
Does anyone even care anymore? I vaguely remember a short period where there was talk of it being politically incorrect, but in recent years have heard nothing. If people still care about this issue they need to get a life. I still wouldn't refer to it as a free speech issue. More of a... "who gives a sh*t" issue.
snyder's prolly raising prices or otherwise fleecing the redskin fans.
I love it, the left, now it's no big deal, then they'll have someone else try it.....pathetic people
This stuff is so stupid. My college changed their mascot over this kind of stuff. They call for money and I say "Change the mascot back yet?"
Maybe they could call the them the Foreskins.

nope Redskins is fine.....the bullys couldnt cause him to cave.

My High School is still named the Red Raiders.


That's good, so shouldnt we all ban together to stop this shit??? It's rediculous, if it wasnt for sport most people wouldnt know what a UTE or a chippewa they would know seminoles, but they seem to be the only sane people....along with us free speechers around
nope Redskins is fine.....the bullys couldnt cause him to cave.

My High School is still named the Red Raiders.


That's good, so shouldnt we all ban together to stop this shit??? It's rediculous, if it wasnt for sport most people wouldnt know what a UTE or a chippewa they would know seminoles, but they seem to be the only sane people....along with us free speechers around

I think it is a business decision he and his fans should make. As a Cowboy fan I will hate them no matter their name...
Does anyone even care anymore? I vaguely remember a short period where there was talk of it being politically incorrect, but in recent years have heard nothing. If people still care about this issue they need to get a life. I still wouldn't refer to it as a free speech issue. More of a... "who gives a sh*t" issue.
Liberoidal fuckbags always care, when there's someone to be bullied into submitting to their piousness.

They are the ones who desperately need lives.
Does anyone even care anymore? I vaguely remember a short period where there was talk of it being politically incorrect, but in recent years have heard nothing. If people still care about this issue they need to get a life. I still wouldn't refer to it as a free speech issue. More of a... "who gives a sh*t" issue.
Liberoidal fuckbags always care, when there's someone to be bullied into submitting to their piousness.

They are the ones who desperately need lives.

Very true....they have to bully people with threats of being called racist or maybe a boycott....where is Jesse Jackson when you need him.....LOLOLOLOL
Redskins Owner Dan Snyder on Name Debate: ?We?ll Never Change the Name? « CBS DC

I love it, the politically correct are going to HATE this guy.

That’s what Redskins owner Daniel Snyder told USA Today Sports Thursday, with the added caveat, “you can use caps.”

So fuck off libtards!!!!!!! FREE SPEECH RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I lean right and I always hated that kid..but good for him for not wanting to change the name. I still never see what the big deal is. Indians are warriors, in dont degrade them, I wouldnt care if a sports team named themselfs the fighting pollocks or krauts (and I am half polish and german) in fact I found out a texas minor league football team named themselfs after my last name. I never could figure how they got that name because it is so rare in the U.S. and world. (Only like 3 different familys in the U.S. has that last name and none live inTexas)

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