Reeducation Camp if you say "OMG" or "Horrible" about men kissing on TV

Um, no, guy, pedophilia is a completely different pathology.

If you ask the victims of pedophilia (mostly girls abused by men) when their abusers lost interest in them, it's usually when they hit puberty.

so essentially, unable to sustain your hate any other way, you go down this rabbit hole.

You're a retard I said, once again I repeat..your brain is shot.

Approximately 1/3 of child sexual abuse victims are male.

The OVERWHELMING majority of sexual abusers are male.

The percentage of homosexuals in the Adult population is between 1 and 3%.

But dimocrap scum will now tell us that Math, itself, is wrong, that you're a hater if you use 3rd Grade math to come to the inevitable conclusion that homosexual males represent a HUGELY disproportionate number of child molesters.

And that it is WE who are sick and who are haters for pointing this FACT out.

dimocraps are scum

Yeah, you guys are pretty sick with your hate if you want to conflate gays with pedophiles.

Since 2/3rd of pedophiles molest the oppossite sex, maybe it's straights we need to start watching.

Oh, wait. Here's a better one. If a girl is more likely to be molested by a straight man than a gay woman, maybe it's straight men we need to disenfranchise of rights.

I mean, if you all want to go there.

Now, don't worry, the 1%ers applaud you and LockeJaw getting upset over this bullshit while they continue to dismantle the middle class.
What are liberals going to do when they find out that most blacks in professional sports don't like fags? Will they insist that they all be fired?

If they start mouthing off about it publicly, maybe.
Ahahahaha! You stupid faggot...the queer would go before that ever happened. You mustve dislodged your brain from the stem sucking them dicks if you seriously believe that fantasy!
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What are liberals going to do when they find out that most blacks in professional sports don't like fags? Will they insist that they all be fired?

If they start mouthing off about it publicly, maybe.
Ahahahaha! You stupid faggot...the queer would go before that ever happened. You mustve dislodged your brain from the stem sucking them dicks if you seriously believe that fantasy!

Hey, at my company, we fired some POS because he called a co-worker a faggot.

The days when you homophobes could be open in your bigotry is done.

I guess you can all huddle on message boards behind false names and spew your shit.
If they start mouthing off about it publicly, maybe.
Ahahahaha! You stupid faggot...the queer would go before that ever happened. You mustve dislodged your brain from the stem sucking them dicks if you seriously believe that fantasy!

Hey, at my company, we fired some POS because he called a co-worker a faggot.

The days when you homophobes could be open in your bigotry is done.

I guess you can all huddle on message boards behind false names and spew your shit.

Yes, that's exactly right.

Which means that however much you may believe that queerness is tolerated, it really is not.
It is long as I have the freedom to not have to associate with them. I'm sure they don't want to be around me too. So they just need to stfu and go on about their business and us normal folks will do the same. But we all know what these sick pervs are about...they refuse to let it go. They'd rather the country go to hell than just let things be.
Ahahahaha! You stupid faggot...the queer would go before that ever happened. You mustve dislodged your brain from the stem sucking them dicks if you seriously believe that fantasy!

Hey, at my company, we fired some POS because he called a co-worker a faggot.

The days when you homophobes could be open in your bigotry is done.

I guess you can all huddle on message boards behind false names and spew your shit.

Yes, that's exactly right.

Which means that however much you may believe that queerness is tolerated, it really is not.
I'm glad I own my own business, and Id never hire a faggot. Must really piss you off that you could NEVER take my livlihood, am I right?

Just go suck a dick, idiot. You probably are a pedophile homo yourself, seeing as you're so adamant there could never be a homosexual child molester... Even though I gave you proof of a MARRIED(on paper)faggot couple groomed their adopted son to be a sex slave, plus they raped him too.

You're fucking scum, period.]

I think you should put a sign in front of your business tomorrow that says, "

"I won't serve queermos because they do children".

Let me know how that works out.
Ahahahaha! You stupid faggot...the queer would go before that ever happened. You mustve dislodged your brain from the stem sucking them dicks if you seriously believe that fantasy!

Hey, at my company, we fired some POS because he called a co-worker a faggot.

The days when you homophobes could be open in your bigotry is done.

I guess you can all huddle on message boards behind false names and spew your shit.

Yes, that's exactly right.

Which means that however much you may believe that queerness is tolerated, it really is not.

No, it just tells me we have a few ignorant people left.

Just like they'll say the N-word or the C-word will also lead to them cleaning out their desk and or locker.
You're a retard I said, once again I repeat..your brain is shot.

Approximately 1/3 of child sexual abuse victims are male.

The OVERWHELMING majority of sexual abusers are male.

The percentage of homosexuals in the Adult population is between 1 and 3%.

But dimocrap scum will now tell us that Math, itself, is wrong, that you're a hater if you use 3rd Grade math to come to the inevitable conclusion that homosexual males represent a HUGELY disproportionate number of child molesters.

And that it is WE who are sick and who are haters for pointing this FACT out.

dimocraps are scum

Yeah, you guys are pretty sick with your hate if you want to conflate gays with pedophiles.

Since 2/3rd of pedophiles molest the oppossite sex, maybe it's straights we need to start watching.

The math using 3% homosexuals in population:

Homosexuals are 16 times more likely than heterosexuals to be pedophiles.
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Hey, at my company, we fired some POS because he called a co-worker a faggot.

The days when you homophobes could be open in your bigotry is done.

I guess you can all huddle on message boards behind false names and spew your shit.

Yes, that's exactly right.

Which means that however much you may believe that queerness is tolerated, it really is not.

No, it just tells me we have a few ignorant people left.

