Referring to Trump as being "Orange" shows the left's racism

Oh? What race is orange?
. Matters not if a race is black, orange, white, yellow or any other in anyone's eyes, we all bleed red. The left figures that it can use the color orange to assalt Trump, in which is no different than the KKK using the color black to attack American blacks or African black people in the same ways.
Poor snowflakes crying because people call Trump orange

The real snowflakes here were the ones who woke up the morning after the election, and found out Hillary lost.

Evidently Trump beat you snowflakes at your own game. Pretty smart, ain't he?
What does that have to do with our President being orange?

What does using a spray tan have to do with anything? Aren't you open-minded, tolerant, and inclusional leftists the ones who supposedly believe in not judging a person by their looks?

Or was that just a lie?

Obviously it was. Thank you for proving that to the world.
Shit yea....Snowflake
We can criticize someone's looks

If our President can mock a disabled man for his looks....we can freak'n criticize him for being orange
. Matters not if a race is black, orange, white, yellow or any other in anyone's eyes, we all bleed red. The left figures that it can use the color orange to assalt Trump, in which is no different than the KKK using the color black to attack American blacks or African black people in the same ways.
Poor snowflakes crying because people call Trump orange

The real snowflakes here were the ones who woke up the morning after the election, and found out Hillary lost.

Evidently Trump beat you snowflakes at your own game. Pretty smart, ain't he?
What does that have to do with our President being orange?

What does using a spray tan have to do with anything? Aren't you open-minded, tolerant, and inclusional leftists the ones who supposedly believe in not judging a person by their looks?

Or was that just a lie?

Obviously it was. Thank you for proving that to the world.
Shit yea....Snowflake
We can criticize someone's looks

If our President can mock a disabled man for his looks....we can freak'n criticize him for being orange

Pretty weak excuse. So you'll have no problem next time I refer to Obama as a "purple-lipped Jug-eared bastard"?

Ok then. it's on.
Poor snowflakes crying because people call Trump orange

The real snowflakes here were the ones who woke up the morning after the election, and found out Hillary lost.

Evidently Trump beat you snowflakes at your own game. Pretty smart, ain't he?
What does that have to do with our President being orange?

What does using a spray tan have to do with anything? Aren't you open-minded, tolerant, and inclusional leftists the ones who supposedly believe in not judging a person by their looks?

Or was that just a lie?

Obviously it was. Thank you for proving that to the world.
Shit yea....Snowflake
We can criticize someone's looks

If our President can mock a disabled man for his looks....we can freak'n criticize him for being orange

Pretty weak excuse. So you'll have no problem next time I refer to Obama as a "purple-lipped Jug-eared bastard"?

Ok then. it's on.
He has been called worse Snowflake

We are now in the era of Trump......that PC shit is a thing of the past
Given what Trump has pulled lately, being orange is the least of his problems

How about...Nazi loving bastard?
Anyone else see how racist liberals are without even knowing it? Every other anti-Trump post refers to him as the "orange-this" and the "orange-that".

Orange must be the new black or something.
Oh? What race is orange?
. Matters not if a race is black, orange, white, yellow or any other in anyone's eyes, we all bleed red. The left figures that it can use the color orange to assalt Trump, in which is no different than the KKK using the color black to attack American blacks or African black people in the same ways.
Of course it matters. Don't be ridiculous. One cannot be accused of racism for making fun of Trump being orange since orange isn't a race.
. Falls under the same principles of verbally assaulting an individual as based upon his skin color whether painted on or natural. The person still feels the sting of bullyism, and that is what the left has now become.

Who's ever been a victim of racism for what they painted on their skin?
Anyone else see how racist liberals are without even knowing it? Every other anti-Trump post refers to him as the "orange-this" and the "orange-that".

Orange must be the new black or something.

quiet idiot.... he chose to dye himself orange.

He just defended the NAZIs and the KKK for their behavior in Charlottesville.

Please link to ONE video showing him defending the Nazi's or KKK.
Video is all over the TV right now. I'm sure it will be available for download soon.
Trump Defends White Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People on Both Sides'

THAT'S ALL YOU GOT? Trump tries to ameliorate the situation and calm down the tension by saying that all sides have their good and bad? PUT UP OR SHUT UP. Show me a video like you claimed where Trump DEFENDS ALL NAZIS and KKK by saying they are ALL GOOD PEOPLE! Salt of the Earth!

He just defended the NAZIs and the KKK for their behavior in Charlottesville.

Please link to ONE video showing him defending the Nazi's or KKK.
Video is all over the TV right now. I'm sure it will be available for download soon.
Trump Defends White Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People on Both Sides'

THAT'S ALL YOU GOT? Trump tries to ameliorate the situation and calm down the tension by saying that all sides have their good and bad? PUT UP OR SHUT UP. Show me a video like you claimed where Trump DEFENDS ALL NAZIS and KKK by saying they are ALL GOOD PEOPLE! Salt of the Earth!


