Red Riding Hood: A Modern Dread


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a commerce/urbanization-Utopianism vigilante-tale I cooked up, inspired by the civics-paranoia films Sin City, City of Industry, Children of the Revolution, and The Crow.

Signing off,


Snake-Eyes was an ex-CIA operative working as a vigilante and modelled himself after the Marvel Comics anti-hero Punisher, though Snake Eyes simply wore a navy-blue outfit and ski-mask and pink goggles and carried a silencer-pistol. Snake-Eyes was in Moscow working against a nefarious crime syndicate known as the Red Riding Hood. It was the year 2019, and Red Riding Hood was led by a terrible ex-KGB warlord named Ivan who instructed his minions to carry machetes. Red Riding Hood had insidious ties to the corrupt and economically-challenged post-USSR Russian government.

Snake-Eyes quickly discovered that Red Riding Hood was a great deal more 'evil' than he first assumed. Members of Ivan's gang would hunt down Moscow prostitutes in alleys late at night and stick their machetes in their groin and then claim it was an anti-AIDS 'crusade.' Members of the gang would also kidnap Moscow police officers and tape grenades to their eyes and leave them to explode and die, claiming they were working as 'prophets of God' to destroy the civics corruption in Russia created by bureaucratic mismanagement. Snake-Eyes quickly deduced that Ivan and the Red Riding Hood were actually Satanists who arranged special Occult meetings in a secret underground 'lair' in the underground tunnels of Moscow (built by Stalinist Russia during WWII).

Snake-Eyes decided to follow clues to get to the underground Red Riding Hood lair where the Satanic meetings and rituals took place. To his horror, the valiant American vigilante realized that at these bizarre Occult meeting, members (including the leader Ivan) would engage in cannibalistic rituals, eating the flesh of kidnapped homeless Russians (in the name of 'urban cleansing'). Snake-Eyes decided to incinerate the entire establishment and lair during one grand meeting on Devil's Night (the night before Halloween Eve, which was usually reserved for acts of 'cathartic' mischief/vandalism for 'Occultism-oriented revelry). Snake-Eyes loaded the tunnel-area of the Red Riding Hood lair with enough grenades to blow it to kingdom-come.

Snake-Eyes was relieved Red Riding Hood was gone forever (and Ivan with them!). He remembered in great emotional horror the purely evil and macabre deeds of Ivan's gang (including the stabbing of prostitutes in the groin with machetes and placement of grenades in cops' eyes/skulls). Snake-Eyes wondered if he had cure the fundamental problem of modernization-related urban evil and anarchy itself. Snake-Eyes decided to drink some much-deserved champagne and sleep for a good twelve hours, but during his great slumber, he had a strange dream in which he was visited by Satan (the Devil!) himself who wanted to talk with him about his special 'urban crusade' against Red Riding Hood.

SATAN: Why did you destroy my underground lair of the Red Riding Hood 'meetings'?
SNAKE-EYES: Ivan's gang was pure evil; they slaughtered prostitutes in the name of revolution!
SATAN: Perhaps Ivan was 'extreme,' but I wanted to rear that gang for my Satanic 'arrival' on Earth.
SNAKE-EYES: Well, whatever your intentions are, Satan, humanity can't stand for horrific anarchy.
SATAN: The modern world is based on urban malaise and traffic madness, and we have to be objective!
SNAKE-EYES: I'm sorry, but I can't simply be 'objective' about a gang of criminals pretending to be 'prophets.'
SATAN: Red Riding Hood was going to be my message-vehicle for the new millennium, Snake-Eyes!
SNAKE-EYES: Then it's unfortunate you banked your plans on a gang of psychopaths; consult Jesus/God.
SATAN: Don't me smug with me; you have your own demons (dropping out of 'normal government work').
SNAKE-EYES: We all have demons, Satan, but my urban crusade marked a human initiative against evil.
SATAN: Do you really think capitalism and commerce makes ethics and civics straightforward?
SNAKE-EYES: There's a huge difference between vigilance and terrorism.
SATAN: I disagree; urban revolution is the new 'face' of philosophy.
SNAKE-EYES: I doubt students in the democratic world think of fanaticism as 'philosophical work.'
SATAN: Do you realize that a celebrity such as Tom Cruise making movies about Nazis is 'inflated'?
SNAKE-EYES: There's nothing 'superficial' about basic pedestrian idealism!
SATAN: Well, if your crusade (which has terminated by Satanism agenda) works, I'll consider your 'idealism.'
SNAKE-EYES: All we really need is the right policy decisions by the World Bank, NATO, and the EU.
SATAN: We'll see what develops with North Korea amidst all this commercial insanity.
SNAKE-EYES: U.S. President Donald Trump's work with peaceful trade rescued democratic South Korea!



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