Referring to Trump as being "Orange" shows the left's racism

The one represented by a handful of Nazi-wannabe's or the one represented by those who fly hammer & sickle flags at leftist protests?
Oh. Well, Russia lost 20 million odd to the Nazis. Is that what you meant?

Not entirely. Communism has an estimated body count of 149,469,610.

Communist Body Count

Nazism has a total body count of 20,946,000

Nazi Body Count: 20,946,000 Non-Battle Deaths

So why are neo-nazi rallies such a big deal when the entire liberal/progressive/Democrat Party has been assimilated by the Communist ideology?

Both ideologies are bad, but one seems to be alot worse then the other.

Since you call liberals communists, are you implying liberals are looking for a body count? Is that your accusation? If not, what is your point?
The one represented by a handful of Nazi-wannabe's or the one represented by those who fly hammer & sickle flags at leftist protests?
Oh. Well, Russia lost 20 million odd to the Nazis. Is that what you meant?

Not entirely. Communism has an estimated body count of 149,469,610.

Communist Body Count

Nazism has a total body count of 20,946,000

Nazi Body Count: 20,946,000 Non-Battle Deaths

So why are neo-nazi rallies such a big deal when the entire liberal/progressive/Democrat Party has been assimilated by the Communist ideology?

Both ideologies are bad, but one seems to be alot worse then the other.

Since you call liberals communists, are you implying liberals are looking for a body count? Is that your accusation? If not, what is your point?

I'm just saying that before you accuse someone of a violent, bloody history, look at the blood on your own hands. You may not be a card-carrying Communist but your entire ideology and party is ate up with it.

Ohh, don't forget the extra 50 million murdered though abortion. You do support abortion right? And you do know that the majority of those murdered through abortion since the 70's, were black, right?

Go wash your hands, say a prayer, and hope that whatever God you believe in will forgive you.
The one represented by a handful of Nazi-wannabe's or the one represented by those who fly hammer & sickle flags at leftist protests?
Oh. Well, Russia lost 20 million odd to the Nazis. Is that what you meant?

Not entirely. Communism has an estimated body count of 149,469,610.

Communist Body Count

Nazism has a total body count of 20,946,000

Nazi Body Count: 20,946,000 Non-Battle Deaths

So why are neo-nazi rallies such a big deal when the entire liberal/progressive/Democrat Party has been assimilated by the Communist ideology?

Both ideologies are bad, but one seems to be alot worse then the other.

Since you call liberals communists, are you implying liberals are looking for a body count? Is that your accusation? If not, what is your point?

I'm just saying that before you accuse someone of a violent, bloody history, look at the blood on your own hands. You may not be a card-carrying Communist but your entire ideology and party is ate up with it.

Ohh, don't forget the extra 50 million murdered though abortion. You do support abortion right? And you do know that the majority of those murdered through abortion since the 70's, were black, right?

Go wash your hands and say a prayer.

Obviously, you don't understand communism, or you don't understand liberalism. Good chance that it's both.
I support a woman's right to choose. I know you don't understand the difference.
The one represented by a handful of Nazi-wannabe's or the one represented by those who fly hammer & sickle flags at leftist protests?
Oh. Well, Russia lost 20 million odd to the Nazis. Is that what you meant?

Not entirely. Communism has an estimated body count of 149,469,610.

Communist Body Count

Nazism has a total body count of 20,946,000

Nazi Body Count: 20,946,000 Non-Battle Deaths

So why are neo-nazi rallies such a big deal when the entire liberal/progressive/Democrat Party has been assimilated by the Communist ideology?

Both ideologies are bad, but one seems to be alot worse then the other.

Since you call liberals communists, are you implying liberals are looking for a body count? Is that your accusation? If not, what is your point?

I'm just saying that before you accuse someone of a violent, bloody history, look at the blood on your own hands. You may not be a card-carrying Communist but your entire ideology and party is ate up with it.

Ohh, don't forget the extra 50 million murdered though abortion. You do support abortion right? And you do know that the majority of those murdered through abortion since the 70's, were black, right?

Go wash your hands and say a prayer.

Obviously, you don't understand communism, or you don't understand liberalism. Good chance that it's both.
I support a woman's right to choose. I know you don't understand the difference.

