Reeducation Camp if you say "OMG" or "Horrible" about men kissing on TV

Re-Education Camps don't teach Tolerance ... They teach Uniformity.
It is no longer about allowing someone to believe or act as they desire ... It is about punishing people who don't abide by the Progressive Liberal Agenda.

Kiss Tolerance goodbye folks ... It is already gone whether or not you know it.


Nothing keeping this player from quitting football and preaching the word of Jay-a-zus!

Except forfeiting his 7 million dollar contract.

Sorry, man, you don't sympathy for selling out your beliefs for money.

Tolerance is different between the two players ... One's desires and beliefs are tolerated where those of the other aren't.
All I said is that it isn't about tolerance any longer ... Try to keep up dipshit.

Re-Education Camps don't teach Tolerance ... They teach Uniformity.
It is no longer about allowing someone to believe or act as they desire ... It is about punishing people who don't abide by the Progressive Liberal Agenda.

Kiss Tolerance goodbye folks ... It is already gone whether or not you know it.


Nothing keeping this player from quitting football and preaching the word of Jay-a-zus!

Except forfeiting his 7 million dollar contract.

Sorry, man, you don't sympathy for selling out your beliefs for money.

Tolerance is different between the two players ... One's desires and beliefs are tolerated where those of the other aren't.
All I said is that it isn't about tolerance any longer ... Try to keep up dipshit.


I am keeping up.

He obviously thought keeping his big paycheck was more important than his supposedly deeply held moral beliefs.
If it was all about the dollar, homosexuals would not be be pandered to, you've got it backwards. It's the media-government complex buddy. Pink dollars, though gays tend to make decent money(Ohhh the OPPRESSiON!!!)... All their pink dollars don't amount to Christian dollars, yet they promote things that could turn the biggest cash cow against them. It's not about the dollar , if you think it need to inform yourself .

I contend that the Miami Dolphins disciplined their employee because the franchise did not want to alienate the "pink dollar".
You contend that the Miami Dolphins are deporting their player to some soviet era gulag for re-education because the owners of the Dolphins are slaves to a "media-government complex" and you further contend that the "pink dollar" is insignificant compared the the purchasing power of fundamentalists. (I shall overlook the contradiction between these contentions).

Our disagreement has a very simple solution: Let the free market decide!
...or would you rather argue that money does not equal speech?

Let's see what happens to the sales of Miami Dolphins tickets, merchandise, players in video games, etc...

If I am right, then the Miami Dolphins will do business as usual, possibly better.
If you are right, then revenue for the Miami Dolphins will plummet.

Additionally, there is at least one boycott of the St. Louis Rams being organized by Christian groups. Let's see how effective this boycott is in reducing the revenue for the St. Louis Rams.

If football fans are disgusted by a gay man on the gridiron, they will say so with their dollars.

If football fans find the Dolphins to be draconian in how they discipline their employee, then those fans will say so with their dollars.
Joe, you're full of it... Homosexuals, heterosexuals... They all can molest children... And still be their orientation. You're acting like a retard...
I understand what you are saying perfectly well.

YOu are saying you are a tiny minded bigot with serious sexual hangups.

I think everyone here is reading that loud and clear, sonny.

Like I said... Your brain is shot.

Your arguments are nowhere near logic.

Your arguments are, "I hate gay people, but I can't come up with any rational reason, so I'll slander them by conflating them with pedophiles."
This was a PRIVATE COMPANY (The NFL) making that decision.

Not the government.

Wanna be pissed? Be pissed at the ultra politically correct corporate world.

Homosexuals can be pedophiles. They made you list! And there were a huge number of these pedophile homosexuals. And based on the numbers, it seems way out of proportion to the population.

Nice try on the dodge though.

Here's an E for effort.

NO, Pedophiles are pedophiles.

Gays are gay.

Sorry you can't understand the difference, or don't want to.

Pedophiles come with no sexuality?

What world do you live in?

Homosexuals can be pedophiles. They made you list! And there were a huge number of these pedophile homosexuals. And based on the numbers, it seems way out of proportion to the population.

Nice try on the dodge though.

Here's an E for effort.

NO, Pedophiles are pedophiles.

Gays are gay.

Sorry you can't understand the difference, or don't want to.

Pedophiles come with no sexuality?

What world do you live in?

Pedophiles are attracted to pre-pubescent children, the gender usually doesn't matter and it is more about opportunity for them than anything else.

Joe, you're full of it... Homosexuals, heterosexuals... They all can molest children... And still be their orientation. You're acting like a retard... [

Um, no, guy, pedophilia is a completely different pathology.

If you ask the victims of pedophilia (mostly girls abused by men) when their abusers lost interest in them, it's usually when they hit puberty.

so essentially, unable to sustain your hate any other way, you go down this rabbit hole.
"Specifically, Jones posted disapproving comments on Twitter after the Rams drafted defensive end Michael Sam — and after ESPN showed an on-air kiss between Sam and another man who wasn’t his twin brother. Jones said “omg” after the kiss was televised, and later called the moment “horrible.”

[u-r-l removed as per forum rules]

The Dolphins announced that cornerback Don Jones has been fined by the team and excused from offseason workouts “until such time that he undergoes and completes educational training for his recent comments made on social media during the NFL Draft.”

