Red Lobster suspends waitress after she was insulted with a racial slur

Ok, BOTH of you, stop, take a deep breath, and look at yourselves.This is EXACTLY what I've been talking about. Now, you decide; you want to have an honest dialogue on this, or just insult each other?

Somebody, tell me why we can't have a thread on a racial issue, without it degenerating into this.
Polite speech cannot penetrate the world of drug worship, Gadfly. Drugs center its user on self and not society, except to get money for drugs by any means possible that does not require doing a job that pays less than crime and criminal get-rich-quick schemes that just do not keep black men out of jail. In jail, instead of rehabilitation, men experience reinforcement for crimes so when they get out of jail, it's rinse, repeat.

Their old friends are eager to have them back needing employment in criminal enterprises, so they become quickly reintroduced to the drug world in which prison was a mere temporary escape, yet in some prisons, drug behaviors continue to control addicts instead of reform them.

It won't stop until blacks have no choice but to stop the drugs and live in the dignity of being givers instead of constant takers and punishers of law enforcement employees.

First of all, let's understand the "drug and thug" culture you reference are NOT "black America" as a whole. This is a subset of the black community, and while it's a very visible subset, because of both behavior, and the fact that its very existence is something to be exploited for money or political gain from BOTH sides of the spectrum, the fact remains that it neither represents nor defines the black community as a whole, and more that the white version of the drug and thug culture (we do have one, you know) or other not-so-nice elements defines or represents the white community. The nature of our society, and the way we get our news is such, that most of the time, it's ugliness, or bad/antisocial behavior, or other negative stuff, that makes the news headlines. There's a reason for that: people have discovered that unpleasant news is a great way to demonize your perceived foes, or gain sympathy for your perceived friends. Liberal or conservative, minority or majority,people on BOTH sides exploit this stuff to reinforce their preconceptions, and/or promote their own agenda. Sometimes, this is calculated and deliberate, sometimes, it seems more like a conditioned reflex, but it all helps create a picture that's more perception than reality. That's what I'm seeing here, and it's a big part of this problem.

Now, I happen to live in the South, in a state where the population is about 28% black, so I don't have to go far to encounter black people-all kinds of them,young, older, poor, somewhere in the middle, extremely successful. I can tell you, that MOST young black men are NOT drug-using, criminal thugs, and MOST black women aren't lazy welfare queens. They are no more that, that all Southern white people are toothless, uneducated, inbred, trailer park dwelling trash. INcidentally if you ask why black people tolerate the negative elements in their own communities, I might ask you why we tolerate the negative element in our own; and we must, by most reckoning, because I note that our own druggies and thugs are still there-we haven't exactly exiled them, have we? How about, we stop pretending our own garbage and dirty laundry doesn't stink-because it really does, you know.

So far the most open minded person I have encountered on this message board.
Typical shit talkin ******

Looks like a monkey, smells like a monkey, acts like a monkey.

******* are monkey people

Ok, BOTH of you, stop, take a deep breath, and look at yourselves.This is EXACTLY what I've been talking about. Now, you decide; you want to have an honest dialogue on this, or just insult each other?

Somebody, tell me why we can't have a thread on a racial issue, without it degenerating into this.
Polite speech cannot penetrate the world of drug worship, Gadfly. Drugs center its user on self and not society, except to get money for drugs by any means possible that does not require doing a job that pays less than crime and criminal get-rich-quick schemes that just do not keep black men out of jail. In jail, instead of rehabilitation, men experience reinforcement for crimes so when they get out of jail, it's rinse, repeat.

Their old friends are eager to have them back needing employment in criminal enterprises, so they become quickly reintroduced to the drug world in which prison was a mere temporary escape, yet in some prisons, drug behaviors continue to control addicts instead of reform them.

It won't stop until blacks have no choice but to stop the drugs and live in the dignity of being givers instead of constant takers and punishers of law enforcement employees.

Thats a great summary of the issue except that it is not the problem the majority of Blacks have. Its also the same thing that exists in the white community but is largely ignored.
For those of you saying this young lady is not fit to be employed as a nurse, I question your judgement. Who really believes that this young lady is now a bad person because she posted this guys partial information? Please explain why.
Look, everyone, the reason we are having this discussion in the first place, is because of the atmosphere which exists in America with regard to race. It is, quite frankly a mess, and I don't pretend to know haow to fix it, but I'm pretty sure I know how NOT to. What i"ve seen here, has been far more about blame and finger pointing that proposing solutions, or even asking questions.