How utterly selfish. You have your silly "right to choose", another loses their right to life. Your priorities are screwed up.
Oh. Well, Russia lost 20 million odd to the Nazis. Is that what you meant?

Not entirely. Communism has an estimated body count of 149,469,610.

Communist Body Count

Nazism has a total body count of 20,946,000

Nazi Body Count: 20,946,000 Non-Battle Deaths

So why are neo-nazi rallies such a big deal when the entire liberal/progressive/Democrat Party has been assimilated by the Communist ideology?

Both ideologies are bad, but one seems to be alot worse then the other.

Since you call liberals communists, are you implying liberals are looking for a body count? Is that your accusation? If not, what is your point?

I'm just saying that before you accuse someone of a violent, bloody history, look at the blood on your own hands. You may not be a card-carrying Communist but your entire ideology and party is ate up with it.

Ohh, don't forget the extra 50 million murdered though abortion. You do support abortion right? And you do know that the majority of those murdered through abortion since the 70's, were black, right?

Go wash your hands and say a prayer.

Obviously, you don't understand communism, or you don't understand liberalism. Good chance that it's both.
I support a woman's right to choose. I know you don't understand the difference.

How utterly selfish. You have your silly "right to choose", another loses their right to life. Your priorities are screwed up.

I don't blame you for not understanding. I blame you because you are too selfish to understand.
Not entirely. Communism has an estimated body count of 149,469,610.

Communist Body Count

Nazism has a total body count of 20,946,000

Nazi Body Count: 20,946,000 Non-Battle Deaths

So why are neo-nazi rallies such a big deal when the entire liberal/progressive/Democrat Party has been assimilated by the Communist ideology?

Both ideologies are bad, but one seems to be alot worse then the other.

Since you call liberals communists, are you implying liberals are looking for a body count? Is that your accusation? If not, what is your point?

I'm just saying that before you accuse someone of a violent, bloody history, look at the blood on your own hands. You may not be a card-carrying Communist but your entire ideology and party is ate up with it.

Ohh, don't forget the extra 50 million murdered though abortion. You do support abortion right? And you do know that the majority of those murdered through abortion since the 70's, were black, right?

Go wash your hands and say a prayer.

Obviously, you don't understand communism, or you don't understand liberalism. Good chance that it's both.
I support a woman's right to choose. I know you don't understand the difference.

How utterly selfish. You have your silly "right to choose", another loses their right to life. Your priorities are screwed up.

I don't blame you for not understanding. I blame you because you are too selfish to understand.

Murder of an unborn child is the ultimate form of selfishness. May God have mercy on you.
Since you call liberals communists, are you implying liberals are looking for a body count? Is that your accusation? If not, what is your point?

I'm just saying that before you accuse someone of a violent, bloody history, look at the blood on your own hands. You may not be a card-carrying Communist but your entire ideology and party is ate up with it.

Ohh, don't forget the extra 50 million murdered though abortion. You do support abortion right? And you do know that the majority of those murdered through abortion since the 70's, were black, right?

Go wash your hands and say a prayer.

Obviously, you don't understand communism, or you don't understand liberalism. Good chance that it's both.
I support a woman's right to choose. I know you don't understand the difference.

How utterly selfish. You have your silly "right to choose", another loses their right to life. Your priorities are screwed up.

I don't blame you for not understanding. I blame you because you are too selfish to understand.

Murder of an unborn child is the ultimate form of selfishness. May God have mercy on you.

Why don't you let God make that decision? I don't think he needs your help.
Both ideologies are bad, but one seems to be alot worse then the other.
It's like all your arguments are bad, as in choosing some deaths but not others to attribute to an ideology, but some are more ridiculous than others.
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The Confederacy was not about slavery.
It was. Every document of secession prioritises slavery. The Vice President of the Confederacy made speeches about how their new government was based on the new idea of the inferiority of the black man as opposed to the government of the Union being based on the equality of man. I told you that just before. Do you understand nothing of what you read?
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Anyone else see how racist liberals are without even knowing it? Every other anti-Trump post refers to him as the "orange-this" and the "orange-that".

Orange must be the new black or something.

