Reds: A Capitalist Challenge (Dr. Sesame)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Consumerism-consciousness breeds all kinds of 'vitality imagery' so I wonder how much of it will sound like 'propaganda' to archaeologists in the future looking back at our era and analysing 'commerce aesthetics.'

This 'mosaic' was inspired by Capitalism: A Love Story.



"My name is Dr. Sesame. I collect money-bills from around the world, and my collection does indeed include bills from the Soviet Union and the United States."


"As a 'man of letters' I do enjoy the splendour and flowery presented in modern American comic books (e.g., Marvel's Spider-Man) which offer strange characters (e.g., Red Goblin) who exemplify a general social curiosity about the boundaries of courage and justice. These comics reflect a fascination with governance and ethics and hence 'social hygiene' and are therefore 'stamps' of vitality-analysis, just like money-bills."


"All my life, I've studied the folklore of cultures around the world and find various mythologies such as the Headless Horseman and Pied Piper of Hamelin and Red Dragon very fascinating. I use these folk-tales and 'avatars' to appreciate the fine balance and competition between democratic states and communist states. How do minds organize to create axes of leadership and profit? The Soviet Union was a society of great ambition, while the United States continues to be a society of great industry. Where is the mind headed?"


"A good doctor should understand the proliferation of life in all its colors. I find symbolism in the red glowing sea creatures and liken them to the red-insignias of various society groups such as the USSR, China, the Boy Scouts of America, and the Red Cross. My duty is to differentiate between vitality and dogma."


"A terrific young African-American NCAA basketball player named Lopez who played for the St. John's team was a perfect diplomat of the new age of American idealism regarding the marketing and televising of collegiate sports. We've developed a distinctly 'market-based culture' in the United States. Is this a defeat of communism or a special 'ideology challenge' for capitalism? Can we balance great ambitions with social hygiene?"


"All kids around the world love playing with water-guns during the hot summer months and appreciating the sanctity of clean water and the various uses of water. When we pollute the Earth, we rob our youth of the opportunity to delve into the 'metaphysics' of water. Consumerism facilitates the sale of these water-guns, so we want to cultivate this sense of market-based youthfulness. That's the 'capitalist's challenge' in my opinion."


"A while ago, I met a strange man on a passenger train wearing a red sweater which matched the seats of the train and knitting a red hat which matched his sweater. I sat next to this man and asked him what he thought about the color red, and he calmly replied, 'I do not believe red is a straight symbol of communism/socialism just because the Chinese and USSR flags were red in color, but I do consider the color red a terrific symbol of 'imagination.' This man reminded me of the Pied Piper of Hamelin."


"Anne Rice is one of my favorite pop-culture novelists, and her series of works about vampires and vampirism reminded Americans of the general fascination with the vitality of blood and whey we have strange folk-tales about the 'transformative' magic of blood. Was the Russian Revolution a thing of vitality? Was Stalinism a dominion of vampirism? We want to understand why vampire-lore seems linked to mutiny."


DR. SESAME: I'd love a St. John's basketball sweater...
TRUMP: First Lady Melania Trump endorses the celebration of collegiate sportsmanship!
DR. SESAME: I believe that; I'm a big advocate of 'humanism politics.'
TRUMP: The challenge of the capitalist is to embrace good circulation.
DR. SESAME: Are you a fan of Captain America (Marvel Comics)?
TRUMP: I like the two recent Captain America films starring Chris Evans.
DR. SESAME: Does the First Lady like Captain America?
TRUMP: I believe she's a bigger fan of Wonder Woman (DC Comics).
DR. SESAME: Did you see the new Wonder Woman film starring Gal Gadot?
TRUMP: No, but I'm intrigued by how comics symbolize new age patriotism.
DR. SESAME: Yes, they're sort of the new 'penny-opera.'
TRUMP: Yes, they're not really vaudeville...
DR. SESAME: No; it doesn't seem so, and I wonder if capitalism benefits from 'folk-tales.'
TRUMP: Sure it does; just look at capitalism-oriented films like Casino and Wall Street!
DR. SESAME: Perhaps consumerism will facilitate a 'youth-crusade' (similar to the '60s).



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