First of all, it's NOT "someone else's problem" there's plenty of blame to go around, and we ALL (and I do mean ALL) own a piece of it. That applies whether we're black or white, liberal or conservative, republican or democrat. Everybody has said, done, or helped promote something that aggravated the situation, rather than fixing it. Sometimes, that's been done with the best of intentions; other times, the motivation has been a good bit less than sweetness and light.

The reason the racial divide gets exploited from all sides is because we buy into the stereotypes and generaliztions that are behind it. Make no mistake about it - EVERY TIME you let some politician or activist convince you that it's ok to mistrust or even hate "THEM" because most of "THEM" hate you, or resent you, or are out to do you harm, and you vote, or act, on that, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. EVERY TIME you tell yourself you need to get even with "THEM" because of some past grievance, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. EVERY TIME you play along with exploiting people's worst instincts and fears about people who don't look like them, because it promotes the rest of your agenda, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.Race hustlers (there are some)and opportunistic politicians don't exist in a vacuum; they are out there, because enough of the rest of us buy the snake oil they peddle, and they'll stop peddling it, only when there are too few customers to make it worth their while. Decry what they do ,all you want, but just remember that what feeds them is YOUR fear, YOUR mistrust, YOUR ignorance...and MINE.You want to make it better,? Then stop consuming this manure (because that's what most of it really is, wrapped in a thin veneer of truth), and quit spreading it. If Even most of us did that, even most of the time, I suspect things would be very different. As it is, most of us apparently aren't smart enough to do that, but we have to start somewhere, even if it's one person at a time.

Now that I've said something to piss off blacks, whites, democrats, republicans, and both ends of the political spectrum, you may now resume your regularly scheduled hatefest...if you still want to.
I have serious doubts if a real discussion can be held. Todays society values the right to say what they want to say regardless of who they offend over being PC enough to find out the other sides view by asking polite questions. Most people feel that they have already made up their mind as to how "those people" are and nothing they hear will change that. In fact they violently oppose new information or exposure of known information as incorrect in order to hold onto their beliefs. Your post only pisses off people that dont have the humility or internal fortitude to admit when they are wrong.

What reason would she do it for and why would that make her more likely?

She would need to know she would not get terminated and get a paid vacation. She would need to know she would get 10K and she would need to know that it would go viral. Thats a lot of maybes. His requires only one thing. "I hate black people."

She wanted attention, she got it.

The customer was racist. He wanted to write it.
Who are you to state what the customer 'wanted to do"?
Are you now off the "I know billionaires thing" and on to the mind reader thing?
Oh yes, I forgot, bigots like you think every Caucasian is a racist. Sure.
You can keep believing that if it makes you feel better.
The fact is in order to continue your race crusade this MUST be a racial incident.
Otherwise, this thing will keep you up at night.
Perhaps you should worry about keeping your own house in order instead of looking for things with which to bother yourself.
Lewis Latimer may disagree with you.
That was a ****** that learned from a white man in America, nothing from Africa.

Nothing but your ancestors. Remember you are a mutation from the original homo sapiens that first came to prominence in Africa. Lets not even get into the fact Thomas Edison would have never been able to invent his substandard, expensive light bulb that Lewis Latimer improved and made affordable if not for the science first taught to the Greeks by the Egyptians.
Yes yes yes..And the Chinese and not the Italians invented spaghetti. Who fucking cares.
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She wanted attention, she got it.

The customer was racist. He wanted to write it.
Who are you to state what the customer 'wanted to do"?
Are you now off the "I know billionaires thing" and on to the mind reader thing?
Oh yes, I forgot, bigots like you think every Caucasian is a racist. Sure.
You can keep believing that if it makes you feel better.
The fact is in order to continue your race crusade this MUST be a racial incident.
Otherwise, this thing will keep you up at night.
Perhaps you should worry about keeping your own house in order instead of looking for things with which to bother yourself.

I'm the same as all the people that said the young lady wrote it for a hoax or attention. Why does that bother you?