Except that being orange is a CHOICE. No one is born orange.
It would be nice if he would do something other than play golf and pander to Nazis
Well, give a little credit where credit is due. trump does take time out of his busy day of playing golf and kissing Putin's ass, to get his stinking butt licked by Jeff Sessions and most of his Cabinet...
Anyone else see how racist liberals are without even knowing it? Every other anti-Trump post refers to him as the "orange-this" and the "orange-that".

Orange must be the new black or something.
His obsession with physical appearance, including whatever fake tanning lotion he uses, highlight his shallow value set.
. Yeah, yeah, and if a white woman was to show shock over a hair style of a black women, she would be burned at the stake of racism, and branded a racist for her opinion.
Anyone else see how racist liberals are without even knowing it? Every other anti-Trump post refers to him as the "orange-this" and the "orange-that".

Orange must be the new black or something.
His obsession with physical appearance, including whatever fake tanning lotion he uses, highlight his shallow value set.

Right, so now anyone who takes pride in how they look, even if on the world stage, has shallow values.

And if Trump took no pride in his looks he would he labeled shallow.
His "pride in appearance" aka massive ego and shallow values... oozes out while he constantly attacks women for their appearances. (That's all women are good for, didn't ya know)
Anyone else see how racist liberals are without even knowing it? Every other anti-Trump post refers to him as the "orange-this" and the "orange-that".

Orange must be the new black or something.
His obsession with physical appearance, including whatever fake tanning lotion he uses, highlight his shallow value set.

Right, so now anyone who takes pride in how they look, even if on the world stage, has shallow values.

And if Trump took no pride in his looks he would he labeled shallow.
His "pride in appearance" aka massive ego and shallow values... oozes out while he constantly attacks women for their appearances. (That's all women are good for, didn't ya know)

Massive ego? No one can compare to THIS ONE:




"Constantly attacks women?" You mean one that wasn't already vociferously attacking him like Rosie O'Donnell? I thought women were people? Aren't they equal? I hope you are not trying that mush that attacking a person who happens to be a woman as well is an attack against ALL women? Boo Hoo Hoo. So if Trump calls out a guy, is he attacking all men as well? Just when was the last time he "constantly attacked women"? THE ONE CASE I ADMIT I FEEL TRUMP WENT BEYOND THE PAIL needlessly was when Trump made the remarks about Carly Fiorina's face. That was totally unnecessary and just went to show that Trump is a man who speaks what he thinks and as a billionaire is not used to having to account for it! And likely never will. But I accept that foible as a far-lesser undesirable than the kinds of gross inequities that we had to put up with Obama and Clinton! At least Trump is honest.
Anyone else see how racist liberals are without even knowing it? Every other anti-Trump post refers to him as the "orange-this" and the "orange-that".

Orange must be the new black or something.
His obsession with physical appearance, including whatever fake tanning lotion he uses, highlight his shallow value set.

Right, so now anyone who takes pride in how they look, even if on the world stage, has shallow values.

And if Trump took no pride in his looks he would he labeled shallow.
His "pride in appearance" aka massive ego and shallow values... oozes out while he constantly attacks women for their appearances. (That's all women are good for, didn't ya know)

Massive ego? No one can compare to THIS ONE:

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"Constantly attacks women?" You mean one that wasn't already vociferously attacking him like Rosie O'Donnell? I thought women were people? Aren't they equal? I hope you are not trying that mush that attacking a person who happens to be a woman as well is an attack against ALL women? Boo Hoo Hoo. So if Trump calls out a guy, is he attacking all men as well? Just when was the last time he "constantly attacked women"? THE ONE CASE I ADMIT I FEEL TRUMP WENT BEYOND THE PAIL needlessly was when Trump made the remarks about Carly Fiorina's face. That was totally unnecessary and just went to show that Trump is a man who speaks what he thinks and as a billionaire is not used to having to account for it! And likely never will. But I accept that foible as a far-lesser undesirable than the kinds of gross inequities that we had to put up with Obama and Clinton! At least Trump is honest.

He just defended the NAZIs and the KKK for their behavior in Charlottesville. Still think he is normal?
It could be worse.

Rather than aping Colbert the jungle bunnies could pick up on the chant for raping little girls they found so popular just one or two "late night hosts" ago.
Anyone else see how racist liberals are without even knowing it? Every other anti-Trump post refers to him as the "orange-this" and the "orange-that".

Orange must be the new black or something.
Oh? What race is orange?

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