Just like they'll say the N-word or the C-word will also lead to them cleaning out their desk and or locker.

Nothing "tells you" anything, because those that do not accept queers realize they will be persecuted.

The vast majority remains silent, or hidden.

But keep kidding yourself: reality is much less comforting than believing there is widespread acceptance of queers.
There are not many queers around where my business is located, but I'd never punish my pocketbook by denying to do business with a fag. All money is green, right? You seem to not understand what the problem is. I'm basically telling you to just be you, quit telling us about it and we will do just fine. If you degenerates would get that through your mentally ill heads all this would be over. I'll still think you're a sick motherfucker & a moron, you'll still think what you think about me and folks like me...but we won't be as hostile because the agitation isn't there.

You're dumb as fuck so Im sure this makes no sense to you, but mull it over in your head, and like the Bammster, be the change.
I'm glad I own my own business, and Id never hire a faggot. Must really piss you off that you could NEVER take my livlihood, am I right?

Just go suck a dick, idiot. You probably are a pedophile homo yourself, seeing as you're so adamant there could never be a homosexual child molester... Even though I gave you proof of a MARRIED(on paper)faggot couple groomed their adopted son to be a sex slave, plus they raped him too.

You're fucking scum, period.]

I think you should put a sign in front of your business tomorrow that says, "

"I won't serve queermos because they do children".

Let me know how that works out.
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Approximately 1/3 of child sexual abuse victims are male.

The OVERWHELMING majority of sexual abusers are male.

The percentage of homosexuals in the Adult population is between 1 and 3%.

But dimocrap scum will now tell us that Math, itself, is wrong, that you're a hater if you use 3rd Grade math to come to the inevitable conclusion that homosexual males represent a HUGELY disproportionate number of child molesters.

And that it is WE who are sick and who are haters for pointing this FACT out.

dimocraps are scum

Yeah, you guys are pretty sick with your hate if you want to conflate gays with pedophiles.

Since 2/3rd of pedophiles molest the oppossite sex, maybe it's straights we need to start watching.

The math using 3% homosexuals in population:

Homosexuals are 16 times more likely than heterosexuals to be pedophiles.
Where do you get those stats?
Just an observation...

I'm not sure how this thread got onto the subject of pedophilia given that the OP was about an employee that publicly embarrassed his employer and was disciplined within the bounds of the employment contract.

Evidently, people made a terrible leap in logic several pages ago. must not be used to message boards.

No thread will stay on topic. Gays & pedophilia is now the topic...ever.

This thread is heading south and is about to be moved to Badlands or closed, if the pedophilia comments are not dropped and NOW! Pedophilia conversations and accusations are a Zone 2 violation of the Rules and Regulations and each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject. Tread cautiously.

Edit: It is within the rules to have conversations of pedophilia, just no accusations or calling anyone a pedophile. Thank you.

Knowingly, anyway.

I wouldn't care if I didn't know and one of my employees were gay. I won't ask, they don't have to tell me. But a flamer who just can't keep his business to himself wouldn't even get an application.

You think all gays are "flamers", don't you? :lol:

Ofcourse not. I am sure that there are gays out there who do not see a reason to wear it on their sleeves like flamers do. Those ones I, while I still think they're perverted, have more respect for. I've been saying it's all about their pushy ways & inability to stfu about it. Live & let live is how I like to live my life. When you try to push to not just tolerate, but celebrate it & advocate seriously questionable things like gay adoption...this is where I draw the line & start mocking them.
So we are not allowed to suggest that homosexuals can be pedophiles or just not allowed to accuse other members of supporting pedophilia? I didn't say he WAS one, I said probably. But alright, Ill drop it for now.
Just an observation...

I'm not sure how this thread got onto the subject of pedophilia given that the OP was about an employee that publicly embarrassed his employer and was disciplined within the bounds of the employment contract.

Evidently, people made a terrible leap in logic several pages ago. must not be used to message boards.

No thread will stay on topic. Gays & pedophilia is now the topic...ever.

This thread is heading south and is about to be moved to Badlands or closed, if the pedophilia comments are not dropped and NOW! Pedophilia conversations and accusations are a Zone 2 violation of the Rules and Regulations and each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject. Tread cautiously.

Just an observation...

I'm not sure how this thread got onto the subject of pedophilia given that the OP was about an employee that publicly embarrassed his employer and was disciplined within the bounds of the employment contract.

Evidently, people made a terrible leap in logic several pages ago. must not be used to message boards.

No thread will stay on topic. Gays & pedophilia is now the topic...ever.

This thread is heading south and is about to be moved to Badlands or closed, if the pedophilia comments are not dropped and NOW! Pedophilia conversations and accusations are a Zone 2 violation of the Rules and Regulations and each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject. Tread cautiously.


Holly shit, you're a mod. Congrats but im not sure if I should run in fear or proclaim....

[ame=]We're Not Worthy! - YouTube[/ame]
So we are not allowed to suggest that homosexuals can be pedophiles or just not allowed to accuse other members of supporting pedophilia? I didn't say he WAS one, I said probably. But alright, Ill drop it for now. must not be used to message boards.

No thread will stay on topic. Gays & pedophilia is now the topic...ever.

This thread is heading south and is about to be moved to Badlands or closed, if the pedophilia comments are not dropped and NOW! Pedophilia conversations and accusations are a Zone 2 violation of the Rules and Regulations and each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject. Tread cautiously.


As much as we may despise each other I think we're all mature enough to maintain a level of decorum that would represent articulate mature adults right?

I mean I think homosexuality is wrong but I don't equate it to criminal activity. Do you? If you do get a grip.
My daughter leads an alternate lifestyle and I certainly don't like it but it is far from criminal.

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