I was never on anything and never have claimed to be a mind reader. Where did you get that information from?

I know for a fact not all whites are racist so try another approach.

How did you miss the fact that the customer is accused of writing a racial slur on the receipt? I would think that was pretty clear evidence this is a racial incident.

I would take your advice only if you promise to take it yourself.
That was a ****** that learned from a white man in America, nothing from Africa.

Nothing but your ancestors. Remember you are a mutation from the original homo sapiens that first came to prominence in Africa. Lets not even get into the fact Thomas Edison would have never been able to invent his substandard, expensive light bulb that Lewis Latimer improved and made affordable if not for the science first taught to the Greeks by the Egyptians.
Yes yes yes..And the Chinese and not the Italians invented spaghetti. Who fucking cares.

Tank does. Thats who I was talking to. Are you his big brother or just his self-appointed guardian?
The customer was racist. He wanted to write it.
Who are you to state what the customer 'wanted to do"?
Are you now off the "I know billionaires thing" and on to the mind reader thing?
Oh yes, I forgot, bigots like you think every Caucasian is a racist. Sure.
You can keep believing that if it makes you feel better.
The fact is in order to continue your race crusade this MUST be a racial incident.
Otherwise, this thing will keep you up at night.
Perhaps you should worry about keeping your own house in order instead of looking for things with which to bother yourself.

I'm the same as all the people that said the young lady wrote it for a hoax or attention. Why does that bother you?

I was never on anything and never have claimed to be a mind reader. Where did you get that information from?

I know for a fact not all whites are racist so try another approach.

How did you miss the fact that the customer is accused of writing a racial slur on the receipt? I would think that was pretty clear evidence this is a racial incident.

I would take your advice only if you promise to take it yourself.
First, about the waitress writing the slur herself..I am not arguing that point. I am convinced through looking at the samples of handwriting that have been presented here in this thread, the customer's handwriting on the samples in no way matches the written slur..
With that stated.....You wrote "he wanted to write it"...The slur...That is you deciding for yourself that had an inside look at the customer's thoughts. Hence a mind reader.

In your posts, you've used general statements as descriptors for Caucasians. One can logically conclude then, that if you believe one to be racist, then you believe ALL are racist
" How did you miss the fact that the customer is accused of writing a racial slur on the receipt? I would think that was pretty clear evidence this is a racial incident."

The operative being "accused"...No proof mind you. And of course with the writing of the slur having no distinct similarity to the other samples of the customer's writing, you make a conclusion without proper evidence. On your part, that shows a need to see this have a singular outcome.
Without proof, therefore this cannot be a racial incident.

Look, you are battling for a lost cause. The writing is different in the samples and that in and of itself is enough evidence to sway any logical person to conclude the customer did not write the slur.
Now, if that is difficult for you to accept, well then you'll just have to be pissed off.
Nothing but your ancestors. Remember you are a mutation from the original homo sapiens that first came to prominence in Africa. Lets not even get into the fact Thomas Edison would have never been able to invent his substandard, expensive light bulb that Lewis Latimer improved and made affordable if not for the science first taught to the Greeks by the Egyptians.
Yes yes yes..And the Chinese and not the Italians invented spaghetti. Who fucking cares.

Tank does. Thats who I was talking to. Are you his big brother or just his self-appointed guardian?
Ok....Find any similarities of my posts to tank's posts.
Have directed any racial slurs to you? Have I even used a racial slur?
In fact have you noticed me using that silly "n-word" thing?
BTW you insist you do not consider all Caucasians to be racist, yet you use a racist buzz term..That being "your ancestors"..
Two can play at this race card game bullshit. I can do this all day long.
Who are you to state what the customer 'wanted to do"?
Are you now off the "I know billionaires thing" and on to the mind reader thing?
Oh yes, I forgot, bigots like you think every Caucasian is a racist. Sure.
You can keep believing that if it makes you feel better.
The fact is in order to continue your race crusade this MUST be a racial incident.
Otherwise, this thing will keep you up at night.
Perhaps you should worry about keeping your own house in order instead of looking for things with which to bother yourself.

I'm the same as all the people that said the young lady wrote it for a hoax or attention. Why does that bother you?

I was never on anything and never have claimed to be a mind reader. Where did you get that information from?

