Redacted Affadavit officially released

Just heard it online, do not have a link.

Anyone got a link?

I've got a link

Transparency my eye.:mad:

There is a great deal of talk on the media concerning the public's interest in this affidavit that reveals the nature of the documents Trump stole from our house, namely the White House. The documents Trump stole belong to the American people.

The public's interest is served by not revealing the critical factors contained in the affidavit.
In the Trump era, there are two facts every voter should know to enable intelligent decisions.

One, when the powers-that-be granted the President all his powers, they never once considered a President like Donald Trump.

Two, Donald Trump is just plain stupid.

Take, for example, his incredibly stupid decision to take hundreds of pages of classified documents with him to Mar-a-Lago. He has never explained why he did that. It is quite likely he doesn't know. Just something to do? In any case, that remarkably incomprehensible decision has caused him nothing but grief, and he might be indicted.

The Wall Street Journal explains his folly. "Boxes retrieved from former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home early this year contained more than 184 classified documents, including some deemed top secret or derived from clandestine human-intelligence sources, according to a heavily redacted affidavit released Friday laying out the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s justification for its extraordinary search of the Florida estate in early August.

"The document spanning 38 pages, 24 of them fully or partially blacked out, said there was “probable cause to believe that additional documents” containing classified national defense information and presidential records remained on the premises and “also probable cause to believe that evidence of obstruction” would be found there. A separate document said investigators relied on accounts from “a significant number of civilian witnesses” before searching the home.

"The affidavit was released on court order almost three weeks after FBI agents searched Mar-a-Lago and carted away more than two dozen boxes including 11 sets of classified documents, some of which were meant to be accessible only in special high-security facilities, according to a search warrant made public by the Florida court that approved it. The search followed months of correspondence by the National Archives and Records Administration to secure Trump administration records."

The Republican Party has captured the minds of those who live in the rural counties of America. The voters are mostly farmers, ranch hands, and rural shopkeepers. They lack education and they are not well informed. Most of what they know about politics is by word of mouth.

"The former president has seen his standing in the GOP strengthen since the Aug. 8 search as he considers a 2024 challenge to President Biden," the WSJ.
And yet when I was in the Marines I knew a Cpl that got busted down to LCpl for having a document marked SECRET that was in fact no longer classified, in his possession

Care to tell me why the media can get ahold of classified information and leak it without any issues but the former president himself better not have any at his house?

These people leaked these documents to the media WHO WERE NOT EVER SUPPOSED TO SEE THEM, and yet you were fine with it.

"The former president has seen his standing in the GOP strengthen since the Aug. 8 search as he considers a 2024 challenge to President Biden," the WSJ.
Trump managed to get the GOP to protect him from proof he committed serious crimes. Because more information is going to come out, such as from criminal indictments, we'll have to see if they'll continue to give the democrats 2022 election soundbites, of their defense of criminal behavior.
Care to tell me why the media can get ahold of classified information and leak it without any issues but the former president himself better not have any at his house?

These people leaked these documents to the media WHO WERE NOT EVER SUPPOSED TO SEE THEM, and yet you were fine with it.
You citation says they were not fine with it. They were referred to the DOJ for criminal prosecution.

And as to the media releasing classified information, you can go back to the pentagon papers court case.

Or this one: Robert Novak, the newspaper columnist who first revealed the identity of covert CIA analyst Valerie Plame,
No they weren’t. Trump didn’t pack anything. By law, the GSA packs those things. Trump can’t legally be held accountable for their actions. NARA has no legal authority to classify anything per the courts.
Yea & who told the GSA to pack those documents & bring them to Mar A Lago, mouth breather? The Tooth Fairy?

The Feds tried to get the documents that your ass friend Trump robbed for a year & a half but he refused to return them. Oh, btw, Trump told people the documents "are mine", brown noser.

Bull Scat..., How quickly you brainwashed Lefties forget the clusterfuck created by Joey Xi Bai Dung last year.
If anyone has damaged America's National Security no one has to look further than Joey Xi.
All he has brought is death, inflation, food shortage and weakness before our enemies.

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