Shut up. All sides are not equal. Only an idiot or a Nazi would try to say they are.
He just defended the NAZIs and the KKK for their behavior in Charlottesville.

Please link to ONE video showing him defending the Nazi's or KKK.
Video is all over the TV right now. I'm sure it will be available for download soon.
Trump Defends White Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People on Both Sides'

THAT'S ALL YOU GOT? Trump tries to ameliorate the situation and calm down the tension by saying that all sides have their good and bad? PUT UP OR SHUT UP. Show me a video like you claimed where Trump DEFENDS ALL NAZIS and KKK by saying they are ALL GOOD PEOPLE! Salt of the Earth!


Shut up. All sides are not equal. Only an idiot or a Nazi would try to say they are.

I'm obviously talking to an idiot with cognitive and reading problems! Go seek help!
He just defended the NAZIs and the KKK for their behavior in Charlottesville.

Please link to ONE video showing him defending the Nazi's or KKK.
Video is all over the TV right now. I'm sure it will be available for download soon.
Trump Defends White Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People on Both Sides'

THAT'S ALL YOU GOT? Trump tries to ameliorate the situation and calm down the tension by saying that all sides have their good and bad? PUT UP OR SHUT UP. Show me a video like you claimed where Trump DEFENDS ALL NAZIS and KKK by saying they are ALL GOOD PEOPLE! Salt of the Earth!

When did defending nazis ever help calm a situation?
He just defended the NAZIs and the KKK for their behavior in Charlottesville.

Please link to ONE video showing him defending the Nazi's or KKK.
Video is all over the TV right now. I'm sure it will be available for download soon.
Trump Defends White Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People on Both Sides'

THAT'S ALL YOU GOT? Trump tries to ameliorate the situation and calm down the tension by saying that all sides have their good and bad? PUT UP OR SHUT UP. Show me a video like you claimed where Trump DEFENDS ALL NAZIS and KKK by saying they are ALL GOOD PEOPLE! Salt of the Earth!


Shut up. All sides are not equal. Only an idiot or a Nazi would try to say they are.

Trump says they are not equal because one had a permit and the others didn't
He just defended the NAZIs and the KKK for their behavior in Charlottesville.

Please link to ONE video showing him defending the Nazi's or KKK.
Video is all over the TV right now. I'm sure it will be available for download soon.
Trump Defends White Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People on Both Sides'

THAT'S ALL YOU GOT? Trump tries to ameliorate the situation and calm down the tension by saying that all sides have their good and bad? PUT UP OR SHUT UP. Show me a video like you claimed where Trump DEFENDS ALL NAZIS and KKK by saying they are ALL GOOD PEOPLE! Salt of the Earth!


Shut up. All sides are not equal. Only an idiot or a Nazi would try to say they are.

Trump says they are not equal because one had a permit and the others didn't
Th alt-right is even thanking Trump for sticking up for them.
He just defended the NAZIs and the KKK for their behavior in Charlottesville.

Please link to ONE video showing him defending the Nazi's or KKK.
Video is all over the TV right now. I'm sure it will be available for download soon.
Trump Defends White Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People on Both Sides'

THAT'S ALL YOU GOT? Trump tries to ameliorate the situation and calm down the tension by saying that all sides have their good and bad? PUT UP OR SHUT UP. Show me a video like you claimed where Trump DEFENDS ALL NAZIS and KKK by saying they are ALL GOOD PEOPLE! Salt of the Earth!


Shut up. All sides are not equal. Only an idiot or a Nazi would try to say they are.

Trump says they are not equal because one had a permit and the others didn't

Trump says a lot of stoopid shit.
Anyone else see how racist liberals are without even knowing it? Every other anti-Trump post refers to him as the "orange-this" and the "orange-that".

Orange must be the new black or something.

There are only four orange Americans. Trump Snookie, and a couple of the Muppets. Quit whining you big baby.


View attachment 143716
As a tolerant conservative, I refuse to mock those people because of the color of their skin.
Anyone else see how racist liberals are without even knowing it? Every other anti-Trump post refers to him as the "orange-this" and the "orange-that".

Orange must be the new black or something.
Oh? What race is orange?
. Matters not if a race is black, orange, white, yellow or any other in anyone's eyes, we all bleed red. The left figures that it can use the color orange to assalt Trump, in which is no different than the KKK using the color black to attack American blacks or African black people in the same ways.
Poor snowflakes crying because people call Trump orange
. Well quit all the crying that you do when the roles reverse. Ever think that you could actually be the bully, and not Trump ??

No. That would require liberals to be open-minded, to think critically, and to think for themselves.

Those qualities are sadly lacking in them. I blame their parents and their teachers.
. It all got started with the Vietnam war, and the creation of the hippies/snowflake movement. Then Hollywood got involved, and then the MSM got involved, and then hundreds of thousands of South Vietnamese parished in an instant, and the U.S. soldier who had come out of world war two victorious was ultimately defeated. When you have your own undermining you along with the enemy, then you die by the thousands, and instead of victory you end in defeat. We are experiencing this again, except this time it's all right here at home where the undermining is taking place.
The real snowflakes here were the ones who woke up the morning after the election, and found out Hillary lost.

