Redacted Affadavit officially released

A couple of things from the NBC reporting of this:

The judge who had recused himself in an earlier case about Trump, because he knew he was too biased for any ruling he made to be legitimate said this:

Reinhart approved the warrant that allowed federal agents to search Trump’s Florida property Aug. 8 after determining that the affidavit provided probable cause. He reiterated earlier this week that he found “probable cause that evidence of multiple federal crimes would be found” at Mar-a-Lago and that he “was — and am — satisfied that the facts sworn by the affiant are reliable.”

Given the FBI's recent and fulsome history of lying and falsifying documents to get anti-Trump warrants, how can the judge reasonably be satisfied that the facts sworn by an FBI agent are reliable?

The 36-page affidavit, much of which was heavily redacted, said that in mid-May, FBI agents conducted a preliminary review of the contents of 15 boxes Trump returned to the National Archives from his Florida property in January, and "identified documents with classification markings in fourteen of the FIFTEEN BOXES."

The affidavit said that agents found 184 unique documents that had classification markings. It stated that 25 documents were marked as "TOP SECRET," 67 documents marked as "confidential" and 92 marked "secret." According to the affidavit, agents observed markings denoting various control systems designed to protect various types of sensitive information, including markings that designate intelligence gathered by "clandestine human sources," such as a report by a CIA officer or someone who works for the Defense Intelligence Agency.

So, this action was taken against Trump because he (allegedly) returned documents with classification markings. I guess Hillary was smart to use that Bleachbit and those hammers instead of returning the emails.
DOJ reveals redacted affidavit justifying Trump Mar-a-Lago raid

The FBI had probable cause to believe that records containing classified national defense information would be found at the Palm Beach, Florida, residence, according to an agent who wrote the 32-page affidavit.

“There is also probable cause to believe that evidence of obstruction will be found” at Trump’s home, read an unredacted portion of the affidavit.

“The government is conducting a criminal investigation concerning the improper removal and storage of classified information in unauthorized spaces, as well as the unlawful concealment and removal of government records,” the FBI agent, whose name was blacked out, wrote in the affidavit’s first line.

DOJ reveals redacted affidavit justifying Trump Mar-a-Lago raid

It should be shocking, but it's typical heinous Trump behavior.
With most of the affidavit being redacted, it tells me there is a whole bunch in there, the public doesn't need to know about. Trump is in a world of shit with that much redacted content.
The biggest thing that comes out of this shows that Trump’s lawyers were absolutely lying about the nature of the letter that the DoJ sent Trump’s lawyers in June.

They weren’t asking them to just put a bigger lock on, they were telling them without a doubt they did not have authorization to store classified documents there.

Trump’s lawyers absolutely lied about this letter.

A couple of things from the NBC reporting of this:

The judge who had recused himself in an earlier case about Trump, because he knew he was too biased for any ruling he made to be legitimate said this:

Reinhart approved the warrant that allowed federal agents to search Trump’s Florida property Aug. 8 after determining that the affidavit provided probable cause. He reiterated earlier this week that he found “probable cause that evidence of multiple federal crimes would be found” at Mar-a-Lago and that he “was — and am — satisfied that the facts sworn by the affiant are reliable.”

Given the FBI's recent and fulsome history of lying and falsifying documents to get anti-Trump warrants, how can the judge reasonably be satisfied that the facts sworn by an FBI agent are reliable?

The 36-page affidavit, much of which was heavily redacted, said that in mid-May, FBI agents conducted a preliminary review of the contents of 15 boxes Trump returned to the National Archives from his Florida property in January, and "identified documents with classification markings in fourteen of the FIFTEEN BOXES."

The affidavit said that agents found 184 unique documents that had classification markings. It stated that 25 documents were marked as "TOP SECRET," 67 documents marked as "confidential" and 92 marked "secret." According to the affidavit, agents observed markings denoting various control systems designed to protect various types of sensitive information, including markings that designate intelligence gathered by "clandestine human sources," such as a report by a CIA officer or someone who works for the Defense Intelligence Agency.

So, this action was taken against Trump because he (allegedly) returned documents with classification markings. I guess Hillary was smart to use that Bleachbit and those hammers instead of returning the emails.
Shrillary, of course, had never been authorized to declassify anything. 😎
The biggest thing that comes out of this shows that Trump’s lawyers were absolutely lying about the nature of the letter that the DoJ sent Trump’s lawyers in June.

They weren’t asking them to just put a bigger lock on, they were telling them without a doubt they did not have authorization to store classified documents there.

Trump’s lawyers absolutely lied about this letter.
Absolutely! Their law practice is on life support. Can you even imagine how many have already fallen because of Trump.
WASHINGTON — The Justice Department asked to search President Donald J. Trump’s Florida residence after retrieving an initial batch of highly classified national security documents, out of concern that their disclosure could compromise “clandestine human sources” used in intelligence gathering, according to a redacted version of the affidavit used to obtain the warrant.

The affidavit — including more than three dozen pages of evidence and legal arguments presented by the Justice Department’s national security division plus supporting documents — describes the government’s months long push to recover highly classified materials taken from the White House by a former president who viewed state documents as his private property.

What national interest was served by Trump improperly taking the docs? None. Because he doesn't think that way. In his mind, everything takes a back seat to his interests.
The biggest thing that comes out of this shows that Trump’s lawyers were absolutely lying about the nature of the letter that the DoJ sent Trump’s lawyers in June.

They weren’t asking them to just put a bigger lock on, they were telling them without a doubt they did not have authorization to store classified documents there.

Trump’s lawyers absolutely lied about this letter.
What did the letter say? Was it in this stack:

Please show where anything has changed.... I'll wait...
Quite the contrary. With so many redactions, we now know how many sensitive documents there are. It's not about how much has changed, it's about how nothing has. Get it?

That's why this is so damning for Trump.
You do understand and get that this looks REALLY bad for Trump. :)
I wonder why his team has been so quiet?
Wrong... biden just blew it by saying all presidents have classified documents in their homes under lock and key... he said he has a cabinet where he keeps documents...
This isn't going anywhere... another FBI blunder.....
Trump had documents he had no legal reason to have in his possession; this issue is not about the FBI, it is about Trump and his criminal and traitorish activities.
We still don’t really know anything about what he had. The release of this overly redacted affidavit told us very little new information.

I suspect that the DOJ is trying to collect and destroy / hide information pertaining to Operation Crossfire Hurricane.

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