"Educational training"?... Holy fucking shit... We are in trouble as a Species.

And this is just the beginning kids. They started with the most "manly" thing this Nation had to offer the World and they are going to springboard off of that and make is so that your Church can't Preach from Leviticus and that YOU can't say "OMG" when two men are kissing on TV.



Sending an employee to "Sensitivity Training" as opposed to firing them is not uncommon. Further, the employee has the right to resign instead of going to the training.

This is no analogy to The Gulag Archipelago.

You cannot force an employer to maintain employment of an outspoken person. If a person has "Hope and Change" stickers all over their cubicle wall an employer has the right, even the obligation, to demand the stickers be taken down because the workplace is not a public forum.

You cannot force an employee to terminate an employee because of their opinions. You can, however, boycott that employer's business as a response to disagreeable opinions voiced by the proprietors or the employees.

Chick-fil-A is an excellent example of that.

What you seem to disagree with is the purchasing power of the LGBT community. The "pink dollar" is highly sought after and many businesses will disassociate themselves from intolerant speech rather than threaten a profitable relationship with some of their best customers.

So, I ask this board... is it a surprise that the Miami Dolphins, as a business in Miami, would rather have the support of the "pink dollar" than support silly tweets from one of their employees? I mean, it is Miami we're talking about. Have you ever been to Miami?

This gulag nonsense is obnoxious and bad for business. I believe in dollars and cents, and so does the Miami Dolphins franchise.

For a player to resign is much harder then nit is for me or you....WE didn't sign a multimillion dollar contract with extreme penalties for breaking it.
I really do wish for once when we have these discussion some ignorant asshole wouldn't come into it and derail it by screaming pedophile!. I hate these liberals who are failing at acting conservative.

For a player to resign is much harder then nit is for me or you....WE didn't sign a multimillion dollar contract with extreme penalties for breaking it.

The contract also says, "Don't do things that will make the team look bad."

Which he totally broke with his homophobic twitter rant.

Sorry, having to do "Sensitivity Training" is not the Gulag.

For a player to resign is much harder then nit is for me or you....WE didn't sign a multimillion dollar contract with extreme penalties for breaking it.

The contract also says, "Don't do things that will make the team look bad."

Which he totally broke with his homophobic twitter rant.

Sorry, having to do "Sensitivity Training" is not the Gulag.

You sure about that???? You have proof of this in his contract right??? Or are you gonna pull a [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION] and just talk out of your ass?

For a player to resign is much harder then nit is for me or you....WE didn't sign a multimillion dollar contract with extreme penalties for breaking it.

The contract also says, "Don't do things that will make the team look bad."

Which he totally broke with his homophobic twitter rant.

Sorry, having to do "Sensitivity Training" is not the Gulag.

You sure about that???? You have proof of this in his contract right??? Or are you gonna pull a [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION] and just talk out of your ass?

All contracts say that now. Heck, I work two jobs, both of them have wording in it that say I can't say things that makes the company look bad.

Yeah, I'm sure about that. and obviously, so is this player, since he isn't even fighting the thing.
The contract also says, "Don't do things that will make the team look bad."

Which he totally broke with his homophobic twitter rant.

Sorry, having to do "Sensitivity Training" is not the Gulag.

You sure about that???? You have proof of this in his contract right??? Or are you gonna pull a [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION] and just talk out of your ass?

All contracts say that now. Heck, I work two jobs, both of them have wording in it that say I can't say things that makes the company look bad.

Yeah, I'm sure about that. and obviously, so is this player, since he isn't even fighting the thing.

No they dont.
Okay, spanky, you go ahead and think that the league didn't have a bunch of lawyers who had planned out all sorts of angles of what to do if this guy went full homophobe on them.

are you mad bro?

Naw, man. I'm always amused when you guys reduce to cliches.

Reality. You guys have lost on this issue, and it'll be the homophobes who will live in fear of losing their jobs if they are outed.
Throughout human history, homosexuality has been almost universally reviled as abhorrent, deviant and disgusting.

Now, dimocrap scum are trying to tell us that if you object to watching a deviant butt-ranger noisily stick his tongue down another man's throat, that it is YOU who are sick and not them.

dimocraps are scum. ALL of them.

I'm telling you, they're disgusting, sick, twisted motherfuckers.

Not just on the topic of gay butt-sex, on everything.
Joe, you're full of it... Homosexuals, heterosexuals... They all can molest children... And still be their orientation. You're acting like a retard... [

Um, no, guy, pedophilia is a completely different pathology.

If you ask the victims of pedophilia (mostly girls abused by men) when their abusers lost interest in them, it's usually when they hit puberty.

so essentially, unable to sustain your hate any other way, you go down this rabbit hole.

You're a retard I said, once again I repeat..your brain is shot.
I understand what you are saying perfectly well.

YOu are saying you are a tiny minded bigot with serious sexual hangups.

I think everyone here is reading that loud and clear, sonny.

Like I said... Your brain is shot.

Your arguments are nowhere near logic.

Your arguments are, "I hate gay people, but I can't come up with any rational reason, so I'll slander them by conflating them with pedophiles."
^ look at this dumbass, class. Don't do drugs.

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