", I'm basing mine on a writing style. Many words, all slanted upwards.
:lol: Thats what you are basing yours on. Did you forget what you just wrote? I looked at the rest of her writing and it doesn't look at all like the N word on the receipt to me. What makes your guess correct and my guess incorrect?

Notice how she slants her words upwards when she writes? Notice how his stay on the line? Do you deny that? Do you think it's an anomaly?

No I don't notice that. Yes I do deny it. Yes I noticed in his letter he stayed between the provided lines. I don't get your point in concluding she wrote the letter from that. I don't get how you conclude he is innocent from 1 handwriting sample where he probably was trying his best to write in a manner that would cause people to think he didn't write it. Again what makes your guess correct and mine incorrect?
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There's a difference between stupidity and evil. That waitress did evil to a customer who refused to be bulldozed by her bad, disgusting, uncaring service. He decided not to pay her for bad service.

She decided to paint the customer she offended with bad service, as a racist for not rewarding her disgusting service and got her employer in trouble with the NAACP we-can-do-no-wrong bullshit crowd who want blacks to get a free pass for doing disgusting behaviors against white customers for the vindication they believe will come with hateful revenge.

It's not gonna happen.


Any evidence to support that claim other than "I know how shady those colored are"? I won't hold my breath.

Someone posted her school notes. Compare them to the "n" word on the receipt. Her words, and the "n" word slant upwards. Then look at his letter to the restaurant and the word "none" on the receipt. His words all stay on the line. That's my proof. What's yours?

The "e" in both "none" and N word look exactly the same. Also, what's your source for her "school notes"?
Exactly. Also, while her actions violate the company's policy (and if I was a betting man, I'd place a significant wager on her being fired after the media attention dies down), this repeated claim that she committed a crime is laughable.

You're a "man"? :lol: What is it with these swishers using a female (coyote ugly) avatar? There ain't anything mysterious about a transvestite, son.
:lol: Thats what you are basing yours on. Did you forget what you just wrote? I looked at the rest of her writing and it doesn't look at all like the N word on the receipt to me. What makes your guess correct and my guess incorrect?

Notice how she slants her words upwards when she writes? Notice how his stay on the line? Do you deny that? Do you think it's an anomaly?

No I don't notice that. Yes I do deny it. Yes I noticed in his letter he stayed between the provided lines. I don't get your point in concluding she wrote the letter from that. I don't get how you conclude he is innocent from 1 handwriting sample where he probably was trying his best to write in a manner that would cause people to think he didn't write it. Again what makes your guess correct and mine incorrect?

Maybe because you're a racist who thinks he's a badass because he might have whipped a frightened white boy or's some news for ain't a badass and there are thousands of white boys who'd slap your eyebrows off so lose the appear to be brighter than you let on....which makes me think you're probably white or mulatto.
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So? People don't step in front of cars or slip purposefully in puddles in grocery stores?. There are lots of people who fake injuries to collect damages.

I am talking about the facts in this specific case. I think she was being stupid and had no criminal intent from what I have seen, but it is entirely possible there is something that proves she had criminal intent.
So, you have reason to believe she is not a scam artist. Did her posting of the receipt on line convince you that she was a woman of character?

It's simple. The customer says he wrote none and left. The waitress says he wrote "******" below "none" and then posted a photo of a customer's private financial information. This is about all we have with which to judge their characters.
Game set and match, customer.

After a lifetime of sensitivity training, the lesson I get from this is that if you have a Black waitress, you better tip her big, regardless of service.
Exactly. Also, while her actions violate the company's policy (and if I was a betting man, I'd place a significant wager on her being fired after the media attention dies down), this repeated claim that she committed a crime is laughable.

You're a "man"? :lol: What is it with these swishers using a female (coyote ugly) avatar? There ain't anything mysterious about a transvestite, son.

I'm a fan of German opera, but I would expect your knowledge of culture to be about the same as your knowledge of anything else (none).
Someone posted her school notes. Compare them to the "n" word on the receipt. Her words, and the "n" word slant upwards. Then look at his letter to the restaurant and the word "none" on the receipt. His words all stay on the line. That's my proof. What's yours?

Thats not proof. Thats called guessing. I looked at your "proof" and concluded her capital N went off to the right at a straight angle where the one on the receipt curved off to the left. If you are looking for my proof its about as solid as yours is.

No, you are basing yours on one letter "n", I'm basing mine on a writing style. Many words, almost all slanted upwards. You'd think she would have been smart enough to write it on the line instead of in her normal manner. Then again, if she was smart, she wouldn't have faked it in the first place. Did you watch that interview? At one point she looks down like she's going to cry and in the next second her head his up again as she's explaining and there's no sign of any tears.....maybe she's a psychopath? I can't imagine anyone doing something like this and not feeling bad about it but it's clear she doesn't. I doubt we'll be getting a confession from her. No, the only way the truth will come out is if the customer sues and a handwriting expert is called in.

