Reeducation Camp if you say "OMG" or "Horrible" about men kissing on TV

Joe, you're full of it... Homosexuals, heterosexuals... They all can molest children... And still be their orientation. You're acting like a retard... [

Um, no, guy, pedophilia is a completely different pathology.

If you ask the victims of pedophilia (mostly girls abused by men) when their abusers lost interest in them, it's usually when they hit puberty.

so essentially, unable to sustain your hate any other way, you go down this rabbit hole.

You're a retard I said, once again I repeat..your brain is shot.

Approximately 1/3 of child sexual abuse victims are male.

The OVERWHELMING majority of sexual abusers are male.

The percentage of homosexuals in the Adult population is between 1 and 3%.

But dimocrap scum will now tell us that Math, itself, is wrong, that you're a hater if you use 3rd Grade math to come to the inevitable conclusion that homosexual males represent a HUGELY disproportionate number of child molesters.

And that it is WE who are sick and who are haters for pointing this FACT out.

dimocraps are scum
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Um, no, guy, pedophilia is a completely different pathology.

If you ask the victims of pedophilia (mostly girls abused by men) when their abusers lost interest in them, it's usually when they hit puberty.

so essentially, unable to sustain your hate any other way, you go down this rabbit hole.

You're a retard I said, once again I repeat..your brain is shot.

Approximately 1/3 of child sexual abuse victims are male.

The OVERWHELMING majority of sexual abusers are male.

The percentage of homosexuals in the Adult population is between 1 and 3%.

But dimocrap scum will now tell us that Math, itself, is wrong, that you're a hater if you use 3rd Grade math to come to the inevitable conclusion that homosexual males represent a HUGELY disproportionate number of child molesters.

And that it is WE who are sick and who are haters for pointing this FACT out.

dimocraps are scum

Jesus Christ, you... do you... that is not how logic works, that's not how math works. Please god stop, they have numbers for how many Pedophiles are actually homosexual's; ones that aren't two separate sets of numbers haphazardly sewn together like your attempt above.

All that being said I can't even begin to see your point, would the fact that there are more Gay abusers somehow make them worse then...straight abusers, somehow validating keeping Gay people from marrying or public displays of affection...or whatever your trying to support here.
"Specifically, Jones posted disapproving comments on Twitter after the Rams drafted defensive end Michael Sam — and after ESPN showed an on-air kiss between Sam and another man who wasn’t his twin brother. Jones said “omg” after the kiss was televised, and later called the moment “horrible.”

[u-r-l removed as per forum rules]

The Dolphins announced that cornerback Don Jones has been fined by the team and excused from offseason workouts “until such time that he undergoes and completes educational training for his recent comments made on social media during the NFL Draft.”

"Educational training"?... Holy fucking shit... We are in trouble as a Species.

And this is just the beginning kids. They started with the most "manly" thing this Nation had to offer the World and they are going to springboard off of that and make is so that your Church can't Preach from Leviticus and that YOU can't say "OMG" when two men are kissing on TV.



Sending an employee to "Sensitivity Training" as opposed to firing them is not uncommon. Further, the employee has the right to resign instead of going to the training.

This is no analogy to The Gulag Archipelago.

You cannot force an employer to maintain employment of an outspoken person. If a person has "Hope and Change" stickers all over their cubicle wall an employer has the right, even the obligation, to demand the stickers be taken down because the workplace is not a public forum.

You cannot force an employee to terminate an employee because of their opinions. You can, however, boycott that employer's business as a response to disagreeable opinions voiced by the proprietors or the employees.

Chick-fil-A is an excellent example of that.

What you seem to disagree with is the purchasing power of the LGBT community. The "pink dollar" is highly sought after and many businesses will disassociate themselves from intolerant speech rather than threaten a profitable relationship with some of their best customers.

So, I ask this board... is it a surprise that the Miami Dolphins, as a business in Miami, would rather have the support of the "pink dollar" than support silly tweets from one of their employees? I mean, it is Miami we're talking about. Have you ever been to Miami?

This gulag nonsense is obnoxious and bad for business. I believe in dollars and cents, and so does the Miami Dolphins franchise.

For a player to resign is much harder then nit is for me or you....WE didn't sign a multimillion dollar contract with extreme penalties for breaking it.

Actually, you do not know what contracts I've signed nor what conduct is expected of me after having signed them, so please don't use the first person plural.

In any case, I have never known an employer to take kindly to having their revenue threatened by an outspoken employee.
Does it make me a bigot that I don't want to see homosexual behavior on my tv?

Not necessarily. It does not necessarily make you a bigot or a prude to tweet "yuck" while watching any two people kiss on TV.

Tweeting your opinion to the whole world is like driving around every town, simultaneously, with a bullhorn screaming "yuck".

If you happen to scream into a bullhorn driving around every town simultaneously while waving your employer's banner, don't be surprised if your employer takes issue. Your employer may not appreciate the negative publicity.
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Sending an employee to "Sensitivity Training" as opposed to firing them is not uncommon. Further, the employee has the right to resign instead of going to the training.

This is no analogy to The Gulag Archipelago.

You cannot force an employer to maintain employment of an outspoken person. If a person has "Hope and Change" stickers all over their cubicle wall an employer has the right, even the obligation, to demand the stickers be taken down because the workplace is not a public forum.

