Red states building a nation within a nation

A good summary of the movement to create a sub-culture (or sub-country really) within America by the right. Basically its another assault by the red states to suppress the rights of Americans within their state borders.. last time being Jim Crow. Everything old is new again, or history repeats itself if you prefer.


Red states are building a nation within a nation - CNNPolitics

"It's not at the level of Jim Crow, or certainly the difference between slave states and free states, but the differences are major," says Jake Grumbach, a University of Washington political scientist who studies divergence among the states. And like Kettl, Grumbach believes the economic and political differences between the red and blue states are on track to only widen.

Seen as a whole, the red states' drive to set their own rules, while blocking any interference from either blue-leaning local governments or a Democratic-controlled federal government, represents the broadest effort to carve out a separate sphere of influence since the fierce resistance to reconstruction across the South after the Civil War that ultimately led to Jim Crow segregation, Kettl believes. In some respects, he argues, red states are displaying a greater separatist impulse today than the South did then.

For now, Kettl sees the initial red state Republican goal primarily as consolidating these new rules and blocking any interference -- what he calls "an effort to build very high castle walls with a very deep moat." But like Grumbach and other experts on state policy, Kettl is dubious that Republicans will settle for imposing their values solely on the states now under their control. As the red states pursue a more consistent and coordinated course, Kettl predicts that Republicans will "try to impose [this] policy on the nation as a whole" if they achieve the federal power to do so.

Blue states such as California, New York, Illinois and Colorado have moved forcefully over the past two years to expand many of the liberties now under siege in the red states. But congressional Republicans while in the minority have already introduced proposals that would apply the red state rules across the entire nation on many of these same issues. The new social order red states are now sketching behind their "castle" walls may offer the best preview of what Republicans will try to impose on all states the next time they achieve unified control of the White House and Congress in Washington.

Never work. What the righty's never get, is they cant win the culture wars. They never have, and they never will.

They make temporary gains through sleaze and grift, only for the following generations to bury them.

There is a pendullum shift that is intergenerational, and swings further left with each shift. All one needs to do, is look at cultural shifts and accepted norms since WW2.
Yeah, I didn't think so.

Hey, by the way, kudos on that Orwell quote in your sig:

“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

Donald Trump, July 25, 2018:

"Don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news. … What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”

Wow. What a rube.
says another form of a rube.....
I've been saying it for weeks: We're going to look like the Middle East, with stark differences between the states based on the nature and intensity of their religious dogma.

I wonder how many of the rubes fully understand what they're backing.
That's such idiotically hysterical pearl clutching, even for you.

Get a 10-session punch card for some professional couch time....Seriously
Never work. What the righty's never get, is they cant win the culture wars. They never have, and they never will.

They make temporary gains through sleaze and grift, only for the following generations to bury them.

There is a pendullum shift that is intergenerational, and swings further left with each shift. All one needs to do, is look at cultural shifts and accepted norms since WW2.

C'mon Carl....watchu gonna do?
If they would just let them say the N word without reprisal half these people would give up watching politics and go watch wrasslin'.
and your side lets violent thugs back out onto the streets after committing violent crimes with their cashless bail crap ! no one in their right mind would want to move to a bizzaro world leftist shithole where elderly bodega workers are thrown into Riker's for defending themselves and in the same shithole people with violent records are released after assaulting a cop near a subway platform ! your party is absolutely insane !
A good summary of the movement to create a sub-culture (or sub-country really) within America by the right. Basically its another assault by the red states to suppress the rights of Americans within their state borders.. last time being Jim Crow. Everything old is new again, or history repeats itself if you prefer.


Red states are building a nation within a nation - CNNPolitics

"It's not at the level of Jim Crow, or certainly the difference between slave states and free states, but the differences are major," says Jake Grumbach, a University of Washington political scientist who studies divergence among the states. And like Kettl, Grumbach believes the economic and political differences between the red and blue states are on track to only widen.

Seen as a whole, the red states' drive to set their own rules, while blocking any interference from either blue-leaning local governments or a Democratic-controlled federal government, represents the broadest effort to carve out a separate sphere of influence since the fierce resistance to reconstruction across the South after the Civil War that ultimately led to Jim Crow segregation, Kettl believes. In some respects, he argues, red states are displaying a greater separatist impulse today than the South did then.

For now, Kettl sees the initial red state Republican goal primarily as consolidating these new rules and blocking any interference -- what he calls "an effort to build very high castle walls with a very deep moat." But like Grumbach and other experts on state policy, Kettl is dubious that Republicans will settle for imposing their values solely on the states now under their control. As the red states pursue a more consistent and coordinated course, Kettl predicts that Republicans will "try to impose [this] policy on the nation as a whole" if they achieve the federal power to do so.

Blue states such as California, New York, Illinois and Colorado have moved forcefully over the past two years to expand many of the liberties now under siege in the red states. But congressional Republicans while in the minority have already introduced proposals that would apply the red state rules across the entire nation on many of these same issues. The new social order red states are now sketching behind their "castle" walls may offer the best preview of what Republicans will try to impose on all states the next time they achieve unified control of the White House and Congress in Washington.
The process includes the voters of the states, lying liar.
This is the result of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory, of course.

No longer subject to the Bill of Rights, Republican-controlled states will be at liberty to disadvantage and discriminate against racial, ethnic, and religious minorities and immigrants through force of law – creating a toxic political, cultural, and social environment forcing racial, ethnic, and religious minorities to either leave or remain as second-class residents prohibited from political participation.
Yeah, I didn't think so.

Hey, by the way, kudos on that Orwell quote in your sig:

“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

Donald Trump, July 25, 2018:

"Don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news. … What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”

Wow. What a rube.
That’s because Fake News is nothing but propaganda from the Dem Party. When they state something, you believe it without question.

You’re the ones that believe a man can give birth. You’re the ones that believe mRNA shots are “vaccines” even when they don’t protect you from infection or spreading it. You’re the ones that believed in the Russia collusion hoax for 6 years. All because the Party told you to.
This is the result of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory, of course.

No longer subject to the Bill of Rights, Republican-controlled states will be at liberty to disadvantage and discriminate against racial, ethnic, and religious minorities and immigrants through force of law – creating a toxic political, cultural, and social environment forcing racial, ethnic, and religious minorities to either leave or remain as second-class residents prohibited from political participation.
Oh go fuck yourself, you puerile, fearmongering little demagogue.

You have nothing to say in faovr of your degeneracy and worship of State, so anyone who opposes you must be lied about.
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We have a Country that is in trouble with issue after issue but for some reason lefties don't want to deal with reality. They behave as if they lost the election and launch into arcane political theories that are basically meaningless.
We have a Country that is in trouble with issue after issue but for some reason lefties don't want to deal with reality. They behave as if they lost the election and launch into arcane political theories that are basically meaningless.
What we have are 2 democrats in the senate who may as well be republicans. And they stand in the way of progress.
Conservatives think they can make America look like a Hallmark movie.
Have you ever watched a Hallmark movie? Boring, boring TV. Our lives are so much more interesting and real and honest than a Hallmark movie.

Two dimensional leftist life is the equivalent of a sickening, phony Hallmark movie.

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