I'm a handwriting expert of sorts and you're right....the added "******" isn't in the same hand as the guy's signature. The witch belongs in a jail cell. :eusa_whistle:
He may or may not hate black people. That is irrelevant. The fact remains that she posted a customer's private financial information on the internet in clear violation of the law and Red Lobster policy. He claims he wrote only the word "none". Who has the greater credibility?

The person at their place of employment. People are driven by fear of loss or significant gain. Since we are by nature fearful, negative things have more import in our decision making. Most people dont up give up their guns because of fear for example. She could have lost her job and still may. Thats a high risk gamble for no reason.

Exactly. Also, while her actions violate the company's policy (and if I was a betting man, I'd place a significant wager on her being fired after the media attention dies down), this repeated claim that she committed a crime is laughable.

It is laughable to say that posting a person's credit card information online is illegal?
Exactly. Also, while her actions violate the company's policy (and if I was a betting man, I'd place a significant wager on her being fired after the media attention dies down), this repeated claim that she committed a crime is laughable.

You're a "man"? :lol: What is it with these swishers using a female (coyote ugly) avatar? There ain't anything mysterious about a transvestite, son.

I'm a fan of German opera, but I would expect your knowledge of culture to be about the same as your knowledge of anything else (none).

German opera? :lol:

can I spot em or what? :eusa_clap:
You're a "man"? :lol: What is it with these swishers using a female (coyote ugly) avatar? There ain't anything mysterious about a transvestite, son.

I'm a fan of German opera, but I would expect your knowledge of culture to be about the same as your knowledge of anything else (none).

German opera? :lol:

can I spot em or what? :eusa_clap:

I'm aware it has neither reached the trailer park, nor would it be understood if it did.
The person at their place of employment. People are driven by fear of loss or significant gain. Since we are by nature fearful, negative things have more import in our decision making. Most people dont up give up their guns because of fear for example. She could have lost her job and still may. Thats a high risk gamble for no reason.

Exactly. Also, while her actions violate the company's policy (and if I was a betting man, I'd place a significant wager on her being fired after the media attention dies down), this repeated claim that she committed a crime is laughable.

It is laughable to say that posting a person's credit card information online is illegal?

Well, the initial claim was that she had committed forgery. It's already been shown that wasn't true. Now you're moving to "posting a person's credit card information online", which just isn't true.
I have serious doubts if a real discussion can be held. Todays society values the right to say what they want to say regardless of who they offend over being PC enough to find out the other sides view by asking polite questions. Most people feel that they have already made up their mind as to how "those people" are and nothing they hear will change that. In fact they violently oppose new information or exposure of known information as incorrect in order to hold onto their beliefs. Your post only pisses off people that dont have the humility or internal fortitude to admit when they are wrong.

I value my freedom more than I value your pretense at offense because I know that restricting freedom of speech that might offend you means people are not free to talk about religion or politicians. If you don't understand that, fuck off.
The person at their place of employment. People are driven by fear of loss or significant gain. Since we are by nature fearful, negative things have more import in our decision making. Most people dont up give up their guns because of fear for example. She could have lost her job and still may. Thats a high risk gamble for no reason.

Exactly. Also, while her actions violate the company's policy (and if I was a betting man, I'd place a significant wager on her being fired after the media attention dies down), this repeated claim that she committed a crime is laughable.

It is laughable to say that posting a person's credit card information online is illegal?

Whether the armchair attorneys believe it or not, Facebook is an accessory to mail fraud with this and is also in for a HUGE hit in a civil action. They best learn to moderate their members before a court sends them a message inside a subpoena.
I feel sure that noting good came of it, but just maybe, there's a lesson in there somewhere about the difference between immediate emotional gratification, and doing the right thing.

I think what you did was hilarious! She got what she had coming in my smacked her on the exaxct level she was operating on and showed her that her racism would be answered in kind. Don't overthink this.....what you said doesn't make you a racist, just quick on the draw. :eusa_angel:

Thanks, but that wan't my point. I don't think that particular "retaliation in kind" was racist (at least, that was not my intent); and it may even have been justified (as you believe it was). The larger question, though, is what it accomplished. Obviously, my retort made me feel better at the moment; but beyond that, what did it do? Did it "teach her a lesson"? Yes, and that lesson was that a white man, even one who would take a moment to show her an act of courtesy and respect, would still refer to her race in a degrading manner, on a rather small provocation. I doubt that improved her perception; in her mind, all it did, was confirm the idea that "White people, even the apparently nicer ones, still despise me, because of the color of my skin; scratch the surface, and you'll see!" Now, what if I had simply said nothing? She might have gone away thinking, "I said that to one of THEM, and he didn't react; didn't even call me a name; and he DID open the door for me. Maybe SOME of THEM aren't as bad as I thought." At least the seed of doubt would have been planted. As it was, the decent act got lost in the hateful word, which was likely her only real memory of the encounter later. THAT represents a lost opportunity to open just one mind to possibilities it had not seen, and that's the point I was trying to make. There's nothing remarkable about meeting hate with hate; it's the refusal to do so, which is more likely to make someone think, and question previous assumptions.