I know for a fact not all whites are racist so try another approach.

How did you miss the fact that the customer is accused of writing a racial slur on the receipt? I would think that was pretty clear evidence this is a racial incident.

I would take your advice only if you promise to take it yourself.
First, about the waitress writing the slur herself..I am not arguing that point. I am convinced through looking at the samples of handwriting that have been presented here in this thread, the customer's handwriting on the samples in no way matches the written slur..
With that stated.....You wrote "he wanted to write it"...The slur...That is you deciding for yourself that had an inside look at the customer's thoughts. Hence a mind reader.

In your posts, you've used general statements as descriptors for Caucasians. One can logically conclude then, that if you believe one to be racist, then you believe ALL are racist
" How did you miss the fact that the customer is accused of writing a racial slur on the receipt? I would think that was pretty clear evidence this is a racial incident."

The operative being "accused"...No proof mind you. And of course with the writing of the slur having no distinct similarity to the other samples of the customer's writing, you make a conclusion without proper evidence. On your part, that shows a need to see this have a singular outcome.
Without proof, therefore this cannot be a racial incident.

Look, you are battling for a lost cause. The writing is different in the samples and that in and of itself is enough evidence to sway any logical person to conclude the customer did not write the slur.
Now, if that is difficult for you to accept, well then you'll just have to be pissed off.

I dont think you were closely following the previous comments before you latched onto mine. I have specifically said that its unknown who actually wrote it. I was merely responding to the poster that also felt they were a mind reader and said she was stupid and wrote it. which I noticed you did not call out.

Your logic is not very logical if you conclude that me thinking one white person is racist then all must be.

I disagree this is not a racial incident. It was a racial slur regardless of who wrote it. That alone makes it a racial incident.
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Facebook is not responsible or liable for the stupid waitress actions.
There's a difference between stupidity and evil. That waitress did evil to a customer who refused to be bulldozed by her bad, disgusting, uncaring service. He decided not to pay her for bad service.

She decided to paint the customer she offended with bad service, as a racist for not rewarding her disgusting service and got her employer in trouble with the NAACP we-can-do-no-wrong bullshit crowd who want blacks to get a free pass for doing disgusting behaviors against white customers for the vindication they believe will come with hateful revenge.

It's not gonna happen.


Any evidence to support that claim other than "I know how shady those colored are"? I won't hold my breath.

Someone posted her school notes. Compare them to the "n" word on the receipt. Her words, and the "n" word slant upwards. Then look at his letter to the restaurant and the word "none" on the receipt. His words all stay on the line. That's my proof. What's yours?
Yes yes yes..And the Chinese and not the Italians invented spaghetti. Who fucking cares.

Tank does. Thats who I was talking to. Are you his big brother or just his self-appointed guardian?
Ok....Find any similarities of my posts to tank's posts.
Have directed any racial slurs to you? Have I even used a racial slur?
In fact have you noticed me using that silly "n-word" thing?
BTW you insist you do not consider all Caucasians to be racist, yet you use a racist buzz term..That being "your ancestors"..
Two can play at this race card game bullshit. I can do this all day long.

If you are coming to the defense of Tank then I have to assume your just a dirty racist like he is. Why would you support what he is saying and attack me if you weren't? Does that make any sense to you?

I dont get what you mean by racist buzz word. What word would you suggest I use to describe a persons ancestors that was not a racist buzz word?
There's a difference between stupidity and evil. That waitress did evil to a customer who refused to be bulldozed by her bad, disgusting, uncaring service. He decided not to pay her for bad service.

She decided to paint the customer she offended with bad service, as a racist for not rewarding her disgusting service and got her employer in trouble with the NAACP we-can-do-no-wrong bullshit crowd who want blacks to get a free pass for doing disgusting behaviors against white customers for the vindication they believe will come with hateful revenge.

It's not gonna happen.


Any evidence to support that claim other than "I know how shady those colored are"? I won't hold my breath.

Someone posted her school notes. Compare them to the "n" word on the receipt. Her words, and the "n" word slant upwards. Then look at his letter to the restaurant and the word "none" on the receipt. His words all stay on the line. That's my proof. What's yours?

