Reeducation Camp if you say "OMG" or "Horrible" about men kissing on TV

So we are not allowed to suggest that homosexuals can be pedophiles or just not allowed to accuse other members of supporting pedophilia? I didn't say he WAS one, I said probably. But alright, Ill drop it for now. must not be used to message boards.

No thread will stay on topic. Gays & pedophilia is now the topic...ever.

This thread is heading south and is about to be moved to Badlands or closed, if the pedophilia comments are not dropped and NOW! Pedophilia conversations and accusations are a Zone 2 violation of the Rules and Regulations and each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject. Tread cautiously.


No, you are not allowed to accuse members of pedophilia. Period. If you have evidence to support an accusation you must call the police, but flaming in this forum is a serious violation and will not be tolerated. You have been warned.
There are not many queers around where my business is located, but I'd never punish my pocketbook by denying to do business with a fag. All money is green, right? You seem to not understand what the problem is. I'm basically telling you to just be you, quit telling us about it and we will do just fine. If you degenerates would get that through your mentally ill heads all this would be over. I'll still think you're a sick motherfucker & a moron, you'll still think what you think about me and folks like me...but we won't be as hostile because the agitation isn't there.

You're dumb as fuck so Im sure this makes no sense to you, but mull it over in your head, and like the Bammster, be the change. ]

THat tells me that you aren't willing to put your money where your mouth is...

Incidentally, I'm straight.

I just hate Religious assholes with a passion that would blot out suns.

MAKING them serve gays and shut up about their homophobia is the most awesome thing ever.
I wouldn't care if I didn't know and one of my employees were gay. I won't ask, they don't have to tell me. But a flamer who just can't keep his business to himself wouldn't even get an application.

You think all gays are "flamers", don't you? :lol:

Ofcourse not. I am sure that there are gays out there who do not see a reason to wear it on their sleeves like flamers do. Those ones I, while I still think they're perverted, have more respect for. I've been saying it's all about their pushy ways & inability to stfu about it. Live & let live is how I like to live my life. When you try to push to not just tolerate, but celebrate it & advocate seriously questionable things like gay adoption...this is where I draw the line & start mocking them.

By Pushy, you mean, "Expecting the same recognition for their relationship that you take for granted?"

And reality check. Lots of gays are parents. Lots of lesbians have kids when they are pretending to be straight or just plain old get a turkey baster, and lots of gay men father children before they can come to terms with who they are.

I've known gay parents who did fine jobs, and I've known straights who frankly had parenting skills below feral wolves.
"Specifically, Jones posted disapproving comments on Twitter after the Rams drafted defensive end Michael Sam — and after ESPN showed an on-air kiss between Sam and another man who wasn’t his twin brother. Jones said “omg” after the kiss was televised, and later called the moment “horrible.”

Dolphins fine, suspend Don Jones from offseason program | ProFootballTalk

The Dolphins announced that cornerback Don Jones has been fined by the team and excused from offseason workouts “until such time that he undergoes and completes educational training for his recent comments made on social media during the NFL Draft.”

"Educational training"?... Holy fucking shit... We are in trouble as a Species.

And this is just the beginning kids. They started with the most "manly" thing this Nation had to offer the World and they are going to springboard off of that and make is so that your Church can't Preach from Leviticus and that YOU can't say "OMG" when two men are kissing on TV.



Wait a is "the most manyly thing this nation has to offer the world"?

LMAO Wow, you have issues. :cuckoo:

:rolleyes: Major issues.

I think the fact that there are (and obviously always have been) men who play professional football and other sports, who climb mountains, who run big corporations and even countries, who conquer large parts of the world (Alexander the Great was homosexual), who are warriors and military heroes, etc., that there always have been and always will be among such men those who are homosexual pretty much discounts the idea that a ‘real’ man is one who is big and strong, a fighter, an athlete, etc. Manhood and masculinity are not defined by those ideas—sports, fighting, conquering, etc. Strength of character is what should define someone, not physical strength.
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I wouldn't care if I didn't know and one of my employees were gay. I won't ask, they don't have to tell me. But a flamer who just can't keep his business to himself wouldn't even get an application.

