Refugees could be given right to vote in Scotland

Believe most of the Scandinavian if not all have women at the top.....more major importers
Another country with a woman as Chief Executive

^^^^ And another woman who is childless so she has no personal care about what happens in the future, her DNA dies with her there are no children there is NO FUTURE then so she does not give a fuck if Scotland becomes majority Kebab and Sub Saharan African and NOT SCOTCH ANYMORE.

This is why I think ANY leader who is childless should be prohibited from becoming a leader of ANY Western nation.
Are the refugees in the legal system of becoming citizens? Are they paying taxes? If so...what's the problem?
Believe most of the Scandinavian if not all have women at the top.....more major importers

^^^^ This is not correct on several points Scandinavia ONLY has ONE nation with a woman leader and that is Norway. And ONLY ONE Scandinavian country WANTS refugees and that is Sweden MALE Prime Minister with NO CHILDREN. The connection is that these leaders who want to flush their nations down the toilet ALL have NO CHILDREN and NONE are Right Wing and doesn't matter if they are male or female leaders.

Sweden male Prime Minister Left Wing Stefan Löfven and he has NO CHILDREN. Sweden WANTS refugees = WANTS to commit Cultural Suicide.

Norway woman Prime Minister Right Wing Erna Solberg just reelected for another four years, Mr. Lucy is Norwegian and Erna Solberg is HARDCORE and she has two CHILDREN. Norway wants NO refugees = does NOT WANT to commit Cultural Suicide.

Denmark male Prime Minister Right Wing Lars Løkke Rasmussen and he has three CHILDREN. Denmark wants NO refugees = does NOT WANT to commit Cultural Suicide.

Finland male Prime Minister Right Wing Juha Sipilä and he has five CHILDREN. Finland wants NO refugees = does NOT WANT to commit Cultural Suicide.
Merkal.....Chief importer.....Macron has taken a tougher stance than expected....

Absolute nonsense Emmanuel Macron has done zero, Macron is a self hating Frenchman aged 40 married to a 65 year old woman and has no children who hates the French peoples and their MAJESTIC Culture and Heritage and hates even France that much he makes this type of comment:

Are the refugees in the legal system of becoming citizens? Are they paying taxes? If so...what's the problem?

They do not work Gracie, they are squatting on welfare, they contribute nothing but violence and disruption, just like they do everywhere they decide to squat.
Read the links...all I claimed was he was taking tougher stance than expected.....I think his tanking popularity may be playing a part....would seem the citrzenry aren't as open border as thought...certainly not as much as Germany....Merkal should have been gone long ago
Are the refugees in the legal system of becoming citizens? Are they paying taxes? If so...what's the problem?

They do not work Gracie, they are squatting on welfare, they contribute nothing but violence and disruption, just like they do everywhere they decide to squat.
If they are paying taxes...I don't see a problem. If they are squatting and getting their freebees...they have no say with abilities to vote. Just my opinion.

It's sad when the rights of a foreigner count for more than the citizens who come from families that have lived there for generations.

*****SAD SMILE*****

you have to control 3 things: borders, currency, and military AND national identity.

folks are finally coming to realise that, and politicians will have to follow.

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