Doesn't it make you feel good about yourself, proving what a pushover you wish you had been? In real life instead of in your nicey-nice fantasy, these predatory and always escalating whiners would have taken your silence as being intimidated. Your imaginary guilt-filled Oprah would have said to herself, "If I can get away with that, I can get away with something even nastier next time, maybe even shake Whitey down for some guilt money. And the Demcrats got my back."
Any evidence to support that claim other than "I know how shady those colored are"? I won't hold my breath.

Someone posted her school notes. Compare them to the "n" word on the receipt. Her words, and the "n" word slant upwards. Then look at his letter to the restaurant and the word "none" on the receipt. His words all stay on the line. That's my proof. What's yours?

The "e" in both "none" and N word look exactly the same. Also, what's your source for her "school notes"?

The e in none looks as much like the e in the slur as Obama looks like Mark Wahlburg, in other words, only a racist or a hack would insist there is no difference.
Exactly. Also, while her actions violate the company's policy (and if I was a betting man, I'd place a significant wager on her being fired after the media attention dies down), this repeated claim that she committed a crime is laughable.

It is laughable to say that posting a person's credit card information online is illegal?

Well, the initial claim was that she had committed forgery. It's already been shown that wasn't true. Now you're moving to "posting a person's credit card information online", which just isn't true.

His name and the last 4 digits of his credit card number were posted online. The last 4 numbers are the most important.
Exactly. Also, while her actions violate the company's policy (and if I was a betting man, I'd place a significant wager on her being fired after the media attention dies down), this repeated claim that she committed a crime is laughable.

It is laughable to say that posting a person's credit card information online is illegal?

Well, the initial claim was that she had committed forgery. It's already been shown that wasn't true. Now you're moving to "posting a person's credit card information online", which just isn't true.

No, the initial claim is that she posted private information online. That is true even if she didn't write the slur, but whoever did write the slur did commit forgery.
I have serious doubts if a real discussion can be held. Todays society values the right to say what they want to say regardless of who they offend over being PC enough to find out the other sides view by asking polite questions. Most people feel that they have already made up their mind as to how "those people" are and nothing they hear will change that. In fact they violently oppose new information or exposure of known information as incorrect in order to hold onto their beliefs. Your post only pisses off people that dont have the humility or internal fortitude to admit when they are wrong.

Well, Asclepias, if it were easy, we'd have had that discussion a long, long time ago...but we haven't, so here we are. Against us is layer upon layer of mistrust, of ignorance, of violence and retribution; of so much that is the worst in any of us. Of all that though, it's the ignorance, and the fear born of it, that contributes most to keeping matters as they are. It's ignorance, that lets us see another person as a color, not an individual man or woman; that tells us it's ok to assume how another feels, rather than ask; that lets us think it's OK to slight others because "they hate me anyway, so they don't matter." It seems incomprehensible to those of us who have lived where we were more or less forced to interact with those on the other side of the black-white divide, but I'd bet there's a surprisingly high percentage of both blacks and whites who have never had a friend of "the other race"(and I wonder how many of those wouldn't even want to). It's a whole lot easier to dislike, stereotype, generalize and dehumanize someone we don't really know as an individual, than someone we do.

On top of that, there's an issue of socioeconomic class embedded in all this that is every bit as much an issue as skin color, if not more so. Aside from the resentment that can engender, there's the idea that economic (and social) advancement is a zero-sum game, in which one person's advancement can only come at someone else's expense. Whether that last is really true, most people seem to believe it is, and if most of us aren't very good with humility, or admitting we might have been wrong, we're even worse at self-sacrifice for someone else (especially someone else we don't even really know, and maybe even have a hard time identifying with).

So, I suppose there's an awful lot of grounds for thinking this is hopeless, but I've seen us get past even worse. I grew up in the segregated South, and I've seen attitudes change within my own lifetime. Is it perfect? Of course not, not even close, but I can tell you there's a level of acceptance unthinkable forty or fifty years ago. Most of it has happened one heart and mind at a time, and it has happened, in spite of those on both sides who didn't want it to, because most people most of the time really are basically decent, when they let themselves be, and really don't want to hurt someone else, so long as they aren't hurt in the process. That part gives me hope that one day, we'll eventually figure out that "being like me" doesn't necessarily mean "looking like me". I won't live to see it, but some of the younger folks might.
German opera? :lol:

can I spot em or what? :eusa_clap:

I'm aware it has neither reached the trailer park, nor would it be understood if it did.

Du bist eine dumme Schlampe und ein douche... Fick dich selbst, Sheila

Putting it in German only makes you look stupid, not me. Grow up! When you result to insults and colorful language, it's obvious you've lost the debate, regardless of the language you use for your insults.

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