Red Lobster suspends waitress after she was insulted with a racial slur

Writing "none" on the receipt was rude enough, as was NOT tipping.

But somehow he stops at the racial slur.

Gotta love it.

Do not tip for:

Being served yellow lettuce instead of dark green

Sour orange juice that tastes tainted

Being waited on after 3 people who arrived after me are served first

lipstick smudge on new glass of milk that never went through dishwasher

glass of milk that tastes like beer, which means it was poured into cup that contained beer that was partially dumped and not washed

being served ice in milk after telling waitress I am allergic to tap water

blood on plate of steak that was ordered "well done."

no alternatives to an all-fried food menu

no options for customers who cannot drink tap water such as bottled water, milk, or not-from-concentrate juice

notice dirt under waiter's fingernails

notice cut not covered by band aid on server's or cook's hand

server counts out cash to preceding customer, then goes and rolls a burrito or taco without placing plastic gloves on hands or washing them with hand sanitizer first

waiter's hair found on food

bones left in fish

small broken bones found in fried chicken underneath crisp coating due to improper cutting of meat

steak or hamburger that looks green, smells bad, or tastes bad

waiter dumps or spills on guests at my table

food that is supposed to be hot is served cold

yesterday's banana pudding blithely served with brown slimy bananas in it as if no one would notice

olive green beans served with bright green beans blithely as if someone wouldn't notice

cole slaw that is so old it has partially become sauerkraut

mashed potatoes with rotten brown parts incorporated into it and served blithely as if no one would notice

baked potatoes with similar imperfections served blithely as if no one would notice

waitress sneezes or coughs her cold on any guests sitting at table

menu written by someone who does not understand diversity in nutrition. I guess that goes with a menu that has only fried foods on it. :lol:

You would starve in Alabama. Even the salad is fried.
How psychopathic. You need to be netted, heavily sedated, and fully restrained for transport to a secure mental health facility to spend the rest of your life. You are a poster child for concealed carry.

Assclepias is another keyboard tough guy.
Also defined as a flyspeck in the ocean.

I don't agree with everything he's posted, but we've had a reasonable discussion here; so labeling him like that (based on one post?) is a bit much, IMHO.

Its amazing how some people say they are not racist but get upset when a Black person doesnt agree with them. Some react like I spit in the popes food. Personally I think its latent racism but they aren't man or woman enough to admit it. I'd have a lot more respect if they would just be truthful. If everyone was actually looking for solutions to problems like you then things would be way more productive.
Without the white man the black man would be sitting in the dark at night

Here is what happened. She took the photo, and posted it. This violated company policy, and she got a paid vacation as a result, and whined because she doesn't understand the difference between a day off with pay and a suspension. Idiots were outraged, and gave her money.

What, exactly, did she have to plot out in advance? The paid suspension?

No plotting involved,


What reason would she do it for and why would that make her more likely?

She would need to know she would not get terminated and get a paid vacation. She would need to know she would get 10K and she would need to know that it would go viral. Thats a lot of maybes. His requires only one thing. "I hate black people."

He may or may not hate black people. That is irrelevant. The fact remains that she posted a customer's private financial information on the internet in clear violation of the law and Red Lobster policy. He claims he wrote only the word "none". Who has the greater credibility?

The person at their place of employment. People are driven by fear of loss or significant gain. Since we are by nature fearful, negative things have more import in our decision making. Most people dont up give up their guns because of fear for example. She could have lost her job and still may. Thats a high risk gamble for no reason.
Thats funny. I have a group of them 2 cities away from me. How do you think I know so much about them?
Really, and how many people have they lynched lately?

What exactly does that have to do with anything? You must feel stupid thinking I didnt know about you and your kind huh?
It means they're irrelevant and have been for 50 years or more, but your kind don't have anyone else to blame for your miserable lives, so you have to keep bringing them up as if that boogyman was still a threat to anybody. Damn, you're pathetic.
Really, and how many people have they lynched lately?

What exactly does that have to do with anything? You must feel stupid thinking I didnt know about you and your kind huh?
It means they're irrelevant and have been for 50 years or more, but your kind don't have anyone else to blame for your miserable lives, so you have to keep bringing them up as if that boogyman was still a threat to anybody. Damn, you're pathetic.

If they were irrelevant their thought patterns would not be reflected in so many on this board. I would be a big fool not note their existence and point them out.
What exactly does that have to do with anything? You must feel stupid thinking I didnt know about you and your kind huh?
It means they're irrelevant and have been for 50 years or more, but your kind don't have anyone else to blame for your miserable lives, so you have to keep bringing them up as if that boogyman was still a threat to anybody. Damn, you're pathetic.

If they were irrelevant their thought patterns would not be reflected in so many on this board. I would be a big fool not note their existence and point them out.
Your comebacks are pretty pathetic too.
Without the white man the black man would be sitting in the dark at night

Lewis Latimer may disagree with you.
That was a ****** that learned from a white man in America, nothing from Africa.

Nothing but your ancestors. Remember you are a mutation from the original homo sapiens that first came to prominence in Africa. Lets not even get into the fact Thomas Edison would have never been able to invent his substandard, expensive light bulb that Lewis Latimer improved and made affordable if not for the science first taught to the Greeks by the Egyptians.
It means they're irrelevant and have been for 50 years or more, but your kind don't have anyone else to blame for your miserable lives, so you have to keep bringing them up as if that boogyman was still a threat to anybody. Damn, you're pathetic.

If they were irrelevant their thought patterns would not be reflected in so many on this board. I would be a big fool not note their existence and point them out.
Your comebacks are pretty pathetic too.

I was unaware that it was supposed to be a comeback.
Lewis Latimer may disagree with you.
That was a ****** that learned from a white man in America, nothing from Africa.

Nothing but your ancestors. Remember you are a mutation from the original homo sapiens that first came to prominence in Africa. Lets not even get into the fact Thomas Edison would have never been able to invent his substandard, expensive light bulb that Lewis Latimer improved and made affordable if not for the science first taught to the Greeks by the Egyptians.
Dream on ******
That was a ****** that learned from a white man in America, nothing from Africa.

Nothing but your ancestors. Remember you are a mutation from the original homo sapiens that first came to prominence in Africa. Lets not even get into the fact Thomas Edison would have never been able to invent his substandard, expensive light bulb that Lewis Latimer improved and made affordable if not for the science first taught to the Greeks by the Egyptians.
Dream on ******

I forgot that inbreeding causes a lost of intelligence. Have someone explain evolution and DNA to you. Its a concrete fact. Dont shoot the messenger.
Looks like a monkey, smells like a monkey, acts like a monkey.

******* are monkey people
You must have me confused with your brethren in the KKK. Those guys need their clown costumes and 10 to 1 odds before they will do anything at all. :lol:

You must have 2013 confused with 1930. The fucking KKK? Youve got to be kidding me. They haven't been relevant in my lifetime, and I'm 40.

Just because you are not aware of them doesnt mean they dont still exist.

Ku Klux Klan meeting raises concern in rural California | McClatchy

Information on KKK (Ku Klux Klan) Group

White whales still exist too, but they are just as rare.

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