You think all gays are "flamers", don't you? :lol:

Ofcourse not. I am sure that there are gays out there who do not see a reason to wear it on their sleeves like flamers do. Those ones I, while I still think they're perverted, have more respect for. I've been saying it's all about their pushy ways & inability to stfu about it. Live & let live is how I like to live my life. When you try to push to not just tolerate, but celebrate it & advocate seriously questionable things like gay adoption...this is where I draw the line & start mocking them.

You mean when gays push to be on equal footing as you.

It is you who will be mocked by history...

You think all gays are "flamers", don't you? :lol:

Ofcourse not. I am sure that there are gays out there who do not see a reason to wear it on their sleeves like flamers do. Those ones I, while I still think they're perverted, have more respect for. I've been saying it's all about their pushy ways & inability to stfu about it. Live & let live is how I like to live my life. When you try to push to not just tolerate, but celebrate it & advocate seriously questionable things like gay adoption...this is where I draw the line & start mocking them.

You mean when gays push to be on equal footing as you.

It is you who will be mocked by history...


Race and your Sexual Deviancy are not analogous. :thup:


I find eating sushi pretty gross. Does that make me Japaneeseaphobic?

What's REALLY Entertaining is that if they say the same things about Pedophiles that we say about Gays... What does that make them?...

In the Closet on the issue?... :dunno:

I know one thing for certain, one of them is OBSESSED with the Priest Abuse Scandal.



Except won't take 40 years for Mal...he's mocked now for his frothing homophobia. He puts the phobe in homophobe. :lol:
I find eating sushi pretty gross. Does that make me Japaneeseaphobic?

I don't know... Do you wish to deny sushi equal rights with other food just because you think it's gross? Do you think you should go on TV and proclaim to the world how gross you think sushi is? Maybe you should pass laws so that sushi will never be on equal footing with a hamburger.
I find eating sushi pretty gross. Does that make me Japaneeseaphobic?

That would depend. Would you be in favor of denying Japanese people the right to open Sushi Resturants, or otherwise enjoy Japanese things.

If two queers wanna marry so be it. It's still gross

Excellent! You're not a bigot then, just a homophobe...and likely only a mild one...and that's okay! :eusa_clap:

Homophobia: : irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals
Ahahahaha! You stupid faggot...the queer would go before that ever happened. You mustve dislodged your brain from the stem sucking them dicks if you seriously believe that fantasy!

Hey, at my company, we fired some POS because he called a co-worker a faggot.

The days when you homophobes could be open in your bigotry is done.

I guess you can all huddle on message boards behind false names and spew your shit.

Yes, that's exactly right.

Which means that however much you may believe that queerness is tolerated, it really is not.

We tolerate you pretty good

tapatalk post
That would depend. Would you be in favor of denying Japanese people the right to open Sushi Resturants, or otherwise enjoy Japanese things.

If two queers wanna marry so be it. It's still gross

Excellent! You're not a bigot then, just a homophobe...and likely only a mild one...and that's okay! :eusa_clap:

Homophobia: : irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals

There is no fear of homosexuals. There is homosexuals fear of not being liked

tapatalk post
If two queers wanna marry so be it. It's still gross

Excellent! You're not a bigot then, just a homophobe...and likely only a mild one...and that's okay! :eusa_clap:

Homophobia: : irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals

There is no fear of homosexuals. There is homosexuals fear of not being liked

tapatalk post

Actually, the "fear" stems from the gay in themselves. They aren't afraid of gay people per se, they are afraid of the wet dreams they have about other dudes.

We really don't care if you like us (unless you're our family)...we just want you to treat us and our relationships equally under the law, that's it.
If two queers wanna marry so be it. It's still gross

Excellent! You're not a bigot then, just a homophobe...and likely only a mild one...and that's okay! :eusa_clap:

Homophobia: : irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals

There is no fear of homosexuals. There is homosexuals fear of not being liked

tapatalk post

Don't care if you like shouldn't care if we like you. We don't try to legislate your shouldn't legislate ours.

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