Evidently Trump beat you snowflakes at your own game. Pretty smart, ain't he?
What does that have to do with our President being orange?

What does using a spray tan have to do with anything? Aren't you open-minded, tolerant, and inclusional leftists the ones who supposedly believe in not judging a person by their looks?

Or was that just a lie?

Obviously it was. Thank you for proving that to the world.
Shit yea....Snowflake
We can criticize someone's looks

If our President can mock a disabled man for his looks....we can freak'n criticize him for being orange

Pretty weak excuse. So you'll have no problem next time I refer to Obama as a "purple-lipped Jug-eared bastard"?

Ok then. it's on.
He has been called worse Snowflake

We are now in the era of Trump......that PC shit is a thing of the past
Given what Trump has pulled lately, being orange is the least of his problems

How about...Nazi loving bastard?
Calling him that because he weighed in against the violence that becomes these events is a very ridiculous accusation by you, but geeez something's got to stick sooner or later right ? I know your frustrated, but you should be because your trying to bring down an American Presidency, and that won't happen by calling Trump an orange.
Oh? What race is orange?
. Matters not if a race is black, orange, white, yellow or any other in anyone's eyes, we all bleed red. The left figures that it can use the color orange to assalt Trump, in which is no different than the KKK using the color black to attack American blacks or African black people in the same ways.
Poor snowflakes crying because people call Trump orange
. Well quit all the crying that you do when the roles reverse. Ever think that you could actually be the bully, and not Trump ??

No. That would require liberals to be open-minded, to think critically, and to think for themselves.

Those qualities are sadly lacking in them. I blame their parents and their teachers.
. It all got started with the Vietnam war, and the creation of the hippies/snowflake movement. Then Hollywood got involved, and then the MSM got involved, and then hundreds of thousands of South Vietnamese parished in an instant, and the U.S. soldier who had come out of world war two victorious was ultimately defeated. When you have your own undermining you along with the enemy, then you die by the thousands, and instead of victory you end in defeat. We are experiencing this again, except this time it's all right here at home where the undermining is taking place.

Very well-put. Some old-timers told me at the barber shop this morning, it all went south after the woodshed burned down.

Anyone who had to go cut their own willow switch as a child, will understand that.
What does that have to do with our President being orange?

What does using a spray tan have to do with anything? Aren't you open-minded, tolerant, and inclusional leftists the ones who supposedly believe in not judging a person by their looks?

Or was that just a lie?

Obviously it was. Thank you for proving that to the world.
Shit yea....Snowflake
We can criticize someone's looks

If our President can mock a disabled man for his looks....we can freak'n criticize him for being orange

Pretty weak excuse. So you'll have no problem next time I refer to Obama as a "purple-lipped Jug-eared bastard"?

Ok then. it's on.
He has been called worse Snowflake

We are now in the era of Trump......that PC shit is a thing of the past
Given what Trump has pulled lately, being orange is the least of his problems

How about...Nazi loving bastard?
Calling him that because he weighed in against the violence that becomes these events is a very ridiculous accusation by you, but geeez something's got to stick sooner or later right ? I know your frustrated, but you should be because your trying to bring down an American Presidency, and that won't happen by calling Trump an orange.

Can't blame them for trying. :biggrin:
Anyone else see how racist liberals are without even knowing it? Every other anti-Trump post refers to him as the "orange-this" and the "orange-that".

Orange must be the new black or something.
Oh? What race is orange?
. Matters not if a race is black, orange, white, yellow or any other in anyone's eyes, we all bleed red. The left figures that it can use the color orange to assalt Trump, in which is no different than the KKK using the color black to attack American blacks or African black people in the same ways.
Of course it matters. Don't be ridiculous. One cannot be accused of racism for making fun of Trump being orange since orange isn't a race.
. Falls under the same principles of verbally assaulting an individual as based upon his skin color whether painted on or natural. The person still feels the sting of bullyism, and that is what the left has now become.

Who's ever been a victim of racism for what they painted on their skin?
The sting of bullyism whether tied to racism or slurs, insults, undermining, character assassination etc. has the same stinging affect as a black being called a name because of his skin color appearence, his body features or his slang/language used. Whites, Mexicans, Asians etc. can be affected by the same bullyism no matter who it is that is doing it to another or whatever color they are when doing it. Oppression, bullyism, abuse or anyother things people can conjur up in life can have the same stinging affect also if used in a mean way against another.
Oh? What race is orange?

What race is "black"?

Are not white, black and...yes...even orange the same - human? But it's you liberals have conflated skin colour with RACISM so you gotta wear the uniform (racist) that you invented despite it being an improper use of the term. By our own definition, then, are you who denigrate those of orange skin tone racist in the extreme.

You invented it - you get to wear it.

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