You cannot force an employee to terminate an employee because of their opinions. You can, however, boycott that employer's business as a response to disagreeable opinions voiced by the proprietors or the employees.

Chick-fil-A is an excellent example of that.

What you seem to disagree with is the purchasing power of the LGBT community. The "pink dollar" is highly sought after and many businesses will disassociate themselves from intolerant speech rather than threaten a profitable relationship with some of their best customers.

So, I ask this board... is it a surprise that the Miami Dolphins, as a business in Miami, would rather have the support of the "pink dollar" than support silly tweets from one of their employees? I mean, it is Miami we're talking about. Have you ever been to Miami?

This gulag nonsense is obnoxious and bad for business. I believe in dollars and cents, and so does the Miami Dolphins franchise.

For a player to resign is much harder then nit is for me or you....WE didn't sign a multimillion dollar contract with extreme penalties for breaking it.

Actually, you do not know what contracts I've signed nor what conduct is expected of me after having signed them, so please don't use the first person plural.

In any case, I have never known an employer to take kindly to having their revenue threatened by an outspoken employee.

If you are implying that this NFL team was poised to lose money over these online posts you are too stupid to be in this debate.
Just an observation...

I'm not sure how this thread got onto the subject of pedophilia given that the OP was about an employee that publicly embarrassed his employer and was disciplined within the bounds of the employment contract.

Evidently, people made a terrible leap in logic several pages ago.
For a player to resign is much harder then nit is for me or you....WE didn't sign a multimillion dollar contract with extreme penalties for breaking it.

Actually, you do not know what contracts I've signed nor what conduct is expected of me after having signed them, so please don't use the first person plural.

In any case, I have never known an employer to take kindly to having their revenue threatened by an outspoken employee.

If you are implying that this NFL team was poised to lose money over these online posts you are too stupid to be in this debate.

You have specified no antecedent for "these". Your posts are meaningless, if that's your antecedent.

I imply nothing. I have explicitly stated that Don Jones made tweets his employer found to be "bad for business" and took disciplinary action.

And I have also explicitly stated that the Free Market will prove me right.
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What are liberals going to do when they find out that most blacks in professional sports don't like fags? Will they insist that they all be fired?
For a player to resign is much harder then nit is for me or you....WE didn't sign a multimillion dollar contract with extreme penalties for breaking it.

Actually, you do not know what contracts I've signed nor what conduct is expected of me after having signed them, so please don't use the first person plural.

In any case, I have never known an employer to take kindly to having their revenue threatened by an outspoken employee.

If you are implying that this NFL team was poised to lose money over these online posts you are too stupid to be in this debate.

It's not implied, it's stated outright. Yes, they stood to lose money if disciplinary actions weren't taken or an apology was not made...which it was. We can move on and just wait for training camp. Go Niners!
Does it make me a bigot that I don't want to see homosexual behavior on my tv?

It makes you an idiot that doesn't know how to change the channel or turn it off. But yeah, it makes you kind of a bigot too.

It was a hypothetical question. I don't watch faggot shit on tv. The only show I watch that has it is GOT and I dvr it so I can skip the filth. All that other crap on regular tv is intentionally ignored.
Actually, you do not know what contracts I've signed nor what conduct is expected of me after having signed them, so please don't use the first person plural.

In any case, I have never known an employer to take kindly to having their revenue threatened by an outspoken employee.

If you are implying that this NFL team was poised to lose money over these online posts you are too stupid to be in this debate.

It's not implied, it's stated outright. Yes, they stood to lose money if disciplinary actions weren't taken or an apology was not made...which it was. We can move on and just wait for training camp. Go Niners!

You mean you can move on and wait for your next opportunity to bitch and moan over stupid trivial shit.
but fag bashing just isn't popular like it used to evidenced by the homophobes that are losing their jobs over their bigotry.

1/2 the Kilt agrees with people Losing their Jobs if they don't agree with her Sexual Defiance or DARE to voice their Opinion via the 1st Amendment.

We are in a bad way in the Country...



In a year you won't have to worry, you people will be in FMEA camps , they are almost ready now :eusa_whistle:

Maybe Hilary will use that in her campaign!!!

Just an observation...

I'm not sure how this thread got onto the subject of pedophilia given that the OP was about an employee that publicly embarrassed his employer and was disciplined within the bounds of the employment contract.

Evidently, people made a terrible leap in logic several pages ago. must not be used to message boards.

No thread will stay on topic. Gays & pedophilia is now the topic...ever.
Just an observation...

I'm not sure how this thread got onto the subject of pedophilia given that the OP was about an employee that publicly embarrassed his employer and was disciplined within the bounds of the employment contract.

Evidently, people made a terrible leap in logic several pages ago. must not be used to message boards.

No thread will stay on topic. Gays & pedophilia is now the topic...ever.


When will it be legal for a man to pay for his sheep wife's abortion while he's on death row?
Shortly after the federal government decide to make gay marriage the law of land.
Just an observation...

I'm not sure how this thread got onto the subject of pedophilia given that the OP was about an employee that publicly embarrassed his employer and was disciplined within the bounds of the employment contract.

Evidently, people made a terrible leap in logic several pages ago. must not be used to message boards.

No thread will stay on topic. Gays & pedophilia is now the topic...ever.


When will it be legal for a man to pay for his sheep wife's abortion while he's on death row?

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