Red Sox fall below 500, 1-7 since one of their owners called them racist

Picking based on skin color isn’t racist, but saying picking by race is racist lol
No, but your saying "Who sucks.. because he’s black..", is racist. You seem to have a lens though which you view things.
We get it

For liberals why worry about winning and losing when lib wokeness is on the agenda?
Not saying that, at all. Just not making more of a slump than warranted. We may know more at the end of the season.
Not saying that, at all. Just not making more of a slump than warranted. We may know more at the end of the season.
Ok, you have a point

But injecting race into sports is toxic

I think black crybabies cost the Texas Longhorns coach his job in 2021 over complete bullshit
No, but your saying "Who sucks.. because he’s black..", is racist. You seem to have a lens though which you view things.
I never said they sucked. They are in the mlb, I’m saying if you choose based on skin color not merit you’re not getting the better player. And ITS RACIST TO PICK BASED ON RACE
I never said they sucked. They are in the mlb, I’m saying if you choose based on skin color not merit you’re not getting the better player. And ITS RACIST TO PICK BASED ON RACE
I kind of doubt, they made an announcement, race was the criteria. Are you a big time Red Socks historic fan, or are you just trying to make a racial point, as the race card is an important card in your deck?
I kind of doubt, they made an announcement, race was the criteria. Are you a big time Red Socks historic fan, or are you just trying to make a racial point, as the race card is an important card in your deck?
They have hired and allowed owner ship of black activists. That’s all you need to know .
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Do you really think LeBron is spending a lot of time getting to know Red Sox fans? Or is he just popping off again like the ignorant & entitled progressive elitist he has morphed into?

Even if he is right, what does this say about racism in America? In one of the bluest cities in a bluest state, he sees rampant racism from the masses... maybe the Dems in charge are the real source of "systemic racism"?
Look in every large city, you will almost always find Dems in charge for years & consistent charges of racism.
Cause & effect

It's very trendy these days to bag on Boston as some kind of particularly racist city. It's ridiculous, but there it is.
I don't actually know what day he said it. As, for black players being no good, I can't buy it, nor can I buy, the team is butt hurt, over LaBron, so they can't or won't perform. Your view seems pretty racist, whether you mean it that way or not.
Oh we do despise LeBron up here, but only because he's an asshole.
You really think that is it? Been watching baseball off and on all my life, and have seen many teams go through slumps, the reason, not always apparent, so I do not make too much out of it. It's always been a game, where on any given day, any given field, crap or magic can happen, but overall the numbers are the numbers.
Heim Bloom and Alex Cora are both pulling in opposite directions. It's a mess.
Irish heritage. What part do you think? Although, over the years we have lived in a bunch of places in the Greater Boston area. Been around the block a few times.
Nice well I’m mattapan.. went to high school in Hyde park high. Ever hear of it?
Oh we do despise LeBron up here, but only because he's an asshole.
You usually have a good reason for your thinking. I think you have something there.
Wow, had no idea the angry, drunk, white supremacist Irishman was still even in the game. :)
Dude's liver should have gone years ago.

But sure, their front office's personnel decisions and the fact they are fielding a AAA team just about every night has nothing to do the state of the club.
But they vote Prog!
Last three Red Sox signings have been black players
So what? They need a good first baseman and a better option in center field.
You know, when your center fielder runs forward to catch a ball and it drops 30 feet behind're in serious trouble as a team.

That and they are still by some miracle in a wild card hunt. Only three games out. Go figure. :)

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