Thats not proof. Thats called guessing. I looked at your "proof" and concluded her capital N went off to the right at a straight angle where the one on the receipt curved off to the left. If you are looking for my proof its about as solid as yours is.
Any evidence to support that claim other than "I know how shady those colored are"? I won't hold my breath.

Someone posted her school notes. Compare them to the "n" word on the receipt. Her words, and the "n" word slant upwards. Then look at his letter to the restaurant and the word "none" on the receipt. His words all stay on the line. That's my proof. What's yours?

Thats not proof. Thats called guessing. I looked at your "proof" and concluded her capital N went off to the right at a straight angle where the one on the receipt curved off to the left. If you are looking for my proof its about as solid as yours is.

No, you are basing yours on one letter "n", I'm basing mine on a writing style. Many words, almost all slanted upwards. You'd think she would have been smart enough to write it on the line instead of in her normal manner. Then again, if she was smart, she wouldn't have faked it in the first place. Did you watch that interview? At one point she looks down like she's going to cry and in the next second her head his up again as she's explaining and there's no sign of any tears.....maybe she's a psychopath? I can't imagine anyone doing something like this and not feeling bad about it but it's clear she doesn't. I doubt we'll be getting a confession from her. No, the only way the truth will come out is if the customer sues and a handwriting expert is called in.
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Tank does. Thats who I was talking to. Are you his big brother or just his self-appointed guardian?
Ok....Find any similarities of my posts to tank's posts.
Have directed any racial slurs to you? Have I even used a racial slur?
In fact have you noticed me using that silly "n-word" thing?
BTW you insist you do not consider all Caucasians to be racist, yet you use a racist buzz term..That being "your ancestors"..
Two can play at this race card game bullshit. I can do this all day long.

If you are coming to the defense of Tank then I have to assume your just a dirty racist like he is. Why would you support what he is saying and attack me if you weren't? Does that make any sense to you?

I dont get what you mean by racist buzz word. What word would you suggest I use to describe a persons ancestors that was not a racist buzz word?
SHow me where I come to the defense of tank..
One more time. I refuse to use 'that word'..In that refusal, how is it you come to think I am defending a person who uses a word I find to be unusable?
It is not the word itself. It is the context in which you used the term.
Someone posted her school notes. Compare them to the "n" word on the receipt. Her words, and the "n" word slant upwards. Then look at his letter to the restaurant and the word "none" on the receipt. His words all stay on the line. That's my proof. What's yours?

Thats not proof. Thats called guessing. I looked at your "proof" and concluded her capital N went off to the right at a straight angle where the one on the receipt curved off to the left. If you are looking for my proof its about as solid as yours is.

No, you are basing yours on one letter "n", I'm basing mine on a writing style. Many words, all slanted upwards.
:lol: Thats what you are basing yours on. Did you forget what you just wrote? I looked at the rest of her writing and it doesn't look at all like the N word on the receipt to me. What makes your guess correct and my guess incorrect?
Thats not proof. Thats called guessing. I looked at your "proof" and concluded her capital N went off to the right at a straight angle where the one on the receipt curved off to the left. If you are looking for my proof its about as solid as yours is.

No, you are basing yours on one letter "n", I'm basing mine on a writing style. Many words, all slanted upwards.
:lol: Thats what you are basing yours on. Did you forget what you just wrote? I looked at the rest of her writing and it doesn't look at all like the N word on the receipt to me. What makes your guess correct and my guess incorrect?

Notice how she slants her words upwards when she writes? Notice how his stay on the line? Do you deny that? Do you think it's an anomaly?
SHow me where I come to the defense of tank..
One more time. I refuse to use 'that word'..In that refusal, how is it you come to think I am defending a person who uses a word I find to be unusable?
It is not the word itself. It is the context in which you used the term.

He clearly uses the word but somehow you totally missed its blatantly racist use and cursed at me. What gives?

That was a ****** that learned from a white man in America, nothing from Africa.

Nothing but your ancestors. Remember you are a mutation from the original homo sapiens that first came to prominence in Africa. Lets not even get into the fact Thomas Edison would have never been able to invent his substandard, expensive light bulb that Lewis Latimer improved and made affordable if not for the science first taught to the Greeks by the Egyptians.
Yes yes yes..And the Chinese and not the Italians invented spaghetti. Who fucking cares.

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